Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


controversios. ut ecause Leo a that it Ouid e to pre- Sumptuous a domando require thetars place formis legatus, thoros oro he waivexit.

II. Nox sol lows h Counci os Chalcedon, in hicli, by tho

permission os the emperor the legates of the Roman Churcho cupiod thoirst placo But Leo himself consessud that his, san extraordinar privilege. For hen e requeste it froni Murcian the emperor, an Pulcheria the empress he id notprotoni it to b his right, ut otii alleged in suppor of his laim, that themasterniis ops ho preside in the Counci os Ephesus ad thrown very thin into confusion, and bused thei poWer. Sine it a necessary theres ore, to have a diS- creet moderator, and it a improbabi that hos Wholad oncubeen omnSteady and di sorderi Would e fit for tho ossico, horequeste that On account of the misconduci und incompeten eos the thors, the asti os prosiding hould bo transferred omini. That Whicli is ough as a specia privilege and nn Xception to

Whor the ni pretexi is that it a necessar to have a ne president, ecatis the forme onos lia violatei thei duty, it is ovident that thisiad notioen the ense bes ore, and Dought notriobe perpetuat, ut a meret done in the contemplation os prosunt anger. The bishopis Rome theros ore had the rst placu in tho ouncilis Chalcedon, o bocalis it a the rightos his sue, ut bucauso the council Wus in an os a discreetani fuit te resident, in consequence of thos to homoliathon ur elongo havin excita ted theniselves rom it by thoirown intemperane and Violence. An What I say ns proveo, in suci, by eo's successor For hen e sent his legatos tot horasth Councilis Constantinopto, hich Was helyn considera-bi time aster lio contended not for the rsi sunt, ut ithout an dissiculi sussore it to e alien by Menna, patriarch fConstantinoplo. So in the Counci os Carthago, at hi h Augustine Wa present, the place of president Wasissed by Aurelius, archbishomo that ity, and o by the legates os the Romansue though the Xpres object of thei attendane Wasu Supportili authority of the Roman pontiis And moreoVer, there aSa generat counci held in Italy, at hicli ho bisti opis Romo asilo present. This a the Councit of Aquileia, at hic hombroso presided, ho a then in igh credit illi the emporor. Tliore asino mention ad of the bishorio Rome . e suo, there soro that the dignit of Ambrose caused tho se of Milan atthat timorio have the recedene ab ove that O Romo. ΙΙΙ. illi rospectrio the ille os primacy, and ther ille os pride, os hicli the ope no Stranget boasis, it is no dissi- culto jud ge honinuit in hat maniae the were introduced. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage mal e frequent mention o Cor-


nelius, ho was bishol os Rome H distinguishos in byn Other appellation than that of brother, o felloio bishos,

o colle u . ut heu he writes to Stepheia, the Successoros Cornelius, he not ni treat hirti as qua tomimself and others, ut even ad tresses him illi considerable Severi ty, chargin him ut ono timo illi arrogance, an at nother illi ignorance. Since the time Os Cyprian, Ne lino What Vas

ah bishop of thurars see. ' hi tinny one ho Xamine themore ancient records, Nil find that at that tim tho bis opis Rome a content Withthe common appellation Os brother. Itis certain that a longis tho Church re taliae it triae and un- corrupted orna, at thos nam sis pride, hicli in Succeedingtimes have been insolenti iisurpe by the Roman See, ereauogether uni nown nothin was hear os a supremo pontiss

os Rome ad uen presumptuous nough to mali nn SuchaSSumption there ere judiciolis en ho ould immediate lyhave represse his folly. Jerome, ein a Roman preSbyter, Wa no reluctant to asser the dignit of his Church a far asinalter of fac and the state os the times admittex; et e Seelio he also reduces it to an qua ty illi thors. Is it uinqueStion Os authori ty, in says, the Orid is greater than ac ity. Wh do ou allege to me the custom os a single it tWh do ou et up a se instances, hic limave given riSe topride, against the law of the Church ohereve there is abiShop, hether a Rome, at Eugubium, ut Constantinopte, Ora Rhegium, hecis of the fame dignit and of the Same riest-hood Thelower of riches, O the abusementisio Uerly mallesia bishop superiori inferior to nother. IV. Especting the ille os universa bishos tho rs contention uros in the time o Gregory, and was occaSione by the ambitionis Iolin, bishomos Constantinople. O he ante to mali himself univorsa bishop - an attempt hic limadneve been made by any one e re. In that contrOVei SyGregor does no plea against his a the assumption fis right hichiolonge to himsols, ut resolitiei proteSt agnin Stit aliogether, usi profano und Sacrilegious application, n evenas the Oreruniter of Antichrist. Η says, di me horis callud universa salis, tho oundation of the wholo Chureli inlis at Once.' In anotho place It is a mos melanchol illiti tollear illi an patienco that ou brother an companion in the episcopa ossico hould look domu ith contempt On allisthers,

