Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


doubted that whon Christ intercedes sor at the eleet, he prayssor them tho sum a for Puter, that thoi faith may neve fuit. Helice e conclude that tho are beyoni ali angor os fallinguWay beenus the intercession of the Son os God for thoiri et SeVerane in piet have no been rejectod. What id Christin tond wo hould earn rom his, ut confidence in Ur perpetunt Security, Since e have iace been introducod into the

et Psalm cxxxviii. 8. a 1 Iolin ii. 19.


have Hready Seen that our ope Xtend into futurity, evenbeyon the grave, and that nothin is more contrar to iis natur than doli bis respecting ou sua destiny. VIII. Tho declaration Os Christ that many re alled, and se chosen,' is ver improperi underStood. O there Wil bo no ambiguit incit, is, remember What muS be clear froin the foregoin observations that there are Wo ind of calling. For there is a univerSal ad by hiel God in theexterna preachin Os the ord, invites ali indiScriminately, to come o him, even hos to homi intendit a re avour ofdeath, and an occasion of heavier condemnation There is also

special ad With Whicli e so the mos pari, savour Onlybe evers, heia, by the inWard luimination of his Spirit, he

in the ospe publiShed far and wide, hel in contumpi by the generalit of men, and justi appreciated by se , gives usa descriptionis God, unde the characteris aling, Who prepareSa solemn east, an Send Out hi messe gers in eVer direction, t invite a great company, ut an ni prevail on Ver se , every one allegin impediment to Xeus himself so that attengthiesis constrained by thei refusa io bring in ali ho an be found in the Stroets. Thu far, Very one SeeS, the parabie is to e underStood of the Xternaliad. He proceed i informus, that God acti ke a good master of a east, alliing round the abies, courteouSi receivin his guesis 'ut that isti findsany one not adorned With a nuptial arment, he suffers no the meannes of Such a person to disgrace the festivit os hobariquet. I consess, his par is to e understood of thoso hoenter into the Church by a prosession os salth, ut re notinuustud milli the sanctificationis Christ. Such blemishes, and , alit,ere, cankers of his Church God Willio always suffer, butu in cast them ut oscit, a thei turpitude deSerVeS. Fe , there re, re hOSen ut sis uultu de that re assed, ut

b Ephes. i. 13, 14. c Psalm XV. 1.


birili, at ways inclining them to piet and the ear o God areunsupporte by the aut horit os Scripture, an refuted by experiene itfel The produce, indeed, a se eXample toprove that certain elec persons ere Ot entire Stranger toreligion even es ore the were trul enlighte nox; that Paullived lamelus in his Pharisai sui si that Cornelius, illi his alnis and prayers, Was accepted of God, m and is here are any

other simila oneS. What the say os Paul, me admit; ut re- Spectin Cornelius, e maintain ilia tho are decoived forcitis uvidunt, eoas then enlightene and regeneraled, and wanto nothing ut a clear revelation os the ospei. Butwhat ill the extori rom hos ver se examplesse that theelec have alWay been endued illi the spirit of pietn Thisis jus ascis an one, havin proved the integrit o Aristides,

Socrate S, Xenocrates, Scipio, Curius Camillus, and ther e thens, hould conclude rom his that ali ho ere lust in thedari nes of idolatry, ere sol lowers of holines an virtve. But his is contradicted in mari passage of Scripture Paul silescriptionis the stat Of the Ephesian prior o regeneration, exhibit no a grain os this eod. mere ead, ' he sayS, in trespasses an siris, here in in time pust ye Wallied ne ord- in to the ourse of this orld, accordin to the prince os thepou er of the air, the spirit that no worketh in the childronos isobediunco amori Whom also e ali ad ur converSa


ans that either fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adultererS, nor esse minate, nor abuser of thenaseives illi manliind, Or

then, With these arguments Whieli mei os presumptuo u curiosit rais to thomselves ithout regarding the Scripture Letus ather abide by the declaration of the Scripture, that allW like Shee have gone astray; e have turn ed Ver On to


