Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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becante ultimatet setfled at this alter place and ston this

tot a derived his descent. O the lde Mr. Rurale, o the offers of his hildremno further particular are nown than stat he himself died he e the yearo 6 Iet, forci appears that his is was buried ut a Mam the et o Februar I 6 Ia, and is described in the regisse so that parum by the nam an addition of aeter Rugie, Wido '; stat ne of his alighter diedin 368, and one of his sons in I 57o, both intanish; and

that two iners of his dati ters, ho ere living in I 62I, were marrie an setfed a Geser'; ut George, me subjecto our present enqui , a bor' a he himself inform usin his ill hereaster inserted a Lavenham, and most proba-blym ut in mont of November I 575 for on the 3ὶ ἡ that mont we find that he was baptized . At a competentage he was sentis grammatica instruction to the ree grammar-schoia a Lavenham, here his industr m the prosecution os his studies, and the modest an sobriet of hisbehaviour, seon attracte the notice and conciliato the ata sectio of r. Milliam Greenhasi, the then master, and pr ducediet rei them a friendiuim ich was terminate onlyby the death of r. Rugule'. The progressi hich he had here made in grammatices erudition, fibrdiny good round se expectatio that in time he would attain to a Uistinguishedeminenc for literature, induce his ather pears in

have arrive to a considerable degre os opulence, since wefind that, beside maintaining a numerous family, he was ena-bled totaro such a design into execution stili surther o en-c rage his propensit is earning by superaddin to the instruction hic he had atready received the additional ad-vantage of an universit education and the vicinit of --

os them . .

appellation o bis kin men in milliam Greeahalli ome time iu


briare to the place of his residence naturas piamin statum B in pu os in presere e to infra it was resolvia tost inima Cambriare. In puxsuance of this resolution, and with a viem ascit is conceived that herihould enter into hol ordeta, the NungerMr Rugo was in the ear II 89, an in the I in f his age, placed in St. OhUs college, Cambriare, of hichisundatio the Rev. Ur impinger, then rector of Laveniam, his himself been a sello. and entere in in matriculationbook of the universit' in the an es a pensioner, as it i called, in the oth o June in stat ear no limingbere the good ortune to obtain an schola ip other pr visio in remove to Trinit college, and was there admittiato a scholarini o meminis Ma 1593 . - yea I 503, o the bsequentine, mung uule is imagine is have tata the degre of bachelo os aris, sor it appeam that in I 597 he too thati master, e Ma that time stia o Trinis college, an seon aster entered into hol ordem' abut stom Trinit college he, in the nexi ear 598, re Viato G e halis, and was there electe to a se Mihip.


'here, among neWs, ome of more plain importi Some of more tanger, under me- of spori, Pheud of two occurrenis, strange to teli,


The natura bent of his inclination seemsto have Ied hin to the stud of polite literat eri in the prosecution hereos hest himself to acquire a competentanoMedge of the Frenebahd Bollan languages, in the lauer o whic he has test be- hi aim evidence of his stili, a Wil hereaster appear, andio forma intimate acquaintance Wit the writings of the severat Graia an Roma meis, historians, and oratore. Osthe Roman poeta, he eems is have been more speciali conversant it the work of Vistoc Ovia, Lucan Drance, Pistitus, Catullus, Juvenes, Persus, an Martial ci, and among the Italian writers the productions o Glambat Dia Porta a Neapolitan philologist, and particularly his comedim, Me ound is have attracte his notice and engaged his a

tention V.

His reputatio se Iearning and stili in ali polite literatum

.is no confine to his own college, nor indeed to the universit os ambri si ut ecam so generat, that it was an inducement Wit man parent an guardians o placingyoun me at Clare hall, in preserence to any the semimus and it was doubiles owing to the iam circumstancestat

Eollection, No. x77, entille The Limes Oftha in risus Men thalhame en Macate in the mos ancient anae mous --ersit os Cambriage, frem the 'undat on there uni therea et is, a corum ou of Bais, Pirro Ileri tostri mori Calam, miser, ite has given, p. 29, ahries account of rauthors in hicis heius, George Rurale, master of arts, was educate in and some time fello. os, clare hali; hut in the forme partis this assertion, as appear a ve hecis in evidentlyisistatan. The date in the textris supported by an enuramong the finxemaining paper at Clare hall. From est thes authors passages are to e found inserte in thaeomed of Ignoramus, more estpeciali from Martiat, the quotationc m

thei inritings, printed a Paris in rhallavo by Rober Stephens, in is 4, ich appears to have been collateda in Ruggis illi other printea

editions and even it some manuscripis, an in hic the various readings, and also allusion to the classic authora, are note in in. Ruras hand-wriure, is no existing mong his otia book at Clara hall. t of this person se an account in a subsequent note


that the π sons es Pasiavicini, nisiit os aberiam in Cambri estire' ere committe totis tuition.

