Opus majus

발행: 1897년

분량: 593페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


INDEX. 555

4I, IOA ; On Vaeuum, I 5 ; controveris Parmenides, I 8 ; influence of sun ongeneration, 38O; transit os light, ii 69 : action os natural forces on Sen Se,

ii. Ι 8 ; nothing intermediate bet ween agent and patient, ii. 43I, 434, 436, 44 I; oppoSed action of substances, ii. 23 ; reaction of Patient on agent, ii. 39; action Proportional to quantityof force, ib., ii. 4 3, 4 4: matter infinitely divisibie, ii. I; the heaven aS a physical agent, ij. 4 9: propagationos force through Space, ii. ψ57. De Par ratis Animalium, ii. 55 H. De Plantis apocr.), 38O.

De Sensu, on Sensus Communis, ii. 5; On Colours. ii. I97 ; sensibi e qualities helongio mixed rather than elementary

must have magnitude, ii. OO.

De Somno et Virilia, ii. 4. hi , 7, 9, I 2 ; capaci ty of youth

ii. 425 ; communi ty of matter implied in communi ty of genus, ii. 4 6 ; corruptibi e and incorruptibi e generi catly different, ii. 448 ; Occupation Of Space by body, ii. SO 2.

way, ii. IOO ; Sun illuminates Atars, ii.

4 6 ; heaven in Suscepti ble of alien influences, ii. 4 9.

Armenia, 362, 363. Armenia major), 362 ; destruetion oschurche S, 363.

Armenia minor , identicat with Cilicia

Astrolabe, 225; described by Ptolem y

Astrology, 238-269, 376 4O Predictions os, admitted by the falliers, 247 condemnation os, by recent theologians, 2 8 ; predictionS notabSolute, 249 ; applicabie to States more than to individual S, 25I-253; connexion with religious Changes, 254-258: justification os, 269 n. effect of heavens on things of earth, 378 ; best understo od by HebreWS, 38Ι ; Speciat paris of the bodyassected, 381 ; relation os, to Medicine, 383, 387, 39O ; lunar man Sion S, 38 conjunctions of mo On with Planet S , 4O3, 4o ; legitimate uSe os,

en abies iis to measure the earth, 224-

235; the fixed stars, 235,2 36; de fine d

Attica, 375 Attributes, generation os species by, ii. 18, J9, 26; whicli of them complete their action, ii. 458.

178 18o: De Doctrina Christ. , 34, 36 Solitoqnia. I : on Biblicat texi, 78 : ad iniis astrological prediction, a 7 ;



ment of heathen philosophy differs

2 6 ; ceremonial, ii. 247, 2 8 ; legislation, principi e S Of, ij. 25I ; mediatorbe tween God and man, ii. 386. Bacon Francis , possibi e referetice to

os light, ii. 5 29 u.; his Silva Silvarum,

os opus Moses, Minus, and Tertium to Clement IV, xxix; denounces clerical abuses in Compenditim S NUG, xxx ; imprisoned by Jero me

vidualion ; his Scriptum Principale, xliii viii : his Philology, xlvii lv : his Mathematics, lu-ix ; his Astrology, lix lxv; his principies of Physies, lxv ix; his optics, lx lx lxxiv; his Alchemy, lxxiv-viii: Experimental Science, lxxviii ix ; Morat Philosophy, lxxi x xxxviii ; his conception


Bernoulli Daniel , coexistence of OSeillations , ii. 46 n. Bible, corrupi texi Of, 77, 22 I. Binocular vi Sion, ii. 93. Black Sea, 357 Boetius on authori ty in belle I 5; translated logical mortis of Aristolle, 24 ; hnowledge of langunge, 67 ;Preci Se Comprehen Sion of ternas, 85 ; translated Greeli mathematicians, 98; symbolic mea ning of proportion S, 99 IDe Consolatione quo ted, ii. 66, 2 4,

26 , 367.

Bonecor, intermediary bet ween Laconand Clement IV, 2. Bra liminS, 353 Brain, organS and functions os, ii. Α, II ; i S not Sen itive, ii. II; relation os, to heari, ii. II : organs os vision and Smel l. ii. 3 ; large r in man than in other animais, ib. Brevitas Vilae, Seneca's dialogue On, ii. 323 333.



friends more dangerous to than foeS, ii. 296. Calendar, reductiora os, to Christianstandard, I 88; correctiora os, 269-285.

ciscan misSion arieS, 354, 365; ii. 23 . Cassianus, ii. 29 I. 362. CaSSiodorus, theological value of Science, 36 ; Prat se of mathematio, I 77 ; on time in muSic, 237. Cat, saet proving intelligeiace OL ii. I 29. Cato, example of seis restraint, ii. 29 ,

Chaldaean langu age used by Danieland Jeremiab, 73. China Cathaia magna), 373.

Christiani ty, supreme object os philo-Sophy, ij. 366; comparison with other religiosas, ii. 37o, 386 396: philosophical pro osse os, ii. 373 385.

ii. 229.

flue nee on character, I 38, 25 O.

