The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


appendis. 155

eohaerent ut lituus unitatis beneficio, omnium ejus bonorum particeps fiamus.-Cal. Q. 544.

369 Μ. Recipiendi er3 corpori et Sanguinis Dominici rationem fide constare dicis ΘA. Sane. Nam quum mortuum Christum credimus, quo no a morte liberaret: excitatum item, quo nobis vitam acquireret: redemptionis per mortem suam partae a Vitae, omniumque adeo suorum honorum participes nos habet, eaque conjunctione, qua caput, et Sua membra inter Se cohaerent, arcana, mirificaque spiritus sui virtute sibi copulat ita ut nos corporis sui membra, et ex ejus camin atqNe ossibus siviris, et n. unum cum pS corpus coaleScamus.-The

takersis the redemption purchased by his death, os his lis and of ali other his benesit ;


hecauserit cannot be done Without prohane abuse of the Sacrament.-Cal. Q. 568, 369. 585 M. Why id notuli Lord the exclude the traiio Judas Doni communicating


tica ma0istralps, o holit anil Leep the discipline of the Cyiurch. I eligebantur SENIORES, id est nitio istratus celasiastici, qui disciplinam ecclesiasticam tenerent, atqlle O-l erit. Tu laese elonged the auth 0rib l00kinito, and correction like censors. .sdh9S auctoritas animadversio atqN Castigatio Censori pertinebant Thesu callinito themals th Pastor is the kne v any thallither vim salse opinion or troubleSOme ΓΓOI S. OP ain Superstitions or illi corrupi aud


155 .appendiae. blance belween the doctrines os aith whicli

ille receive, and the legitimate opinion ofCalvin I De gome conliden ce, that very candidisnquirer for the truth that every one desii ou os promotin brotherly love, illadanit uiat the eloi mers ere Closelypgrded in the doctrines of aim, howeverthev might differ abolit the rites of the Chureh. nil ait hos a the present day, aph are actualed by that ove to ille causeos Christ, hicli influenced the ather of he resormation to merge thei disserencies in a harmon os consession8, ill readii concede that the large and tesse Catechisuis of tho Engligii Church, at the fame time, thatthey are framed accordin tu the wori of GOd, at o 08t nequivocali agre with 3lio doetrina system o Calvin and of allili soreigia reformed Churches. And in his vii K of the sui jeci, it appear to me, that uti, caricaturos o Calvi nisui, ' stricti socalled, re -- constructive libels,Viso oni3

1562, and the very Articles Uyaith. adopted by that venerable hody.

Vou liave Sir, Seen to much of the pre duminant qualities o controversies, O toknow very well, that in the management


assertions, illi a positivenes proportion- a te to the wealines of thei cause TheyeSpous thei ar menis, a though theywere bound by the emphatic injunction, Whicli the Lacedemonian ovilis received when the too thei hucklers Doni ste

emthisis die. Butuli disciple of Jesus Ahould conside himself bound by the divine injunctionis his Master- These things have I commundediori, that, love ne nother. The obiectis the Christia disputant shouldbe truth, and nos victory purit an nocparty. ille the wise arrior, he hould abando thos positions, hicli e cannotinaintain, accordin to the form os hole- Some ords, O Without introduci nitiis own passion and the projudices of Others; thogo Ver unW0rthJr auxiliaries in the cause of Christ. There are, it must be confessed onal hands, politis in theolog hard o b un- dei stuod doctrines hicli extend them Selves heyond the reach of ur intellectualvision and are co-ordinate illi the incomprehensibilit o God. et man with ali liis plastichio vers iuveni ha System of livinit ho vili, the moment in hicli e indeptakos o clear it Doni the objectiora whicli, in his istis, bear against the SybtemSos mers, he nil himself in as dee ordeepe dissicut tres, and a tength after ali


pective decree o Godoli is riven to siepti insul necessit of retirinisor his o via de- felice sthini the intrenchments of incomprehensibi mystery That this is the caseis clearly evincibie, Domin air examinationos that plausibi system of theology, Whichi circumscribed by the foret nou ledge of God, 0 the ui pose of excludin and de-nvin his determinat counSel o depree S,

taint is absolute, and is it is, then there An disteretice in the necessit implied in saying that God has decreed an event, orsaying that he foreknows it forte can, illino proprie ty be sati tu foreknow at things,


cippendiae. 159.

p0ints. The Church is ne and the nityo faith consist in a unionis thelearis and affections of her membor in the essentialdoctrinos and morat uties, an no in a unionis opinion, a to the circumstantialso orde and worghip. On his round different denominations may unite thei hearis and their ahours, in extending the eaceani pr0sperit os ille Church through a vide circle. t is a divine arsare torec Ver hach ur os inheritance, and tobring cur rethren rom the ondage of Satan si om the rigoris os darkneys and eath,

The event Whiel indicate a da os belleri hing to tho Church of Christ, are pa8Singi apidi and a vitali ori the current of time. Λnil sum great crisis in the assati sis ionis apparenti approaching. He ho has the