장음표시 사용
ken an stimulate usa a cheersu praetice of it thani used asa retexi or lothmhaess. Hutio inconsistent is it to uasesrom the practice Os virtve ecause election is sufficient to salvation, hile the en proposed in electio is ou diligoni pol formanc O virtuo u actioni A Way then, With such co rupi an sacrilegious perVerSion Os the hole Orderis election.
salsu hood For liene could sucii Xertio originate ut fromelection hoeve are of the number of the reprobate, eingvesset made to dishonour, ea Se noto provolae the Divine Wrath against them by continua transgressions anxio confirm
God, lio has done hate verme has lea sed in heaven an in carth, and who has done even hing that are et suture cannot possibi be resiste by the Will of man, o as to prevent theexecutionis his purposes Since e controis the wilis os mon
BUT, in orde to a surthor elucidationis the subject it is neceSSar to reat os the calling of the loci, and of the lindingan harde ning of the implous On the sorineres have atready made a se observations, illi a vie to resut the error OfthoS Who Suppos the generalit os the promise to ut alimant indis an qua ty. ut the discriminatin election os God whicli sitherwis concealed within himself, he manifestson ly by his calling, Which may theresere mitti propriet be termedili testification or evidonee oscit For homo did fore-know, he also di prodestinate to e conforme to the image of his Son. Moreover, hom he id predestinate, them o also callex an whom h callod them e also justifi0d,' in ordorto thei evontuat glorificatiora su Though by choosin hispeopte thoior has adopte them as his Children, ot e foethat the enter no on the possessionis so great a lessing illitie are called On the ther haud as OOn a the nre called, they immediatoly eivio somo communication Os his election.
On his account aut alis the Spirit received by them both tho Spiritis adoption, and the sual and earnes of the futuro inheritanum V m bocause, b his tostimony, e consirin and Seal to thei hearis tho certaint of thei future adoption. Forthough the reachin os the gospei S a Stream rom the ource
M Rom. viii. 29, 30. ae Rom. viii. 15,16. aphes. i. 13, 14.
not certaint has not earned. t oes no necessarii fosso that he ho an come actuali comes, unius he has both willud an don it but very one that has earnod of the Fa-ther no Only an come, ut at So actuali comes here thereis an immediat union of the ad vant age of possibi ty the inclination of the Will, and the consequent notion. V In another placet is stili cleare Every one tha liathioard and earnedos the ather, cometh unt me. Is no this saying There isno otio that huar und earn os the ather, and comes no uiatomose For is every one that has hoard and 0arnod of the ather
terminos himself to e thei Father. B cassing, he introduces them into his family, and unitus them to himself that he may be ne B connectin cullin With election, the Scripture evidenti suggest that nothin is requisit to it ut tho reumero os God For is, inquire homine calis, and o What
And so that observationis Paul is ver applicabi here It is notis him that illoth nor os him that runneth, ut os God that homoth mercy ut notos it is commoni underStood
by those ho mino a distribution et Neen the graco os God, and the wil and exertion of man. For the Say that humandestres an ondeavours have no esticae Of themSelves utilessthe are rendere successsul by the grace of God ut maintain that, illi ho assistunc os his tessing thos things have ais their hare in procurin salvation. To refute heir cavit, I prefer Augustine 's Ordso my wn. Is the apostleoni meant that it is no of him that ilis, o os him that runs, Without the assistunce of the mercisul Ord, e may retor the converse proposition that it i notis mere alone, Without the assistanceis illing and running. V f thisi mani-DSil impious, e may be certain that the aposite a Scribes Verythin to the Lord 's morey, and leave noth in to Ur Wilis OreXertions This Was the opinionis that hol mari. or is theleas regar duo to thei palary sophism, that aut ould nothave Xpressed himselfio, is, hastis exertion O Will. Forti considore not hat Was in man ut Seein Some perSonSattribute salvation parti to human induStry, he impi condemno thoi error in illo forme par of the Sentenco, uni in the alter, vindicaton the laim of Divine mere to the holeaccomptishment os salvation. And what o tho propheis, ut Perpetuali proclaim the gratuitous callin os God λIL This poliat is further demonstrate by the Ver natureand dispensation os calling, hici consist no in the merepreachin of the word, ut in the a companyin ilium inationos the Spirit. o hom God offers his ord, e re informedin the prophet am ought of them that astio no sor me : am ound of thum that ought in not Psaid, ehol me, belloid me iant a nation that was ot called by in nariae. V b)And est the J0ws hould suppos that this clemene eX- tende oni to the Gentiles, e recalis to thei remembrRnCethe siluation rom hic si ho ook thoi sather Abraham, hen