pletes the salvation to hicli ho prodestinat0d them in his

eterna counset, O he has his udgments again St the reprobate, by hicli e executus his counSel re Specting them ThoSe, theres ore Whomine has create torui se of sham an a doathii destruction, that the might be instruments of his rath, and examplexos hi Severi ty, he causes t reacti thei appotia texend,sorne times de priving them O the opportunit of earing the Ord, Some time S, by the reachin oscit, increasing thoi blind-nus and stupidity. of tho forme there are innumerable e Xamplex let usini Seleet ne that i more evident an re mari ablethan the est. Besore the advent f Christ there passe abolit

an immediato prediction of the coming of the Messiah. hy, then, is he gi ven to the posterit ruther than to thei ancestors Ilo it tormen himself in vain, ho Seelis for an cause Ofthis syond the secret an inscrutable ounse os God Nor


this sani purpos have Urai Sed the up thates might ho mypo e in thee, and that, nam might be declared throughout at the arth. V h That the reprobate obe no the wor os God, heia made noWn to them is justi imputo to the wickednes an depravit of thei hearis, provido it erat thesam time Stated that the are abandone to this depravity, bucause the have been rat Sed up by acitist ut inscrutablejudgmen o God, o displa his glor in thei condemnation. So, huncit is relate of the sons fili, that tho listoned notio his salutar admonitions, iocatis the Lor Nould laythoni, V si it is no dente that thei obstinac proceededsrom heir Wi Wickodness, ut it is laint implied that

though tho Lord was ablu to osten thei hearis, et the were lust in thoi obstinacy, ecause his immutabie decree had pre- destinate them to destruction. To the Same purpos is that


are reprobate nil stranger to the Chiarch, ecause the aredestituto os docili tyri an he adduce no ther reason sor itthan that the promis os God does no bolon to them; hichis confirmed by that passage os Paul, here se Christ crucified, uni the Jews a tum bting-blocli, an uni the Greelis 1 o fh- nuss, ' is aid to e tanto them hic si are Called the o Neros God, and the wisdom os God. V m For, aster remari in gwhat generali happen Wheneve the gospe is reached thatit Xasperates Some, anxi de Spi Sed by therS, e represent itas ut apprecia ted onl by aliose ho are callod. illobos oro he had montioned them that e ev no that he had an intention to den it prope place to the grace of God, whicli precedes aith, ut he Seem to ad this secon description by Way os correction, in ordo that hos who had received the gospe might ascribe the rais of thoi faith to th Divino call. An so likewi Se in a SubSequent Sentence, he repreSentSthem a the objecis os Divine election. When the impio ushea these hings, the lolidi complain that God by a antoneXercise of Ower, abuses his rete hed creature so the portos his ruetiy. ut me, ho no that ali mei are able toSO many Churges ut the Divine tribunal that os a thousandquestion the Would e nable O ive a Satisfactor nnSwert One, Conse S that the reprobato suffer nothing ut liat is consistent illi the mos right eous udgmentis God ThoughWe cannot comprehen the rea Son foliis, et iis e content With soni degre os ignorance here the wisdomm God soarsint iis own Sublimi ty. XV. ut as objection ure requently aised rom Οme paS- Sages os Scripture, in hiel God seonis to den that tho destruction of the wicho is caused by his decree, ut that in opposition to his remonstrane es the Volim tarii bring ruintipon themselves, let u Sho vi abries explication that theyare nolint ad inconsistent illi ho orego in doctrine. 4assage is produce from gelii et, here God says, have nopleas ure in the dualli os the wicked, ut that the wicliud turn froni his way and live. V n Is this is to bo extundo to ad

manliind wh does e no Urge many to repentanee, WhOSemiud a re more flexibi to obedience than thOSe of thers, hogro more an more cadous to his dati invitations Among

tho inhabitant os inovoli and Sodom, Christ inisol doctares that his evangelica preachin and miracles Ouid have brought sortii more ruit than in Judoa. o is it then, is God illhave ad men to e saved that he pensio the gate os repent-ance to thos miserable men ho Ouid e more ready to re-