장음표시 사용
th aposito, tili, have exposed the ther allac D foris attributes justification partly to ortis. Is e isti to malle James consistent illi ho res of the Scriptures, and even illi himself, o must understand the wor ustis V in a distorsint signification 1 rom that in hic cit is used by Paul. For, aresaid by Paulo b justifiod, hon the memor of Our Unright- eousnes is obliterated, and e re accounted righteous. Is Jamos hastis udod to this it ould have been reposterous forhim to mali that quotation rom Moses Abraham o ovod God, /c. o Forio introduces it in the following manner: Abraham obta inod rightoousnes by Works because he hesitatedii trio sacrifice his son ut the command of God And thus Wasthe Scriptur sulfiliost, hicli salth, Abraham belleved God, andit Was imputed uni him for righteousness. I an es et antecedent to iis causo bo an absurdity either Mose falsely asseris in that place that Abraham' saith as imputo to in forrighteousness, o Abraham didio obtain righteousnes by his obediunco, displayed in tho oblationis his son. Abraham RS justifi0d by aith, hilo shmael, ho arriVedis adolescenee bos re tho birili fessa ac mas notae concelVed. ΗΟW, then, can we ascribe his justification to an actis obedience performedso long asturci heres ore either ames improperi inverteo the ordor of evenis, Whicli it is unlawsul to imagine, or bysaying that Abraham a justifiod he id not mean that thupatriarch deservo tora accounted righteous. What, then, RS his meanini He evidenti appears o speis of a declarationos righte OUSnes besor mori, an no os ni imputationis it intho sight of God a though he had suid The who are justised by tru fuith, provo thoi justification, o by a barrennia imaginar resemblance os salth, ut by obedience and good Works. In a Word hecis no disputin concerning tho methodo justification, ut requiring of e evers a righteouSneSSmanifeste in good ortis Andos aut contend forciusti-
to the JeWS. MoreoVer, beenus the situ thoi eges against thei transgressioris, an glorie in thei mere possession of the
o itsol is a very sinat udVantage, but produce WorkS RS an Vi- dono that the in has no been given to ou in alii. Sincein his respoc the were ali deficient, the were consequently
the ninis appen to derive rom heir ortis. The passages nox adduceti, ill form no objection totur doctrine, heia theynre Xpluino accordin to tho occasion os them. NoW, his istWosold. Or e eversolio have expressed thenaseives in this manner, have no isti to Submit O a generat Xamination, to b condemne or absoluod accordin to the hole tenor Oftheir vos, ut they bring 0rWard a particular cause to ejudgod and the attributo righteousnes to themSelves, notWith referetice to the Divino perfection, ut in compariSon With men os implous and abandonei characters. In the firs place in orde to a mali' boin justisiud, it is requisito that he hould have, no Oni a good onus in somo particularinStanee, ut a perpetua con Sistenc Os righteousnos throughlisse. ut the atriis, Whon the imploro the judgmen o Godin approbation os thei innocen e domo present homSelUOS Ssree rom ver Chargo, an abso itoly uilitess; ut avingsiXe thoi dopondone On his goodnes alone, and considing 1 his rendine S t avongo the OO Who re uniaWsuli andvnjusti amicted tho supplicate his rogard to the cause in Whicli ho innocent are oppressed But When the place them-selves and thei adversarius bosor tho Divine tribunal they
b soma correspondent to the purit os God; ut noWing that thei sincerit y justice, Siniplicity, and Urity, are lea Sing
transcended the narro v comprehenSion Os an However, theres ore the pious a vindicato thei innocenc against the
We ei ther deri nor obscure an os theso. ut et ne os theson o Adam produco Such an integrity. s no ne an theymus ei ther peristi rom the presene os God, or e to the asyliim os mercy. o do e de ny that to bellevers thoirintegrity, hoWeve imperfeci, is a Step to ard immortali ty. But halcis the cause of this, utiles it e that heri the Lordhas admittet an person in to the eo venant of his grace, hedoes no scrutinige their ortis accordin to thei intrinsic
merit, ut embraces them illi paternat benignit Hy this