thos of his friends' om in Rug, has thought fit tomotice in his mill ,hic professe to e abridy and alteria, in ome ver tristingrespects Domine inritten hymr Turner, bissio os Ely, and in hic

after relatin that in rimar, before he was eight years old, a sent

famous for a set of the most eminent me of thei times in their severat faculties tr. Buller se physic Μr Lahe who was after Manced

in divinityi the last of these inho a the generat scholar, as pleased to receive a ouin o such great opes into his own inition.' r. Ferra appears Domnliis life to have been hornin the firmos ebruavxssi his erilement a Cambri e as bove relared, must theresere have been prior to the in os Februar 16o , asin his latre danhis stir-reenth year a complered, and he inementered into his fourteenth. It is ver rem table stat of the si eminent me here mentioned, threce ere concernia in the production an representationis Ignoramus.

Μr Ruggle was iis auctor and r. Lahe played the par o Trico, an in Par insen illa o Ignoramus, o iis fir performance, vide infra; and w of the ix viet in Par insen and Dr. Aufi Linfisi, cur among the ames of thos friend whom r. Ruggo has mentione in his ill init particula mark of affection. These are the word in hic a gentieman o Cambri e relateat a frien the sucees of an application, hichii made in 17 73 to the late Dr Goddaia, the then master o Clare hall, o information respecting Μr. Rurale, in author os Ignoramus adting that in conseque e of this appotniment, an annuit os ne hundrediound per annum for his life was stilled on in Rurale, hicli, when the familyastematas fel into decay, he voluntarii gave prio his pupils This, and the sin mentioned in the texi, the fame person furtheriai mere be-lieve in the college on tradition; ut the word in the lex are un- fortunateisso vasue acto render ii do Uul hic of the Pallamieinisi the person here meant. In order, however, that in reade maybe aequainted missi in histor os a family, hichrior more resion than

onerit illae hereaster necessis that he hould understand we mali here inseri the lallosing particularer

The celabrate auctor of Ignoram e


To these testimontes in favori of hi literar merit, sticollege themselves added theire vites respes' to his justice and


Si noratis P amicim, the ounder of the famil here in riglaia, Was by blath a Gerasse, and in his out Minii the Lom Guntries, hestere privatela marrae a omanis mea condition, after hose deam,

and that of his facter, he came over into Englis d. an came, in queen Mavla time, the collector of the pope' taxes in this kingdom; ut uine Math of Mao he embezzled ne money,hichae ad thus received, and sentingaere, married a secones se Having obtained in as86, a patent of naturaligation, he purchased severa estates, and ascit has

and in the countari as, are informed he reside eluier atine or ther

of the places besere mentioned, ut speciali a Baisrham, of nicia placete is in his ill describestoae. In 1588 he was one o the Wh- 'mander against the pani Marmada, for hicli sui vice, ascit is conceived he was ninnex and in isso he was sent by queen Elimabeth in homi had rom timeri time himself lent, and procure offers tolend ver large sum os money, ambassadb into Germanu, and dyingon thoia 16oo, he was uried accordin to the destre expresse in his iniit, at Baberham. his first iis hedestine son, namedad arganda his second who in a ea and a V after his deatii, via. in Pul 16 os, arrie Si olime Crommeli, uncte to the protector osons, namedior an Tobias, ori as hecis more usuali called, ob ν, and one dau ter named Battina. Ei- , ita son by his first,ise, hom Sir Horatio does no evennam in his ill presente to in Pames, soon after Sir Horatio udeath, a petition against his hal brotne Tob, charginibotn him and

