The Helm dictionary of scientific bird names [electronic resource] : from aalge to zusii

발행: 2010년

분량: 432페이지


분류: 미분류


numerous lanceolate lanthers On the underparis of the Vulturine Guineamwl A vulturinum. According



collector in Mexico and natural history agent speciali sing in humminghirds syn. Phaethornis


Aciant his cannahiria.

GL algithalos tit Three disserent species of tits were recogni sed under this name Aristolle: the Long-tailed Tit Aegit halos caudatus. the Great Tit rarus major, and the European Blue Tit Cyan istes


Assithino Gr. aigit hos Or alginthos unknown and mythical hird mentioned by Aristolle. Aelianus

Dionysius, and other authOIS

eiu coloured stingere to clye) cione viridis L. iaeneus of a bronge colour: viridis

equatorial aequator equator aequare to mata


inssus rusty aerugo, aerugini S copper rust) 'Psittacus minor, gutture fusco occidentalis.


ossinoo l ossino I cis inis L. ad nis or assinis relatestalli ed. Over 8 forms Ahare this specific epithet which indicates relation hip or similari ty not


Swiss Zoologist, revolutionary tencher and


traditional name Atallige has been retained lar morethan two centuries, it is generalty considered to be

cilciris L. aliarius or aliaris of the wing upon the wing cilcirum L. aliarum of the wings sala wing).

the adoption of Scopoli 'ς name Os P alha; mundedon Sonnerat 's plate. Although the hird is suid iohave come Dom Lugon. it is well-known that many of SOnnerat'ς species sere obtained in Africa. and set clown in error as heing hom the Philippines That this has been the case with the present species

and iis European equivalents are the definitive spei lings of a word that has undergone dramaticcorruption since iis hirtii in the Arabic name niqiacitis for the leat hern huc t used in irrigation. Thisname early Spanish and Portuguesct explorers adopted as ' Alcatras' Or ' AlcaduZV and gave to the pelican 'lecanus. with reference to iis capaci ous


tarsos flat of the mot. In ornithology tiaraus refers tothe visi hie leg of a bird. cit biium porci L. athus white: tempora temples of the

olbitem porolis L. athus white: temporalis of the temples of the head. olbitorqvoto athus white: torquatus collared torques collar).cilbitorques L. almus white: torques collus


Alcippornis syn. Alcippe) From genus Alcippe Blyth