장음표시 사용
DC . Umbellatae. Folia, Semen. Indigen0us. THIs plant, Which grows abundantly in this corinto in aste grounds, is of the umbelliferous hind. It is distinguishedfroin other similar vegetabies by iis largo id spolied stalla, by the da in gireen colour of tho Io ver leaves, and by iis pu-culiar faint distigrecabie smeli, which becomes more perceptibio in the leaves wheu they aro hruised. The Seeds lia x ea sti II fainter odour, and are insei'ior in power. The r00thas Sin Iar potvera, but varies in strensii at disserent seasons. The Ieaves are, there re, preserred sor medietines use. Hemlocli is a very po vectes narcotic. Even in a moderate dose, it is liable to . produce sic ess and vertigo ; in alarger dose it occasions permanent sic ess, With great anxiety, dimia ess of vision, delirium, convulSionS and Coma. The use of it Was confined to externat application, mitiI it tus introducod by Storti, principalty as a renae in Scirrhus and cancer; and the beneficiat effecis obtained Dom it ivere in many cases So conspicuous, that sanguine eXpectations vore Drmcd of iis essica y ; in cancerous ulceration in particular, ille patu abates, and the discliarge hecomes tess copi0us and acrid under iis use, and the ulcer frequently contracis in siZe, and shews a disposition to heal. Thcse enfecis, hori ever, are usualty onb temporary, or cannot becarried beyond a certain extent; aud though many c es
as a pati lative, but, considering it cven as Such, it is still a valvable remedy ; it relicuos the pata, and correcis the dis
Charge even more effectualty somelimes than optum, and itis not liable to occasion the disa recabie consequences Whicharisu frona that narcot; c. Λnd when opium is employod, hemiocli is a valvable auxiliary, as it rendera a Sinalter quan tity of the semer neceSSa . Denesit is derived frequently froni cicuta in other casCE O CXtensive ulceration ; particularly in those connected with a Scrofulcus laint; it promotes tuo the operation Os merciu bin healing venereat ulcers, and is usossit in those fornis of ut Ceration whicli ariso under ille action os mercii , and whi J
ure aggravated instead of heing removed by iis protracte ivse ; and it is usesul in removing glandular obgtructi0u and
Cicuta is givon either under the sorin or the dried Icaves. or of the juice of the fresti leaves inspissat d by a gentie heatio the consistence of an extraci, tho sermor heing giveu iun dose of two or three gratiis, the latior in a dose os tu ogratiis. The dose of either requiros to be increased, and that more quickly, and to a greater tent, than is the casewith. almost any other substance in the IIatoria Modica, Sothat at longili it has been taken to tho eXtent os a number os drachms in the course of the day. The idspissated juice isa preparation on the operation of which we can nevor deponil hence it is seldom used ; and even tho potvitor Os the dricilleaves is liable to be variabie in strength. Iis pharmacfuticti eatinent, therosore, is os much importunce. The luaves ought to be collected when tho no v rs are a boni fallitig ost':
der heing os a lively meen colour, stud retaining the peculiarodour of the plant. The recent leaves are Sometimes applied externalty to pa fui or ill-conditioned ulcers, Or a cataplasm Dr the Same pu
pori der. Loth water and aikohol extraci their active matterby infusion. The operation of digitalis on the system is CXtremeb pe cultis, and there is even considerable difficulty in ascertainiugiis real essecis. Frona a Sinali dose there is no very sensibiti effeci, untii aster iis continued administration. In asuli dose, it produces exhaustion of pou er, maxked by a great und sudden 1 eduction in the force of circulation ; the pulsobcing reduced both in frequency and force, susting Sometimos Doni 70 10 40 or 35 benis in a minute, and being Smali, tr mutuus, and osten intermitting. This is accompunicit u illi bickness, anxie , a Sense of laintness, vertigo, dimites' of
vision, anil, in a large dose, With vomiting, Syncope, coidia ness of the extremities, convulsions, and coma, With Some- times a fatal termination. Tot these effecis are not uniforna, but even irOm the fame dose we observe Considerable divo stly of operation in disserent individuals : the pulse is somc- times rendered flower, Without bouig diminished in fulness ;at ollier times it is rendered irregular, and under the operation of sex ove it appears to be peculiarly liable to bo a sected by flicti muscular exertion, or by trivis causes of irritation. The sic ess does not MwVS accompany the reduction of the force of the circulation. SOmetimes none os these effecis, and scarcely any perceptibio change in the stato of the functions, are immediately apparent; but is the dose he continued, they are Suddenly produced. Effecis are even observed froin the operation of X ove, apparently of a very opposite Lind. Whilo it reduces the force of the circulation, it appears to increase the action of the absorbent system, and lience it proves is potversui reme-
a state os digease, it Was most Successsul, not Where there existed incremed action in the System, but, on the contrary, in statem os debility, Where the pulse was Deble and intermitting, Mad the colantenance pale. Other authors have retam Eed iis apparent stimulant operation; and Dr Sandors,srom a series of observations and experimenis, has inferred, that it always acis prunarily as a Stimulant, augmenting, when given in a dose not iso large, the force and frequencyof the pulse, and inducing a state of increa sed action it isonly wlien the dose is too large, Or ivlien it is accumiuated by repetition, that reduction of the sorce of the circulation
