장음표시 사용
b desperate circumstances, he has recolars to God theolithoros lis e tanto hom, a the Psalmis SayS belong the issues froni duath. V s Even reduco to a state resemblin a dead Carcas more than a li Ving man, et elyin On the o Ner os
though Some perSon emplo great subtili to pervert theSetexis, ascis the oughtio to e underStood os the resurrection, the noveriheles confirm fiat the wisho destroy sincehol men in the idS Os calamities seeli consolation rom noother quarte than rom the similitudo of tho resurrection
Whicli more sud appear spolia a passago in gehiel. u ForWhon the e N rejected the promise of thei restoration, and objected that there a no uiore probabilit os a Way beingopeiae for thei return, than of the oad comin sortii romthei Sepulchres, a Vision is present xto tho prophet, os a fieti sui os dry bones, and God command thomo receive estian nerves Though his figure is intendedo inspire thepuopte illi alope os restoration, he borrows the argument sori stoin the est rection ascit is to iis also the principat modelos ali ho deliverances hic si belle vers experiene in his Worid. o Christ, after avin declaro that the voico os thegospe communicates se in consequenco Os it rejection by the J0Ws, immediatet adds, Marve nolint thiso so tho houris coming, in the hichol that re in the graves hali earliis voice, and shali come orth. V X Aster the example os Paul, heres ore, et u even no triumphanti exul in themidst os ur conflicis that he who has promise iis a lis to cornu cis able to k0ep that whicli, have committe tolim and thus lut us lory thret there is laidis for tis a croWn frightoouSness, hiel, the righteous Jud ge hali ive s. ' ν)Tho consequerice of this ill e that ali the troubles, suffer Will oin iis to theis to come, seein i is a righteous thingwith God,' an agroeable o his nature, a recompense tribulation to them that trouble iis, an to us h are Visnjustly troubled, est, hei themor Iesus Shallie reuualed, illi hismight anguis, in stamin sire. V et But e must remember What immodialet solio si that tu hali como to b glorified in his alnis, and to e admired in ali thum fiat belleve, ' be- cause the belleve thea0Spel.
V. NON, though tho in is os mei ought to se continuallyoccupiod With th stud of thi subjeci, et ascis the expresstyintende to abolisti ali remembrance of the resurrection, heyliave called eath the nil os at things, and the destructionisman. For Solomon certaini Spealis accordin to a Common
ti reSurrection, and that ouis ure mortal. ut lint none
might be excused by this gros ignorance, the ver in Stinet fiantur hu ut Ways et bes ore the yes of unbelle ver an imageos the resurrection. For hat is the sacro an inviolabi cuStom os interring tho ead, ut a ludg os anothur so orcan it u objecto that his originate in error for the rite of Septi iure ere alWay observe among the oly ather undit leased God that the Same custo in Should e retained among the Gentiles that thoi torpor might e roused by the image of the reSurrection hereby et bes ore them Though thi ceremon producet no good effect upon them, et it ill e se- sulci us is, Wisol conside iis tonden forcit is no light refutation Ofinbolies that ali unitu in profossin a thing that non os themie euod But Satan has notini Stupefie men's miniis, o mali them bur the memor of the re Surrectiontogether illi tho odios of the duad, ut has endeavoured tocorrupi his Oint os doctrine by various fictions, illi an ultimate vie to it tota subversion. Noto mention that hebegan to oppos it in the nys os Paul, no long aster aros the Millenarians, ho limite lolio roigia os Christo a thousandyears Thei fiction is to puerile to require Or deserve refutation. Nor oes the evolation, hicli the quoto in savour of thei error, assord them an support so the term Da thou- Sand years there mentioned, c refers noto the eternat less-odnos os tho Church, ut to the various agitations hichamnited tho Church in iis militant state pon arth. ut thewholo Scripture proclaim that there id bo no end of the happines of the eleet, or the punishment of the reprobate. Νow, ad hos things hic horo invisibi to ou eyeS, o sarabove the comprehensiora fili minos, must uillior orae evelon the aut horit of the oracles of God, or entiret rejected. Thos Who assigia tho hildron os God a thousan years to en-
no invested illi immortality, either is Christ hi insuls intoth likones os, hos glor the will e transformed received ut into immorta glory. f thoi happines Will have any nd, it follows that the kingdoni o Christ, on the stabilit os, hich
po Ner of Christ and thuso an neve bo persecti fulsisso tillsin is abolished, and de th wallo Ned p and terna lis completoly established. ut the soli of ein asses id that too much crueit is attributexto God is the reprobate are oomodio terna punishment, is even eviden to tho lind. ill thu