ConjunctionS, Planetary, 255-258, 263, 264, 386. Consecration, formulae u Sed in , 93, 9 . Constantia fe) Seneca's treati se, ii.



reflected rays, ii. II 5; os rays from distant objecis non-a P parent, ii. I 26. Conversion of heathen promo ted by Science, ii. 22Ο. Corinth. 375. Cornea, described, ii. i5, 16; functionsos, ii. 26. Cornelia, ii. 32 I. Creation, date OL I9O.

Cumanians, destruction os, by TartarS,

358, 36O, 366.

Cycle, lunar, I95-I98; iis defecis, 276-28o : Arabian cycle preserabie, 277. Cyprian, I 2. Cyrene, 3Ι7. Cyril, studi ed astronomy, 28.

on qui et lise, ii. 36o ; the laughingphilosopher, ii. 36 I.

Diogenes, his Setiam a Stery, 59; ii. 292, 355. Dionysius, studi ed astronomy, 28 ; introduced Christian era, 2O3.

Diphthongs, Greela, 76.

Dura mater membrane of brain), ii. 4. Earth, di mensionS OL 225 ; an insignificant fraction of univerSe, Ii. 267, 268. Easter, hept at Wrong time, 274, 275,

Eccentrici ty, of Solar orbit, I 37, 29 .

Equator, definitiora os 288.

sessed ano retracted by fathers of Chureli, I 5, 35. Esculapius, 48, 65. ESdra, Contem Porary os Pherecides, 52 ;of SocrateS, 53. Esdra S, On Proportions os land and water, 29l ; prophecy of Christ, ii.



Fabianus, ii. 327. Facies astrological), 26O. Falli nil bodies, stra in of ali part S except

to, I 6. Fractions, reduction to common denominato T, 22 O.

Georgia, 36 I. Gerlandus, on date of PaSSion, 2O5. Gilbert, de bl to Peter Peregrinus. it.

Giordano; Bruno, dentes distinctionbet ween celestial and terrestriat substance, ii. 449 H. Glut tony, ii 273. Gnomon, addition os, to rectangle illus

Govi, ed. of Ptolemy's Optica, lxx. Graecia Magna, FI, 53- Grammar, Pari III, passim. Gratian, ignorant of Scien Ce, 3O, 3 I. Gravi ty, oi parti cle, assected by position, I7O-I73: belongs to Amallest parti cleos matter, ii. I.



Greeli langu age, Pari III, passim ;

4 6; acted ora by terrestriat things ii. 4 7, 4 8 ; moved by Intelligerices,

Heliopolis, 3I3. 325. Helvia, Seneca's discourge io, ii. 3IO-3Ι7. Heraclitus, the weeping philosopher, ii. 36 I. HerculeS, 49.

Hermania, 73; dissiculty of rendering Aristotie's Poetic from Arabic into

Latin, IOI.

Hermes Iercurius), nephew of Atlas, 48; on creation, ii. 235; future re-wariis and punishmenis, ii. 2 5 ; on divine Morshis', ii. 248. Hesiod, SO. Hexagons, will not fili a sui face, 16I :sor in of bee's celi and of certa in crystal S, I 63.

Illyria, 375

Imaginatio. contrasted with Sensus Communis, ai. 5 : thei r contiguo usposition in brain, ib.

In commensurabie S, IS 2.

Ionic school os philoSophy, 5 a. Isaac Physici an , on astrological prediction, a 6. Isidorus, II : his Elymologica, 59 : his

lation, 67 ; his vlew of Septuagint, 69 ;



not always accurate, 69 ; his versionos Bible when used, 79 ; on the word Israel, 83 ; on biblicai geography,


Jerusalem, 35o; Spiritual mean ing os, 186, I 87. Jews, impersection of religion, ii. 369, 37o ; relation to planet Saturn, ii. 372 ; discord of secis, ii. 383 ; theirrevelation, ii. 385 ; Seneca's attach onthem, ii. 389 ; expectation os Messiali, ii. 39o ; dark si de of their religion, ii. 39Ι, 39a , their testimony to Christ, ii. 393-John, Bacon 's disciple, 2Ι.)olin St. Evangelist , relaxation, ii. 362. John of Salisbury, on tyrannicide, ii. 253. Jordan river), 339, 3 o ; spiritual meaning of, Ι 85. Jordanus Nemorarius , on trian leS, I 58;on equilibrium, I 69-I73. Josephus, chi es authori ty on sacred his-tOry. 7o; greatest of historians, 176; capture Os JeruSalem. ii. 39Ο. Joshua, arrest of Sun, 182. Jubilee, derivation of 87. Judaea, 3 6. Jud ement, poSSeSSed by animais, ii. 7, 127; animal jud gement not distinguished by Aristolle stom memory,

bl essed, ii. 335 347-Light, necessata sor Vi Sion, ii. 3I, 5 paSSage of occupies time, ii. 67-72, 525 539 : regarded by Empedocles asan emanation. ii. 7Ι ; a propagation os motion not of particles, ii. 72 ; aPPrehended by sensation, ii. 99. Line, mathematical and physical, Ι5o ;Stra ight, Potency os, ii. 53Ι-532 ; force propaga ted ita, ii. IIa, 59. Liturgy, explanation os terms used in ,

os philosophy, 28 ; introduced by


562 INDEX.


Mahommedans, polygamy, ii. 368, 395 partiat adoption of Judaism and Christiani ty, ii. 371 ; their revelation,ii. 385; their religion attacked by thenaseives, ii. 383, 389, 39JMangu Khan, 369, oo; ii. 368, 383, 387, 389.

