장음표시 사용
antrorsum luteis: extima immaculata, rectricibus
di ines. 'Athene Boie fl822J . . . an older name used in the former edition Of the List is rejected. as it is preoccupied by Athenia Hubner used for a genus of
corolinensis I corolintonus I corolinus Carolina or
carnation, DOm L. Carus esteemed. phyllon plant): A. fusco-badia, rostro capite colloque supremo caryophyllaceis, speculo ferrugineo, pedibus
Egret C. albus and other ite herons were in great demand as massis of esteem and fashion accessori es
cospici I cospico I cospicus I cospius L. Caspius
Prench diplomat, explorer and collector in tropical America l843-l84T Ag eiactis, Picumnus) costisorus L. Castigatus smali, neat, restrat ned Stigare to set right) cossor GR. MYTH. Castor, son Os Tyndarus king of Sparta and twin os Pollux syn. Mergus serniat so costro ''There is another petret called by the natives 'ROque de Castro.' and pronounced 'Roque de Crasto.' which is likewise an inhabitant of the
ralist and illustrator suhsp Phaethon lepturus
Parus Vertice albo, cauda corpore longioreV of
ccivei Col. the Right Reud Monsignor Francis Orphen Cave si 89J-l 974) Brit isti Ariny in India and the Sudan. Chies of Police in the Sudan, ornithologist,
written with a capital C as a substantive nume. 'Parus niger, rostro albo, macula alarum basique
eolcido I colodinci I coicidinus French celadon pale
cerviniventris L. Ceraunus stag-coloured. Venter, ventris helly. cervinus L. cemunus pertaining to a Sing, Sing-
coryle Gr herulos hirci mentioned by Aristolle Hesychius and other aut hors, not further identisiecibut probably mythical and associaled with the