A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

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Mith it, has the offect of dividing and xendering it sinooth,

and may be used for iis suspensiou in Water; a number orthe gum restas also mi on it in such a manneae, that, ironit heir mixture, a soli uniform mass is formed, and this afford another mode os diffusing it. From this chomices action, it cannot weli ho combined with gum-resins in the solid forin. I xternalty applied, camplior is used as an anodyne in rheumatism and muscular patias, and as a discutient in bruises and inflammato affections ; it is dissolved in ath ohol or exta pressed oti, stud applied by friction to tho pari. Added 'tocollyria, or mixed M th lard, it is of advantage in ophthalmia Suspended in Oil, it is used aes an injection in ardor urinae,und as an enema to retiove the uneasy sensations Occasion dby ascarides. The combination es it with 'num is iis ulas a locat application in toothach. OFFIcINAL PREPARATIONS.-ACid. Acetos. Camph. Eniuis. Camph. Ol. Camph. Tinct. Camph. Ed. Misi Camph. Liri. Can b. Lin. Camph. Comp. Tinct. Canaph f Omp. λ6nd. '

In annexing a list of the ossicines preparations os caeli articleto its liistory, I placo si si thosu os the Edilaburgh Pharinae Pinia, unit, Without extending it uianecessari ly, by insertinet litor ames of the corresponding propnrations os the London and -- tibi in Pharmacopoeias, adii thoso seculiar to eliber of the lation


Bears, umords, by incision in iis coitical pari, a milὐ juice, whicli, by exposure to the sun and uir, hecomes concrete, and of a brown colouae. This is named Opium, und is the produci of the plant that is chiesy mcdicinalty employed. The leaves und stallis assord lis expression a juice inserior in narcotic power; the Seeds contained in the capsule, are bland and inert. Opium, though it has been obtatuta in this counto Os fuit narcotic power, is usualty prepared in Syria sind India. When the capsule has ne ly attained maturity, a longitudinat incision is made in iis fide, care being takeuthat it does not penetrate into /tho cavi . Iniis is done in1ho evening ; the milhy narcotic juice exudes apparently froin the vesseis of the bark of the capsule ; it adheres tothe fides of the incision, is collected in the morai g; aud alarge quantity being procured froni a fiuid of poppies, it is

faetid, and a taste bitter and acri l. Is kept tu a dry placoit hecomes hard, but it retalas iis broiam colour, and iis

pressed in the hund. These are the properties of what arena med Tu key opium, the Emit usually met with in the' sh s. Is hard, britile, and of a grey colour ivitii blactispois, it is of inserior quality. What is sold by the name of East India Opium, is sost, os a blactasti colour, has a salutor smeli, and is much inferior in narcotic pol er. Though opium has been osten submitted to anabsis, iis proximate principies are Stili imperfectly determine l. It is hi ghlyinflammable ; submitted to the action os aikohol, a considerable portion os it is dissolvud ; and water lilae vise dissolvesit in pari. The solution in alk0hol is much more hi j --


pregnated Willi dissoluta matter than that in Water ; and it possesses, in a much higher degree, the narcotic poWer. Diluted aikohol, composed os equat paris of aikohol and water, appears to dissolve est the active matter of opium ; thetincture prepared by this menstruum, When the due propo fion os solvent is employed, being equat, or Very nearly SO, ut p0Wex, to the quantity of opium submittod to iis action. Aster the Dint action os aikohol and water, there remains, mixed with the accidental impurities, a substance plastic and

glutinous, the nature of whicli has not been ascerta ined; BucholZ considering it as similar to caoutchouc, and Cren

Supposing it malamus to gluten ; it retams no activity ; iis proportion is about one part Doru twelve of Turhey opium ;it is not present in India optum. By boiling in Water undereXp0Sure to the ais, the narcotic po ver of opium is impat ed ; this can sc cely be ascribed, howevor, to the dissipationos any active volatile principio ; sor whon water is distilled om it, and condensed, it is soliud to have Scarceb any in cotic quali : it must there re bo o ving to changes produc-ed at illis temperature in the principies in Whicli the activi of the optum resides. Illio distillod water from optum is stightly milhy, and lias iis odo , and in part iis taste ; athin film collocis on iis sursaco, but no sensibio portion os od


