장음표시 사용
Aqua calcis, P. L. II 8I. Aqua calcis simplex, P. L. 1745. Aqua calcis, P. L. 17 20.
diately, and let it stand for three honrs; thenkeep the solution upon the rem aining lime in stopped gla88 botiles, and potar Osr theclear liquor When it is Wanted for Use.
Lime is solubie in about 45O times iis weight of water, orlitile more than one grain in one fluidounce, forming a trans- parent solution; erice the proportion here directed is infaci more than is required for the saturation of the water, but the larger addition allows for any impuri ty contained in the lime, and as it is a cheap articie, the quantity used is scarce of any importance. The process here adopted is simple, emcacious, and convenient, and by keeping the solutionstanding upon the lime it will always be saturaled, and the place of any crust os carbonate of lime whicli forms upon thesurface, is exposed, will be supplied frona the lime, Whicli re- mains in a state ready ser solution.
SOLUTION OF MURIATE OF LΙΜΕ. I ake of Aluriate of Lime, tWO OUn 'S. Distilled Water, three fluido unCOS. Dissolve the Muriate of Lime in the Water, und strain the solutiora through paper.
Tu ke of Carbonate of Magnesia, solar
It may be noted that a definite quantity has been pre- scribed here and in many other cases for the salie of preci- Sion only, and not as influencing the quality of the produci. This preparation Was the magnesia usta of the former Pharmacopoeia : hut as the term magnesia is correctly used toeXpress onIy the pure earth, so it has been thought proper to
apply it decide diy in the present instance, although, in common language, the Same term may be most generalty applied to the carbonate, and the epithet calcined added to expressthe present preparation. The process depends upon the expulsion of the carbonic acid of the carbonate by heat, and in the form os gag, and heiace the carbonate yields abolit halfiis meight, Or rather i ths of the pure magnesia. Ιt may be considered as insolubie in Water, for ΚirWan states I9O0 timesits weight to be necessary for this purpose at 6O'.
Water, three gallonS. Dissolve the sub arbo nato of potass in three pinis of the water, and struin dissolvent so the sulphate of magnesia separalely in sive Pints of the water, and stratii; then additie rest of the water to the lalter Solution,
and dry it tapon bibulo us paper in a heat of
The doubie decomposition of the salis here employedylelds carbonate os magnesia and sulphate of potass, the sirstof whicti it is the object to collect as Deo as possibie Domthe last Hence, as the ne ly formed sulphate os potasS requires a large proportion of water for iis solution, Stach a proportion is directed in the first instance, andit is asterwariis, foritS perfeci Separation, welt washed with more. Is water be im- pregnat ed with carbonic acid gas it will dissolve carbona te os magnesia, and lience the liquor is made to boit for the purpo se of delaching it. Is the two solutions be miXed cold, and the pr cipitate lest for sonae days iapon the si iter Without artificiat dry-ing, many large and perfect crystals of carbonate of magnesia
will be formed in it. The subsequent heat by whicli thepowder is dried should uot be great enough to delach any of the carbonic acid. The present process Will yield a pure and elegant preparation ; iis form is that of a White powder, eastly Diable, anil, accor ling to Fourcroy, is the base be fullysaturat ed with carbonic acid, as in the crystals for in iis ordinary forna it is a subcarbonate , IOO paris contain carbonicacid 5O, magnesia 25, water 25 ; and is not so saturaled, butin iis state os sub-sali, carbonic acid 68, magnesia 40,
Waler 12. In Commerce, the muriate os magnesia contained in therssiduary liquor after the crystalligation os muriate of soda om sea water is decomposed by a similar process, and yieldsa large proportion of the ordinary magnesia of the markets.
Antimonium calcinatum. Antimonium vitrifactum. Crocus Antimonii, P. L. IISI. Crocus Antimonii. Crocus Antimonii lotus. Calx Antimonii, P. L. II45. Antimonium diaptioreticum. BeZoarticum minerale, P. L. 1720.
