장음표시 사용
Vultur L. Vultur Vulture. . syn. AegyPiuS). Similaris Vultur is the current valid genus for the Ande an Condor. The symbol . indicates a later usage of Vultur, coined by a different author whicli is now a synonym of the genus Aegyptus shown in parentheses) and has the fame etymology Phoenicurus Frona specific name mmcilla phoenicurus Linnaeus, lT 8, Common Redstari. . syn. Phaethsu) syn. specific name Phaethon phsenicurus I. Gmel in lJ89 α Phaethon rubricaui Red-tailed Tropichird).Phsenicurus is a currently recogni sed valid genus for the Palae arctic redstaris, and iis etymology is based on a specific epithet by Linnaeus see entry for phsenicurus forderivation os specific epithet: note the original genus of MOtacilla). Plisenicurus was subsequently described as a generic term for the tropichircis Phaethon. That secondary
In the examples below the specific epithet ApisHis cantor is currently treated in the synonymy of Apionis pania' ensis and was based on a substantive nante by the non-binominat Latham, and the combination Aglaiscemus pseudomargarethiae, based on the currently recogni sed subspecific name Aglaiscemus hingi margarethiae, is regarded as a synonym
The derivation, or suggested derivation is followed in parentheses by the genus in whichthe current specific or subspecific name is used si e . in the examples below Uria Galge, Uria lomvia arm, Gerygs ne mou i). With law exceptions, no reference is made to the species included in a generic name se g. as in Aru below). 'Etymology undiscovered 'indicates that I have not had sight of the original description No expi ' confirms that noexplanation for the name was gi ven in the original description in the example below. in Mathews' l9l2 description os Gerygone mou i). whicli I have consulted. Note that citations for original descriptions or diagnoses are not gi ven in the Bibliography Fuli citations
can Museum os Natural History, philanthropist, and sponsor os expeditions to NewGuinea and the Pacific inmotheles, Eurostmodus, Newtonia, PetroiCa) Archboldia, a currently recogni sed genus, and archboldi whicli specific epithet may befound in the genera Aegotheles, Eunostmodus, Newmnia and Petroicia; are dedicated to the
conservationisi and author syn. Glaucis hirautus) The eponym metimeki is no longer recogni sed as a valid specific name, and Glaucis grai ne i is now trealed as a synonym of Glaucis hirsutus. Only basic information is givenon persons commemoraled: more delatis or guides to further re ading can be mund in
ferent specific and subspecific combinations. Unless based on substantive names gi ven bynon-binominat authors; names whicli are apposite inciviventris for a yellow-belli ed species)or subjective spulchellus very pretiy) are not elaborated upon further. The symbol indicates some examples, including synonyms, based on substantives by non-binominat
authors; whose wores may be mund in the Bibliography p. 4l ). pulchelia I pulchellum I pulchellus L. Pulchellus very pretiy dim. Doni pulcher beauti ful). Grimpereati a longue queue dii Senegat V of Brisson lJ603 Cinnyris). The species Cinnyris pulchelli Ν, highlighted by the symbol μή is based on a substanti venante by the non-binominat Brisson Narnes with different gender enclings that are separated alphabeti catly by other related ornon-related entri es are listed separalely in the Dictionary as in the example below pumitu L. pumitus dwars
Although they have the fame meaning the feminine Latin noun pumilia is separated alphabeti catly froni the neuter forin pumilum and masculine forna pumilus by three other entries Rather than repent a mantra such as ' see pumitu for the two later entries, I have preferred to repent the original derivation, or a version os it. Only the masculine form is stlown in the etymology. Note the non-binominat basis for the synonymous Zebrilus pumitus undulatus) is gi ven after the symbol μ.
In the first example below the adjectives intermedia, intermedicinus, intermedium and intermedius occur in over 200 different specific and subspecific combinations in P nter l98T). ali indicative of an intermediate status or appe arance belween other specie S. The symbol . indicates a few ex amples, including one synonymous name, Dom originalde scriptions I have tried to avoid quotations that are less than l00 years old, uni ess
they throw light on the etymology of a nante or reveni an insight into former interpretations of the rules of nomenclature. Square brackets f ... J identiw modern equivalents of synonyms and former scientific combinations. The referetices silown, i. e. Wagier si 829)
intermedia i intermedianus I intermedium I intermedius intermedius intermediate cf. Med. L. intermedicitus intermediate). . 'Species Ardeam candidissimam fra retia multi J inter et Egrettam Sme milius albus egrettal intermediam glerl8293 Mesoph χ) . 'Forme intermediaue entre la P. Viridis intermedia signatal de la Bolivi e et i a P friclseriti melano ema de l'Ecuadon plus volsine de laclerniere Tacganowski l 8843 Pipreola . . 'This species is sontewhat intermediatebetween Pialaeo mis schisticeps and P cyanscephalia in si e and coloration, but is never schisticeps Rothschild l89 3 syn. PSittacula Cyanscephala). In the second example below the adjectives Subpallida, Subpallidum and subpallidus occurover ten times in P nter l98T); but not ali have the fame etymology. Most share thecommon derivation shown first without the symbol . froin the Latin words sub and Pallidus, and are not generi catly identi fled. The symbol . shows different etymologies the current subspecies Alectfris Chu ar subpallida, sub specific synonym Micrseca fascinans subpallida a synonym of Micmecia fascinans pallida), and specific synonym tardus subpallidus a synonym of Lundus fecie) being shown in generic alphabetical order
allopatricallospecies autochthonym
In nomenclature n dubious name, uni denti flatile or of uncertain application Latin nomen dubium: plura nominia dubia). In nomenclature an invalid name, published without the necessary criteria required by the ICZΝ Latin nomen nudum naked nume; plural nomina nudώ).
