장음표시 사용
Chile Belonopterus: ΡHelimGr is the most recent author who proposes t O reject Molina's name on thegrounds that it is a composite between the presentform and Iacana j. Dcana. It must be rememherediliat a large percent age of the names of the l8 hcentury authors are composites, and is any degree Ofstabili ty in nomenclature is to be attained the namemust he fixed on One of the species to which the account applies, provided of cour e that the name is identiliable at allV: Peters l934). . Erroneous
chimochimo Locat Argentinian onomatopoeia Chimachima for a caracara: Chimachinia ' of de
flavi canti-Virens remigibus primoribus antice
flava pedibus lanatis, corpore fusco ferrugineo Vario, cauda nigra hasi cinereo-undulata'' of
chrysochloro I chrysochlore t chrysoch loros Gr.
mentions that Chuan was an alternative name for
ciconio Fimm specific name Ardea Ciconia Linnaeus
cincinnofionsis Cincinnati. Ohio cinctidici syn. 'llomeum) Dim stom MOd. L. cinctus
cinereisulci L. cinereus ash-coloured. gula throni. cinereis ulcire L. cinereus ash-coloured: Mod L. gultiris -thmaled L. gula thront) cinerei pectum I cinerei pectus L. Cinereus ash- coloured. pectus breast. cineretventris L. cineretis ash-coloured. Venter, ventris helly. cinere ibo L. cinereus ash-coloured. athus white
cinnomomoisulci Mod L. Cinnamomeus cinnumOn- coloured. L. gula thront
cinnamon: pterin Wing. cinncimoventris L. Cinnamum Cinnamon. Venter
alarum varia, linea alba supra oculos, rostro
circumpicis circum around aboui. pictus pnint ed pingere to paint) circumscripis L. circumscriptus limited. confined circumscribere to e lose) circumspecius L. circumspectus weli considere distingui hed incumspicere tO look around)circumventris L. Circum around ahout: venter, Ventris
Caucasus Caucasus Mountains.cismontonus L. cismontianus siluated on this si de of the mount RinS