The medicat use of antimony appears to have originat edistili Basil Val sentine in the siste enth century, Currus antia monii triumphalis) but to have been chiefly estahlished by Paracelsus. The propriety of iis employment has since that period been the subject of much and violent discussion, and various decrees of the partiament of Paris for a long time alternately prohibited and establislied iis adoption. Toenumerate the writers Upon the subjeci, and the variety of preparations Which have been recommended and employed, would sill a large volume. Those which may be most ad Vantageousty consulted in the present clay are Bergman's opuscula, Thenari in the 32d and subsequent volumes of the Annales de Chymie, and Protast in vol. 55 of the Journ ut de Physique. Froin the time of Basil Valentine to the present the sulphuret of antimony has been called by the Danae os antimonyin Pharmacy, but the lalter term is noW confined to eXpressthe metat alone as it has been in the language of generat chemistry since iis modern revision. Metallic antimony, however, as it is used in the aris, is mi Xed with other met ais, and theres ore has bosia thought less sit than the sulphuret for a basis to pharmaceutical preparations occasionalty, however,
it has been emplo yed as in the old serpetuat Pilis, whicli
passed the intestines Without any noticeable diminution os bulla, and were therefore preserve d after they had perform-ed their ossice for constant family use, and it was also formedinto cups in Whicli Wine mas digested, and becarne impregnat-ed thereby With flight purgative and emetic powerS. ΕVenthe sulphuret is not unfrequently adulteraled with sulphuretos lead c Poster's Lead ore , and should theresere be inhen in iis crystalline striated form, when it can have no sucti artiliciat admixture. This consisis, according to Proust, os . 75 antimony, . 25 SulphUr. All the preparations of this metal underwent a considera-hle revision in the last edition, but against sonae important
preparations there intro ceu Valid Objections were rat sed, and they are there re noW altered. In the Pharmacopolia os II 8 I, three oxyds Were given, antimonium calcinatum, antimonium vitrifactum, and crocus antimonii; and Berg- man most especialty prefers one precipitaled by'water frona thomuriate os antimony, and known by the nariae of Pulmis Alarothi, after Vittorio Algore to, Who practis ed at Venice, and frst used ii successsully Donetellii Theatro-Pharmaceutico, Par. I. ho also casis it aquila alba, aquila principitata, Ne it
whicli is considered as the pulvis algarothi, containg 8I, 5 paris of antimony, and I8,5 of oxygen, and eight paris of whichwith one of sulphuret form the glass of antimony, With two offulphuret, the crocus, and With 3 of sulphuret, the hepar; the other, a peroxyd, contains 77,5 of antimony and 23 ofo Xygen, and is convertibi e into the former by melling with. 25 of the metal. That the effecis of a compound upon the animal system donot depend upon and cannot be inferred frona the effecis of iis paris, is demonstrat ed by those of the metals and of oxygen, when separate and when united, as Weli as by many other chemi cal compounds whicli are used medicinalty. Ιt also appears that the violence of action of OXyds of metals is generalty increas
ed in proportion to the quantity of oxygen With Whicli theyare united. Ηence, in this, as in other metallic preparations, uniformity is an objeci, and this seems to be more readily obtainable by solution and precipitation than by the use of hightemperatures, Which eannot be weli regulated by any commonstandard, and the produci of whicli varies Dona a number of circumstances influencing the regular continuance of iis de-gree. It may be doubted bdi sonae whether ali the essects of antimony may not be practicatly obtained without the introduction os an oxyd, but it is employed by others, and there can be no objection to iis adoption.
Sulphur antimonii praecipitatum, P. L. II 87. P. L. I 745.
Solution fori hwith through a doutile linencloth, and while it is yet hol, dro p in gradu atly us much ulphurio ac id us may be required to precipitate the poWder, theri WB ShaWay the sulphate os potass, by hot Water; dry the precipitaled Sulphuret of antimony, and reduce it to a sine poWder.
Complicated attractions are here exercised; the primaryagenis are potasS, antimony, sulphur, and Water, Which lalter, in the process, is partly decomposed into iis constituenis, oXygen and hydrogeia. The potass unites to the greater part Of
109ine sulphur and attractS hydrogeia frona the water, by whichis formed a hydrosulphuret os potaSs. The oxygen unites tothe antimony, and another portion of the hydrogen to the sulphur combined with it, forming a hydrosulphuretted oxydos antimony ; this lat ter is held dissolved in the water by the hydrosulphur et os potass, Whicli, is the Solution cool, hasthis power diminished, and there re a part of the hydro- sulphuret ted oxyd thus precipitates, and formed the oldhermes minerale. The addition os dilute sulphuric acid notonly precipitates the hydrosulphuretted oxyd dissolved, butalso the sulphur combined with the potass, and whicli ofcourse in this preparation is intimat ely mixed with the
former. The nam e used is, on these accounts, not strictly correct, but it is fully sussicient to designate the preparation. This medicine is in frequent use, and is there re retained, though it may not be thought to possess any Very great orspecific advantages over Other antimonial preparations. IthaS an orange colour, and lience has been sonaetimes called Sulphur auratum anfimonii. Thenard A. C. 32.), states iis
constituent paris to be sulphuretted hydrogeia II,87, oxyd68, 80, sulphur 12, .
Antimonium tartarietatum, P. L. I 8I. Tartarum emeticum, P. L. I 745. Tartarus emeticus, Ρ. L. 1720.
Distilled Water, a pini and a hal f. Mix the acid with half a pint of the water