장음표시 사용
e re plaint insorinod that tho in giloni os God is sui oflight joy felici ty, and lory, et ali that is montione remnitas
propheis, ecause the could no describe that spiritual tess-ednes by an ternis Xpressive of it Sub me nature, generat lyrepresente it unde corporea imagos. et u an intimationos that happinos must in die in iis a servoli os destre, et Schiuit dw0l on his reflectioim di modi as an inexhausti blefountain contains it in himself a plenitude os ali tessings, noth in beyon him an ovo b destred by those ho aspiret the supreme good, and a pers section Os happiness. his eare augh in various passage of Scripture. Abraham, ' Says
tivo consideration of the Scripturus il convince iis that theyno oni promise eternal lis generali to eli evers, ut also aspecta re Ward to acti individunt. Whunc that expression os
Paul- humor roward him accordiri to his ortis. V m)It is also confirme by the promis os Chris that his disciplus should receive a hundred-sol more in terna lisu. n In Word, a Christ Og in the lor os his od by a manis id variet os gist in his orld, an enlargos it l, degrees, in thesam manne he wil also persect it in heaven. XI. Asinii tho pious Wil receivo his illi ne consent, be- caris it is sufficiently attesto in the word os God, o on theother and di sinissin abstruse questions, hiel the lino Nio e obstructions to them, the williso transgress the limits prescribed to them For mysoli es no oni res ramo an indi-
dari neSS, eeping, and nashing of eeth, unextinguis able sire, a Worm inceSsantly gnaWing the oart. . For thoro an eno doubi ut lint.b suci modes os expression themoly Spiritinteudod lo confound ullisur faculatos illi horror a When itis suid that Topho is ordainod os old; tho pilo thoreos is sire an much ood the reath of the Lord like a troam os brinistone doth indie it. V q A these reproSentation Sshould assis iis in formin sortio con option of the retched condition of the wicked, o tho ought principali to si our attention on tho calamit os e in alienate from the presenee of God an in addition to this, experion in sueti hostililysrom tho Divine majest a to e nable to Scape romit continua pursuit. For, in tho rs placu, his indignationis titio a mos violent amo, hicli devour an consumes ullthat it tota ches. In the nex place, at the creature S SubSerVethe executionis his judgment, that hos to homolio ordWill thus manis est his rath, ill findolio heaven the arth, and tho ea, the animais, and ali that eXisis, innumed a it,ere, Willi diro indignation against thoni, and ali armet for their destruction. t is no trivia threatening theres ore, denounced by the postle that uribe evors thali 0 punishod Nith ve lastin destruction froni the prosunc os the Lord, and rom thegior of his pomer. V r And whon tho propheis Xcite terror by corporea figures, though the advane nothin hyperbo calfor Our duli understandings, et tho mingle prelaides of the statur judgmont With the sun the oon, and tho holo fabricos tho orid. heres ore miserable consciences findis repOSe, but aro harasse an agitate With a rondsul tempust seelthemselves torri a funde by an ungr God, and transfiXed and penetra ted by mortalistings, are terrisio at the thunderbolis os God, and roken by the wsight of his anx so that to inlainto any guis and abysses ould bo more tolorable than to
Stan sor a moment in these terrors. O great anu SeUere, then, i the punishment to endiare the neve censin esseCt Ofhis rath l On hicli subject there is a memorabie paSSage in the inelioth satin that though b his countena nee e Scalter ad mortuis, and turn them to destruction, et e n-COurage his servant in proportion to thoi timidit in his Worid, to Xcite them, though unde the burden O the rosS, O press
THRE paris os the postles Creed respectin God the Creator, Re-deemer, an Sancti fier, have been explained in the forme books. This las book is an exposition os lia remaliis relatin to themoly Catholic Chiarch, and the Communion os alnis rhe hapter containe in it a be convenienti arrange in three gran division I. The Chur h. II. The SacramentS. ΙΙΙ. Civi Governulent. Tho Firs Division extendin to the nil os the hirteenth hapter, Contain many particulars, Whicli ho ever, may ali e referre tos ur principat head The martis os the Church, o the criteria by hicli it a b distinguished Since e must cultivat union illi it-Chap. I. ΙΙ. II. Tho govertiment of the church-Chap. ΙΙΙ. VII. I. The orderis overtiment in the church-Chap. III. 2. The form practi sed by the ancient Christians-Chap. IV. 3. The natur of the present ecclesiastica governnient unde the
IV. Tho disciplino os the Church Chap. XII. XIII. 1. The principalisse of it Chap. XII. 2. The abus oscit Chap. XIII.
The Socon Division relatin to the SacramentS contain three partS. I. The sacrament in general-Chap. XIV. II. Each sacrament in particular-Chap. XV.-XVΙΙΙ.
III. Thessive other ceremontes, salSely calle sacraments-Chap. XIX. Tho Thir Division regard civit overtament. I. Thi governulent in generat. ΙΙ. It respective brancheS. I. The magistrateS. 2. Thecla S. 3. The peOPle.
Tu 1 by tho aith of the ospe Chri St ecomes Ours, and we ecome partallers of the Salvation procured by him, and os eternat happiness, has been Xplaine in the precodin Book. But as u ignorance and lothsul neSs, and I may add, thevanit os ur inds, require X ternat nidS, in orde to the productionis aith in uriearis, anxit increas an progressive ad vanc even to iis completion, God has provido such aid in compassion t Our infirmit and that the reachin os the
gospe might e maintainod, o has deposited his troas uremith the Church. 0 has appotntod pastor an teachers thathis eopte might be aught y thoirips in has investe thom With authori ty in hori, o has omitte nothing that could contribute to a hol unit os salth, and to the estat, stiment os good ordor. a Firs os nil, o has instituted Sacramenis,
Father; and that not ni unde the la , ut since tho comingos Christiniso, accordin to the testimon of the poSilo, hodeclare the ne an heavent Ierusalem to the motheros iis all. V se
Crood, ' hicli passos inde the nam os Cyprian, ut theyparticulari remari that there ould bo an impropriet in theeXpression is this reposition ere insertex und the confirmi hei opinion by no trivial reason. For e declare that xv be- ovo in God bucausu ur mini depend upon him a true, undour confidonee est in him. ut his ould no bu applicabluto tho Chureli, an more than the remission os sin S, ' Ortho resurroction os tho ody. V Thores ore, though I amaverse to contention abo ut ords, et I Would ather adoptiproper phraSeology adapte to expres the subjeci than affecti ornis os expression by hicli the subjeci ould e uia necessarii involve in obscuri ty. The design of this clausu is toteachis, that though the devi moves ver en gine to deStroythe grace of Christ, an ali the nouites of God Xer the most furious violene in the Same attempti et hi grace cannot possibi be extinguishod nor an his lood e rendered barren, S RS O to produce Some fruit. Here e must regar both the ocre electionis God, and his interna vocation; ecauseli alono anoweth them that ars his and keeps them en-
on firm and soli Dundations so that it cannot sal into ruin, though the whol subri os tho ortu hould e dissolved. First, it is founde on tho eloetion os God, and an e liablet no variation o fallure, but illi the subversio of his ternalproVidence. In the nux place, it is unite xvith tho stabilityos Christ, ho mill o moro suffer his salthsul eoplo to be
amon his eople. So, on the contrary those ho devote them solves to the service of God ars sal to inscribe thoirnumes among the citi gensis Jerusalem. For hicli reason the