The Helm dictionary of scientific bird names [electronic resource] : from aalge to zusii

발행: 2010년

분량: 432페이지


분류: 미분류


ophtholmico I ophtholmicus L. ophthalmicus of the


photriccus, syn. Regulus) GL Druitss very smallhird mentioned by Aristolle. Aristophanes and Hesychius, probably the wren hut perhaps the

L. Cincius thrusti


orioli nos syn. Plocetis) I oriolinus Urom genus


Octogomet m.


Strix capite auriculato pennis senisV of Linnaeus

comparative anatomist and Zoologist who wrote a


known as inter Simon Pallas. German naturalist and explorer in Si heria and Kyrgyystan syn. Catharus guttatus, Cincius, syn. Syrrha tes Pana Xus3 scilicilcinscio Pallatanga, ChimboruZo, Ecundor.

pollicito I pollicitus L. palliatus cloaked pallium

pollidicincio I pollidicinctus L. pallidus pale sintillene

pollidisosior I pollidisostro L. pallidus pale sintillere



pollidinucho L. pallidus pale: Med. L. nuctia nRPC. pollidior I pollidiorci L. pallidior pater scomp. Dompallidus pale) pollidipectus L. pallidus pallid: pectus breast pollidipes L. pallidus pale. Pes forat scillidirostris L. pallidus pallid: -rostri; -hilled nostrum bili)

pcillidissimo I pollidissimus Mod L piallidissimus

Very pale super. Dom L. pallidus pale). pollidi inclus L. pallidus pale: tectus hidden, concent ed

pollidolumbo L. pallidus pale: lumhus t Oin. pollidorcisci I scillidorosus L. piallidus pallid, pale.

pollidolo I pollidulus L. pallidulus relati Vely pale, palisti dim from pallidus pale). pollidum I pollidus L. pallidus pallid, pale pallere to


MOd. L. cilla tali pondion In Greek mythology there were two tangs of Athens named Pandion They were subsequently and frequently confusest but nei ther was Ger metamorphosed into a bird of prey Pandion I, sonos Erichthonius and Pasithea. had two tragicdaughters. Philomela and Procne, who were metu-morphosed into a nightingale and a swallowrespectively see philomela) although sOme autho ities heli eved that they were lite claughters of Pandion Ili. Pandion II. son of Cecrops II and Meti adusa. had four children. One of whom, Nisus