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t reos, and who gave iam duin i mavis tonining the charactem, the viems, and designs of the severat individual, oestat Oh, as a more than sussicient sor hispisuo . lamas nevertiales necessar that in satire he intended shouldbe conveyed ita technica in s and sor these he would haveheen greatly at a laselut so the publication of two law books,hoth ven at this a meit --, hic contribuae verymuis to mata hi acquainte Withthe nature es deessan conveyances of vario alias, and la 'oce ings in generat, o furnu him it many of the corrupi Lati M
niter Rrms, ut accordiu to ther authorities, in sys. Themayor and his brethren, and their ives, were invited tesseerit, or ather, stys Fulier, is se the elves abused in it for the scholars ad notoni enable themselum to imitate an ridicule the habiis, gestures, language, tests, an expression of the ownsmea, ut ad evenior-mwed the wwnsmen' own best cloath to pectorm thei respective pares in m the performance it a se contrived a that theriownsmen, be-ing rivetted in on ossi fides by scholus, hould me no opportuni os departinxtili in play was overi and stlould there re e compelled
plaine of the insultrinus offered them to the lord of the priv councit, hut oblataedio further redres than a pro se frem ome of them, that the would morti come to Cambrid , and in Her the belleroo judo of the subjectis complaint, an to proportio the punissimen to thenature an degre of the offence, oui direct the comed tot again
performe besore the elves, an in the resince of the lovgnsmen. naster Minoer, than submit is a seeon representation the wwnsmen
t vocis prudent to Morali further thoughts of rectess.
Wit these materiais, and suci a stock of extraneous knowledge a he was besides possessed of r. Ruraleleganliis intende comedri hich sor man reasons, he had resolve stould e in Latin and complete his designa the
produEtioni me present comed of Ignoramus, in hicli ho has socia deviared rom the origines author, a that thoughth plo in pari, and the conduci of s me of the cenes, is bono ed stom tbem molaria, et the whole comese of 4
steia os fles, where the transactions represented in the Trap- laris axe suppos a passi, r. Ruggle has laid the scene es his comed at Murdeau in France, an has change thenames of the character almo throughout is substitutingsor Ciallistone, Theodore sor senio, Antonius for thyia, Rosabella sor Trappoti, Trico se Lucrino, Torco Fa- ne and Gabrina his iis, Cupes and Polla his seu sor Po- rene 'ropus for uoco, Caupo and lamn or Heleonora,
Gothea. orientifrango, me Leonesto, Wo servant of Dragoleone a captain, he has introducta me neW charactersos Dulman and Pecus, wo cleis of Ignoramus a laser; and se Dragoiren himself the original one o Ignoramus, Mawnsrom in besore-mentioned B θ' me then recorderis Cambriam; ut hos o Mufinus, Surda, Bannaea mola, Rime, Neli, an Richarsis, are entires of his own invehiton, and have no correspondent ne in the Italian of the scenes,
ori se ames in the bove dramatis personae, as altered by in Rumis, a refer is the character of the perisns inho respectivel bear hem. RUMHLa, reus, and Dul viae, are uincienti obvious Trico is bon- - Do the Latia Trico, a trieinis Torcia, a torio collo, Domnis r nec frum the Latin Cupes, a gluttona Polla, stoma d corrupt
tWen -one're in mei conduct borrowed rom me origines Italian; simis more re ut partia imitations es it; and the rema in eightem armentires origines .
of the Italian comed i is to e remacteri that thoughi is not antiniimplea try, and is interspersed wit scenes of humour, it is neverthese of that serious species of drama,
of Whic the comedies of Drance have eve been deemed themost perfect modet one of the most conspicuous characters incit is that est Pirene, a captain os a galle' and a WV-kerer; ho, in his pretension to uesa, a lia os great discretio an virtve, and who was euothedri a love es great merit, is deseated and exposed to ridicule. In lanning the comed of Ignoramus, Mr Ruggle , hutnou too a different direction: instea es a Thrasonical
captain, a character o osten iterate in the Roman comedribis invention suggeste to him me introductionis, ne and origines personage, an Eng. common laWyer, hom, stat he might excite in the spectator both miri and indignation,
he has represente as a pedant, a dunce, and a reue.
