Handbook of Latin writing

발행: 1884년

분량: 111페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


48. et this period malis no means Oneislopeles Submissionis the part of the commons, nor mere there antingsubjecis o disputo, hic the tribunes sollowe u With vigor. Camillus had voWe to ossor o Apollo the tithe of the spolis of Veii, but tho toW ha been lundere besore Apollo' portio ha been et wart for them, and the ob


EXERCISES. 65diora, havinidis sed of Hl that the had gained mere unWillincto refundes attor arda The pontifices declare that the

scienc os ver individual, caning mn him o aluo hisahar of the piundor, and bring the prico of the tithoi it tuto the treasury for the purohaasis an Gring of golyto Apollo. This can, AElowly obuod, and Camillus complained laudiyof the profane neglectis the eople hemine surine thathis voWia include in tithe not onlyis the movabie proinori of Veii, ut also of the cit an territo . The pontificos docido that this to musti pari, and the money,Maocordingi advanced ut os in tremur for his u Ose. The money of the Romana of this perio Was ad os copper; gold Was dear, an could no readit be procured Accord- ingly the Roma matrona re sal to have mught to the tremur ali their ornamenta os old, and the aenate a Wedita sense of their eat, is iving them permission to edrawn in a carriage a ut Romem ali occasiona, and tomaea poculiar an more luxurious sortis carriam a tho gamea an solemn sacrifices. et aster ali, the wl Wa no accepted a a gin the senate ordere every matron' contribution toto value and the fultiricosai toler. 49. or is it a litu thing that by bre in throuo thelamos our ather an o Osing men os the commons Orion- suis, e fiat declare that ches are to e honore a vestat ulmos ordor hic in in s have give in us Richeaeve noscanio muchrior thoi possessor; ut the cannotrais him above the orde in Whichae Was born thercannot bustor im- sham mere it is they could the fovere natate of the consulahip nor the right O ossor sacrifice to thogoda os Rome But onoe let a plebeian e consul, and richea


nobi and the good encouraging the evit, robbing the rich, insulting the mor, livinitor himself alone an sor his oWn destres, netther Raring the god nor regamin men Thia is in curse With Whic the wds have nil punished thermoplerior destring fmedom more than the laws thei fainoragine them. a We neve commit the like sollyrio bringum Ourserues moli a punishment i50. The extreme moderatio of the pari opposed in Appius deserves in ali these transactions in hi est pratse. The composed probabira majorit in the senate animis theyhad exerte thei Whole strength, the Wouid have been also majori in the comitia. et the suffere Appius to dobine iam for a period o tW years an a hias, an afte Ward the allo. him toto electe consul Without opposition nor, henae ecam a private citigen, di the everimpono him for the violence of his conduci. e cannot inour ignorance of the etails of these times appreciate sullytho Wisdom of this conduci; ut a violenoeteget violetice, a unquestion indoes moderatio in politica contosis lead to moderation in retiarn. The persona ambitionis Appius haclisen gratisio evenieyon the lam, and this his political opponenta ad endum at in time, o di the seo topunis it alterWarda Nothing Was attempte against him Which could eithor irritato his oWn passion or invest bim in the syes of the multitude With in character os a martyr in thei cause. f he had ver carrie his vis a stillisi orthan to nive eam censorahip is the opem roga domin-


oVer, than in Warrior aetue down into in sarmer, and the me os in freeman rosei id the hea os goblin-hauntodatones that marhed the sit os the vilia he hadiurnod Thosetilemon os in English in the conquere land was nothinglea than an absoluto transfer of Englis society in ita completest form to tho sol o Britain. 55. ut illiam ha no oone remuere Dominia sicknes inanis found himself saco o face Wit an opponent Whose mee and Iovin temper mae into firmnes an gran- deur When it ronte in tyranny of the bing. uch of thostrumlo et se miliam and the archbisho turno onqueations hic have litae beari iniur history. ut theparticula question atriasue a o les importance than the fac os a contest at all. The oldnos of Anselm' altitudono only brine tho tradition o ecclesiastica servitude, ut infused throuo in nationis large amemspirit os independ- enco he rea character os in atris appear in the pri-



the proseno os therae Was, at leas in the earlier eam os his setilement, beneficia to the nationis large, there canio litti doubt. His arrival Was the arrivalis a capitalist, and, heavy a Was the usu in necessarit oxacte in the generalinsecurit os the times his loans gave an impulserio indust .


EXERCISES. 7157. and with in Germa race seem at a Ver early timerio have come every here th accompaniment of fullsreedom. The freoman was stricti in tre holdor, and the exorcis of his fuit right as a reo member os the communityto hic he elonge bacam inseparable rom the posse sto of his loldini' incit But properi ha no as et reache that stage of absolutet persona possession hichthe socia philosophyi a later time falsely rogarde a ita earlies state Tho mo land an pasture-land os an Englishvilla 'ere stili undivided, and very fre villager ad horight of turning into it his caule oris ine. The me oWland la in like manne ope an undivide Dominu-harvΘst

realit os the personages oris the evenis commemorate bythos boautiqui legenda. Some of them, it is true, probablyspran out os evenis hic actuali occurred, and may, there ore, contain a kemel os historica truth. But, hausno means os distinguishingtetmeen hatris truo and what is salse, sinoen tho historica facts and thei subsequent em- bellishmenta Til evenis are recordo in ritis documenis no materiai exist for a trusinorth history, and it a nottili the opis known by tho nam os in fidit Olympia that


72 EXERCIS . period eve thiniis vague an uncertain, an to tW centurios afterWam κε meet With oni a se laolate evenis, an posses nothin in the formis a continuous histon . But even the mythicat age must notis passed Over entire0. In ali asos the tradition o a eopte are Wortli os record, and thia is speciali true os the Greelis, hos legendsmoulded thei suit an influonoe theia conduci doWn to the latest times. 59. The civiligatio of tho Greeis and the developmentos thei language bear at the main os homeam in and probabi mero liuio affecte is forsim innuence Theor ditions hoWever of the Greeka ould mini to a different conclusion It was a genera bello amon thom that herilaagiana ere reolaime stom barbariam is orientia strangere, fio eule in the counu an introduce amon thoraclo inhabitant thorars olementa o civiligation. an os these traditions hoWever, are not ancient legenda, but Wothei origin to the philosophica speculations os a later age, hic love to represent an imaginar progress os socie 'om the time ho me sed on acorna an ran Wil in tho ood to the time hen ine hecam unito into politicia communities an o ne the supremacros lasan reaaon. The speculative Greeha Who visited gypt in the fixis and fifth centuries besore in Christia era mere profoundlyimpresse Wit the monumenta os the old Egyptia monarchy, Which, even in that early age of the worid, indicate agra an hoar antiquity. The gyptian Hesis ere notclom to avia themaelves of the impression aderam their visitore, an tol the lauer many a Wondrous tale in pri vethat in civiligation the arta, and the religio of the Groelia allinam stomaho land of the Nile These tales found asybelievera the wero carrie bais to Greece, an repeateowith various modifications and inbellishmenta, and thus, nodoubi aros in greater number of the tradition respecting yptia colonies in Graece.