장음표시 사용
mtmot to a chachalaca, and the error was perpetU-ated in nomenclature by Linnaeus 's name for ille
Mulieri picus Urom gyn. specific name HemiisPhus inuelleri Bonaparte. l850 M. pulverulentus, Great Slaty Woo eckeo: picus Woo ecker. The student who delues into Prince Bonaparte, passionfor Coining new names will find some fascinatingmateriai. but will he frustraled by the lack of explanation acco mying n large portion of them. Minyof the Prince 's contemporaries, and subsequentornithologi sis of a less intuitive perception were horrified and dismayed by his disregard forgrammar and the classic s. He was the clari ing of French ornithologi sis, who regarded hini as ' Pundes ornithologistes les plus celebres de P Europe', hut Cabanis raged ahout barbarisms which werenei ther Greek nor Latin. Coues dismi sed his laterwOrk as wOrthless and pernicious, and Sharpe
musculus L. musculus litile mouse clim Dom mus
Sondm. I. 25 l. sub nomine vernaculo: Shod
nescitus L. negatus deni est refused, suppressed negare to refuse)
nos locis I nos locium I nos lectus L. neglectus
notishorrionsis Nil giri Hilis. India
nemoricotta L. nemus, nemoris forest, wood. - Gla
nemus, nemoris forest Od. vagus wandering.
and the name could also he construod a Compound of the specific combinations Nesonetia aureliandi a Auckland Island Teal. and Eliasmo retia chlorotis. Brown Teal. with whicli species A. nesistis was
us sistant coloniat secretary on Mauriliusi 859-l8JJ. naturalist and collector in Madagascar
nidipondolum I nidipondulus L nidus, nidi nest.
and 'Sterna cauda subforficata, Corpore Cnno, Capite rostroque nigro, pedibus rubris' of
and 'Ardea nigra. pectore abdomineque albo ' of innaeus si 463 Ciconia) 'Psittacus niger