Ignoramus : comoedia

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and lates pubi edimm me origines in the paperisce, in a

collection, entille Mi cellaneous State Papers, fram Io is 17 26, to Lond. 778 Vol. I. p. 39 to hic letter, ascurious ascit is authentic Phave ound means to add by wayos nom, a number of facts that manserve to explain and tu lustrate t.



ther impulia to thei chancellor than to the scholars that understandiso these ou es. nother defect was stat there ere no ambasiadors, hich, no doubi, a upon. me sam reason; ut me absence of women may be the betae excused for defaest o linguage, there ein se. o non present but of the Howarda, o that alliancea as

P. 1 3.


provision were very great, besides plent of presenta, and mar e in ome fori estimared by his proportionis inet, ereo he spent twenty-si tu inrave da . e lodgedan hept his tabi at di Ihn's college, ut his lad and her retinue at si alen college, hereo his grand semer Aurio a Dunder'. The hin and prince lay at Trinit college, here the plays were represented and the had

Hen. VIII. considerabi augmente iis endowment, an in allusion to his own nam called lamas len, o raster mussit college, hic asParher, in his Mλalo Canfabrigiensis, remarks, contain his own nam inith the addition oni os one letter at the eginning an another at theend thus, Μ-Auay-Ν. Se a copy o Par es tramin in Ba re'scollemions Vol . . p. 48. In a tra in the same collection, Vol.

AXII. entille A Description Ofthe Foundation and the Primitiges Oftherisime fit in Cambri e and of e ver of the Colleges, together mith the Ganrin and Benefactor of the fame, the followin passage occurs, p. 38 At lenph ne T. Audio, a nobi eman, and hancello of England by Enimno the eight, andi in os partiament, an in the xxxiii year of his reign, he was made the founder of the said colia lege. The pedigre os in ear of Susia fio lor suae is inusitated in Par er . Σκελ Cantabrigiensis besere cited p. 49 : -- gareia ducis, reficia, filia .haeres praefati bomae baronis Auda Iedi de riden uxo' ad illustrissimi principis Thomae mmata, Mi ducis NOUOleiae, illi pepererit inclytisi illum heroem Thomam comitem in sic , c. 'b his persona presume to e the fame illi Sir Ed ward Rates eio Michin', mentione by Mod in his Athen Oxonienses, Vol. I. col. s. edit. 17ax, as living in the time of hinc mes I. and Ming one os the descendant Maalph Radiam, a celebrate schoolmasteris michin, in Ner fora ire, temp. Ed. VI. and the fame person,ithis Marii Riclis, doctor of physic, of Cambri e incorporate at Oxisiaci Iusti6oo. se Mod' Fasti omnienses, edit. 72I, Vol. I. col. I 39.


and Bra in the recorde of the own, unde the nam of Ignoramus, a common laWyer bare great paris . The

a The manner in hic in Chamberlain has here expresse himselfis se ambiguous as a first sightrio suggest a doubt whether in characterso the hobby-hors and Ignoramus were performed by Da vid Drummonaandaralyn respectively, or hester David Drummoniandarabn were the person intended tome ridiculed in those characters; ut, seom a passage in the fir prologue to this comed of Ignoramus, it evidenti appears, that in his latis sense nisi is tolerandeinood illi respe tot via Drammonae See a nostin the first prologue p. et L and a Brabn didnot, o an occasion, play ither the par of Ignoramus, or an other in the eomedy, or ister of the prologues, it is quali manifest that thepatage in the textris tot underMod in the fame sense Wit relation to

In the manuscript collectionis in Chamberlain's letters, in Dr. Bireh's hand-writing, efore referred to, Dr. Birct has asserted in a note onctis passage, that Ignoramus mas rinen is Thomas Rurales, . A. MClare hall, but heri mistinen in calling the minor Thomas Ruggles. vocer Compion, bom inmma 6or, one of the knights of the Bath, ε an in une 63 succeede his ather a eari os Northampto. He was hilled March et 7 1642-3, inanengagement at opton math, Stas. , fiassire. This note is give by Dr. Birch, in the collectioni ore eited. Lor Garendon, in his Hisor of the Rebellion Vol. II. p. 43, folio edit has inserte a most nobi character of this brave an loyalnobleman, to hich, though of no great tengis in iself, et, as eingio long tote here given, e must refer the reader. In the comed of Ignoramus h played the paris of Surda and Vince Se the limos actors betare inserted. In a poem inserted in the appendix hereto, entissed A grave Poem, ascit mas presentia in Latin is certain Dimines besere his Majel in Cambri e by Interis e sile Liber nomus de adventu regis ad Cantabrigiam, it is sal. to have held schour and on it secondie- Presentation, in m 16is, illega at eight in the evening and lasted illone the nex moming. Se an account of hinc mes second visit, in the appendix hereto.