assii m that men have no ars to hear, O eye t See, ut Suchas he has sorinod and that he cis in his no accordin toindividua gratitude, ut accordin totis Ni election. of this fac Luke give us an eminent eXample, here IeW and Gentiles in common heard the prouehingis Paullandiarnabas. Thoughthe wore nil instrue ted on that occasion illi the samo dis- Course, it is narrated that a many us ere ordat ne to eternaltiso, bu eve d. V o Nith ha saco, then, an e de ny the freenes os calling, in hicli election rei gn ulone even Otho last
saith. That this is it confirmation to scis ver clear that itis the manifestationis God' secret counset bes ore concented, e haverat ready Seen ; ut nil that, are to understandi this, is that hat wasio fore unknown is verisiud, and ascit ore ratified Withis eat . ut it is contrar to the truth to assert, that eleetion has no emeac tili aster Ne have embraced the goSpei, and that this circumstance ives it ali iis energy. The certaint oscit, indoed, e re t Seel hero forcis e attempto penetrate to the eterna decree o God, o hali 0 in gulsed in the profound abyss. ut hen God has discoverexit to us, me must ascend to Ostier heighis that the cause a no belos in the effect For hat an e more absurd an inconsistent, hei the Scripture teuchos that me ars illuminated accorditi a God has choSen iis, than that Ouri yes houldi sodagglod mitti the lage of thisi glit a to resus to contemplateolection A the sanie timeri admit that in orde to attain an RSSurance of Our salvation, e ought to egin illi the word, and that illicit u confidonee ought to e satisfied, o as Ocali pon o as ou Father. O some person S, O ObtRincertaint respecting the colin se of God, ,hicli is nigh uiatous, in ur motith and in ur eari, V f preposterousi Wistit soar bove the cloiad s. Such temerity there re, hould berestraine by the sobriet os salth, that e may bo satisfied with th testimon os God in his externa mord respectin his
IV. scit is erroneous, heres ore, to suspend the efficac os election pota tho aith of the goSpei, by hicli e discoverou interest in election, o e hali Observe the est Order, is,
in Seel in an assurance of Our Eleetion . e confine Ur attention to thos subsequent Signs hicli are certain attestations ofit. Satan neve attactis elie Ver With a more grievou Ordan gerous temptation, than When e disquiet thum illidoubis of thei election, an stimulate to an imprope destreos seel iniit in a ron Way. cali it Seeli in in a rong
highest terni ty that he ma disco ver lint is determino concern in him at tho tribunal of God Then se recipitates himsuis to se absorbo in the profound os an unsathoniableguis; thoni sentanglos himself in numberles and in Xtricabie Snaros thenio inlis himself in an abyssis tota dari ness. Orit is right that the soli of the human indishould e thus punishe with horribie do struction, hen it attemptib iis OKnabilit to ris to the summit os Divine isdom. his temptation is the more satat bucause there is no the to hieli menin generat have a Stronge propensity. For there is carcet aperSon to e found whose in is no sonte times structi Withthis thought shence an ou obtain salvation ut rom theelectior of God n What revelation have oti received felectioii Is this has once impressed a maia, it ither perpetu- atly Xcruciates the nhappy be in With readsul tormenis, O altogether stupefies him illi astonishment. Indeed,
Should destre O stronger argumento prove ho eXtremelyerroneous the conception Os Such perSon ure re Spectin pre- destination, than exporterice itSeis Since no error an assectili mirid, more pestilent than uel a disturbs the conscience,
rocli, on hicli non e ver triste ithout belli destroyed. But though tho discussion os prodestination a b comparedi a dan gerou Ocean, et in traversiti Overcit, the navigationis fas an serene, an Will also ad pleasant, unies an ones reel Wishos to expos himself to angor. For a thOS Who, in orde to gain an assurance of thei election, Xamine intotho terna counsul of God ithout the Ord, phitage them- solves into a sata abyssos the who investigate it in a regularan orderi manner, as it S containe in the ord, derive
ing that the lessing the dati receive froni the haud os God
tranquit God tranquilliges ali hings anxio belloid est is
tion an here e may do it With sasely. For a the ather has determine to unite to tho od of his Son ad Who are the
Objects of his terna choico that he may have a his child ren, at that he recogniges amoti his memberS, e have a testimo nysufficienti clear and strong, that is e have communion illi Christ, e re rit ten in the book of li se Andrae gave usthis certain communion illi imself, hericii testifi0d by the proacti in of the Ospei that he a gi ven to us by the ather, to e urs illi ali his bene sit s. Ne re nido put im On, anxio gro u into im iliat e ma live ecaus h lives. This doctrine is osten repented. God spare no his Onlybegoiter Son that hosoe ver belle voth in him hould not
For though faith in election animates, to callipon God, et it Would e reposterous o obtrude impora him When e pray, oro stipulate his condition Diord, is es an electod, earmeri since it is his leasiare that e liould e satisfied illi hi promises, an mali no further inquiri es hethori Nil bo