Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


re quest. liene it Seem deduci ble, that prayers ot conformabie to the rules soli Divine ord, re ne vertheles ossi- cactous I reply, si rSt, that a permanent ut is no annullo byparticular XampleS; Secondi y that peculia emotions have sometinio been excite in a sex individunis causing a distine-tion et Neen them nil men in generat. For the an Swer os

Christra his discipies, ho inconsideratet wis est o mulatu the Xample os Elias, that the linei not hat spirit thoy

the pressure of injustice implore his ais that he heres ruexecutes his udgmenis, hei the complaint of the oor ari Set him, though the are uti Northy of the leaSt avo urable attention. For fio osten, by puniShing the cruelay, rapine, Violence, iSt, and ther crime of the implous by resti aining thseir audacit and sury, and Veii subverting thei tyrannicalpo wer, a he manifesti assiste the victim os un right eous oppression though the have been beatin the uir illi supplication to an unknown God And ne of the Sahnisi cloarlytenche that Some prayers are no inesseetuat, hicli novertheles domo penetrate into heaven by aith. s Fori collocisi hos prayer Whicli necesSit naturali eXtoris frona unbelle vers as et a frona bellevers, ut o hic 'he event hows God to e propitio us Does e by Such condescension testis ytha the are acceptable to lim designoto amplis o illustrate his merc by this circumstance, that even therequest of Uriboliever are not resu Sed and like is to stimulate his triae orshipper to greater diligene in prayer, hile the se that even the lamentation of the profane re nolin- attended illi ad vantage . et there is no reason hy belle versshould doviat froni the rule iVen them by Od, or en Uy Un- belle vers a though the had made Omearent acquisition henthe have obtaine the objectis thei Wishes. In his manner e have sal that tho Ord a move by the hypocriticalpeniterice of Ahab, in Orde to prove by this example horuready hecis to grant the prayer os hi Own elect, hei theyseeli reconciliation illi him by true conversion heres ore in


th Psalmsi expostulatos illi ho JeNS beea HSe, astor havingeXperienced his propitiolisneS to thei prayers, the had almost immediately roturnod to thei Dative perverse ness. t It is evident also, rom the histor of the Jud ges that henevertho wopi, iliough thei te ars ere hypocritical, et they eredo verod rom thoiand of thei enuntios . A the Ord, there- foro, maheth his Sun to risu on the vi and n the good, ' it)promiscuou Sty so e despises no the lamentations of tho se Whos cata Se is juSt, and whos amictions deserve relius Atthe sume time his attention to them is no more connected illi salvation than his furnis inis od to the despi sors os hi good ness. The question relative to Abraham an Samuel is attend-od illi moro dissicut ty the forme of hom prayest so the inhabitant os Sodom ithou any Divine direction, and thelat ter sor Saul Veii contrar to a plain prohibition. v Thesam is the case os Ieremiali, ho deprecate the destructionos the ity. re For though tho Sussere dis repulSe, et it Soeriis harsh to de ny them to hau boen unde tho influe ne ossaith. ut the modest reade Will, I hope, e satisfied illithis solution that indi ut of tho genera principies by hicli God ervi in them to e mercisu even to the uia orthy, theywer Dot sentiret destitute of faith, though in a particula instanc thei opinion may have di sappo in ted them Augustine has omo here this judiciolas obsorvation How do the ainis pray in salth, hen the implor os God that hic cis contraryto his docroe. It is oenus tho pra accordinito his Nili, notthat hiddon and immutabio ili, ut that with hic hi inspires them, that liu may par them in re disserent Way, a he iselydiscriminatos. V his is an eXcellent remnrk beenuse, nec Ord- in totis incomprehensibi designs, homo regulates the Vent osthings, that the prayers of the Saluis, hieli contain a miXtureos aith and error, aremo in vain. et hi no more assord san Xample sor imitation than a Sussicient plen to Xcus thesainis them Selves, homQ admit o have transgressuit thobound of uty. Wheres oro, hen no certain promise an befound me liould reSent Oia Supplication to God in a condi

jectionis ali prayers, in hichi does 1io sin a persection os


saithis repentaneo, uni ted illi ardent ea and ull-regula ted destres. e have aid that although prayer i a familiar

mission andri prevent the majest os God botri tessened in

tionis him. This no an has ver performe With the puri tyrequired for to a nothing of the multitude ho many om-plaints of David savour of intomperanco os spiri l no that hewould do signedi remonstrate illa God, o murmur ut his j iidgments ut he satiat in consequence of his infirmity, and find no etter consolation than to poli his Sorrow in to the Divine bosom. MoreoVer God ear With ur Sping, and

escape nil certaint Without his indulgeneo there couldbe no reodomis prayer. ut though it a David ' intentioni submit himself hod to the Divine ill, and his patiencein prayor Nas equa to his deSire os obtaining his equests, et

