장음표시 사용
dente, capite nigro-caerulescente. collari albOV of
l8l8, spinetall). In the construction os compound Latin worus, there are certain grammatical rules which have been known and acted on for twO thousand years, and which a naturalist is hound toacquaint himself with before he tries his skill incoining Zoological term one of the clites of theseruies is, that in compounding worcis ali the radicat oressentiat paris of the constituent members must beretninest and no Changes made excepi in the variableterminations. But severat generic names have been latet y introduced which run counter to this rute, and form most unsightly objects to ait who are conversant with the spirit of the Latin language ...
middie, intermediate. Philos plensing, -lΟVing. Mesopho' Gr mesos middie, intermediate. phot Theron Aesea intermedia Wagier. l829 Intermediate Egret Mesopicos Gr mesos midule. intermediate: pikos
mosoposcimio I mesopo cimicio L. Mesopotamia
Mescisericornis syn. Sericornis) Gr. mesos midule intermediate: genus Sericornis Gould, l838
Vermii Drus) Turdus pilaris migratorius
Turdus ater, pectore Coccineo'' of Linnaeus
specific appellation. unless it was froni a destre toperpetuate the name of a surgeon in the R es Νειλwho paid considerable attention to the Humminghirds while stationed on the Paci sic si de Of
Milliscinio syn. Acanthieta) Alexander William Milligan l858-l92 l) Australi an ornithologist and
PFalco cera flava cauda forficata, corpore ferrug
minisculus L. minusculus rather smali Minio Nepalese name Minta for the Red-tailed Minla
'Loxia grisen uropygio subtusque ferruginea
remigibus 4. I, 6. basi utrinque albis, cauda integra of Rotander MS Dorophila). minutilio I minutilius Med. I minutellus very smali minutialis insignificant)
minutissimo I minutissimum I minutissimus L.
mississipponsis i mississippionsis Mississippi
modosae I modosium I modestus L modestus plain
modest, unassuming modus mensure, standard). modicus L modicus moderate. Ordinary. llule modus
moduloris nodulus melody modus mensure) Curruca cantu lusciniaeV of Frisch sl 343 and Klein l 50), and 'MOtacilla supra griseo- fusca, tectricibus alarum apice albis, pectore
mollonii Pros. Dr Edgardo Molioni si 896 l 980 Italian ornithologist, Director of the Museo Civicodi Storia Naturale. Milan Symia . molucco I molocconus I moluccensis Moluccas. .
monsolico I monsolicus I monsolus Mongotia
monileser i monilosoro I moniliser i monilisero f
montoni Ioseph Montano n. l88 l) French anthropologist and explorer in the Philippi nes