The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


that he requires, o meret ille honour ofan externa consession, ut also the incere devotion of the heart. 143. . Whichris ille secund command-menti C. Thor shaltiso niti e ni thee, Nygrat en image or an likenes of any thinx that is in heaven obore, or that is in the emi thbei ath, or that is in the water Nnder the


1hat resembles a corporeat, corruptibie, and inanimate figure.


In the rench versioni in Scriptures hi hCalain used is the ord fori, here translatecton ghry. Se also Calvin s Commentar on Xodus XX. 5 in the ει si Vol of his orks p. 399. Nomen Liquidam appellative vertunt, forti8.


M The cauehisin of the 154 . ut is it consistent With the equb tym God, o punish on . so the fauit os another Θ


monishes us generali neve to introduce thenam o God in public utiles With fear and TeVerende, and sor his lory. For ascit is holy. e mundake heed by ali means, est v should appea tu treat it With contempt, or tve tu other the occasionis despisiniit.



C. his commandinent has a distinci and peculiaraeason Ι 8 sar a the observationos regi vas a par of the eremonia law;it was abrogate at the comitis o Christ. 169, Do ou say that this command ment respected thedews only, and was there- fore meret tempora dC. es, s sar a it Was ceremonial.


ma be overned by the Spirit os God. 174 . scit sussicient that this e done

through the whole coni se os ou lise. 175 M. Why then is a particular da ap-p0inted o represent this est ΘC. It is nodiat ali necessary that therag-ure hould in every poliat, agre Willi thesuhstance it is nough, Pthere is a regem-blance accordinito the order of types. 176 ΛΙ. Why is the seventhia appesnt-ed rather than an other ΘC. his umber in scripture designates persection therei recit is proper o determine iis perpetuity. A the fame time, it


indicates tilat istis spiritual rest canioni hobogiiii in his life and that it,ill notae

seuenin to the contemplation of his ori S. Andae propose hi own example, stat hema exeitem more diligenti to the fame Mork. For nothiniis more earnesti tolesought, hau that e may be consei med ohis image.

178 1. Ouot his meditation of tho

one da is especiali appotnted, and this is ille ecclesiastica polit whicli I mentioned. 179 Μ. What is the orde to embServ-

rio in Scriptura perfectionis est timerrt', non inc uῖα delectus est ad notandum perpetuitalom, hi la Tortoi translate thus- For a muchius thia mιmber is in ille scripture the number o Persection, it a not Pithout cauε chosen to signis Iae evertast- in continetlance.V-Calvin in his Commentur On Colos. i. 1 argues against the superstitious Obser


52 The Catechism of the doctrino of Christito unite in the public prayers panda offer the consessi0nis thei Faith. 180 . Now explain the poliat, that ille Lor in his commandinent had respectinisoto the relies of servantS.C. t requires that sume relaxation egive tu hos V li are unde ille austoribo others. Andraesides, his also tentis to

dei ly the res of the time. 181m. Νοw et iis se ho sar his

Commandinent respect us ΘC. Agno the ceremonial part it was abol-ighed When it substance was manifested in Christ.

cified by the power of his deast, and we areraised by his resurrection to newnes of lise. 183 Μ. What themosthis commandmentremains serras pC. That, inould nos neglect in holyinstitutions, hicli support the spirituali0Verninent of ille Churcha ut speciali stat ve frequent the sacred meetings, forteat ingste or o God celebratin the ordinances and sorduining in the publicii Vers, accordinito thei appotniment.184 M. But oes his figure conduce