io rusti into intemperance of langu age, or asci usual With theroprobate, destre Godo depari rommim omni complainsiliat he anno bear the Divine Crath. In theSe temptations, also the aint osten dro petitions no sussicienti conformabluto the ut o God's Word, and without due reflection On halis right and proper Ad prayers possu ted illi these lentishos deserve to e rejected et is the ninis mourn, correet them-Selves, and return to themselves again, God orgives them Thus tho offund likeWis against the secon ruteri ecause the frequently have o contend illi thoir Wn indifferetice no dotheir overt an miser Suffcienti incite them to seriousnessos devotion No , thei mirad frequently ander, and are almost absorbed in vanity and the also need pardon in this re Speet, est languid O mutilated or interr lipted and de Sulior prayers should meet illi a repulso God has naturali impresse the miradso men illi a conviction that prayers require t be attendedwith an elevation of heart. Henc the eremon os elevat ing


plino, ascis he stili designod to annihil at thei faith. It is a

exorcise of saith and liope, the neverthele S botra Some re- maius Osinbelles; ut since the cannot attain ali that is to bomis ud iliocomes them tote incroasingi diligent, in orde that, correcting thei satilis, the nin dati mulae earer approncheSto the perfeci ruleis prayer, and ut the fame timerio conside into vhat an abyssi eviis the mus have been lunged, ho evenit thei vor remedies contrae ne dise ases Sine there is no


and the sanae number os proclous tones ei ore his reast butthat the eoplo hould stand without in the Ouri, and thure unite thoi prayers illi hoSe of the prie St. The se of

ask. V et No that the were totali unacquainted illi theossico of the Mediator, since ali the Jews ore instrue ted in thes sirs principies, but ecatis the di not et cloarly

understand that Christ, on his ascension to heaven, Ouid bemore evidently the advocate of the Church than he was bes ore. Theres ore, to console thei Sorro sor his absence illi omesignat advantago, he laim the character os an advocate, und

such an inestimabie benefit, hicli is particulari dustined


Christ is appotnted a themii Mediator, by WhoSe intercessionthe Fathor is rendere propitiolas and favo urable to us Thesaint have likewis thei interceSSions in hiel the mutuatly commend acti ther' interest to God, and whicli are mentione d by the postle l but these are o sarcironi detractingany thing rom the intercession o Christ that the are entiret dependent On it. For a the ariSe rom tho affection oflove reciprocali fel by us toWard each other a member ofone Ody, O likeWis the are referre to tho unit of tho Head Helia made also in themani o Christ, hat are theybut a declaration that o man can e bene si ted by an prayersat ali independenti os Christ' intercession An a the intercession o Christ is no objection to ur mutuali pleadingsor acti Other, in ur prayers in the Chiarch, o et it e con- Sidere a a certain maxim that ali the in torcessioris of the whole Chiarch should e directe to that principat one. eought to e vare os ingratitude particulari on this ead be-


XX NON, the cavi of the sophist is quit frivolous, that Christ is tho Mediator os redemption, ut belleversis interceS-sion ascis ChriSt, after performin a temporar mediation, haules totis servant that hicli is ternat an Shali neve die. The who detractis diminutive a portion Os honour rom him, trea him doubiless, ver savourably. ut the Scripture, Withthe simplicit os,hicli a pio has an forSaking these imposiorS, Ought to e contented Spealis ver differently for heu JohnSays, J any man Sin, Ne have an Advocate illi the ather, Jesus Christ, V m does e ni mean that he has been hereto fore an Advocate foris, O does he no rather ascribe tomima perpetua intercession Θ What is intended by the assertionos Paul that he cis vera at tho right and of God, and also malleth intercession or iis ξρο λι And when e et sewhere calis him tho in Mediator et Neon God nil man, oes hono referri prayers, hichi has mentioned jus bosor o)For having rs asserto that intercession stio ut be ad forat muli, he immediatet addes, in confirmation os that dea, that ali ave ne God an one Mediator Consistent Withwhichris the Xplanation o Augustine, hente thu eXpreSSes


himssis Christian mori in thoi prayer mutuali recommendoacti Otho to the Divine rogard That perSOn, O Whom noone intercedes, whilete intercede sonali, i the truerandini Mediator. The apostle aut though a principat member unde tho Head, et ecause he Was a member of the od os Christ, and lino the great uni truemigii Pries os the Chiarchia sentored, Dot typicalty into the recesses illiin the veli, the hol Ostio es, but trul and reali into the interior receSSes of heaven into a Sanctuar no emblematical, ut ternal ,-Paul, I ay, recommentis himself O the prayers os belle vers. Neither oes hemali himsel a mediator et ween God and the oople, ut X- horis ad the member of theiodyis Christ mutuallyrio pransor One another sine the member have a mutua Solicitude soreach othera und fine member suffers, the rest sympathige illiit. Anil so hould the mutuat prayer os ad the members, hoare stili Unga sed in the labours of the pre Sent State, ascend neuch ther' bellat to the Huad, hocis gono es oro them into heaven, and whoci the propitiation formur sitis. For is Paulmere a mediator the ther apostles Ouid liemis sustain thesum Character undis there ould e many mediator and Paul s argument could not e supported When e SayS, Forthere is ne God, and one Mediator e tween God and men theman Christ Jesus in homoe also are ne is e Lee theunity of the Spirit in the ori os uaco. V Again, in another placo But is you Seel a priest, hecis above the heavens, hereti no intercede sor Ou, ho die for o On arth. V et w domo dream that he intercedes o u in Suppliant proStr tion a tho Fathor' seet; ut e apprehend With the postle, that he appears in the presene O God sori in Suchis manner, that tho virtve of his death avati as a perpetua intercessionsoris 'et S a that be in entered in to the heavent Sanctuary, he continuat ly, ill the consummation os ali hings, present toGod the prayers of his eople, ho re main a it ere, ut a diS


