Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


the mos lamius an sero totis anditii in the orid. Evorythin in it is clearly so dissimilar and reptagnant to the

institution o Christ, o degenerate from the ancient regulations and sages os the Church, o at variance illi natur an reaSon that no greate injur can e done to Christ,

than by leadin his nam in defence of such a disordorly go vertiment. e the say are the illars of the Church, thelii elates os religion the vicars o Christ the head os horiaith- fui, ecause e have succeede to the o Ner and authorit os the postle S. The are perpetuati Vaunting of the se 1 olerius,

bishopric t be noth in butin ille os splendour an magnificences here the rector of hiarches h ikio more of seuding the flocli, than a hoemalier oes of ploughing Where allthings are cons unde With a dispersiori orso than that os Babel, o that there canino longerie See any clear vestige Osthe administration practised in the time of the athers. XIV. What is, procoedo inquire into thei manners λ Whoro is that light os thu orld, ,hicli Christ requires wh0r that sal of the arth V m Whoro that sanctity, Whichmight SerVe S a perpetua eXample to theri There is noclassis mei in the present a more insamoiis for profusion, delica cy, luxury, and profligac os very in no clas of

impost ure fraud treachery, and persid ; nowliore cani unde qua cunning or audacit in the commission os crime I saynothing of thei pride, aughtiness, rapacity, and crueity Isa noth in of the abandone licentiolisnos os ver par of thei lives; enormities hiel the ori is o Haried illi bearing that here is no oom so the eas apprehension est Ιshould e charge mitti excessive exaggeration ne hin I


assert, hic licit is no in their po Nero den - that here is Scareely one of the bis ops, and uot ono in a undred os thoparochia clergy, ho, is sentenue ere to e passed pon his conductice ordin to the ancient canon S, Ouid not e XCommuniented Or, at the very least, deposed rom his ossice That ancient disciplino, hicli require a more accurate inveStign-


Ops and the presbyter os cities, ho belli enriched by it, Nero converted into canons That ille partition a made in coiisu- Sion is evident froni the contentions hieli prevail amon them, even to this day, abolit thei respective limitS. ut howeverit ma be managed the have alien care that no a penny sal tho propori of the Chiarch hould reacti tho oor, homero at eas sentitie to halsis it For the canon eXpresstyallot homine solarili pari, und)SSigninnother ourth par to thobisliops, toto laidiu in hospitalit and ther ossices os charity. Psay nothin os, at tho clerg ought O do illi thei portion, and to lint iis the ought to applycit. The residue, Whicli is appropriate to the reparation 1 temples, edifices, and ther eX- penses, it has been lassicienti Shown ought oi ut the Service of the oor in timo of nocessity. Is the had a single spari os thesea os God in thei hearis, could the bear his resection Osconscience, that very thing the eat, and rinii, and ear, is the fruitis robbory, and evenis sacrileges But though the are ille assected illi ho judgmentis God thu fhould a least conside that those, hom the wish to persuade into a belles of thoi possession os suci an Xcellent and weli regulated systoni in thei Chiarchos the nre accustomedo boast, are

mord, hether enconsili bo a licens for thes an robbery ΘΙ thonden this the wil alsole oblige to consess, that theyliave no sueti ossico est Seein that amon them the whole administration os the revenues of the Chiurch has been penlypervertexint a System o sacrilegio S depredation. XVII. ut here the advanc a mos plausibi plea Theyallego that thu dignit os the Church is euomingi sustainedi, this magnificence Andistichris the impudelice of som osthei faction, that the dare o boas in Ypres ternis that his princet State of the pri est hoo constitutus the ni sui filmentos hos prodictions in hiel the ancient propheis describe thesplendour of tho inguom os Christ. It is no in vain theySay that God has ad the followin promisos o his Church


Thero re Pani o inclinest o spe nil In Nord in Vain. ut I asti, is an de N ere to abus theS0 RSSage in the Sume manner, lint repl Would the mali to inaci Thoro is nodo ubi ut the would reprove his stupidi ty in tranSferring tolli flos , and tho orti things hic lare spirituali spolien filio spiritual irigdom of the Messiali For e lino that,undo the imago of earthi things, the propheis have repre- Sented o us the heavent glor of God whichiught to hine in the Church. For of thos externa blossing Whicli their ord seXpress the Church neve hau es abundanu than in the nys of the apositus and yet it is ac linowledgodi ali that thuaingdomos Christ thon nourishod in iis greates vigour. What, then, itwillio asked is the meaning of thos passage. Preply thate Very thin preelous, hi gh, and XCellent, ought orae in subjection to the Lord. In rogard to the eXpres declaration that hingsshali submit thei Sceptros o Christ, cast thei crownSat his seet, and consecrate their,ealth to the Chureli, heia the will say)was it more truly and fully exemplisied than when Theodosius, castin Ost the purpi robos, and relinquishing the ensigiis of imperiat majesty submitte himself, like ne of the commonpeople, to do solemn penatico bes ore God and tho Church ohanwhenio an other such plous princes devoted thei care undeXertion to the preservation o pure doctrine in the Church, an to the suppori an protection os found eacherit Butho sar th pri est of that age ere rom iotin in Superfluous riches, a single Xpression of the Councilis Aquileia, at hicli Ambrose resided susticienti declares. POVert is otiour