his athe with havin defraude quem Elizabet an hinc me of

linighted, and die without siue a th October 1615, as appear an inquisition


integrith by nominatin him eo the osside Done of the

trived to dissipate ali stat vast fortune hic his fallier had amassisti, asweli as,hat descended testam a the hei os diis brother Si Hen , and whatae acquire a the residuar legate of r. Rurale, and was in the year 1637 a Sir Hor Delman in his μνου of Sacrilege, p. 25s, notices confined in the Ieat for debi, is no the latet rcle ed. Hemamed in the da of his brother Sir Henoes maniage , vis et in Aprila 6o6, Iane Crommesi a daughter of Sir Olimer Cremet veli, an sister, ait is supposed, o Sir Hor Pasiamicimi s iis, by whom he had children, orare legatres also in in Rugses ill Iane, Tobla inise diecta ad March 1637, in the 43d yearo herage, as appears by an inscription brher, a se. years since remaining inoe paris chure cichining ongar, in E ex. M the iam chure was also remianing a se years since, ah inscription for Horatis Parumicini, squire, ho dieddus 6, 1648,

aged 36, and whoma conceive is have been one os obstachaldren. Battina became the wise of Henr Crommenesquire, e est se offirolime Crommel besere-mentioned, and was urie in Augurinis church, minissem, o tot April.Isis, as Mears fiomine register. To this account, hic is principali compiled fram priman' Hi dor of Sacrilege, Arem' Sume of London, Mom' Chronicis, Mer's Chronicis, Umer' Faedera, in κώφου' Medates of Palatim, and ther authorities, longincit is, Ι must 'et mari an addition, illi a vie- ω discover hic of thos mentioned in this note is the person intended in the passage in the text. For this purpos Pshal fir observe thalneither Sir Horatio no Sir Hor have in their ills at allioticed r. Rurale, hich. he had imone instance been tutor to Sir Horatio's sonuor in the other o Sir Henr himself, ould careely have been the case, and that no evidence has et Me found to prove stat in Rurale had even the least acquaintance illi either Sir Horatio or Sir Hemm o the Montram it appears, Dona in Rugμ own will stat Tot milia ciniwas his intimate friend, and he has accordiisit in is queathed legacies to Tob, to GD's .ise, and o Tob's childrent tris muc more probablecterelare, that it was to ob s Ans, and noteto Sir Horatio's, thathe was tutor, and be correspondence of dates as ilibe observe in subsequent mole, is suchis to induce a very strong suspicio that his last was thesich. o his conjecture I knowaut of one ob istion, hichris that the person mensione in the ex is there sal to have been a kn1gh in degree which, though sorti persons have ver erroneousi styled imrsir Tob it is preti certain that ob as not forcit is observabie, that in the tomb-none or his iis in Chippingiva chureli, me is de- έcribed a the wise of Tob Pa Ouini, eiquirer an as his affairs ere a so


form us was, originalty, to iness, tax, o rate the renis at

whic the houses o lodgings elongin to the ownsmenshould e let out to the scholare of the universit' in number os colleges besn at that time insuffcient is lodge them ;but in later times the bount of soundere tavin providesse scholars habitations and Aodes rent--e, me ut of the taxere was made to consist in the examinationis the weighta an me ures by hic est oris of ood are sold in -hriage, ut especiali sucessoris acare urnished to the member of the universit neverihelesi, his succes in the universit doctisol, o the whola seem is have been adequatem his mersitor doeci appea that his deseris ere of sussicient mali is ais him to an consideriste rank so theoia emolument hic the ever procured him, exceptingladeed the besore-mentione annuit' mas a sello hi in Gare hall, and this es taxe was the ni public ossice towhich e find that he was ever elected; ut, in addition to his academicat honoum in his own universit' it is ound that,

gle being thema mineris aris of Cambriste, as admitted in the fame degre in this laiter'. About the eginning of the ear I 6 II in universit of mbrido ec me engaged in a contest,it me vor of

the town and the corporanon, o the question, hic of the two the vice- ancellor of the universit' o the mayor of thelown was entilled to precedence of the ther. The incident

icti gave immediate is to this contest, 'hic was aes much involved, and his circumstances se ad that weraad, as has heen elare mentioned that he was in r637, the year of her Math, aprisoner m the nee sor debi it cantardi be imagine that the honour of knighthood was afte ard conferre on him. ut to thici marbe ansisered that the description in the textris no sufficiens definite toexclude a supposition stat a the christia nam is notatuen the rank of the person may be istinen and that a Sir Horatio an Si μηροwere bothaniois, it a taenior granted, ill ut furthe enquirustat Tob was ne also. Dela Fasti Eccles Anglicanae, sol edit. 736 P. I .


