장음표시 사용
THRE years ago r. James . Reid, o Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, prepared for the Syndios of the niversit Pres editions o Cicero' Cato Maior de Senectute an Laelius de Amicitia. The thorough and CCurate scholarshi displayed, speciali in the lucidation of the Latinity, immediatet Non sor the book a Cordia reCeption an since then the have gained a permanent place in theesteem o Englisti Cholars. The present volume has the in authorigation of r. Reid, and was prepared illi the design of presentin to
American studenis in a sorin est adapted to their se, the resulis of his ork. 'he ex remain substantiallythat of r. Reid; hile mention is made in the notes of the mos important variation in readings an orthographysrom ther editions. The Introductions have been reCast, with Some enlarge ment the analyses of the Subject- matte in partiCular have been entiret remo letted. The Notes have been in Some instances reduCed in therSamplified, respeciali by the addition os reserenoes to thestandar treatises o grammar, hiStory, and philoSophy. It was a Trst thes intention of the American editor to
PREFACE.iindi Cate by sonae mar the matter due o im self butas his could ardi be done ithout marring the appear-ance of the page, and thus introduCing a OurCe o Confusion to the student, it a no attem Pted. In the work
of revision Dee se of the principat German an Englisti edition has been made. To sonae the notes of the present editio ma appearto Copioris. The in throughohit ho ever has been notsinapi to ive id on dissiculi potnis, buto cali attention
the various phase os Roman is and thought, ill it is belleved, e best assured by the sto and Caresul rea lingo sonae portions of the literatur and by the rapi sui veyosithers. Certaint of the horte Latin Classic se would more fuli repa Clos and Carem stud of both angvage and thought than these Charmin colloquies on id gem Frientiship. Taile linos fauilles in expression theyembod in a re markable degre that universa element hi h