장음표시 사용
stitutes Book 2. h. 16. . . The solio ving
Sentences are give in Orion's translation.
appea to the reprobate that ther ere exclude froni ali salvation.
on this subjeci ome differene os opinion
o no loca descent of his ou into heli, a WaK strenuousi taught hy the Papisis. An ille indefinite ord in hicli, those ho revised the Articles in 1562 lest thera on this pollit, dis Overs a disposition to conciliat the Papisis, Without sanctioninguaeir error, O givin offence to thos Wh rejected the opinion of the Romisti Church. Calvin uiscovers the fame spiritis accommodation, by admittingilia clause of ille Creed, and then iving his omoxpositionis it Whichi considered tote fuit os Singula comfor to the godly. The Catechismis Nowel attributes the Same virtuo an Messicacy, ianimost themam Woros, to the death o Christiponthe invisibis orld, as Calvin admitsu a poetPer aridciscacry that si ced through to the abodes of thoclead both of the odi in the reprobate. The Ennisti Reformers, in revising the 42 Articles Os Ed-war VI omitte the last clause of the sd Article, Whicli assii med Thai, Vias od la in the RPavs
os his death stercis ethrotio to the dea l. In 155 1. Tali in dedicate his Commentaries on thes ' 1boliu h
Appendis. 45 et is tho hioest holiness, ut also so that by him, the Electis God ani the member of Christ are made holy For hicli cause the
Episties toling Εdward. In his expositionis 1 Pet. iii 19, he rejecte that hicli asserte this last asproos of the locat descent of Christ into heli. Whethoeriis at guments against that eXpositioniad an ui- fluencerio produce the exclusion of that clarascivom Ihe d Article, o not one thiniis evident, thati rejectiniit, the prove stat axis that teXt, theyWere agreest in opinion illi Calvin Anythei exposition in the Catechism, of the descentis Christ sSoul into hell, discover very wel What the di belle in that subjeci Calvin in hi commentariesoniuke xxiii. 43, 46. says that Christ, ministi ishediis usseruigs illi his last cry on the cross, commende his ou into the hand of his ather, Passed into the invisibi receptacle of the faithfui, tolli Paradiso, in hichin the rosS, he assure ille penitent, he hould n that ver da he with him The expositioni Bishopiurnetin his Article, ovclause of the reed, asseris that the descent of Christ a soli into heli, means no more than that his ut separated froni theiod passed to the invisibie regiones of eparte spiriis, among Whom it continued ill his resurrection. I the evangelica temperos conciliation and love to the cause of Christ, hicli prevallest etween the nnishmesoriners an Calvin eremo cheristicit, the Stiades o differenc iri explaining this una postolici clause of ille Cree l. Would excite no hostilo spirit, mora tho se home ure thei faiti by the consession of thoscimen, Sine the were agreed, a to the time, the egre and the cladis Christ S sussering on the C Ss. and iis immediate cntranc into the orti ofblessed spirita. IIuWever Unpleasant, it may m; sit lo 33 'tiro.
M , d pendi c. hol scriptures have called him ille Spiritis P
sanctification.-Cal. u. 89 91.
Appendia . 147 of the hol Catholic Chureli, of the whicli I
constant in his salth, were chosen and My-
Versat. For this compan or assemblvis thegodi is no pent up in an certain place Ortime, ut it containeth and compriseth the universa number of the aithfui, stat avo live and shal live in ali places nil ages Since the bestianing of the woeld that theroma be ne hod of the Churchos there isone Christ the ni head of the b0dy.-Cal. Q. r. . Inst. Book q. h. 1.224. M. ut may the Church be ther vis known than by belleving, by saith p
But the who are not in Christ are reprobateS. Reprobi vero, qui Sunt extra Christum, ' say the Helvetic Confes8ion. Harm. ConseSS. P. 3. d.
ed pome thro. Christ, offers eredes in thela fal- Iemor reprobate condition.-So that the doctrine ofelectio must impi the doctrine of reprobation.-Αnd Calvi si Ws iliat he who belleves the one mi xclinit the other. Institutes n. 3 ch. 23.
tii promise of God, ouchinis orgivenes of sin and terna salvation ive throtii Christ are, ascit ere, eale and the truthos them is more certaini confirme in urhearis.-Cal. Q. 310.
u ere a certain entry by Whicli e re received into the Church, hereos, receivea mos substantia testimon iliat we are noW
1cie appendia. Dur natur is expressed by dippin in the vater, o by Sprinklingis it Finuily When
semblance hie striLingi runs through1he whole Catechis in in that tun age. 544 M. Recipiendi porro Christi modus an non fide consistat ΘΡ. Fateor. Sed hoc simul addo, seri id,
dum non Solum mortuum credimus, quo OS
a morte liberaret; et suscitatum, quo nobiS vitam acquireret: sed in nobis habitare agnoscimus, nuSque illi conjunctos eSSe eo unitati genere, quo membra cum capite uo