ficio ut for his by the Divino acceptance of them But LasSert, that the are so desiled both by the transgression and by thoi owti lemishes that tho are Os no aliae ut ait, Xcepi RSthe Lor pardons both and this is no the than esto Cingon a man gratuitous righteousness. It is irrelovant to this Subjeci, to allege hos prayers of the postle, in hicli edestres Such perfection Or e evers that the may bo Un-blamabio and irreprovabi in the da os Christ. o ThesepaSSages, indeed the Celestines formeri perverted in orde toprove a persection Os righteousnes in the pressent se. ethinlicit sufficiunt rius to reply, With Augustine, that alli ho pious ought inde ed, o aspire to thi objeci, to appear ne da immaculate an gui les bes ore tho presene o God ut sinc th highest excellene in his lis is nothin more han progreSS O Ward persection, e hali neve attain it, tili, be in diveste at once of mortalit an sin, e hali fullyadhor to tho Lord. V evertheless,es halliso pertinacio ustycontend with an person lio chooses to attribute to the ainis the character of persection, providod se also desinoscit in humord of Augustine iniseis; ho Says, hen e denominate the virtve of the ninis perfeci, to this persection iiseis
bolong the ncknowledgmen O imperfection, both in truthan in humi ty. N
childron, an sor no Otho cause than on account f this adoption For tho Son os the bonu-Woman hali notae heir illithe son os the Dee-Woman. V si And, heres ore, in the fame passagus in hicli themoly Spirit promisses sterna lis a the re-Ward of Works by expressi denominatiniit an inhoritance, Vli proves it O proceed rom another cause Thus Christ enumerates the work Whicli e compensatus by the re Ward of heaven, hen e calis the loci to the possession os tu ut at
etornalis to ortis, insto ad os ascribiti it to Divine adoption. Why, then, it a b asked do the ut the Same time mallementionis mortisse his questiora hallae lucidato by one eXample rom the Scripture Besore the nativit Os Isaac, there had eun promissexto Abraham a seud in hom at thenations os the arth were to e lessed, a multiplication os his PoSterit y Whicli Nould equa the star os heaven and the sandso the sua, and ther similar leSSings. z Many years ster, in consequenc os a Divine command Abraham prepares tosacrifice his son. Aster his actis obedienco, he receives his
whicli ho has promised, and that the constiti ite tiae oad in Which, should ravet to endeaVou to attain the lessed hopo propOSed torus in heaven thoros ore the fruit salie promises, totho persectionis hicli fruit those ortis conduci us is ustly assigned to them. The apostle boautis uti expresse both thoseidoas, heni suid that the Colossians applied themselves totho uties os chari ty, so the ope hicli a lai up forthum in heaven, hereos the heard es ore in the word, of thotruth of the ospei. V et For his assertion, that the knerusrom the gospei that there asinope lai up so thum in heaven is equivalent to a declaration that it depondei no on any mortis, ut on Christolone o hieli persecti accord with the observationis Peter, that bellever are ept by the power os God through aith unt salvation ready to e rovealed in thelast time. V a When it is suid that the must labour so it it
the sanie ages. b A brius and jus explanation os his
lences ut o tho poss0ssion o Diuitionis ultimate lessudness, a the very ord o Christ impori in the worido come, Otornat iso. Anil in another place Come, inherit thel irigdom, V c. d For the Same reason, aut applies theterm adoption to the revelation os adoption, hich hali bomade in the resurrection: an asterWard 0Xplain it to be alio redemption os ur ody. V se Otherwise, as alienationstom God is ternat death, o hen a mari is received in to the favour o God sorus o njo communion illi him undioco me
cuStome pertinacity, On the re Ward os ortis, e ma retortagainst them that passage os Peter, here terna lis is called
an sali, is it dixtio sustain isset by this expectation, and ut
floci ho dissicut it is for a man to relinquisti an renounee, not ni ad that elong to hini, ut even himself And et this is the sirst lesson hicli Christoeaches his discipies thati to say, at the pious AsterWardsi gives them such tuitionduring the romainder of thei lives, unde the discipline of thu
to their ortis, ut signis ying that it is a compensation forthei oppressions SusteringS, and di Sgrace. heres ore therei no objection against Our Ollo Wing the examplo os the Scripture in callin eterna lis a roward Since in that state the