장음표시 사용
in the publicatis histhera that eis have me been abbaither re Afer the force of his ridicule, o in man i
sanees o comprehenimen his meaning.
tin, oul have been to introdue an heterogenesus mixture
man particular eonee in his ancesor an to Francis
I. S. H. Great sanctuari, inster, et in March, 1787.
II AVIN underinta a republicatio of this oncucelebrate comedr, I ies no ther se apologigeso prefixin to it the lis of the author than by saying, that non of those riters ho have prosesse to give thelives of the usi h dramati or offer oris have doneauot orth of thank lowards saving me the labour, se matat was not without aram investigation stat the place of his birin, and even his baptisma name, could With any degre of setistiction, b ascertained an seriar a respinsine particular of his lise, a late author inform us, that althe cin discove of r. Rurale, o Rurales, ache termihim, is that he was a master of aris of Clare est, Cambriare, and author of the celebrate and humorous comed of 4
The editor of the Biographia Dramatica See that woa, amRurales It Me not appea that in compiter of the Anecdores σBriti s Topographr, r. Gough, as at ali appriete of this comedys for invol. I. of that ord, p. 24, he mentions and ives the ille of -- Iamrbe, a Latin pastora performe bes, hinc me a Cambri cibu does no in ine least notice either the comed of Ignoramus, o states tama r both which were also actexo the fame occauon.
mean o here to aggravate me charge os inattention against hos who have sustered to in almos into oblivionthe memor o a person ho might rank it the est scholars and dramati poets of his timen ut, rom authenticeviden s mali procce to relate suci ficis concerning tam a manserve to gratis that curiosit whic me perusal of his Comed ma be naturali supposed to excite. I he place of his nativit was L enham, or ascit is usuallycalled, anhamis in the count of Sustu his christian ame George, an not Rc h, as some have related an he was,
Foruliis hinde it is very difficultri account the fir and secondedition o Ignoramus re publismed without an authoi ' nam atrali and the subseq1ient ones have oni in the titie page, Autore ro. Ἀ- gle Aillae Clarensis, A. . and domo mention his christianianae. Robert Codrineton the author os a translatio of this come ly, printed in 1661, is the fir vilio asseris, and without an apparent authoi tu,
that it Was originalty writte in Latin hy R. Ruggles an seo him Languenine, in his ccount of the Engli tramati Poeis, p. 4eto, Si 8, lihewis styles the author o Ignoramus R. Ruggias and ence, ascit should stem, the compiter of he Companion to the PDV-mus, in art.
svo vol. I. p. 7, have inferred, ut hy, know ot, that hisname was Ralph. r. Bircs, in a manuscript notem a ritte copy ofa letteris v. Chamberlain s hereaster inserted says, but without citingany authority that Ignoramus was rittana Thomas urales, M. A. os lare hali , the factioweverris, inatio such periis a Ralph Ruggis, o Clara esl, o Thomas tintis, o Clare hall, ver appears to have existed, ut George Ruggle was a fellow of that endoWmen and a masteros aris in degree in both whicli particular he correspond with in au thoris Ignoramus, a described in the litte-page to at the editions subsequent to the second4 and in a poem, exiitinii the Musteum among the Harisin collection, No. I9i, writton, ascit appear in havc eu, a very nor time after the firsi performance of the comedy, and entilled
as may be collecte sto the entries resperein me inlisan interments of his athes other children, a the appea in the register so that aristi the eighth chil and fifth and ounges son o Thomas urat an Murges his iis. His ather, ho, as et stom his residence at illis placeas frona ther circumstances, is imaginei to have ollowed me occupationis a Clothier, a descende Dor an an
comitatu Si ordiae, recorded, with an encomtum for having performe fauilla service to the in in his arm then in f tandem and in ther Ioth, 3th, and Iath of E ard III. mention is ad of Simon de Rugges' ho was then merisso tho counties of Salo assci Sta es, wit me addition ofvalerius regis, ,hicli meWS. says m author that he was a servant to the in in an honourabie condition V Theearliest insomnationes have been able o obtain ouching the place of thei firs settiemunt, is that in the Ioth rear of n and perhaps for ome timcaesore, the relide at are Deard incit οὐ ire 'utram incline to think, that the were nolint originali setiled at, but that the even received their urnam uom, a market town amed Rurael γ, o Rugis , in Sta ias ire, whicli in the aps is lai dorunas siluate a se miles beyon Lichfcld, on the oad DomLmrina Chester, and that rom his place it was that ther remove torua luparrid o suppor the conjecture here advance i litile more illb necesiar than to observe, that the wo earlies person ofinis fami ly, hos names have any here been mund areboth describe vrith the 'tis reposition e prefixe toetheir urnames, in the record in hicli their ames re specti vel occur me serme of the two is style M Widiam ri 'uele, de comitatu Sta r the alter, Simon de Rug-
names, says that rom places in Eulaniand Scottanicarne an infinite number of urnames, sor stat every town village,
o ha et has tarded names to families and in supportis this his assertion, has produce a long listra instances, at the end of which he surther remarks that est,hic in Latinoid evidences have had De prefixed to them, ere borrowed stom places, and that his distinctio os loca names ith De was uniformi observe in recordotii about the timeo hin E ard 1V. Mither, addche, was there, as Ι said besore, o is mero, an town Village, hamlet, o place in England buchath made ames to families so that many
names are loces, hicli domo stem so, ecause in places are unknown to most men, an ali nown is no one man . I stem there re certain, accordin to these servatioris of CamdeUs that in sumam Ruggely was derive seo seme place an as ne of that nam is to boseund in the countsin hichahet earliest residence ichnownto have been, it is submitte to the reade whether thesupposition stat the famil were risinali inhabitant of Ruggelo is no more than probabie h. Fro Ham Deam in consequence of a purcha o anestat which he had made in his laiter ounty, and to gratist ascit is imagined a love fiet recreations particularlyhunting, Nicholas Ruggelo, o Hawhraeam es uire, hoappears o have been appotnted in me et o Henr IV. range of Sutton hac in a ita ire, an to have held the angetilii tit in Ioth o Heno VI. removeri Aout theo ossi es Henr V. viro. A. D. I 23, o Dunto' in Mam
the cloathing trade, o far distant stom St. Edmundpurn
a choron, inter three roses, gulas erest, o a reast of the colours, a toWer, or flamin a the op proper against oti arrows in saltier, argent, and these are the arm borne by the present representative Of
edit. 656 p. 6 7, and again, p. 67 , remarks that ancienti it was a frequent practice, is an thin could e hi on hic seundediere caeliis the name, to bear that in the armς Iam theresere incinest thinhtha the above-mentione a s ere, at least in thei colour, intendedio allude to the first syllabie of the name muge, in heriadices language, as wellius gules, signifying the colour ed. Fulter' Morthies, ricem hirae p. 39. e Dugdale, in loco supra cit Fulleris Morethies, armi 3irae p. aget. Among the record of the cour of Chancery now in the Tower, is a
Rugge , o Holion Holgate com Lincola, gent.' From his circumstanc it is more than probabie, that the place in Lincolnseire t whichine family remove was mison migate, and that the above-muntioned