What miotae,r Rugri s reason se thus venting his reseniment is no here expreselydeclared tojustis it - may suppos Brasito have been a pedant in his professions busnactives
eorrupi Latin Polla, hic is explainta in Du tange' Glossam to signi' pullastra, gallinula, Mulette, Leg. f. pulla ; Oropus. m the
Latin Tyropus, a arbuncla, in allusion to the deceptio putin vir in Ret II Sc. Ignoramus, Domine a term Iinoramus, hic is εκplainea in the glossar heretos Mufinus, Bom the Latiae ustus, or ather the Greel mraisc, procredincisom the uses stoma Latia adiective Surdus, dea, alluding tomer dealaeseri an Gla, romine coriam Larin Cola, hic Du cinge, in his Glossary renders, 1. Genus pigmenti, quod Graeci accidam dicunt a Cervina. Among the Harisian collection no in the riti useram, is a manuscript m the tand-writing, as in prinred catalogue inform us, fone LMmm G Mons esquire, but of whoma can in no account Thia
manuscript is num redisso, an contains, p. 16r, a memorandum in the follisining inord The comed of Ignoramus, se abusive against
clamem, an supposed is e made by r. Ruggest, os Clare hall, in Cambri e is ut a translatis of med in Bapti Porta, ut of Italiam intitule Trapulario, as may be sten by the comed ital extant in Clara tali librarn wit notes of in Ruagia' thereon, f
adive, and crasty, in his managementis ste usines of the
corporation caballing With the member thereos, and turning the contentions amore them in his own adontage; and i to these particular we ad ahat he , gan and enco age me contins et mn the wwn os Cambriare and the universiin, have semething like a reason Exabe seve
his ontrivis an inering thereota tris ver evident that in. Gubbonsia neve sein the original book in Clama hala libra , thoughhe refers orit, therinis he would neve have sal that in Rurales notes at ali relaterio his contraring and altering of the reinpoliaria. have o. r. agres identicia e y of the raenotiret hesere me, an rapon carestat inspectiniit, ais, em te in say that in Raggula notes are eleven, andio more, in numher ibat one of them telis ua, that unimalluchio signifies a coim another correcta the Basan ordharreri in herene and another pittima, pulmee, hic is there rendere into Englis phyfie; and that the other e , exceptis oesyone, hic contain a referene to the Padatis o Plautus, in these Word Ps. MD . c. 7. a. s IIc are mere transtations os singlewotas, o expressions into Engis me videare comatae in thecopy of the Tra Maria, at Clare hall, to .hieh - Θμαν refers, toprove Ignoramus a mere translation, confists of the is .ing mamiseript te, inritis o the lea immediatet precedin the litte-page, in anhan nearly --evia mith in Ruule' time, and signia T. I. ut inhothis I. I. inas, mare unablerio discoor. Comedia multo smolisy plena di Trapstolaria, da iniri tradotta da comedia, intololata sintito 'L Ignoramo, composta da insegnio simo huomini ' ingeniosissimo livomor inestro Georgio Rurale, socio des collegio di Clar, c. . . .'But the state of the variations, salven in the texi and o the accu- rac of hic in reade ma rely, sufficiently demonstrates the injustice of terming Ignoramus a mere transsation rom the et ramoliaria. in Rug, has in the fir sterie of his comedy, asce ineffoedare os a fin by ita hising happened not more than si month after arace it France a concluded This reat o prace, fines tohave been date is augus 16io an in a notem the passage ..