Biblicai geography, I 83-187; in

solvi nil problems of Chron ology, I 87- aio; distinction hom magi C, 239. Matier, uni ty of refuted. I 4-1 8 multiplici ty os, xxxviii-xli; molecular constitution os, ii. 4 5 H Media, 35Ι. Medicine, known to Adam and Noah,


Meroe, 3 II, 3ἔ3, 325. Mesopotamia, 33 a.

Metaphysic, relation to Et hic, ii. 226-228.

ii. 223- O ; it S practical character, ii. 223; relation to theology, ii. 224, 226-2 8; relation to metaphysic. ii. 226 228: indicates doctrine of Trinity, ii. 228-232 : of Incarnation, ii. 233 ; os

Angeis, ii. 235 238; of Immortali ty, ii. 238 2 6 ; civic morali ty, ii. 25O-253 ; personat morali ty, ii. 254-365 : jurige ment aS to true religion, ii. 366- o ;prepares the Way for Christian theology, ij. 62-64. Moro Sity, ii. 266. Mortat sitas, denounced by ancient philosophea S, ii. 266-276. Moses, dissicut ty in convincing men oftruth, I9; furnis hed With wisdom ofEg, Ptians, 37, 45 ; contemporary With Atlas and Prometheus, 48 ; his miracles in Tampnis, 314 ; expeditionagainst Ethiopians, 39a; threesold division os morat system, ii. 225 ; miracles, inferior to those of Christ,



Motion, relation to time, I 66; ii. 7I, 526 : of trepidation i. e. of eighth

obedience, rule os, not inculca ted in Mosaic law, ii. 395. Oblique rays, mostly neutrali Zed by vertical. ii. 37 42. Octavia, ii. 32 I. Octohedron, i6o; related by Platoni sis with sphere os si re, l6 I. Odour, propagation Os, ii. 73, 425, 456. Ogle. edition os De Parribus, ii. 85 : os De Vita et Morte, ii. 463 H. , 544 V. Oid age, Bacon 's Work On, ii. 2O9 State provision sor, ii. 25Ι. Olympus, height os, acto. Opaeity, a condition of vision, ii. 62 : of reflexion, ii. I 32: obstruction to transit of rays not abSolute, II ; ii. 78, lxviii i X. Optic nerves, origin and cOUrse os, ii.

Organic matter, divisibili ty os, ii. 439,

Origen, erroneous helies in ultima te salvation of Wiched, I 5. Ormesta Mundi, 26 Π , ii. 222. , Ce

Orosius, on lenilth os stadium, 23o; on solitherii limits of Spatia, a9a ;

Pagans, ii. 369, 383, 386, 387.

Parabolic, miri orS, II S.

Paradise, Si te of I 8a, I93, 3O9 ri Versos, 333, 33 Parallel rays, ii. II 8, 497. Paris, Biblicat texi of, 78; meridian OLao9: latitude os, ii. 178; treati se on

Patriarchs, had revelation os scienti sic truth, 44, I75 ; book of testamen isos, 58 ; long iis e necessary for astronomicat studi 'S. 65. Paul of Middel burg on errorS Of

Peace, os minii, ii. 3 9 365. Pella, 3 3, 3 6 Pentapolis, 337. Perception. Analysis os, ii. 75, 76, 79

Peter d'Ailly, on Calendar, 286 n. ; Onhabita hie region, 29O u. Pharan, desert os, 327.

Philip of Macedon), ex ample of Sel D

Phoenicia, 3 5. Phoroneus, beginning of Greeli law, 7. Pia mater membra ne os bra in , ii. 4,



Planeis, dimensionS os, 233, 23 ; Oftheir Spheres, 227, 228; influences os, incentive not compulsory, 249, 266 ;characteri Sti CS OL 377, 378 ; conjjunctions os, 385, 386. Plato, respect for truth, 15; betterknown to fathers than Aristolle, 26.

33; his date and history, 53 ; could

3 2.

Polar regions, have more Water than

Porphyrius, anticipaled doctrine os Trinity, ii. 229; of Angeis, 237,



Prerogatives, of experimental science, ii. I 72, 2O2, 2I5, 222.

Presbyopia, ii. 86 u. Prester Jolin, 368. Pride, ii. 267, 268. Principalis Scriptura. See Scriptum

incisale Priscian, 89, 9O. PiogreSs, intellectual, duty os, 57.

Prometheus, contemporary with Moses,

257, 386, 389.

Pythagoras, 51, 52, 65.