장음표시 사용
sion into the glor of the heavenlylingdom, ut through,hichtho elec are conducted by thei God to the mani station oscit; sine it is his good plensure to gloris them homo has
sancti fied. iii let iis no imagine a reciproca relation fimori an reWard Whicli is the error into hich the sophisis soli, or an o considering the end which e have stated. But ho preposterous scit, hera the Lor calis ur attentioni One erad, o us to direct Our viem to another Nothiniis clearer, than that the promise of a reward o good wortis is designe to assor some consolation to the weali nos os ur flesti, but notri instatu ur ind with ain-glory. WhoeVer, here-sore, infers 1 rom his that there is an merit in ortis, o balance the work against the re Ward err Ver Widely srom the
ali thei demerit os punishment Augustino is in tho habitos dosignatin eterna lis by the ordiraco, ecause, hen itis givon a the rewar Os ortis, it is conferre on the gratuito iis gist os God But the Scripture umbies ii more, an atthe fame time exala us. Foraeside prohibitin us to glor in Works, ecuuSe the are the gratuitous gistis os God i like Niso teaches s that the are ulways de filed by Some potuition sotha the cannot satiss God is examine ac ordin to the ruleo his judgmont; ut it is also ad ded, o prevent ou desponden cy that the pleaS him meret through his mercy. ΝΟ , though Augustine expressos himsol somo What disseruntly romus, et that there i no ea dissererice of sentiment ili appearsrom his language to Boniface. Aster a comparison et Neen
t Nomen the ne os a lis hol an perseet Ven O a miracle, the ther a mari os probit an integri ty, et notis perfeci ut that man desecis might be dis overed, he a longili alius this inforonco The alter, hoSe character appear inferiorto the former, on accolint of the tru saith in God by hichio lives, uni accordin to hic hine accuses himself in ali his du- linquencies, an in ali his good ortis pratSe God ascribing the glor to im the ignomin to himself, an derivin stomhim both tho ardor os his in and the love os virium; this man, I say, When deli vero from his life removes in to thepresonee of Christ. Wheres ore, butin account of saith Θ hicli, though, man e saved by it Without ortis, sor it is no a reprobate salth, ut Suchos orti by love, yet produce remissionis siris for thecius lives by saith; si biit ithout it,
a good o undation against the time to come that the may lay hold on tornat se. V l Hero good morti are compare toriches, hich e may enjo in the happines of ternat isse. Proply that e hali neve arrive at the true mean in os these PISSageS unleS We adverto the desigia os tho Spirit in uehlangvago. Christ ' declaration e triae, that ,here urtreas ire is, there illisur heartae also, ' my- a the childronos his orld are generali intent on the acquisition soliosethings,hicli conduce to the conis ortis the present lise, socii ought to e tho concern os bellevers, after the have beentaught that his lis Wil ere long vanish like a dream, O transmit hos things hich the reatly Wish to enjoy to that place Where the Shali posses a perfeci an permanent iis . t belloves S, theres ore, to imitate the conduci of those hodetermine to migrate to any ne Siluation, here tho have chosen to reside during the remainder of their lives thensendthei properi bes ore them, Without regarding the inconveni- enc os a temporar absence rom it; steeming thei happinessthe greater in proportion to the oalth hicli the posses in the place hicli the interid sor thei permanent residenco Is
Us, since in orde to animatem to rectitude os conduci, thoughth duties e persorm remn Orth of the eas notice stomhim, et he suffers notisne of them to go Unremarded. VIL ut tho insist more On the Ord of the poSile, ho,to console the Thessalonians Unde thei tribulations telis them
as it a necessar sor im resto Suffer and thon to enter
tribulations theres ore, hieli, susse so the nam os Christ, are, alit ere, Certain mari S impressed on us by hiel Godusuali distinguishos the hee o his floch. For his reason, then, me are accounted WOrthy of the kingdomi God bucause
justification Tho pomer of justis Sing, attachedri faith consist no in tho orthines of the et Our justification dupondsSolet oti the mero os God and tho merit os Christ, hichwhon aith apprehends, it is a id to justis iis Νow, is, askour adversaries in lint ense tho attribute justification tocharity the Will reply, that ecnus it is a ut pleusing to God th merit oscit, ein accepted by the Divino goodness, is
thei argument procoeds. e asser that aith ustisius, no byprocurin iis a righteouSneS through it OWn merit, ut astho instrument by hich, i reely Obtain tho righteousnes os Christ. These men, paSSing Ver in Sileno the merey Os God, and multingi mentioni Christ, in hom is the substance of righteousness, contend that e re justi fied by tho virtuo os chari ty boenus it is more Xcellent than aith justis thoughan ono hould insis that naing, in conSequone Os his Superior rank, is more expertini malaing ratio than a Sihoomulier Thisone argument assordes an amplo proos that nil th Sorbonieschool are destitute of the leas experiene os justification bysaith. ut is an Krangier hould et inquire Wh Ne un- dorstand Paul to uso the word ait in disseront acceptations in the fame discourse, Dum prepare With a substantiat eas in forsuch an interpretation. For sine thos gist Whieli Paul numerates, re in Ome reSpeet connected illi faith and opo, bucause the relate to the noWledge of God, he summarilycomprisos them nil unde those Wo ordM; a though ho ad
on tho contrary, I hul alWays Objeci, that e neve arrivent that perfection, utiles me fulsit ali ho branchus os charity;undienco I shali inser, that since nil men re ut an immense distance rom complete chari ty the are destitute os ali opeos porsection. IX. Phavem inclination to notice nil the passage of Seripture, hicii tho soli of tho modern Orbonisis Seiges a they
na moly to saltu in Christ. Wheros oro, a the Lord, nomingiliis doctor of thesia tot inflatod With a vain considoneo in his mortis, recalis hi attention to the la , t ut it a tonch him
his Wia charaeter us a Sinner, obnoxiou to the tremendous Sentenco siterna deuth, Ο, in another place adilreSSing those
Wς hau now orirentis Christinia liborty, an explanation Os vhicli ought notrio se omittod in a reati se hicli is designedio comprehend a compendiOUS Summary of evangelica doctrine. For it is a subjectis the sirs importance, an utiles it be ell
cast os ali obsedi nco to God a11d precipitate themselves intotho mos uribridlod licentiousness undisonae deSpiSe it, Suppositi it to se subvorsive os ut moderation Order, nd moraldistinctions. lint an e do in his casse, surro unde by sueti