remembered Then the punishment is allege to e XceSSive, be in disproportione 1 to the crime. ut his is intolerable blasphem y When the majest of God is socii ille valued, heu the contemptisscit is considerexo no more conSequence hanthe destructionis ne foui. ut et iis passi these tristers; test, contrary O What, have es ore Sald, e liould appearto conside thei revertes as Orth os refutation. VL Beside these Wild notions the perverse Curiosit os mantias introduced w others. Nome nave supposed that tho vhole man dies, and that ouis re ni sed again togother illi hodie Pothers, admittin the immortalit Os ouis, SuppoSe theyNil bo lothed With ne bodios, and therei, den the resurrectionis the esti A Phave ouched on the formor of those notion in the creation os man, it ill o sufficient again toapprige my readers that it is a brutisti error, o represent thespirit, formed astor the ninguis God, as a fleotin broath hichanimatos theiod oni during this peristia bl lise, an to anni-hilato the templo of tho Hol Spirit in hori, to despol that par os iis in hicli Divinit is minotiti displayed, and the
character os immortalit ure conspicuous, of thi propert Sotha tho condition of the od must se belle an more Xeellon than that of the oul. Vor differon is the doctrino os Scripture, Whieli compares heiod to a habitation, froni,hichive separi a death ecaus it estimates iis by that par os iurnaturo hicli constitutes the distinction et Neen iis and thebrutes Thus Peter, hen non his death says, horti I
VII. qiuali monstrous solio error os hoSe ho imaginuthat ouis Willio resumo the odies hicli a presentiolong tothom but illi furnishud With other auogether disserent. It was the ver futile reasoning of the Manichaeans that tris absurdio expect that tho flesti hichris S impure illisve ris again. As is thure erum impurit attache to the sciuis, hic 'hoynevertheles enco ragedo entertuin ope os ni pavoni tis e. It was horos ore justin is the had maintained that any thinginsectod illi ho contagioni Sin is incapable of be in puri sed by tho pomeris God so that reverte, that the so fh a created by the devit, and theres ore naturali impure, I ut present
by a morta man, in assertiniit to e reduce to astius illio ut any ope of restoratiores An Paul, heri ho ives iis his exhortation, Gloris God in our Ody, and in Our Spirit, Whicli arti God's, ' is certaini doses no QOunte nance On Sign- in to terna corruption that whichine asseri tot consecratodio God Nor is there an potui more clearly stab Shed in Scripture, than the resurrection Os ur pressent odies. his corruptibie, V says aut must ut on incorruption, and this
by Christ bulong to the fame od Whicli a thus rendered mortal. From tho ridicule of the Athenians, hen aut asserte the resurrection, it is eas to inser the natur of his doctrineo und that ridicule is fio Amass,eight for the confirmationos oti faith. Tho injunction o Christinis is orth os attention uario thom hich kill the ody, ut aromo abi tokill tho oui; ut atho soartim hicli is able to destro bothsou and od in hull. V t For there ould bo no reason sorthis Dar, ii tho od Whicli e no carry bout ere not abierio punishment Anotheris Christ ideclarations is equali plain: h hou is coming, in the whichol that re in the graves hau hea his voice, und shal come sortii, tho that have done good, tanto the resurrection os life and the that have done evit, uni the resurrectionis damnation. V su ShallWe ny that ouis est in graves, and ill there hea tho voiceos Christ, andio rather that odies at his command win re turn to tho vigour the had os Besides, is, areo receive ne bodies, here ill e the conformit between humea and memberi Christ rose; as it by malitia himself a noWbod Θ o, ut accordin to his prediction, Destro this temple an in thre dayses ill ais it p. V m The mortalbod whicli e bus ore possessed, e agnin SSUmed. Orit ould avo conduce biit ille o our bene sit, is hortilia been a substitutionis a ne 'ody, and an annihilationis
that hichinad been os rudis an atonin Sacrifice. e must, theres ore maintain the connection stated by the postle - that
tion simila to his Thore Was an illii strious Xample os this immediatet on Chris S resurrection, hen alie graves ereo pened, and many odius O the ninis hicli stupi roso. ' α)For it cannot e dented that this Nas a prelude, O ruther an earnest, of the sinat resurrection, hich e Xpeci Sueli us vas oxhibitu busor in Enoch and Elias, hom Tertullianspualis os as the candidates os the resurrection, ' ecause they vere talion into the immodiate care os God, illi an entire X- emption rom corruption in od an solii. VIII. am astianae os consumin S many Ord on Oeten a Subjeci; ut in reader mill cheersuli unito,ithis in submittin to this trouble that no oom a be les sor men sperVerse nnd presumptuous indSuo deceive them Nary. TheunStoad Spiriis Lammo opposing brinisor Nar a figmentistheiriwn bratris that at the resurrection here ill bina creationos ne bodies. What reason an indu e thum to adopt his sontiment, ut a seemin incredibili ty in thei apprehension, that a bost long consumed by corruption an Ver retur toriis pristine states Unbelles, there re is the ni solarce of this opinion In the Scripture, on the contrary, e re uniformiy
the momin os tho term resurrectiora ' sor e neve applythis term to an instanc os originta creation nor ould it bo
easy, - that here the State os the natur is changed, it is a species of eath, and ma Without impropriet be so callod; and there re thero is a perfeci conSiste nee etWeen these
mate posSession, ut O rende them more ineXcusabie Thus implous mei frequently experiene God' benefice ne in re- mari ablo instances, hich Ometimes excee ad the lessings of the pious, ut hicli, neverthele Ss, are the mean os aggravatin thei condemnation. scit be Objected that the reSur