장음표시 사용
Cal. Iiistit. Lib. 3 chap. 24. . . et Lib. 1 chala. 87. q. 5. and Christ an Observer, vol. 3. P. 433. Christian obser Vol. 1. p. 9. 10. M 1802.
It willo apprehend Sir, e conceded, without the eas restriction, that isti OpJρwet was the mos learned an influentialdivine among the dignitaries of his day:und that his ritings were ille standar oforthodox in the Englisti Church. e Wasthe schola and companionis Peter Martyr. In his exile he di an long and deep, at the
That heine Calvin s Institutes a stellis he neto his toris mers quas, tanquam digitos suos probe noverat; ' and that he Ver much recommended that wor to his
or more receiving the oly mysteries to-gether at ne communion, e Would Ot, thout our great sham and want of mod-eSty thus uiatrui bave published to thoivorid that by ur. CALVIN s doctrine the Sacrament of Christini e superfluous. ' To bring the evidelice ora this partis the subjec tu a close, Ι ill quot fronamum- phrey s lis of Jewell, What conside asconclusive testimony, o prove the agreementon the essentia doctrines of the Gospelamon ali sine reformed and protestant
Thirtymine Articles, and A'o wews Catechism, Were ali passed and sanctioned by the fame venerable Convocation, in 1562. The wereali designestalike o supportine cause, and toestahlisti and perpetuate the fame doctrine S; and of courge the mustae in agre ementamon themgelves Bisho Ieicellis AsoLon vas designed a the defensive armour of the Chiarch, against the calumnies of the Papisis the Articles, o preserve her internalunion in doctrine and w01 Ship and thei Catechism, to imbue ille ind of 0uth8, vitii pure principies. Whicli akb n mean Sthe leas important concerti of the Reform-ers. f the resore, Dr. No vel ' Catechisma Sree in ori and doctrine illi Calvin s. is, the ver Sume hin*S, Nd D many thingitu the sanie ord , ' are taught in his,
ment.' Strupe, in his lis O Grindat, quoi es, At P. 112, Bega s letter, hicli states that in 1565, thei burchesis Franco an Geneva, together illi ullthos o Helvetip subscrib d me fame coras dissi mi Faith.
as er defore taught a Iarge by him, ii si illsollow, as a legitimate concluSion, Domihi agieement that he Convocati0n didiotomitrio nam Calvin in iste preface throuo prejudice against theman, or hostilibro his system os opinionS. Without enterin tuto much delati, I vili oster a reason, hicli, in m opinion. is more consistent With the state and temper of thos times It is Heli nown stat illo disputes, in the eignis EliZabeth, on religious subjectS, were limited as to the Reformers, almos eXclusivel to the rite and cere- montes of the Church. In these dispuleg, polic and principie, cubiless, ad their proportionale harem influente. Althoughthesileen a at ear a Protestant, She, Atili, evidenti retained strong impresSiones in favour of the old rite an popisti paradeo her athero an it is probabie, that the Supreme objectis her concern in herlighminde political oui se, a the heii Shil of
cordin to the order of the Roman Pontistieat whichiad much tu itis the eremontes and superstitions of that Church. On the friend of the reformation Sh conferre Ionices and personat favours, and animaled theirhopes of her patronage. To allay the eal -οustes of the Papisis, the person Who aere
the Sacrament, o a no io e thought 0 exclude the de of the revi presence, and expunged a Whole rubricii, explaining thopui pose of kneeling at the Sacrament, a notgixing an adoration to the resti and wineas ille realiod and lood os Christ. Andstat Historian who, o Sume Subjecis, anxious to et the whole truth, as he conothers to miscolour o SuppreS it, addS,-- Ando come u closer, to those of the Church o Rome, it Was ordered, by the queen s injunctions that ille sacramentalbi ead should e made round in fashion fthe wasers, sed in the time os uueen Mary. Sh also ordered, that the Lord s ableshould bo placed here the alta stood illatili accustomed reveren e Should e made in the a me of Jesus, music reta ined in the
appendia . 1 SAlthougli ilio ope had deuicd the right
Churches, untii ius V. excommunicatelland deposed her, in 1569. The state offfings at this time a very alai minito the protestant cause . A combinati0n a form-ed by the Romisti influence, to placemary, queen os cois oti the throne frangianil. Book were riuen to supportiner titie, and
insurrections made to secure it posseSSion.
Amid si these agitations secretur Cecit consented at the Archbish0p s equest, to1he publicatio of the Catechism, hieli probably ad heen permittet to est, ut of respectri the PapiSts, ho ere a large
SCHOLAR. o sor e musti ut uulfhear anil undet stand the word of God, ut also vim stedias assent of in embrace it, astho truth o God descended rom heaven, and heartii love it, teli oui selves tu it, desii ous and apirio earn, and to frame urminiis to obe it, that heing onc planted uour hearis, it may talio est rout therein, and bring sortii the ruits of a odi liis, r-derei accordinito the ut thereos that so