The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


ceremon and requirethini OutWard regi, it helonged peculiari to the de res, and hathn0t the force of a continuin anditerna la v. But nou by the comin o Christ, a the

is there remaining hereunt we are stili


ilia are contained in the Iaw. -Cal. Q. 224, 226.

aria a requireth a perfection bove ur


156 Appendis.

mentiscat o G0d and that is the cause ivli Paul callest the la the ministr os death and damnation.-Cal. Q. 225, 227. 111 . Doeg the law set ali men in this mos remedites estate PS. The unbellexin and the ungodly thela doth both se and leave in suchius as Ι


126 M. Si scistero is bubone God tell ne Why, in the consessionis the christiania illi thou reliear est three. The Father, thedon,


158 Appendiae.

Once create at things, and then to casta va ali further care of them ΘS. Whereas it is much more excellent tomaintain and preserve thing created than

Worid, and ali creatures, heiroin thetices orthhath preservet anil et preserveth stem. For at things ould run to ruin and sal tonosting, utiles by his viriue, an ascit,ereb his hand the weremphoiden IV also assuredi belleve, that the wholo Orde os nature, and changes of things, whicli are falsely reputo the alterations os fortune, do

coui se of tho heaven, pholdeth the arth, tempereth the eas, and ruleth the world; and that ali thing obe his divinelower, and by his divine power at things are g0Verned: That he is the author of fair eather, and of tempest, of rain and os droum, of fruitisinessand of barrenne s of health and of sichness: That at things that belon to the sustentation an pregei ving os u lise, an ullicli


appendicio. 159 most larget giveth abundance an plenty villi mos liberal hand to this end verily

and as it were sin of ali sins, illi the lauit Wheroos mankini is insected and tormented, of hicli evit learned Christians, iliat have


In Calvin s Catechisin there is no partim urdesinition Dia Sino et the doctrine is inter-

of shewing that the Englisti Reformersinoeed ith Calvinin the fundamentalloint of Origina Sin.


sentences are literati selected.