and e callo solo bishop. ut hut oes this pride of his indicate, ut that thu times of Antichris are alaeady at haudq


be called universat, hei he salis, the wholo Church sint sintonue. V ut his assertion that this horioia was offered to eo in tho ouncit os Chalcedon has no the leas appearance Oftruth. For there is noto ord of this in tho acts of that councit. An Leo himself, ho in many of his epi Siles cen- Sures the decree assed there in favo ur os the se of Constantinoplo, ould certaint not have passed ver thi argument, Which Would have been the mos plausibi os ali, is that honourhad reatly usen offero to hini, an he had refuso it; and, having therWis an immoderate hirs for honour, he ould no readit have omitte a Circumstanee o much t hi prat Se. Gregory a miStaken, heres ore, in Supposing that ille toliave been given to the se os Rome by th Councilis Chale0don. I sorbear o remari ho ridiculo us it is for in toasser that he hol counci conferre suci a illo, hicli ho at

proud, and Sacrilegiora S, and even invente by the devit, and publisliud by tho herali os Antichrist. And ut se adus thathis predecessor remsed it, est, by the dignit gi ven to ne individitat, ait ther bis ops hould e de privsed of tho honorar

llimself this presumptuous illo est, by assum in t himself the exclusive dignit os supreni bis iop, 1 might Seem oderinthe episcopa honori torali his re thron. V V. I cornu no to the jurisdiction hicli tho Roman pontissasseris that he indisputabi hold ove ali churches linom


it ill o b unsultablo to tho presunt occasion O investigate the means by hi licit gradu ali roseo Some pomer Damnot et Speat in os that Diabo unde sempire hicli it has more recenti usurpo thates hali desero iis proper place Butliere it Wil be necessar to poliat ut in a se Word in What manne and by hat methodii formeri exalte iiseis, o sto SSume any jurisdiction ver ther Churches. When the Easteria Churche were disturbo an divido by tho actions of the Arians in the rei gn os Constantius an ConStanS, On Sof Constantino the reat, an Athanasius, tho principat de sender of the orthodox salth, as driven rom his see, that calamityconstratne him O g to Rome in ordo that by the authori tyos the Roman me, he might in ome degre repreS the ageos his enunties, an confirmoti salthsul, ho ere in Xtremedistress. He a honourabi received by Iulius, then biflaopo Rome, and prevalle on the bishops of the est O under- talis the des eiice of his cause Thus theolous in the asteria Clitarches findin thomsolves in great antis foreigia nid, an dSeein that thei principut succour a to e obtainod romthe Church of Romo roadit ascribsedo it at the authoi itytha the possibi could But ali his amounte to nothingmore thun that communion illi it was uid in igii estim tion, an it Was accounte ignomini aus to e Xcommunicatelsrom it This dignit Was astor ard considerabi augmented by men os icho an abandone lives soro escape the punishments hicli the deserved the resorte thither a to a Common asylum. Theres ore, is a prie si a condemne byhis bishop, or a bisho by the synod of his province the immediatet appeale to Romo. An the linops os Rome receiVed suci appeals illi culpabie agerness, considering ita a indis extraordinar pomero intersere in the concer Sos distant Chiarchus Thus heri Eutyche S a condemned by Flavianus, patriarch o Constantinople, he complaine to Leo that he had 00n malo With injustice Leo, Without an delay, ut, illi qua temerit and Xpeditiora, underio olithe patronage sis ad causo, issus bittor invectives against Flavianus, ascis he had condumned an innocent man withouthuai in his deson o and by this ambitious conducti sor Sometime assorde consido rabi support to tho impiet y Os Eutyches. It appear that simila circumstancos frequently appene in Africa. O as Oonis an Nicho mari a convicte bos ore the ordinar tribunal ho ne to Rome, an brought vario SsHSe accuSations against his superiors and the See o Rome Wa alWay ready to interpose his presumption OnStrained


