Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


plausibilit in their objection, romolio declaration 1 Peter, that th Lord is no Willing that an Should purish, ut thatali liould come to repentaneo. V st But the econ clausefurnishos an immodiate solutionis his dissiculi so tho ill-ingnes that the Should Comeri repentanee musti underStood in consistence With the generat tenoris Scripture. Conversion


XVII. Is his o correct it ill e suid thoro cani but littio faith in the promise of the gospol, hich, in declaring the willos God assur that he wilis halcis repugnant to his inviolabio decree. ut his is a froni a jus conchision. For is, turn Our attention to the est et of the promise of salvation, e halisind that thei universalit is no ut nil inconsistunt illi ho prodestination Os the ro probate. e lino v the promise to boeffectunt to us Ont When e receive them by ait on thocontrary the anni hilation O satin is ut ne an abolition of the promises. f this is thoi nature, e ma perceive that there is no discordanee et ween these two hing - God' havin ap- potnted romisternit ori homi mill esto his avour undeXercise his Wrath, and hi prociatming salvation indiscriminutolyto all. In deed, I maintain that there is the mos per se et harmon bet 00n them Fortis sole desigi in hiis promising isto osse his merent ali ho destre an Seelicit, hici non do but thos Whomi has en ghtonod, and he en glitoris nil Whomlio has prodestinatedo Salvation These perSOnS Xperietice tho certain anxianshalion truth of the promises; O that it cannot o protende that thoro solio eas contrariet heimeon God 'sisterna election and tho testimon os his grace offorest obe evers. ut Wh does h montion alli It is in ordo that the consciences O the pio u may 1Moy the more Secure SatiS- faction, seoin that there S O disserenoe et oen Sinners,


ing that God malioth hi sun to risu on the evi and on thegood, but that tho inheritane is reserved for the sem, toWhom it shallino da b said Como, ye bl essedis my Father, inherit tho kingdom propa red forFou froni the foundationis the Worid. V d Tho surthor obj et that Godiatos nothingio has mades hicli though Pgrant thom the doctrino I maintain stillremuin UnShahen that the reprobate re aled by God, and that mos justly bocauso belli destitute os his Spirit, the cando nothing ut What is dosorvingis his cursu They surther allege, that there is no dissererice botween thodomand the sentito, and thoros oro that tho graco os God is ossorod indiscriminatet toail: Pgrant it onlycio thoui admit, accordin to tho declarationos aut that God calis homine leases, both of the JeW and of the Gentiles, o so thatio is unde no obligation to any In


desert the station assigne iis Al that has hi thorto boon


a re bese by violent temptations, hichisur minus ould longago have been incapable of sustaining is the hadiso boon delache froni terrestria things, and attache to the pavenlyclisu, hicli is apparently at a remote di Stunce He ut One, theres ore, has made a soli proficienc in the gospol,lio hasbeen accustome to continuat meditation on the lessed resur


II. The supreme good Was a subjectis anXious dispute, andeVen contention among the ancient philosophers; et non os them, Xcept Plato, aclinowledged the chies good of man to consist in his union illi God But of the natur of this union he hadiso even the malles idea an no Onder, sorhe was totali uninforme respecting the acre bond of it.


lio associales illi them ali creatures a thei companions. For a ruin and deformit are visibi on very fide, he telis iis that at things in heaven and arti are tendin t renovation. Foroli sal of Adam aviti deranged the perseet orde Ofnature, the ondage to hicli the creatures have been Subject-od by the in os manci grievous and burderisOme to them notthat thenare nil uod illi an intelligonce, ut bucause theynaturali aspire to the state of porsection rom hicli tho have fallen. aut heres oro attributes to them roanin and travail- in patias sy that, Who have received tho rst-fruits of the Spirit a b ashamsed os romaining in ur corruption an notimitating at tuast thesinanimate element Whichaea the punishment of the in os thers. ut as a stili Stronger Stimulusto iis, he culis the second advent os Christ ou redemption. 'It is true, indeod that at the part O Our redemption ureati ead completus; ut ecause Christ was ne offero tobea the in os many he hali app0ur the second time ithout Sin uni salvation. z Whate ver calamities oppres iis, his redemption hould supportis even ill iis sui consummation. III. Lot the importance of the object harpen Our UrSUit. Paul justly argues that f there bo no resurrection O the