and in genera Christ is totali neglectod, and God is ad trossod

through their namus. Is no this transferring to them that ossice Os Xcuisive intercession, hicli, have es ore Ssertedio e peculiar o Christ gain, ho etther angelis demon, ever Uttere to any of the human race a Syllabi concerning Such an intercession a the protendi for the Scriptur is perfecti Silent respectin an Such thing. What rea Son then, Was there sor iis inventio se Certainly When the human mindilius seelis assistances for it self, in hicli it is no warranted

by th Wor o God, it evidently botrays iis an os aith. ΝοW, is, appen to the consciences of ali ho advocatos for the intercession Ofisainis, e hali sinu that the ni cause of it is, an anxiet in thei minds, ascis Christ could ait os succoss, orbe to Severe in his usiness. y hicli perplexit they, in the srs place dishonou Christ, and rob im of the character of the ni Mediator, hicli, ascit has been givon by the atheras his peculiar prerogative, Ought heres ore noto be transferrei to any ther. An by this ver conduci the obscure the glor of his nativity, and frustrato the bono fit of his cros ;in a Word, the dives and defraudi in os tho ruisse hicli is duo tomim for at his actions an ali his suffering since theund of thum ali is that he ma reatly be, and be necoianted, the solo Mediator They a the Sume time rejec the goodnessos God, lio exhibit himself a their ather; fori is no a sat he to them, utiles the acknowledge Christin thoi brother. Whicli the plaini deny utiles the belleve themsolve to belli obj0cts of his fraternat assection, than hicli nothin canae

we present Oursetve to the ather Without Whos mediation, netther e nor an os nil the ninis have the eas intercoursu With God. V solio reply that the public prayers in thechur hos are finis ed by this concutsion, through Christ urLord,' it is a frivolous subterfugo beenus the intercession fChrist is no les profane When it is consolande with thoprayers an merit of the doad than scit ore holi omittod, and the dea dolono montioned Besides, in ali lieir tantos, both verSe an prose, here ver honour is ascribexto dead Sainis, there is no mention Os Christ. XXII. ut thoi soli rises o suci, a pitch, that, havehere a strii in Vie of the genius o superstition, hicli, henit has orice halion Ossali re ins places in generalis limit totis Xeursions. For ustor men ad egian to rogard the inte cession Os ninis the by degrees me tomach his particularattributes, o that Sometime One, somelime another, might be


involiud a intercessor, accordiri to the disserene os the cases; then the chos caeli his particular auit, o hoSe protectionthe committed thenasel Ve n to the care os tutetur gods. Thus tho no oni Set iam a the prophe ancienti accused Israolygod accordin to the number of thei cities, k but evena cordin to the multitude os perSons But Since the niuis resor at thoi destres solet to the wil os God, and observe it, an acquiesce in it, he must uteriain oo fh an carnal, ando vera degradin thoughts of them, ho Scribes to them nyother prayer than that in ilicii the pransor the advent of the Lingiloni o God ver remoto rom,hicli is lint they protendconcerti in them that Vory one of them is disposed by a private assection more particulari to regar hi OWn Orship- pers. At longili multitudo soli ven into horrid sacrilego, b involain them no a Subordinate promoterS, Ut a principallagenis, in thei salvation. Se ho lo Wretched mortalssali, heu the Wando istoria thei lawsul Station the word os God omit the rosse monstrosilies os impiety, O Whicli, though tho runde them detestable o God angelS, an men, the do not et eoi illior ham oraries. Prostrate bes ore the

by the charin Os luere, they approve nil applaud it Butiliough the attemptrio remove rom themselves the odium os SO Oul a crime, et liat lea ill the urgo in desene of this that E gius and Medardus are supplicate to look omnsrom heaven on thei servanis, and to assis thum y and the hol Virgin to command her Son to grant thei petitioni It was ancienti sorbiddon ut the Councilis Carthage, that at tho altaran prayers hould e made directi to the ainis and it is probabi that, hen hos hol men could not holi subduellio foro os depraved custom, the imposed this restraint, that the public prayer might no b deforme by this phraso, in Poter, pray foris. V ut toto much greate tengilisos diabolicat absurdityiavo the proceeded, ho hesitate notio transferri dead men lint exclusivel belong to God und