Thelopes of the universit' that the hing would mine thema visit, had se osten been frustrates that the bega now tostar, that without ome exertions o mei par to procure it, such an event ould neve tata place and ther ore, to prevent
hing' onteriainmen on his also was o u st of publie in and actaqmicat exercise in the severat acesties, and of the representationis comedies an it is ut asiniste toconclude that a me greater par of the interval betvreen themaking of this promise and iis actus performance was pent by the vic chancellor, and the offer member of the univertassity in providinisor steatng's reception a cambri 6 and sor his enterlatamen durin his continuance there ' They
king s ourney, is imagining that the earl of Sumia, Daring either thata application Domitaself, nsupportia by semelne os mater ei tintin the king mio fau of essuri, o that the ear of Somesset, thethen favo ite might, is notriin applied is respectiniit, prevail on thehinga refuse his equest, might hince be induce to communicare it toMmemet, and in mari se of his mediation to obtaicit Domaheling.
α his motive sor, niit, an havin determine that its ut be ne of thois comedim persorme durin his sta',
ML RQ, mas induce to rite the se of the - μή logues prefixe thereio an a me timerio prepare it must
necessarii have been stor te has modesti subjoined is it thesello M apolog fio Martiri: Da veniam subitis; non displicuita meretur, , Festinat, taesar, qui placuisse tibi. . The character in the comes iustis Uere, e find thus distributed:
oste churis prefermenis a Maeld, but restoressito them again in 166o, relates that he was succredes a Bambam by one Legare, os, maeives an account in the following oessi mis succeta a Baraham inas one Legate, hocia personated Ignoramus in Cambriam, herethat play was acted herem ore his majesty-hinc me I. and continues me aster a perfect comedian in the pulpit, severat stories of .hieli tand D uld let the reade h-- .ere it, in the while. Though he had nore pridir Crins the fifth an more than onoe, et the Doctor ge- ner si protared him so I. a year, after he was reponessed of his living in 166o, o conditionis Would continue there and serve the cure; ut
havini en instrumenta in bringin hin Charin I. to the bloch,
chance and enquire aster in Legate, that he had ahenaim into cuia 'od the ver in ianthe came way, foramian a faction, a , ascit Bems, e angering a tumuit there From the list iven in the texi .hicli is certaini genuine and is confirmedi ali sue manuscript of this comedras have the dramatis personae and actor names, .hic in greater par of them have, it appears, that the par of Ignoramus Was, o the fir representatio of this co-
i is vid is have been performe by Legawwhen Ignoramus mas inedat Cambri e ctore hinc ames This contradictionis kno. notho to reconcile t Ignoramus mas petio ed ut tisice e re Lug ames, via. on in Mare r6x4-rs, and xlth My 61s, and vistimes by the fame actore Se an account of kmi mola secon visit. inserte in the appendix hemis Perhaps e may be old that a thectaracter of Ignoramus is also iste found in the secon prologue thae
possibis, even more improbable than in imagine he,in the secondiUr sentation, mirat have performed the character of IDOramus for i in Par Uon a d that Magnoramus in the comedy, hymi che noti as Minis ely the fittest person for that pur se also pia the same parti the prologue at inducement eouid there possibly beet appotnt in Par insonet in the former, and any one elimis play the latrem
more than presumes, an rensonabis ground for erusal, gave thei consent is his playing the pari, iactae aecordino did.
POLLA, dipis vitor, Dominus oesham, Gare hall. COLA, monachus, frater, m. Matio Amille an Caius
rule, tot motaed. In consequence of this opinion, he wen to thei vice-chancellox, and destred tot excusedrimm playing an part at ali in the comedy giving achisaeason for this equest that he judgestit unia ut for
a man in ear omen' apparet even in a comedy. The vice-chancellor
accompanted by the prince of Wales, afterward kin Charies the first, arrived at Cambriare. The particular of his enir alid reception, as also a Coptous relatio of the transacti s duringliis sta at the university, are contained in the solio in letter, writte by one Who Wa an actuat spectator es est that passed,