no in ne potnt Only but in very thiniit contain relatin tondoption and the accomptishmon os ur Salvation. To his Subjeci, the mos important foli, et iis ive an attention

reader, after receivin Christis the Author os complete salvation, a learn to soar ighor, and ma lino that se is invested illi pavoni glor an immortali ty in orde that thewholo ody ma be consorined to themead in his personthemoly Spirit frequently gives an Xumple of the reSurrection. It is a thin dissiculto b bo oved that odios, after aving been consumed by corruption, hali ut tength, at the appotnted time, e alsed again Theres ore, hil many of the philosopher asserto the immortalit os the oui the resurrection

nishes no XouSe, et it admonis es us that this truth is to dissiculi to command the assent of the human ind. To en- able aith to urinount so great an obstacte, the Scripture Supplie US With two assistances one consist in the similitude of


Christ the ther in the omnipotence of God. OW, heneverthe resurrectio is mentioned letis et besorem the imago fChrist, ho in ur nature, hich e assumed finished his courso in his morta lis in suci a manner, that, a Vin nomobtainod immortali ty, hecis the ledge of future reSurrection Ous. For in the afflictions that bos allis, , bear abo ut in the

admit os a fullo discussion an are deseruingi more eleganceos styleo ut Pirus the pious reade Wil fili in a mali compas sussicient mattor so the edificationis his aith. Christ, theres Ore rose again that e might e the companions of his suturuisse. o was nised by the ather inasmuch uilio asth Head of tho chureli, rom hichrae oes no Sus eri in tobo separated. Η Was alsed by the poWer of the Spirit, hocis given to us also so the purpOSe os quickening S. nin Ord, he was alsed that he might the resurrection and thurasse. But as, have observe that this mirror Xhibit to volyi mage of Our resurrection, socii it fumisti a sirin 1 oundation



resurrection Os Christ, on hic holio resurroction os iis ali isso unded, e Se in ho many an Variou Waysi has causedit o b atteste to iis Scorners Nili ridicule the histor narrato by the evangelisis, as a Chil disti Inookery For halmeight the asti, is there in the message brought y omeWomen in a right, an aster Nard confirmo by the disciplus hal doad illi Harci h doses no Christ ather et up thespiundi trophies of his victor in the ids of the temple and the public lacu. Wh dous e no mali a formidabie en-trance into the presenc os Pilate 8 h does e no provehimself to e again live, to tho priusis and ali the inhabitants

ple a large, and the overnor imself, it is no ondo that aster the ample conviction the had the were dented a Sightos Christ, or an other proosse. The opulchre is ealed amateli is et tho od is not ound n tho hird day. The soldiers, corrupte by bribes, circulate a rumou that he was

stolen ama by his disciplosa si ascis the had pomorra collect

customed o suci a darin exploit . ut i tho soldior had notcOurage nough to repulse them, hy id the not ursuethsem, that illi tho assistanc of the eo plo the might ei Zes me os them y The truth is, there re that Pilato by his eat atteste the resurrection os Christ and the vard who ere place at the sepulchre eithe by thei si lorico o by thei salse-hood, ere in realityso many herald i publisti the Samo fac t. In the mean time, the voice of the angel lolidi proclai med , Η is notiore, ut is rison. V k Thei celestia splendour


sore bo extreme ly nreaSOnable here, to considor hat could possibi happen in the ordinary OurSe o nature, hen theo ec proposedo u is an ne Stimabie miracle the magnitudo of hicli absorbs ali ur a culti eS. et Paul adduce an Ox- amplo rom nature to reprove the ony of those ho den thorosurrection. Thou 1 Ol, V nys he, that hicli thou so Nostis no quietioned except it die. V q) e telis iis that 00dsown display an image of the re Surrection, eonus the corticis reproduce frona putrefaction. or ould itio a thin s dissiculi to e evo, is me a id prope attention to the miracles whicli present themSelves o ou vie in ad paris of the worid. But et ias remember, that no an id e trul persundo osthe future resurrection, ut he ho is sine With admiration, an ascribes to the pomer os God the lor that is duo toit. Transporten illi his confideiace, Isaiah exclainas, Thy