장음표시 사용
pitisui Ahallo ness, What is the se of poring over in historyos peti state. What is the uae of Atudyinchatuos in hichso se Men ere kille asin the fletu of Marathon In this placea nee no sto foro momen to a Wer Such trans- parent fallacies. Still, even suo falsehooda an fallacies a theae aro signa os the times hic We cannot assor toneglect. The answerris in ur W hanus Aa longos Wotreat the language and tho histor os Greec anx me a i the were something species and mysterious, omethincto beset apari Dominil other studies, omething toto approachedan handio in ome peculiar method of their -n, e Meplaying into the haud of the one . 90. When e turn Dom the legendary to tho historio Attila, Wo se clearly that he was notisne os in vulgarisor of barbario conquerore Consummate militar shil may botraced in his campaigns, andrae clied sardos upolino binitosorce of armies for the aggrandigement of his empire, than onthe unbounded influenco over ille affections of frienda and tho
Sent, conspicuous amon a natio of Warrior sor hardi od, strengin and kill in very martiat exerciso grave an deliberato in counsol, ut rapi an remorseleas in execution, he gave salat anil securi to all,li mere under his dominion, While he age a Warfare os extermination against allWho opposed or Aought in scape rom it He Walched thonationali siona the prejudices, the creeda, and the super-
alitiona of the varie nations ver hic he rule and of thoas hic he oughtrio reduce bene hiis sWay. Ali theso foetings h had the kill to turn to his account. Hi OWn Warrior belleve him to e tho inspire favoriis of thoirdeities, an follo ed iam it sanatio eat his nemios looked nisi a the pre-ap inte minister of heavon's Wrat against themselves, and though the belleve no in
his creed their W made them tremble bosor him. 91. Among these, and dominant ove them, rovexor dwellthe German victora, ome retianing Dearly ali the rude independenco of theu primitive nationat character, othera sosteneclan discipline by the aspect an contactis the mannem an institutions os civilige ligo. For it icto si orno inmin that tho Roman empire in the est Was not cxushed by an sudden Valanche os barbari invasion. The Germanconqueror came norOS in line, uot in enorinoua hosts, ut in banda os ademthousand warriora at a time. The conquestos a province Was the resultis an infinito series of partiallocat invasiona carrie o by litti armies of this description. The victorious Warrior either rotired With their bootror fixodihomsolves in tho invade districi, ining caro to hoe sum- cienti concentrate sor milita lui poses, an eVer ready forsome fresi sorareither against a rival Teutonician or somehithorto unassaile cibis tho provinciata Gradually, hoWeVer, the conqueror acquue a desim for permanent tanded
EXERCISES. 95 possessions. The tost omeWhat in rosuos thirs sornoveit an adventum hic may have at sim mado homthron beneain the anne os the oldest captians of thoirtribo, an leave thei natis forestarior a rovin militarycliso on tho lettiank of tho Rhino. The mero convertexto the Christian satin and avo us Wit thei es cree much os themarae semest Whicli mus have been ostered in the spiritaos the ancient Warriora os the noriti by thei mythology. 92. t the sam bano, et rathe toto anhedrars inanthies, a Marcus Valerius Corvus, to homon tes inanto Decius, Solon might have allowed the name os happy. His youth had caught the lasti sis the romanti glorros earlier times, an his single combat Wit the giant Gaul, and tho Wondoctes aid Whic tho god had then ouchsate his, Mauncin the samo atrain a in Vatiant acta of the heroes sold, o Camillus, o Cincinnatus, o Cornelius Cossus. iamanhood Wa no leas rich in glor os another fori, hich, is leas brilliant, a more real. Electe consul for in nrstum at three andri enu, sive eam asterWarda, in his iniri consulahip ho mo the samous batile fit Gaurus against in Samnites, an gave in the victorious issu of the gratencounter a happrome of the finia result os the long comisatiet eo the tW nations. e Wa electe consul three times asininams, and Wico dictator an in his politicia murae, true to the character of his family ho finalty retiovedine long distros os the oorer commons an appense themost angemus commotion hicli ad ver et threatened me, an he re-enacted the amous Valerianda in his fifth consulfhip that great lamos appea from the sentenc os themagistrate, hic in Romana regarde as in mala bulWarho inela tmodom. In his stat consulsia he Was early
sevent years old, ut heclived thirty years longer, and tedat the fuit ago Da hundred years iner havin Witnessed the triumphant en of the long contest With in Samnites, hich
