장음표시 사용
the original combination Vultur Atinia Linnaeus,l 58. is the murth name and third autochthonym sirsi is Latin and Greek are excludedi in avian
Chrysocolaotes lucidus) ciurcinsicci pilio Mod. L. auriantius orange-coloured capillus hair of the head.
ciureolo L. tiureolus golden. hrilliant aurum gold). 'Avicula surinamensis nigra, capite e luteo
lJ4J), and 'Parus niger, capite pectore Vecoccineis, remigibus antrorsum macula albaV Of
maritima, the pre minant species in the mangrove
Boleo rico L. grati Baletiriciae Balearic crane with atusted heast mentioned by Pli ny It is not known to ich species Plio referred. or even is it was a typeos Crane, although the Demoiselle Crane Anthnmoides formerly occurred in Spain. and stillmigrates through the Nile valles It is possibi e that the Black Crowned Crane B pavonina bred in the Nile delia or the marshes of Tunisia in classical
loorico L. Baliaricus Balearic of the Balearic Is
bo oo BarcoO. a shire of southwestern Queensi and Austral in
servant, ZOologist, horticulturalist and Agent-Gen
and ornithologist, collector und explorer syn. Banniamia longi auda).
bosilonico I bosilonicus Basilan. Philippines
sOmetimes conjectured to he a warbier Phyllos opus Or a goldcrest Regulus
bcisilico I bosilicus L. Basilicus magnificent, splendid
bossi Bass Strait, hetween Tasmania und Victoria Austral in bcissus French pachia pastia: ΡBacha'' of Le illant
collector and patron of the sciences Betiuitiaramisius). Amend. Beatiliam siuS
German explorer who cro sed SOuth America in
ornithologist, collector and explorer in Tibet and
India. Historical ly. Bengat compri sed the greater part of northern India and Bangladesh . TL
Conticias This name, in the original combination minus henghialensis Linnaeus. lT58, is the sevenit, toponym in avi an nomenclature): 'Bengall
name in the Original combination Picus heng- halensis Linnaues. l 58. is the tentii toponym in avi an nomenclature): Bengat Vulture'' of