The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1815년

분량: 549페이지


분류: 미분류


mda: add the sulphate of iron and rub them again; then beat the whole together uiatilthey are thoroughly incorporaled.

Ιt has been considered proper to give directions for the preparation of this common medicino in a solid form, as wellas in that os mixture, and the moist sugar with whicli it is made Will preserve it os a proper ConSiStence.

Pitulae Galbani Compositae, P. L. II 8 . Pitulae gummosse, P. L. 1745. D. L. 172O.

Simple Syrus, as much as is sum


forna m RSS. The present differs Dom the former formula in theomission of the opoponax, and iis quantity is made up forby increasing the proportions of the Μyrrh and Sagapenum. ΕVery succeeding Pharmacopoeia has diminished the numberos ingredients of this pili, and that of II15 first consolidaled the Pitulae foetidae and Pilulae gummosae into One.


312 PII M.


drachmS. Confection of Red Roses, three drachm S.

Rub the mercury with the consection, tantilthe globules dis appear: then adii the liquoricero ot, and beat the whole together untii theyare thoroughly incorporate d.

The mercurial pili, osten Dom iis colour called the blue pili, is one of those established forms whicli it has not been thought Proper to alter in any Way. The complete extinction of the mercury is certainly matter of dissiculty, but it must be fullyaccomptished be re the addition of the liquorice poWder, and can be best judged of by rubbing a smali portion thinlyon paper With the finger, and examining by a magni'ing glassis any globules of the metat are stili visibie. Some have thoughtthat the process might have been shortened by adding some UnctUOUS Substance, as manna, or that even the turpentines Would not here be liable to the fame objections as When theyare added to Oiniment.


PILI S. 343

Rub the Submuriate of Alercvry srst withtho precipitaled Sulphuret of Antimony, then

These directions are introduced because the subject of them is in very generat use as an alterative Pili. The com-hination was sirst recommended by Dr. Ρlummer in thesi linburgh Medicat EssayS.


This is substituted for the former Ρllulae opii, in whichopium Was miXed With the fame proportion os extraci ofliquorice. That composition, is long kepi, greW hard, and pilis made of it have been very osten Dund to pass the inte tinat canal undissolved. Soap, there re, to whicli the fame objection does not apply, has been substituted for the Extracts as was formerly done in the Pharmacopoeia of 1745, under the name of Pilulae Saponacere. In that formula, too, the iaste of the soap was covered by the addition os essentialoit os lemon, whicli has not noW been thought neceSSary.

Pitulte Scillae, P. L. II87.


PILI S. 3 15Τhese differ only in name froni the former squill pilis,

and the propriety of that alteration is evident froni the substances Which enter into their composition. Perhaps theammoniac might have been increased in iis propstion, to ainore essicient dose.





Adeps suilla praeparata, P. L. II87. A Xungia porcina Curata, P. L. II45.

Cui the lard into pie os; meli it then overa Sio v sire, and press it through a linen Cloth.

Is water be used in this purification os lard, or that of suet, thou hecome rancid much sooner. A heat of 94', at whichfat melis, is suffcient for the purpOSe.

Cornu cervi ustum, P. L. II 87. Cornu cervi calcinatum, P. L. 1715. Cornu cervinum ustum, P. L. I 720.



der them, and prepare them in the mann erdirected for the preparation os Challi.

Hartshorn is too expensive an animal bone to be employed for the common preparations of Ammonia, for Which pui posethe bones whicli are the refuse of the streets are Used; andis after distillation they be further burni in an open sire, theresidue in each instance Will be the fame, and chiesy phosphate of time. Hartshorn, hoWeVer, affords that particular modification os bone to Whicli the preference is giveri forthe purposes of pharmacy, and the consumption is not sogreat as to render the direction either too eXpensive or dissiculi to be complied With. The phosphate of lime test amountsto 57,5 of the bones employed; they appear also to containa sinali quantity of carbonate of lime and phosphate os magnesia, and the remainder is animal matter, Whicli passes awayin Variolis compound gasses Under the Circumstances in Whichit is in this preparation directed to be placed.

Sevum ovillum praeparatum, P. L. II 8 I. Sevum ovillum curatum, P. L. 1I45.

Cui the su et into pleces; thera meit it overa sto v sire, and press it through a linen cloth.




Spongia usta, P. L. 1I8I. P. L. 1745.

Cui the sponge into pleces, and beat itthat any eXtraneous adherent matters may he separated ; then burn it in a close ironuesset untii it hecomes black and friable; lastly rub it to a very sine poWder.

Burrit sponge appears practicatly to produce effecis whichno mixture of the aikali and charcoal does, especialty in theremovat of bronchocele ; and it is there re retained.


Testae Ostreorum praeparatae, P. L. 1787. P. L. 1715.

Oyster sitelis form the only immediate animal carbonate os lime noW retained in the Pharmacopoeia, the crabs-claWS


and red coral, Whicli possess no superiority Whatever, beingomitted. They have an advantage Over the minerat carbonates of lime, especialty chath, in being purer. With theother carbonates, the compounds of them, as the Pulvis chelarum cancri compositus, Which Was formerly celebraten under the name of Gascoign's PoWder, are also omitted, and the oyster sitelis are considered as equivalent to the Whole.



AMMONIA CUM PLASTER. rahe of puri si ed Ammonia Cum, sive OUn COS.

Dissolve the ammoniacum in the acid, then evaporate the liquor in an iron vesset