NARCοΤICS, I ho quantity of this principio more peculiarly solubie in ul-L0hol, and in whicli the po vers of Opium chiesy reside, ap-Ρears to amount to abolit sive paris in t cive. The quantityos matter solubie in 'vater is, according to Crumpe, in neat w the Same proportion. It is not precipitaled by ulhohol, and iis nature is not well known. The Stiglit narcotic potverit possesses, is probably derived hom a portion of the other matter adhering to it. The analysis of opium, hi common. Willi that of many of the other articles of the Materia Medica, assords sufficient proos of our very hnperfect knowlei uos ille constituent proximate principies of vegetable matter. It has hein statuit by Derosne, that a peculiar principio erisis in opium, in Mitch iis narcotic quali resides. It iis oblataed by digesting water on opium, and evaporating the Solution ; a inalter Whicli precipitates during the evaporation, add whicli consists of this principio with a portion ortosin and extraci, is to be digested with a Mohol; the resin and this principie are dissolved; and sis the Solution Coois, the lalter separates in crystalline gratias, which may be puri-

sed by solution and crystalliration ; it is described beingia prisuis, xvhite, insipiis and inodorous; insolubie in coldWater, Very Sparhisy Solutile in hol water, but dissolubil bys idoliol, cther, and by the acids and aikalis, and possessed


NARCOTIC S. usual re- ents upon opitula, are os imp0rtance, as potat gout iis proper pharmaceutic treatinent. Diluted atholioldissolving ad iis active matter, is the menstruum best adaptedio iis preparation under the serm of tinctu e. v ater di 50lVing it less persectiy, can sciscely be employed with -- Vantage. Vinegar dissolves iis active matter, but has been seund to impala iis narcotic power, probabd by causing in it me chemices change. Wine, though it dissolves sussiciently iis active principies, betag si te to pass to the state of viue gar, is an improper menstruum. Any purification os optum, by dissolving it, and evaporatiug the Solution, Only weali sits strei th, and renderes it uncertain ; and lience this processis no v discarded froin the Pharmacopoeias, or at lenSt is re

in ed onb in that of the Dublin College.

The effecis of Opium on the system, axe inose of R Verypowerses narcotic. When given in a moderate dose, as thator one Masin, to a person unaccustomed to iis use, the pulseis soon sensibiy increased in frequency, fulness and forco is the dose is rather larger, this is accompanted with sonte de-gree os exhilaration, the different functions both of bodyand iniud are persormed with more vigom', and this state may

rige even to intoxication and delirium. These effecis, hOM - ever, are transient; the pulse returnS to iis former stand d,

and it continueis to sali both in frequency and force, but msualty rematas soli and fuit; a degree os lassitude and drora Siness is produceti, sensibility to externat impressions is ina patred, so that patia, is present, is tess severely seli, audaster sume time fleep is induced ; or is this does not happen,

u state Os languor and calanness comes on, and Continues


io iis use, the exhilarating operation frona such a dose is quai to, OP eXcee is iliat stom Wine, as is proved by the mestriking eisecis it produces On thosti ivlio indulge in it

guor are greater, and Sleep, Sometimes approaching to Stupor, is inducod ; when this terminates, thirst, heudach, and nauseaure urgent, VOmiting frequently occurs, With tr mors and gonorat debili ty. Is the quantity is stili larger, the consequences are delirium, stupor, fiushing of the comitenance, stois and stertorous breathing, an oppressed pulse, convul-Sions, and death.

Fr0m the topical application os optum to sensibie and irrit Ie paris, patia, increased muscular action, nuginented heat. and even inflammation, are sirst induced, but are ultimatelysucceeded by a Menter insensibility to impressions, and agreator dissiculty of being excited to contraction by ille application os other stimulanis. The iuster stato is also immediatesy priauced by iis application in a large quantity and

concentra ted state to the musculis fisire.

With regard to the natiu)e of the action os optum on ille liVing System, opinions have been maintained diametricali


opposite. It Was usualty considered as a sedative, or subastance, the immediato operation of whicli is to deprcss tho functions, and exhaust the po vers of lila. The theory Was terNaads ad vanced by uro via, that iis prima operation is stimulant, und that iis apparent sedative effecis are the conia se quences of the exhaustion os vital power, produced by the excess of stimulant action. The primary effecis frona iis exhibition, so far sis they can be accurately aScertained, undo tedly lead, by the least hypothetical induction, to tho Ialter opinion. They are those of excitentent, both of thev cular and nervolis systems ; and the state of diminishod susceptibility and action whicli follows, ouit in strict rus soning to be considere i as the essect of this, consorinable tothe generat law of the animal oeconom)r, that excitem nisuddenly raised is followed by exhaustion of potucr. In iis effecta in a large dose, the analogy of opium to other diffu- . silae stimulanis is also sussiciently strici. And iis action onthe system in a discased State, appears to prove not lessclearly iis stimulant operation. In typhus and other discases of debility, iis extubition in a moderate dose produces thesalutary effecis resulting s in the administration of wiuo an dother po versui stimulantes, while in disenses of an opposite natu e, where there is incre ed action, it is not less preiudiciat. It is to ho admitted, howevor, with regni H to optum, that iis apparent sedative ossecis, displayed in iis tessening the sensibility to cxternat impressious, diminishurg action, and inducing Stoep, axe meater than are proportional to the pre-

ment produced by other stimulanis, as by aikohol. This hasbeen accounted sor froni the greater diffusibility, and tessdurabili ty oi iis primary operation ; in consequence of whicli,


