Handbook of Latin writing

발행: 1884년

분량: 111페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


EXERCISES. 7360. Among the melis, as amon every peopte hichhascius emerge from barbarism, the famil relations eretho grand ources of lastin union and devote attachment. The paternat authorit Was ight reversnced, and notuingWas a much dreade a the curseis an oflando sather. Alltho member os a famil o clan were connected by the ol estiles, and were bound in revenge With thei unite strengi an injur offere to an individua os in ram. The omen ore allomedimater liberinthan the possessed in republican Greece, an to enelope Andromache, and other omen Ostho heroic age here is an interest attachin Whicli, nevertost in tho momen of the historical period. The Wiso occupieta stationis great digni and influenco in the tamily, but Waspurchased by heriusband rom her parenta by valu te pres-enis, a custOm Whicli prevalle among the ancientde Mandino barbamus nations of Germany In the heroic age, as in other early stage of society, erand the strange troate Wittigenemus hospitality. The chies Wolcomes him to his ouso, an dos no inquire his nam nor the objectis his ourneytillas has placo bosor him his beat cheor. I in strangercomes M a suppliant, he has a stili greator claim umniis host, although this ti may exmae in latis to dimouit an dangor, and eveniring mn him in hostilit os a more OMNsul noighbor. Foraeualunishes Without mererine man, disregard in prueris a suppliant. 61. Although in homi age is strongly marhed by martialsor it an simplicit os habita, it ould bo an error toregar it a ne essentiali rude an barbamus. O thecontra , the Greelia in his early period ad Hready mado considerable advances in civiligation, and ad successfullycultivaled many of tho aris hic contributo to tho comfortan refinomentis life Instoad os living in cauore villagos, liho in barbarians o Gaul an Germany the were collacte in fortisse toWn Whic Were surrounde is Walis


74 EXERCIS . an adorned Min pala a an templεs. Thelouses of thenobles ere magnificent an costly, littering With old, silver, an brongeri While the nobies themaelves ore clothediu stegant garmenta an protected by highi Wrought armor. From the Phoenicia merohanta the obtaine tho nostproducta of the Sidonian loOm, as et a tin iron, and electrum. The travelle Wit rapidit in chariola draWn byhighire steeds, and the navigate the sea Wit eas Mithfifty-oare galleys. Properi in land was transmitto fromtatheroo son, agricultum a extensivel practised, and vineyarda caretuli cultivated. It is truo that Homer m have occasionali draWn pon his imagination in his rilliant pictures of the alaces os in chiela, and of thei mode os living but the main eatures mus have been t en romlife anil, possess, even in the present v, memorial os in heroic age hicli striningi attest ita grandeur. 62. Os tho utio os in Amphictyonio Councit, nothing ill givo us a belle idea tha themath taken is it members. I in thusa se illiso destro any Amphictboni toWia, nor ut it running ater in War orieace. I any one Ahali do so, e Will march against im an destro hiscity. I any one hallisl unde the properi os the god, orshalli cogniZant thereos, o Ahali ake reacherous counselagainst in things in his temple at Delphi, e Will punish him

in right an dignitio of the temple a Delphi It is ruethat in Amphictyona somelimes too a large Vie of their



congress ad ver existin, an ita edicta ha commanded the obedience of the Greeka, the histor of the nation ould have ad a diis ront murae. The Macedonianainga ould probabh have remalnei in thei subordinate condition, and unito Groeco might even have dested in legiona os conquerint me. 63. The assumptionis irresponsibi pomeris one manhad scomo abhorrent to the Gree mino. A pereo thua misin himself bove the la Was considere is have so solio an tutorio the protectis of the la . o Wa regaroeda tho greateat of criminals and his assassination Was Vis edas a righteous and holy Rot Heno se despota gremia in their govornment, stili se eriequeathed theirio esto instraons and ver raret di in dynast continue a long tho hir gonoration. Many of the despota in Graece ereput down by the Lacedaemonians. The Spartan wVernment,as, have iam Taeen, Was essentialty an oluarchy, and the Spartana ero alWays ready to lend their po erfui ai to tho suppori or the est lishment of the goveramentis the FeW.Hono the too an active pari in the overthrow of the des-pola, mith in intentionis est lishing the anciunt ligarchyin thei placo. ut his Mely happened, and the thus be- came unintentiona instrumenta in promotin the principissos in popular party. The rule of the despot ad brohondom in distinction et eo the obles an in general dy o Deemen, and umn the remova os the despot, it Wasfound impossinte, in mos cases, to reinstat the formen dyo nobios in thei ancient privileges. The lalter, it is me, alte ted to remin them, and were supported in their attempta is Sparta. ence Mose a ne strumle. The strat conteatastor in abolition a betWeen ligarchy and the despot, the nexi Whic no ensued Wa Miseen ligaretis andra