Sensu lato Sensu stricto substantive Superspecies SympatricSynonymIn nomenclature a minotten nume, sunk in synonymy, unused OVer a tengthyperiod but whicli can be resurrected subject to ICZΝ criteria Latin nomen Ohlitum: plural nomina oblita). In nomenclature the nominate sor nominotypicul) suhspecies of n species indicat ed in a trinomen by the repetition of the original specific epithet. Formerly the nominate sub species was considered the 'originat' or typical subspecies, and ali other forins or subspecies were trealed ns mere Variations se. g. Oenianthe lugubris lugubris is the nominate sub pecies of the Abyssini an Black Wheatear: Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe is the nominate subspecies of the Northern Wheatear) L. nominatus numeα celebrated). In nomenclature any nume or system that cloes not comply with Linnaeus 's
note the convention on capitali sation A group of closely related taxa, no longer considered subspecies, deemed toliave evolved hom n common stock, hut now occupying contiguouS rnng2S.
In nomenclature two or more generic or specific or sub pecific names with different spei lings sharing the fame usage or application. The earli est validname, gi Ven precedence, is known us the senior synonym; the inter nume ornames ure known as junior synonyms and se sunk or subsumed in synonymy
type designation type locali tytype species
In taxonomy the designated two or more specimens of n type series upon whichthe description of a new species is hased. Such specimens Me also known as colypes' Gr. sun together: IupOS type). In nomenclature applied to a binomen where the generic and specific namesare the sume se. g. Ciconia Ciconici, Phoenicurus phoenicurus). Althoughfrowned upon hy classicisis, tautonyms were frequent in early nomenclature Gr. tautos identical: Onuma nume). In ornithology applied to a taxonomic unit of any rank i e. order, fumi ly, genus species, subspecies), hut most frequently to species and suhspecies. Plural is
Generic or specific or subspecific name hased on a geographic place name se. g. africianus, hengalensiS mega, Sipia). Generali sed topo Ins ure also included here se. g. caurinus tornix) Gr. topos place: Onuma nnme). The scientific name os a subspecies, combining firstly a generic name, secondiba specific name, and thirdly a subspecific name se. g. Struthio camelus camelus Struthio camelus massaicus, and Struthio camelus australis are the current lyrecogni sed trinomens of the extant suhspecies of the Common ostricli. Struthio camelus camelus is the nominate subspecies). Trinomia1 or trinominal) is the adjectival form L. trinominis liming three numes) In nomenclature the numing or selection of the type species of n genus.
original clesignation is that made by the author of the genus in the originalpublished di agnosis, when one of the species in the genus is selected as the type species of that genus. Subsequent designation is that made und publi hed hyanother or the fame nuthor when no type species was originalty Chosen, and aspecies is selected hom inose included in the original diagnosis. In nomenclature the geographical place where me named type specimen holotype) Οr Specimens s syntypes) of the species were actualty or belleved to have been collected. captured or observed. In early ornithology type localities orhabitats were osten Ungue, generali sed or erroneous many of Linnaeus 's habitat were gi ven simply as 'Europe'' or 'The Indies ): subsequent investigationand wore has resinest restricted or corrected such generalisntions thus, many of Linnaeus 's European type localities have been restricted to his homeland of Sweden). In nomenclature the sole or nominated species upon whicli a described genus is hased se. g. the type species of the polyspecific genus Turdus Linnaeus, lJ58 is Turdus viscivortis Linnaeus, lT 8). The criteria for determining the type species of a genus have oscillated Over the years, hut since l90l the appropriate rules and recommendations lime hecome more und more circumscribe
avolding the ambiguity and dissering interpretations of early authors.
Asmy, Cngineer, naturalist, explorer and artist
ornithology 'Abyssinim' is stili used since it coversboth Eriti ea and Ethiopia, and cannot be confused with 'Ethiopian', a former term for the Afrotropical Zoogeographical region . TL. Abyssinia: 'Cal
occinihilis I cicon hillis Gr. a tinthullis litile thorn
Autonous, was metamorphosed into a type of sincii Her brother. Acanthus, was changed into an uni den