NARCOTIUS. xi ut is more quickj succceiled by the secondary state os ditaminished power. Whether this theory os iis action be suu tisfactory or nos, and wEuther it be regarded as a powersulstimulant, or as a direct Sedative, it is to be observed, and the observation eXtends to an 0mus narcotics, that the practical application of it is nearly the Same ; Since it is admit- ted that it may be exilibited so as to obtutu smin it stimulanta nil also depressing effecis, and that the fornier aie primary, and uro obtained si om it in a moderate dose, While the lalterrire Seconda , and a re only produced by a larger dose. AI- though, ther ore, the explanation of the modo os operationbo different, there is no dispute as to the operation lineis, Or


The principat indications whicli optum is capable os fulsi- Iing, are, supporting the actions of the System, ulla ing pa in and irritation, relieving spasmodio action, inducing Sleep, and checking morbidly increased evacuations. It is disserently administered, as it is designed tu fulsit one or other of theseindications. When given with the vie re os obtaining iis stimulant operation, it ought to bu administered in smuli doses, frequently repented, and Slowly increased, as by this mode theexcitement it produces is host Ecpt up. Lut ivliore the dc- sigii is to mitigate patii or irritation, or ille symptonas at singi frum these, it ought to be seven in a suli dose, and at distant intervais, by Whicli the state os diminishod power and sensibili ty is most complet lynindui d. It is principalty with thel iter vie s that it is empl0yed in medicivo ; and in iis usual


Suffciently exorto l. Νor can it, in any case, be given avitii much ad vaningo as a stimulant. Iis stimulant operation is eum frequently projudiciat; and heiace the generat rule es tablished with rospect to the administration os optum, thatit ought not to bo given in any puro inflammutory ad ectioir,

employcd to determine it to the si face, aud produce diu

vine. It is more frequently used to diministi ii Pitation, audiessen that state os incrcased susceptibility to impressioris connected with dtibi lily, ii hicli frequently gives PiSe to reSt- Iessi Ss, Walchfuiness, delirium, and spasmodie assectioiis, pateticularly tremors and subsultus tendinum. A suli doso is usuald given at bell-time ; aud to obviate these symptotus when they are urgent, it is fuaether occasionalty administered, generalty in combination uitli Mino, in the coui se of the dny. Iis exhibition is improper, or roquires to he conducted i iii much caution, a 'here there is any tendency to inflammat at ustion, OP to determination to tho head. It then statis inlessening irritatiun or pix,curing Sleep, and ra hev aggraVateStho iustaminat0Py State, or gives risu to locat iustamination. Is it inci casu delirium, it is obvi0uslγ ii tu ous. Dr Curvio has also remat Lud, that it is , illier iniurious thun other vise. wheu the heat of the sui saco is above tho natural standurit,

a d ille inin is at the sume time di . I ut is the si in is be h


Coming messi, it accelerates the change, and produces ita other beneficiat effecis. Helice it is osten used with ad n-tage aster this change on the sursace has bden obta ed by the cold infusion, or by partiat fomentation : it is also ostenusesul to delay iis administration in the evening, untd thelabrile exacerbation at that period hesiis to subside, and togive it. there re at a later hone. When it is repeatedj admutistered, it is necessa: to guata against the constipationit is liable to produce.

In Intermittent severi the administration os an optate, pre-vious to the expected approach of the paro sin, rendos itinitder, or Sometimes prevenis iis attacla; Hven even d ng the liot stage, it lessons iis violence : and administeria in cither mode, it facilitates the cure is other remedius, thestimulant operation of whicli is tess transient.

In the plegmasiae, the propriety of the employment of opium is frum iis stimulant operation more doubilat, and in any pure inflammat0ry affection, attended with hi j in eas-ed vascular action, it must be haZardous. Where it is ovenso as to determine iis action to the su ace of the bo , and produce sweat, it is osten adVantage0uMy empl0yed, particularly in rheumatism ; or in sonae of the other discases of this oriter, where the inflammato Stage has subsided, iis exhibition is occasionalty necessary to obviate Symptoms Connected with irritation.

In the cxanthemata, opium is employcd with similis intentions, aud is osten more pe liarly advantageous, by les- soning the irritation connected with the eruption. ID small-pox, it is peculiarly useful With this intention after the eruption is complutud where it is copiolis ; and is the concomitant laver be of tho typhoid typo, the samo advantage is derived Dom it as in puro typhus : it is also usus ut in promoting thematuration of the pustules, aud relie 'ing the irritation on