- , in Chamberlain has in the bove lene omitis to mentionwhat were the ther plays, esides si manar, hieli,er per med during the king' stay the reade is referred is a leue signe P. Gem. fere in the Gentiemans Mamaeine forina et 736 p. 23. In his letterin Pene, it author gives a copy, in the folio ing wotas, of a minute

4. Melanthe, a Latin pastoral, made by in Boo et mox doe- tor Trinitatis. in the nexi Mondam s. The Piscaro , an Engli comedy was acted be re in univer- sit in Mns' coli. hic master Helcher of that coli. had provides, is theruinishould have arried another night of the plays bove-mentiones, A tilia inas nevera inred See Biographia Dramatica, art. Emilia, among the listis Latin play writtenhy Engliss authors, at the end of VOLGI. Ignoramus a no publim-ed ill 163o, Albumastar in 16 is, and Melanthe in the fame ear of these two luter, the writer of the letter bove referre in has o en ille tities at tengili4 an rem ks that his con o Melanthe elonge to Matthom miton, and that themames of the persormers incit are rittenagainst thei respective character in the enumeratio of the dramatis personae. De Piscator above-mentione inas ritte by Phineas Helcher, the author os an allegorical poem, entille The Purpis Isaia, and was prinis in to in x6ax, it the ille of ieelides. cannot here omit o observe, that r. Birct, in the manuscript collectionis in Chamberlain's letters e re referre is, has in a noteon this, informe us that assuma r a taen fro in Italian comedy and in Stremens, in a nostin Timon os Athos, says that the original o albama r was an Italia comedy, asseda A et-


Ν- this Ming the state of thei plays, heir am an dis.

andi inred at Venire in x6o6. Me PQUon an Stremens s Sha Peare, edit. 778 Vol. VII. p. 34. It is something singulis that of the fouae play acted on this occasion, two via. Ignoramus an albumaear, hould nave been taken hom the Italian, and Dom thessam author, iambis-isa Porta. Μr Chamberlaim has in the tot se very briae notice these acis,as to miserit necessar here to give seme further amount of them, speciali as e commend the philosoph act. ein the that the dia. vinit axwas hept by Dr. Da venant for in a tracst inserted in r.

Balers manuscript collections Vol M. p. 33, entille Catalogus Procan. Procur Doctorum Ue una cum Notis quibusdam historicis, ex o Ceniseniano, aucto ex Collere m. Gui Disilagham S. V. P. p. o, sub anno 16 is, is the following memorandum mens Mart. 7,. x6et4-Is Dre. Da enant, cum tribus quaestionibus. Nulla est tempo- ratis papae potestas supra reges, in ordine ad bonum spirituale. Infalli bilis dei aeterminatio non est annexa cathedrae papali. Caeca obedi- entia est illicita. Fulter, in his Morthies, Cambria Mire, p. 16a, says that in his a Dr. Ioh Da venant mas ans erer, and Dr Richardfori, among thera, oppostra that the question a maintainedin the negative concerning the excommunicatin of hings that m.

Richar On vigorousi presse the practice of St. Ambrose, ho excommunicaud me emperor Theodosus that the tanti sim passion replied. Profecto fuit hoc ab ambroseo insolentissime factum; and that Dr. Ricbardporans ered, Responsum vere regium,in Alexandro dignum; hoc non est argumenta di luere, sed dissecare i audiuitin down desisted hom an further dispute. An froin the letter of r. G-- herla s, in the rexi, we leam that Dr. Harsenet, bishopo Chichester,

in then vice-chaucellor, a the moderator in it. The law ct aru


esse siniste moderator the an erer, the varie . prevarga cator, and ohe of die repsem, that Were albos his house, Menty anget a plece . o sor orations and concios ad clerum, I ear no inany but thri I did were extraordinary, and the betterso that the were mort The universit orator,

Nethesis ' though hecte a proper man and ththh wel os himself,

was answerer, o respondent, incit; r. Preston, o Queen' college, 1 opponenta and Dr. Reade, o Pembrole hasi, moderators and the quention in it was, hether dog could mahe syllogisms, a question very



Grais and me illietas adri that he callia iam μα- btile oo, hic Mither semis ste hingior ann dy esse. But ure me hing was ex edino pletata many times both at the play an disputations is Phad the hapa be sor miniare Mihin Maring and osten at his meat he would . evres a muta. e visite es the colleges, sive two or three, an commend them Myon Oxsrd; et I am not so partiat, but therem I must crave pardo notet, is his opinion Thoum Uendum a great dea es penance by the way is this litti pletaure, ni I, id not have missed it so that Irae thereis the partialit of both sides the --ri a me platan an applaudin the elves in est, and the Oxserimen a fast condemnis an detractin ali stat was done n wherein et I commende arbees ' mo- de , Whilst he was there; hoieiniserioussydealdi thal by lonne Mend to say What he thought, ans ered, that he had testinis malice and judgmen at home, and came thitheront to commend.

'ad the face to appea in the wwn whil in En κα


and refused many importunities of great men among Whoms was r. Secreta ' that ad areat means for Μr.


very peremptor that way; hemin. heria o much bis be Nam . in a matre es more consequenm than a fies vas imaginta .rae did his part Gery way, as Melli mode


a minua, in his life of r. Donam p. x edit. 67s, Bys, stat summer, in the ver same mont in hieli he entere into sacred 4r- dere, and was ad the hing's haptain, his majest then Din his progress was entreme to receive an interiainment in the universu Cambri es and w. Donne attendiu his majest at that time, his majest .as pletaedio recommen himeto me universit iste made doc- tor in divini . m. Harsenet, after aret imo of rora, .as then vice chaneellor - --in him tote in author of that learned book, the Nodo--ri , remine n other proos of his abilities, but pro pinxit to the university who presenti adsented index essed a fal-s est 'at he had suc an occasion to entille sum tot theirs.' a