M. Civit dissensis and a redundant population Were ho


76 EXEROISES. tW ohies cause of tho origini mos of the reo colonios. The were usuali underi en illi ho approbationis thecities diom hic thonissuod, and unde the management fleadem appotnted by thom. In most cases the Delphic oraclo had prerioustygivendis divine sanction to the enterpriae, Whichmas also underi e undo the encouragementit the god Mino motherii . ut a Gree colony Wa HWays consideret politicalty indepondent of the lauer, an emancipate diomita contres. The oni connection et eo them mas ne offitia inoctio an os common religious ies. The coloniata morshippe in thei ne soluomoni the donios Whom the hadbeen accustome to honor in thei nativo munuy. An thesacredire hicli mas constanti hemiurning on thei publichoari Was aheni them from the Prytaneum o the ci from hic the sprung. The usuali chorished a feelingo reverentiat rospect for the motherii , Which the displayed by sendinideputation to the principia sestivias of the latior, an also is beatoWin places os honor an other maina o respectispo the ambassador an other member of themotherii 'hon thervisite the colony. In the me spiritthe paid divino modihi prio in mundor of the colon a ter his death, as the representative os in motheriny, and Whentho colon in iis turn eoam a parent, it usuali fouot aleador from in state diom hicli itia iiset spmng. 65. The affection ith Whicli ho husband chorished hermemor Was Eoon atteste is a monument the mos superbiliat Was Ver erected to any fovereign. o scheme had beenso muc heri nonone had been o nearior heari, a thatos converting the palam a GreenWicti into a retreat sor ea-


MERCISM. 77should seominat a monos e hvsband ad os hor, ho ganeto reproach himaeis for neglectingier Wishes. No timowas Ioat Ailan was furnished by Wren, and mon an edifice, surpassing that asylum hic in magnincent Lewis had Ρr vide sor his soldiere, ros o the margin of the hames. Whoeve reada the inscription hic runa mund the moge of tho hall, Will observo that William claimam partis the merit of tho design, and that in pratae is ascribe tomary alone. Η- tho hinc lis Mon prolonge illi the Works ere completed a statue of her the real oundres of the institution ould have had a conspicuous place in that muri, Whic present in isti domes and tW gra sul colonnadesto in multitude Who are perpetuali passing up and do ntho importat ver But that par of the plan Was neve cadiris into effect an femo inoae Who no gage pon thenobiost os European hospital aro a ars that it is a memorial of tho virines of the good queen Mary, of the laus and a roWos miliam, and of the great Victor of Lamome. 66 At longili ali the questions os dispute ere euled. Aster much discussion, an article a framed by Whichio iapi ged his ord of honor that he ould not countenanoe in

any manner any attempteto a veri or diat Nine existing go emmentis England miliam, in rerum, gine his promisenotrio munienance an attempt against the wvernment of France. his promise I Wis ad not asked, and at rstaeemed inclineo to consideria an astroni. ia throne, he svid, vas persecti secure, his ille undisputed There ere in his dominio no non-jurora, no conspiratore, an he di notthin i consistent Wit his dignit to enter into a compact hic seomemto impinthat he was in ear of plota and insu rections such as a dynasty Drung rom a revolutio might naturali apprehend. O thi potnt, hoWever, he gme Way, and it Was agreed that the covenant Ahould be atriotly reciprocat Miltiam ceaso to demand that James ahouldie men-


78 EXERCISM.tioned by namo, and Lewis ceased to demand that an amnean Ahouldie grante to Jamea' adherenta It wa determinediliat nothingishouldie sati in the treMy either about Wheretho anished in o Euglandis ut reside, or bout the ointur os liis queen. ut illiam authOriget his plenipotentiarie at the congrea to declare that Mar o Modenashould have halaver on examination it, ut appea thatshe was by lamentius to have. 67. Somer Waario miserio oppos himself directi to thostron current of popula seeling. Wit rare dexterit hotoo the tone, notis an advocato, but os adulge. The dan-ger Which seemed so terribie to many honest Dionis of liberty,

