The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1815년

분량: 549페이지


분류: 미분류



Bal saliuina Tolut sinum, Toluifera Balsamum. Glu Balsam . . The Latiam. S. Ρ. IV. ii. 545. Bolladon nae Folia,

Bistor tae, Great Bistori.

M. B. t. I93. Atropa Belladon Ian. The Leaί S. S. P. IV. i. tot T. M. B. t. I. S. F. B. 255. Styrax BenZOin. The Latiam. S. P. W. ii. 623. M. D. t. 72. Polygonum BiStorta. The ROOf. S. P. IV. ii. 441. Μ. B. t. 34. S. F. B. 427.

This Oil Was supposed to be the produce of Melaleuca Lesecadendron sΜed. Bot. t. 229), but it appears Dom specimeΠSof the tree yielding the true C uputi, sent home by Μr. Christopher Smith, that the species is different, and referableto tab. 17, of Rumphius's Herbarium Amboinense svol. ii. , and not to that author's Arbor albatab. 16. Aster a


MATERIA MEDICA.careful eXamination of specimens in Sir Ioseph Banks's, and other collections by Dr. Μaton, and of those in the Linnaean Herbarium by Dr. Smith, we are authoriged to considerthe troe whicli yiet is the above oti as a ne SpecieS, and , Dom the name of iis medicinal produci, thoSe gentiemen have agreed to give to it the appellation of Melaleuca)

The Noot of a Plant not

The name of Columbo root, by whicli this article has hithorto been known in Our shops, seems to have had iis origin in the supposition that the root was brought to us frona Ceylon; a supposition apparently strengthened by the similarity in solandos the Portiaguese appellation os Calumba to the name of the principat town of that istand. It being a staple expori Withthe Portuguese, the place of groWth was Carefulty concealed, and the plant itself was unknown to bolanisis, untii very lately, when it was raised at Μadras Dom a roOt brought to Dr. Iames Anderson, of that place, from ΜoZambique. From adrawing in the possession of the Linnaean Society, the plantappears to be of the natural order of Meni ermum, but thegenus cannot be determined, in consequence of the fenialeslowers not having been as yet Seen.


MATERIA MEDICA.From an accurate description of the plant producing this Valuabie aromatic, communicated to the Linnaean Society byMr. White, Surgeon of Μadras who, follo ing the example of other botanicat writers, improperly refers it to the genuSAmomum , it has been thought necessary to place the Cardamom Under a ne genus, Whicli Dr. Maton has namea Eletlaria, Dom Eletlari, the original name of this tribe in the Hortus MalabaricuS.

S. F. B. 32O. Eugenia caryophyliatu.

Cascar illa Burh.



Caslsiae Pul pa, Cassia fistula.

l S. Ρ. IV. ii. 518. M. B. t. 163. Castoreum, Castor Fiber, Russian)Castor. A peculiar concrete



lia Sa

A peculiar concrete


These names of our three medicinat barks of the genus Cinchona mere originalty given in a publication, entilled, PapelPeriodico de Santa PE sl I92), by Dr. Mutis, who, Dom a residence of more than forty years in Solath America, had the best opportunities hitherio obtained by any botanisi os investigating this important tribe, and WhOSe observations are



Cinnamomi CorteX, Cinnamon Larh.

Cinnamomi osseum, Cinnamon Oil

Coc 'CUS, Cochineat.

The fresh HOOt. S. P. W. ii. 272. M. B. t. 177. S. F. B. 399.



Contra ervae Radix Contra jersa Rost, Copaiba, palba. Corian dri Sem 'ina, Common Coriander

S. P. K. i. 1395. M. B. t. 22. S. F. B. 3O2. Dorstonia Contra OrVn. The Noot. S. P. W. i. 683. M. B. t. 51. Copaisora officinalis. The liquid Resin. S. P. W. ii. 630. l. D. t. 137. Coriandrum Suti UUm. The Seed. S. Ρ. K. i. 1448. M. B. t. 181. S. F. B. 32O. Cervus ElaphvS. The HOPH. S. N. G. 176. Friable Carbonate of Lime.



The Stigmata. S. Ρ. W. i. 194. S. F. B. 39. Cum 1 ni Sem ina, Cuminum Cyminum. Cum in Seed. The Seed. S. Ρ. W. i. 1440. M. B. L 19 I.

Cuspariae Cortex, Cusparia febri fuga. Cusparia Barii, called The Larh. Angustura Barh. Bonpland Voyage.

The barh brought to iis Dona Angustura has at tength been discovered by Μ.Μ. Humboldi and Bonplanii, the celebrate liravellers in Solath America, to belong to a tree not be re Enown, Whicli they promise to describe under the abovenariae in their superb worti the Plantes Equinoxiales.

Cydoniae Sem ina, Ρyrus Cydonia Quince Seed. The Seed. S. Ρ. W. ii 10 20.

Datici RadiX,


MATERIA MEDICA. Dauci Seni ina,

S. P. W. iii. 1041. Μ. B. t. 172. Solanum Dulcnmurn. The Stat S. S. Ρ. W. i. 1028. 1. B. t. 33. S. F. B. 256.

Momordica Elaterium.

The fresh Fruit.