93. I the character of men e estimated according to thesto ines Wit Whic the have solio ed tho truo principio faction, e cannot assignis igh place to Hannibal. ut is patrioliam ere indeo the greates of Viriues, an a resolute clovotion to the intorest of his mundi mere ali the duinthata public man couldie expected to fulsit ho mouid then deserveth moat lavis pratae. His Wholo conduci displus in loni- est genius and thesbiadest spiriti enterpriso happily subduod an directed by a coo Judgmen to tho furtherance of the honor an interest os his country and his sacrifice of Aelfish pride an passion hen, after the autem Zama, he urged the Receptance of mace, and lived in suppori in diagrace of Carthage it the patientiope os Onomarrepatriniit, afforda aratron contrast to the coWamly despair Wit Whio some ostho bost os in Romana deprived their counto os thei sci vice by sulcide os in extent of his abilities, in histor os his
lis is the est ovidonee As a generat, hi conduci remians unchargeri Wit a single error. His noWledg of humannature an his ascendenor ver men' minda are a Wn by the ninterrupte authorit Whichise Oxercised Miko in his prosperit an his adversi rive an arm composed os somany variova an discordant materiais, and whic had noothorion stamine persona character of the leader. Asinstatesmanae asini once manly, disinterestin, an sensible; a rea reformor os abuses, both in his domestic potio and in his measures Wit respectrio so ignisnemies keeping the jus limit betWsen eaknos an blino obstinam'. 94. Themistocles sine os hos character Whic exhibitat ono an the greatneas an ali in meannes os humannature Acuteneas tu foreseeing, re ineas and wisdom in contriving, combine Mith vigor ani decisior in acting, ere he characteristic os thia reat taleaman, and by these
EXERCIS . 97 qualities Miso ossi reacuod his mundi sum imminent clange of tho Persianaohe, ut on te her toto me oneos tho eadin states of Graeco. Yo his lora genius didno secure im rom in seductions os avarice an prido Whio ted him o sacrifice both his honor an his countryso the inse o Eastor pomp. ut the richea and luxuryWhic surrounde him serve onlyrio he his his insa , and wero early bought Wit the have of his count
men the reputationis a traitor, and the deat os an exilo. Aristidos die a ut our eam a ter the anishment of Thomistocles Tho common accounts of his overi areprobabi exaggerated an seem to hau Me foundedispontho circumstances of a publie funera and of handaomedonations made to his three childron by the state. But in ancient times these ere no unusua mark of res ci and gratitudo toWard merit an virine and ache a archon eponymus at a time hen only the nrst classi tho Soloniancensus as admissibi to this ossice, he mus have vive a certain amount of property. ut Whalaver his properi may have boen, it is a least certain that he id not acquiro orincreas it Tunia tui means. An nos even calumn has ventured to assail his ess-earne titie os in Just. 95. The originis theolia and the vase cannot bounderatoin Without a ahor account of the se of poeti in Greoco. Among the Greelis, as amon ait ther nations, poetr Wa cultivatodietore prose Theram poetica composition appea to have been hymn addresse to tho gods, o simple ballada remunting the adventurea an explous os some savoriis hero. have almad foen that he Greolisos in heroic age mero passionalelydonMosi try, and that the enteriainmenta of the noblea ero entivened by the songs of the bard. originalty these songs seem to have been Ahori, unconnected lays. The may be regardexas epic poema in the more indefinite sense of the term since the perpetualed
98 EXERCIS . an a med in memor of great me or great doeda Thonexi importantiste in the progressis popula poeu Was tocombine thos separate pica songa into ne comprehensive Whole. Such a poem ambo calle an Epopee, and presenta muta more advance state of the ari. It requires genius of a far ighor order, a poneri combinatio an constructio not neode in poema of the forme class. hortispicia poema appear o have existe bosor in time os Homer, MWo ma infer from tho La os the Trojanmorae, ungi thebar Domodocus in tho clysam . ut in constructio of the pope or the epic poem in the oblor senseris probablyto bo attributexto tho genius of Ηomer. 96. Human lis an conduci aro affoctod fideias in thosame Way that therare affected by the examplos sumat men. Noithor in one nor tho ther aro immediatet applicabie topractice, ut there la a virtuo stoWinifrom them hic tenusto ais individual a V the common outine of societ ortrade, and to elevate state above the mere interest o com
into the distanc an belloid tho future of the ori and of philosophy. Thoraclea os tho stato an os tho lis of thophilosopher, therideat of an educatio continuin through life an extending qualinto both oxes, in idoal of the uni
