장음표시 사용
the suriace. In me les, the state of the UStem being more pinely inflammato , iis use is Pather contraiudicated. In haemonita es, uot connected with a state es plethor orios hi j increased vascular action, opimii is a valvable
In the profluviae, optum is employed with a similar intention. In dysente , the proprie of iis administration has Men questioned, but hvident a luantam is derivod Doni itwlim it is seven in incli doses us to relievo the pala and irritation whicli prevail; the constipation it might produce be-ing obviated by the exhibition os mild purgatives, usuallyemployed in the treatinent of the discase. I he combinationos it Mili calomel is more peculiarly usesul. In cattarii it proves of the highest utility, by obviating the
irritation ence the Cough arises ; it requires, however, tobe administered with some caution, where the discuse is in iis acute stage, and accompanted with an inflammatory stato ; itcaii then be giveu with more Saseo and advantage When com-hined with an antlinoniat, hicli iis direct stimulant actionoti the vascular system is obviat ed, and iis operition is determined to tho sursace of the body. In thisis it is givenas a palliative and an0dyne. In spasmodic and convulsivo dise age R. opium is obvioustyindicated, and in many of them is the rome ly of greatest power. In chorea, it has been aduanta Foucly cmployed though the dependetice of this discaso on tho accumulationos seculent multer in the intestinos, as est lished by Di Hamilton's observatious, suggesis the nec ossity of iis heingemployed with caution, and of iis constipating effect bstingca refulty ded agatust. In epilepsy, it soluetiuies abates
the Violetice of the paroxysm, cspecialty where ibis is liableto rectu during sleop ; but as this discasu so osten dopeiadson Change of organic structure, the essects of opium can hethose only of a palliative ; Wliere plei hora is present ii maybo huriful. In tetanus, to produce any xelies, it requireS to be giVen in very large doses, and these must be frequently re- Pented ; and even then the system is of ton litile assected hyit; When pushed, however, to a great extent, the violenCCos the spasmodic affection has at tength been overcoiese, anda cure obtaine l. A similar remarii applies to hydrophobia, in Milich very large quantities of oipium have been given ithout any sensibie effeci ou tho state of the fulictions, but
bined wuli calomel. In mania, tho system is in generat litile susceptissile to the action of any modicine ; but optum, Whengiven in sussicioni doses, is se quently uscful in duuinishing
Tequires also to be obviated. In cholera it is ille principala uinody, and is gi ven in modorately Iarge aud repente i doses,untii the Sympionis are subdued. In diari ea it speedily
Stance exciting irritation, has been discli arged. In pyrosi S, A moderate dose generalty assoriis at least temporaxy velles; nid it also frequently succceds in checking vomiting si ommorbid irritability of the stomach. Opium is sven to relieve the patia os instro lynia, and that attending icterus ; and in that forni of the lalter discase depending on calculus of the biliary ducis, by lessening Hetitation and relieving spasm, it promotes the discliarge. It is giVen On the Same prhiciple to relieve the patu, and promDte the discliarge os urinary calculus. In syphilis, it is empl0Jud, principalty with the intention os alleviating the irritationarising Doni the operation os mercu ; for there is no Susiicient evidelice for the opinion whicli has been advanced, ibatit is possessed os real anti-syphilitic power. Considerable
Sleep. AS a palliative and anodyne, it is indoed the most valvabie article os ille Materia Medica, and iis place could scarcely be Supplied by any other. Externalty applied, opium alleviates patu and spasmodio action. Applied br Diction, it Was knca n to xklicuo the
pa in os cramp, and oven of tota nus ; and Pubhed over thoabdomen, to alleviate spasmodio pari os the stomach and intestines. Frona recent observationS by Some of the continentalphysicians, which have been confirmed in this count , ita pyears uiat this mode of employing it admits of more extensive application, and even in generat affections of the system. It has succeeded in reducing the violence of the pa-xoXysm Os mania, and in relievmg the delirium os typhoidlaver, removing irritation and inducing slecp; and much ad-van age has been derived froin this application of it in somo 'forms of hsuria, in cholera and hysteria. In triSinus, ei-ther hysterical or arising Dom other causes, relaxation Ofthe spasm has been obtained froni optate siclion. Dr I 'e