iennii terminate in 16 12, by a decision of the priv coun-cit, in favis of the vice-chancellor, a this, stat me thenmayor, Thomas mari, hia, at the Guildhes of the own,

in the presence of the vice-chancellor, laimeri an accord-

ingly seated himself in the superior place, as his due, hich

il a contende belonge of right to the vice-chancellor, 'but which, notwimstanding, mari continue to occupy, illhe was forcibi remove stom it by the vice-Chancellor' attendanis . In the conduct of the dispute o bellat of themvor an Corporation oneraris , a Common lamer, the

teast contributerio hee it sive This alter circumstance, ascit is imagine: first introduced o r. Rura,' notice and acquainta e the professiones character of the practister of the common laws o sar boweve is certain that i suggesta In in Baler' manuscript collections no- in the Briti Mucium, vol. I. p. 29, is inserted hom a manuscript in the libxary, as it rems, of Iesus college, Cambriam, a list of the mayors of Camoriam; and in this si is containe the followin passaget rix' i. e. 16xx mari. Ilic in praetorio Guild-hall, locum Hemmum procancellario

debitum praeoccupavit, a quo inde deturbatus fu1t.' Francis Bra in Braba, Brac in or Bracbn, 'uire, sor in alithese waysa findiis nam spest, in person here mentiones, was a barrister a law of the societ o Gram inn, and as appears homiMatiis origines uridiciales, edit. 1671, p. 9s, the autum restiari that societ so the 38s year of queen Eli ιαν mim, via. 596. In the eignis hincyames, though the time of his appotnimen .ehave notoe been abierio discover, he was electe reconder of C-Midve, hicli office he hel tu 16α , When, acine findivom in s Iowing memorandum, copie Dom the wwn book, and insertia in Μr. Ba re' manuscript collectionsae re referre is, Vol. XXII. p. 463, he resignia it his ear, 1624, r. Francis Bralis felde u his recorder' place, and in Catho neps a cliose in his mom,aut not hypatent, x6α4. From illis' Notitia Partiamentaria, edit. 73o, Vol. I. p. Isi itis eam, stat Bra in in the fame ear et6- was electe one of the representatives in partiament for therio nis Cambri e whicli probata might be his motive so resignins his ossice a


ed to him in thought, and induced him in sermo resollitiones exposiniit o ridicule, in a representationis the stambesore hinc mes, who ad long been, an stili, , -- pected tota a visit to Cambri e . and in hos preiudices against lawyersi h a subject was peculiari suited. For the executio of this his design,ir. Rurale appears to have been much belle qualifie and prepare than could have been expedis .considerintho suddent he conceived this intention. e hadictore this time acquired a sussicient degre of stili in the Italian language, and wasiecome est acquainte Wit the wTitings frui latuisia Portis abo--


etinue in M, tacitata besere been the retreat of men o lettera, as .eli soreignera a thos of his o. country. e rore an publinteostverat moris, the tities of sime οὐ ira arealven in Moreri ut theoni ones of themmo. generallyanown re a reatis o natural magic, an another o physiognomy. Moreri, rom hos Dictionary, art. Porta Dan Batsest the substance of this note is taen, in enumeratingethe work of Poria, stys that he was auctor alse of severat comedies,mithout mentioning thei number, o the nam o any one of them,

and adda, that he die in i 61 s. o suppi this defect theresere, ehere informiu maders, stat therare in number Durteen, and stiali, n


rientioned who, esides ther oris, ad Mitren undo comedies in Italian, and among thers, ne entillada et Trap-poliaria, one of the principes charactere in Which, viz. HUMin author achnowledges 4n e prologue, is borrowed romethates Phoenicium in Plautus, and indoed the whiae comedyMille unxto bear a verystrong resemblance, especiali insime of the incinnis in the plat, to the Pseudolus of that amethor, in hich alone the characte es Phaenicium occurru

1 have no besone me froni encerit ast ars that he hadnodioni attentivel readest buchia in seme places correetidit, an in ther i ad note in What manne seme particular tas and phrases ere o be vendere ima Engli the Noet resore of this e determine to adoptis the table of his intended comedy fit in neverthelest, o sue variations estricidendi, characlars, and sentiments asinis inclination stovi suggest andiis j gmen approve 1 is careel to e imagine that in Rugo sano iam Miras could alone enabi him to carr into MCution a resolutionise ad Erme es exposing both him an his profession to contempt; ut it was his sortim is ecome -- quainte Wit a member of the corporation o Gmbriare, Mr Mias Gould Orough o was master of es the secreta thereosi