68. It must e vident in ver intelligent an diapas-


mould Wit litu or no training enmunis an deleat themost sormidabie arrvit veterana diom the continent, acuno absurd to apprehend that auo aseopte mulli reducedio laver by a e regiments of their W counumen ΤBut ou ancestora Were generali a much linde by prejudico that this inconsistenc pasae unnoti d. The were secure here the ought o have been Wary, and timoroua Whoro tho might et have been secure. The were notahooked by Maring the fame man maintain in the fame broath that i tWent thousan professiona soldiem ere

atri thousand of in conqueror os Sisinhir an Landen. 69. The doctrine that in parent State has Rupremo poWerovo the colonios a nodioni borne ut by authorit and pre- dent, ut Wil appear, hen examineo, to e in entire accordanoe Wit justice and wit poli . Durin in Rebla infanc o colonies, independenoe out be eruioloua, orintho fatal, to them. Undoubtedly, a the gro strongerand atrongor, i Will e is in the homo overnmen to bemor an more indulgent. No sensibi parent deala Min a


80 EXERCISES. Will any goveramentiso infatuate treat auo a provisos asCanadai Victoria in the way in Whic it mightio prope totroat a lituo band os emigranis holad just em to undthei huta on a barbamus aliore, an to hom in prote tionis in stagi a great nation is indispensabi necessam. Neveriheless, there cunno reatly be more inanine Eupremopo e in a society It therefore, a time como at Whic themother coundi finis it expedient altogother o abdicato hor

tora tinen There ought to e complete incorporation, i suci incorporation e possibie is not ther ought to bocomplete separation Ver femproposition in politica canbe so perfecti demonstrate a this that partiamoniarygovernment cannot e carrie o by tW realib3 equa and independent paritamenta in one empire. 70. But that ou may seel the greater Onthusiaam sorprotecting the Stato, e assure of this, aha all, lavo hesped fave, aided, or advance their count , have a particula place appotnte in heaven, here the eivio happinem an lito evori ting. For there is nothing hic t es placeupo the earin more acceptable to the hie go Who res ove ali in univerae than the association an union os men


71. o. in fossoWin spoech of Atreus' i ex edinglyabsurd: istisim no have a tombri receive him, a haven for theiody Where, hen the cor o lis has se I sed, the ody ma have est rom ita ills.' Gu se in What error these opinion are involvod Atreus hinka that thoroia' haven to tho body, and that in dead man est in thotomb. his a chiesty the aut os olops, horai notinstruct his son nor Machaim in prope relations of things. But Why hovides notio the opinion os individuata henm may examine the different error os nation. Tho Emintians preserve thoi dea an keominem in thei homosa the Persiana even embalm them With Wax that thetes dies maylast a long a time a possibio in customis themagians iano in bury the odios of their sopi untii they have beensiret torn by Wil beasta. In Hyrcania in common eopte kee dog at the genera expense t in her classes do Eo atthei oWn. - know that that bres of dogiis famous, ut the objectis the ouato is that ac man, accordin to his means, hali provide Maala o mangio hia corpse, and thia, thos peopte ininli, is the best buriat. an other instancea are gathere is Chrysippus, an enthusiastic investigator ofali historica subjecta, ut ome of them are so disgustingilia one huddere tolut them into Words. The hole matterought to b despiae in urim case, ut not disregarde in the caseis ur frienus; ut ho mite concessio must emade to ashion anxio ba men ill thiuli, thoclivin mustarrange underatanding that it is os no concern to the de .


82 EXERCISES. 72. They a that Pythagoras no visite Phlius, and held somo learnod and exhaustive discussion mith Leon, hochio ma amon tho Phliasiana, and that Leon, havin ex- prosae his admirationis his abilit an eloquence, hediam notat ari ho hiost rolied Butis sal that ho

mago toto masteris ali histor and os ali langvago Mustho e quali familiar it in longus, tho litorature, thepolitica institutions the civi an milita evenis os alltimos and places Such an amount ofano ledgo, it marmelibo argued in neve lan to the tot of man d mmo mu