cives employed sor this pu pose a liniment, in xvllicli optumis trituraled with hali iis iveight of camplior, to render itfinooth, and this is mixed with a litile lard ; a quantity requires to be rubhed tu, containing from 6 to 9 gratius os optima,to obtain iis action on the generes system. According to MPII ardys observations, the tinctu e of opium is preserable as
discharge of in inu painsul. It is used under the samo fomin diseases u hero it cannot bo introducta into the stomach. Λ very diluto watcry solution of it injected into the iurethra, lias been used to relievo ardor Drinae in gonora licea; and a sexu drops of tho vinous infusion introduc d beneath the cyclitis, is of much ossicacy m sonte fornas of ophthalmia, Where
the activo inflammation has coaged. 1ie doso of this narcotic is very various, according to thestate os discase, and the intention ivith Whicli it is administere l. One grain is the medium quantity to a person unac- customed to iis use, but to remove the Symptomes s in irrit
tion, or relieve pain, it osten requires to se gi ven in a largis quantity. Iis stimulating operation is principalty obtainediis frequent repetition of smali doses ; iis sedative estoci hy
By tho immoderate or long continued use of opium, thevimur os the digestive orgatis is imputred ; liciacu loss of up petite, wasting of the hody, and muscular avoakness ; the
Sulsiliate of Zinc, or sulphate os cupper, is gener hily used, dissoluod in Hater, and inu'ducod by a flexit,le iube in to the stomach, tho sorinor hi the dose os one scrupte, the lalter in a doso froni sive tu teri gratias. The Sulphate os coppex is by san the most pura exsul, aud is the other has falled, oughtto bo immediately givon In using either of thera, is vo-anithig is not Aoon induced, the dose ought tu be repeated. Along with this is employod Deo diluti illi the vegetable
crude optum. It is cmployed in ille solid state Whon Heu isti it to act Slowly, or on ille stomach and inteStinat canat, Other viso it is more convenient in the liquid form. There are, besides, various preparations, in hicli it is cither the principut ingredient, or modisses the potver of others, scivof Whicli, hori ever, are of much imporiance. The ossicinalopiate xlectua pou der and pili, mea ely afford convenient formasor iis exhibition. The powdor of opium and ipeea cum is thecomposition ' under Whicli optum is usualty emiploycii as a sudorisc. I ho Ammonialed anit Camphoraled Tinctures of Opium, are the Paregorio Elixirs of ille Older pharmaco poetas, fornas ruider Whicli optum has beetae principaJJy used in cattarii. The troches of liquorice und optum are likcivise designed to allay the cough in cattarii, by being allowed to dissolve flowly in tho moulli. The Tincture of Opium aud Soas', and tho Plaster of Opium, a re intended sor extemnes application. The optum ivino, besides iis internat ad ministration, is employed as a topical application to the eui chronic ophthalmia. The Syrus is designed sol admini stration to child Pen.
NARCOTICMεῖ the pulse, and occasions some sense of heat, Whicli Mesellowed by diminished sensibility and mulion ; in Some cases hy thlast, Sichness, stupor, and dimness os vision. In a Iarger quantity, it occasions prolauud fleep, haaed pulso, and Sometimes delirium ; and in a dose whicli proves fatal, iis operation socia terminates tu coma, with a remarisble dila talion os the pupit, distortion of the comtenance, a We . tremulous pulse, and eruption os petechiae. on dissection, inflamed or gangrenous spuis have been observed. on the ii
ternat sursace of the stomach, and the vesseis on the mem-hranes of the brain have appeared enlamed. Iis hanesul e fecis, lilae those of Other vegetable narcoties, are best COun-
veget te acidS, Gr Vinegar- , Benhane is one of the narcotics , ich has heen longestknown to physicios, haring been employed by the ancionis fur mitigating pain, and restra ing haemorrhage. It harihowever, fallen into distise, uultl Dr Stork of Vienna introducia ed ii, with severes other vegetable narcotics, to the notice of modem practitioners. He employed it in various spasmodicand palalai diseases, as .in epilepsy, hysteria, palpitatio headach, paralysis, inania and Scirrhus. It was given in theserni os ille inspissated juice of the fresti leaves, the dose os Whicli is froni one to tWO D ains, whicli requires to he M dualty incrHased. At present, it is principat ly cmployed asa substitute sor optum, ere the lalter, Dom idiosyncrasy, Decasiones any disagree te symptum, or Where it is more pθ-culiarly es importance to avoid iis constipating effeci: thehcnbane is also used in preseretice to optum as a Sedative inmine Dons os mania, more especialty puci erat inania, eithoralone or in Combination with camplior. Λ tincture of it hasboeu introducia in to tho Pharmacopoeias, ubicli a xds
phobia, but with sodit ite disci iiii inatiuia, that litile reti ce