them a the Churchys rea ornaments. ut linowing that there Was nothin more inconsistent illi the Ostice of pastors, hanto display anxio pride themselves On the luXur of thei tables, the Splendour of thei apparet, a large retinue an magnificent palae es, the sol lowed an maintaino tho humilit alid mo- deSty, and even the overi Whicli Christ has consecrate in ali his miniSterS. XVIII. ut notrio dwol to long on his Oint, et tis again colloc into aries summary ho very much the present dispensation, O ruther disSipation, of the propert of the Chureli, disssors rom that truo ossice of dea cons, hicli the word os Godcommend to iis, and whicli the ancient Chureli observe d

That portion hicli is inployed in the ornaments of temples, Ιassert, is grossi misapplied is it e no regulatsed by that moderation hicli the natur Os acred hings requires, and whicli the postles an hol sathors have rescribsed both by precepi and by Xamplos But halcis liere Seen like his, in


the temptus at the present an Whateve is consormabio Ιdo not a to that primitive frugali ty brit to any horioia rabie mediocri ty, i rejected. Noth in plenses. ut lint RVOur Ofthe profusion and corruption of the present times. At the Same time the are so sar rom eo u an jus concerit for the livingtemple S that he Would Suffer thousand of tho oor o periSh

here or an ecclesiastica ordori ascit ea sonabi that they, whose se ought to e an eminent Xample Os frugality, Ο- deSty, temperance, an humi ty, should emulato the pomp fprinces, in the number of thei attendanis, the Splendour Ofthei palaces, the elegarice of thei apparet, and the iXur of


the disgrace os ali priusis to uel to enricli them solves. V et the canno receive his, but the must ali condemn them SelVeSto ignominy. ut it is no necessar to purSue them With any further Severit ut present, ascit asini In intention to ShOM , that the legitimat ossico os deacon has long been entiret BbOliShed amoti them, o prevent thei continuin to pride them-Selves on his ille, for tho purpos os recommendin their


surrudi Corta ini noto the ope, Si impudenti presumesto boast, henio assumes his ille to iniseis; ut o Christ,

ter of the gospe have received a commiSSion O reconcite men

hereaster have to state more at urge. At prosunt it is orthWhile to sese What tho can extrae froni that celebrated an-


the gospei that pons heaven to us it is beautis uti exprossed by the metaphorica appellation Os koys. - herem no ther Way in hic limen are bound and oosed than when Ome re reconcile to God by aith, and ther aro more firmi bound by their uributius. Is the ope assume nothing ut his tollimself, I in persuadet thero is no man who ould eitherenu him o conten d illi tui. - But his succession ling

mean in os Christis promis to Petur. Therosor I inser romth subjuc itsuis, that it ut denotes the dignit of the apostoli ossice, hicli cannot e separated rom tho burdon os t. For is th do finition hic hes have givun se admittod, - anxit

promiSexto ne he in another paSsage confer tapon nil herest together, and de vertit, ascit ere, into their an is sa)Is the samo Oxver, hieli ad been promi Sedo one Wasgranted to ad in hat respect is he superior o his olivagues Hi preeminence, the say, consiSi in his- that he receives separalel by himself, as edis in common illi thum, that

whicli sint given to tho thors in common. What is I reply, Willi Cyprian and Augustine, that Christ id his, o to proserone man et ore thers, ut o display th uni ty of the Church For his is the angvage of Cyprian That in the person fone an God ave the koys to them ad to ignis the unityos them ad ollat, heres oro, the est ere, the Same a Peter,


conseri exupon him aloneri herea he ad that a SNer ubelial os ali, an received this pomer in common illi all, Ssustaining the character os uni ty. He is mentioned theres ore, One or ult, eoaus there is unit in all.

V. ut his declaration, Thou ar Peter, and pon his rosilies Will buit in Church, ' a tho say, is no here t besound addresse to any ther. As is in his passage Christussirme any thin rospectin Peter disserent rom ha Paul,

ture of the Church, or is the insist upon it, tho very rs of allatio salthsul; ut L illio permit them to inser froni this that

defence, hut it has been o explaine by Some Os the athers. But hon his is contradicted by the whole tenor os Scripture, What avalis it to et up thul authorit in opposition to God ΘAnd wh do e dispute abolit the meaning os hoSe ordS, Sthough the were ambiguousi obscuret herea nothin can