EXERCISM. ' 9997. From early out Caesar as a statosma in thocleepest ense of the ord, and his malisa tho Hoest Whic man may setis ore himself, namely the political, military, intellectual, and morat regenerationis his deep-sunkencount , an os ita closely-relate aiater nation Graece, Whic mas stili deepe sunkon in genera degradation Thehard schoes of thicty years experienco change his VieWa out in means by hic hi mal Was toto reached - thegoia remaine the samo in his timos of hopetes humiliationas of unbounde poner, in the times Whon a demagogue and conspiratorie stolo toWarda it on dar paths, a When as Oint possessor of the supremo OWer, an aster arda asmonarch, he orked um his tas in fiat sunshino oforo the eyes of the worid. M of the measures notis pureboccasiona character, hic too thei riso romisim a thomost different timos, hau thei rationa placo in the reat odisso of his state of solate achievomenta o Caesar's, theresore, e maymo properi speah he achievo nothingisolatod Righu is e colebrate a orator for his manlyoratoG, hic put ali legat an to the lusti, like tho cloarssame hic at nos illuminates and Warms rightly is sadmire as author for the inimitabis simpliciw of his stylo, an his unique purit an beaut os language rictu has holoen, by tho great militar master of an times, pressedas generat for more than ali others, unirammelled is mutino
and tradition ho ad the kill evor to)nd that motho os
Warsare through Which, in the ove case, the enem Wasconquerod; and which, heresore, in the give case, a theright one. 98. It is me, at me by approximation in his orld;with any no insupportabie approximation e must e patient. There is a nobis conservatiam a mellis an ignoble. ut to eaven for tho salie os conservatis itaeis, thenobi alone ero test, an in ignobi is some iud, severe
have victormin inis strumle in reat is holi an obstruction, a postponement an fearsu imperiiment of tho victory. ToWard ameternat centrem right an nobionesa, and of thatonly, is est this confusion te ing. o Hready kno Whitherit is ali tending, --at,in havs Victory What Will have none. Tho heaviost iubeata tho enuo. The hsaviost, si ingthmum complex, fluctuatin media and Vortices, tacita d flections ita obstructiona nay, at times, ita resiliences, itarc unlinga; hereum somo lockhead hau bo eam Jubilating, Seo, 3 ou heavies ascendsi V ut at alimomenta tria movin centre aes fas ascis convenient sorit sinking, inhing and by tam olde than the worid, oldas themahossim planis the orae, it has to arrive inere. 99. Non the featur Whic distinguishes an romother animal is that heris ablorio observo an discove ineae Ia a Whic areis suc might momen to him, and direct his conduci in conformit Wit them. The more subue ma bereueale only by complicate experience. The laine and tho more obvioua amon thoas speciali Whic are called morat have been apprehende among the hirae races Milyan readib. Pshali nodias hon insano ledg of them hasbeen obtained Whetheri externa revelation o by naturalinsight, o by some ther innuencs Working thmum humansacultius. The fac is au that, are concernod With, that stom tho arties times of Which, have historical knoWledge, there have alWay been men ho have recogniged thedistinction et eo tho obter an in baser parta of theirbeing. They have perceived that is in 'ouldie me and not easta, the must contro thei animal passions prefer truth to sataehood, courage to ooWardice, justice to violenoe, an compassion to crueio These are the elementa irincipies of moralibi the recognition os hic the elfure
EXERCIS . 101 and improvement of mankiud depend pandamnan histor hasbeen lituo mors than a recor of the struinis Whichioga atine beonning and wili continuo to in Ond, einee tho feWWho havsia in abdito to os into in truth, and Iob alty to enit, and the multitudo ho, is evasioni rebellion, hine hopodrio thrive in spito oscit. 100. Is me movidanos hat a univorsityris considerod in iis mos elementar idon, Wo mustiet eiuraelveario theirat an mos colebrato homo os European civiligation to thebrio and beautitul Athens, - Athon Whose achoola dre 'ohe bosom, and then sent ac to tho businos o lise, insmuth of the wostem Worid sor a long thousand years. ealedon the verge of the continent, the citraeemediaesty suiled fortho duties of a central metropolis of knowledge; et What illos in convenienc os approach it gained in iis no liborhoodio the traditions os the mysterious East, an in the lovelinos of the region in hic it lv. ither thon acto a sortos Moia land whoro at the archetypes of the great an inofair Woro found in substantiataeing, an ali depariment of truth explored, an ali diversities of intellectual po eroxhibited Where aste an philosophy ere majestically
ereignty but that of tho mino, an no nobilit but that fgenius Where professors Were utere, an princes gave hom-
ago, - hither noche continuali Dom the ver cornere os the orbis terrarum the many-tongue generatio jus risingor justiisen into man od in orde to gain Madom.