It must be admitted, however, that it is more dissiculi toregulate iis adauinisvotion so as to obtain iis continuod sti mulant operation, than it is ivitii regard to other stimulauis ;that there is a rapid transition to a state of diminished action, and that this is greatur, und more permanent, Comp rcd with the primary stimulant effeci, than in other stimi Ianis even os ille most diffusibio Lind.Fox ove, producing very different effecis acco ing totho mode in ivllicli it is administered, or according to thusia te of the system, is employed as a remeth in different diSeages. Under the present class, those applications are tobe considered, whicli appear in be connectet u th iis action
On this, in pari at Ieast, Iuu been supposed to depond the advantage derived froni ii as a remedy in phthisis pulmonalis. When given to that extent in xvhicli it reduces the velocity and force of the circulation, it proves usefici, bycounteracting that state of increased action whicli prevatis
in the incipient stage of the diseasti; and by diminishing thea rapidity of the circulation through the lungs, it may facilitate the removat of the locat affection. In the Hore advinia cod stages, it may operate, it has been conceived, by promoting absorption, thus removing the tuberculous affection, or u illidi a ving the purulent matter, bosore it has been rendered acrid by the action of the a tr. Sanguino expectations were at one period sermed of the adustutages to be derived si om it in the treatinent os phthisis, many of the Sympionis disappeuring under iis use, and the progress os the dise eappearing to be noestud. Tlic change of organic structui eis, hora ever, so considerabie, ut least in the adi anced statu of the discasu, as εcarcob to admit os a cure Dona the ope-
ration of any mniody ; aud in the oaxlier StageS, Whexe sonio degree os inflammatory action Oxisis, it is dissiculi to ove itso as to reduce the forco of the circulation, and continue this effeci, Without iis inducing other consequences, Whicli compei us to relinquisii iis uSe. Fox ove has been proposed as a renae in pneumonia, si um iis power of reducitig the force of the cilculation vhengiven tu a sussicient dose, corioined with blo0d-letting ; and cases have been related of the success attending the practice, ite some authora have condemned ii as haZarduus, Domthe excitement it is liable to produce. On a Similar principie, it has been proposed to be employed in croup. In active haemorrhage, it might be expected, irona thesme operation, to be a remedy of much po ver ; aud, ac- cording to the observations of Forriar and others, it may be ψmployed missi signat aduantam in epistaxis, haemoptysis, and menonhagia, eister Hone or in combination ivitii optum. In spasmodio asthina, the combination os it Mith opium has asso ed much restes In palpitation arising 1 rona intemperance, or DOm passions of tho minii, and not connected
vitii dyspepsia, the irregular action of tho heuri has bcenabaled, and at lenuli entiri ly removed by iis operation. Foxfove is sevcn in substance, or under the sol in os infusion, decoction, or tincturo. The medium dose of the powder of the dried loavos is half a grain ; the dose of the infusion, prepared according to the formula in the I .dinbur Pharmacopoeia, is half an ounce; that of tho tincture is si ieen drops ; these quantities heing givon tritice a- lay. The decoction is an improper forin, as heing variabie in Strength. 1 he tinctu e is the forna of pr aration undex Whicli it has naually been gi ven us a narcotic ; illo infusion that in hicliit has been employed as a diurotic. When it is oven in sub- duce, there is supposcit to bo rather more risk of iis effecis
ginal quantity every second day, and the dose should not be
rapid. The administration of the remedy is continued untdtho effect intended to bo obta ined is produced, or vii iis operation is apparent on tho system ; WheneueP the pulse binius to diministi in frequency or larce, the increme os dosemust be stopi; and is the reduction be conSiderabie, or pr ceed rapidj, the administration must be Suspended, and, onj after a sussicient intervat, cautiousty reneu ed. This is more eSpecialty necessary When the pulse becomes intermi ling, or When nausea is induced, with dimness of vision, vem tigo, or any tendency to Dinting. When these symptonas do occur, they a re best obviated by smali doses of stimulanis, Warin wine, Or brandy and water, With aromatics, ether, and , S Some have recommended, Strong bitter infusious, smali doses of 0pium, and a blister applied to the region of the Stomach. The infusion os sexfove has been applicii externalty as an a0d ne lotion to putasul cuiaueous eruptionS, Or ulceratiou.
hol; by decoction iis activity is much impatred . The essentiat oi obtamed hom them by distillation is very hi lynarcotic, so that When int duced into M. Wound, or injected into the rectum, it occasions instant death. Accord ing to Vstuquelin, a peculiar acrid principie exigis in iobacco, volatile, and solubie both in water and in alkohol. TobMCD operates as a Very po versut narcotic. This is parent, even in the common practices of smoking audche ving it, though iis offocis, like those of other narcotics, bccome less potversui froni continuod use. In a perSon un- accustomed to it, or in an over dose, it exciteS the most se- Vere and permanent sic ess, with vomitiun reduces tire Drce of the circulati0n, and occasions extreme muscular dej
bility, with insensibility, coid siveais, and convulsions. Thosingularity has ali eady been remarked, that tho insusion or
ed persons,-a practice proved experimentassy to be projudiciat, and now exploded. The sanae practice is stili occaesion- atly cmployed in ileus and incarceraled hernia ; in the s merdisea se, Mili the view of removing the constricted state ostho intestines ; in the lalter, With the intention of producing