politans and the neve direct the istio of Romo to e callodio his ossico Xcept in his own province H degreeS, hoWever, cuStom as introduce formit the isti ops of Ιtal tomo toROme to e consecrated except the metropolitans, holaid notsussor themsolves ora subjected to this bondage But henan metropolitan a to e Ordained the bishomo Rome suntonum his priest to assis ut the eremony, ut notri preSide. Thero is an example of this in an epiSile o Gregory, respectingilie consecration Os Constantius, archbishomo Milan astur thedeathis Laurentius. I domo Suppose, however, that his Ma very ancient practice. t is probable that at sirs the sunt legates O ach ther, rom a principi os respect an assection, to lines the ordination, and testis thei mutuat communion and that hat was originali voluntary, a uster ard Considered, necessary. HOWeve this may be, it is evident that in

anciunt timus the bishomo Romo didio posses the pomeris consecratin bishops, eXcept in his Wn province that is in the Chiarches dependentipon his se ascis declared by one of the canoris of the Counci os ice. Consecration a sollowed by the sendin os a synodicat epistio and in his thu bisho os

Rome ad n superiorit Over therS. t a the custom os the patriarchs, immediatel aster thei consecration, O mali a solemn declaration os thei faith in a Writton communication tothei brethren, prosessing thei adheretice to the doctrine of the hol an orthodox counciis Thus by akin a confessionos thei salth, they mutuali approve themselves O ach other. Is the bisho o Romo ad received such a consession romothers, and notatvencit to the bis ops in his turn, his ould have eon an instanc os aclinowledge Superiorit D; ut, sine vas unde the Same obligation to give it a to require it, and Was subjecto the common iam, it a certainina tollen sequatity, and no os dominion . e have examples of this in the episties os Gregor i Anastasius and Cyriacus o Constantinopte anxio at the patriarch together. VII. sex solio admonition O censures, hich, RS thebishopsis Rome formuri employed them to ard Others, theyalso received rom ther in thei turn Ironaeus, istio OfLyonS, harpi reprove Victor, bisho os Rome, o havingraised a perniciolis dissension in the Chiarch on subjecis os no


importarico Victor submittet to the reproos Without an oppo- Sition. t was a liborty at that time commoni used by the holybishops to Xercise the privilege os rethren t Ward the bishopos Rome by admonishin an reprovin him heneve hecommitto any uult He in like manner, hen OccRSion required, admonishod thors of thei duty, and reproved thum forthoi saviis. For Cyprian, hei ho exhoris Stephen, biSho os Rome, to admonisii the bis ops of Frunce, argue not rom any Superior authority, ut from the common right Which priosiseivio among ach ther. Is Stephen had then possesse any authorit ove France, ould o Cyprian have Suid, oushould hastis thom, ecuus the are subjectoo oti Buthe expresses himself in a very disserent maniter. his r terna union, ' Says he, i Whicli, ure connecte togother, require u to administero eaeli ther mutua admonition. Arid, se With What severit os language, though thermisea manis a mild disposition, he censures even Stephen himself, When e considere him assum in to much consequence. In thi respeet, uiso, there Myet D uppearanceis the bishopis Romultavin boon invested With any jurisdiction OVer thOS Whomereno of his province .

os ver metropolitan a Stated Sensons, to summo a provincial

not have been obeyed by those ho ere ut os his proVince, but Such an attemptMould have ludo immediate confusion. Theres ore the emperor sent a Summon to attondyto ali of them

there a So much respect a id to ille antiquit and eminenco of the ity, and to tho dignit of the sue, a to determine thalno genera decree respectin religion hould e passe in tho absunce of the bishopis Rome unlessi resuSed O e present. Hui ha is his to ward dominion ver the holo Church For o do notion that the bishorios Rome asine of the principat, ut me illiso admit, ha the Romanisls no contend that he had the authorit ove ali. IX. There remain the ourth in os ecclesiastica pomer, Whicli consist in apponis It is evident that he possessos Supreme Ruthori ty, to hos tribunal appeal a re made many


i assume the cogniZanc O causes; ut e lWay beeam an objectis derision honeve he exceode his prope limits. Shal say nothing of tho East, oris Greoceri ut it appears that the bishops o Franco strenuousi resiste him, hen e dis- COVered an inclination to usurp authorit ove them. In Africa, this subjec occasioned a long controverSy. For heia the Counci os Milevum, at hicli Augustine u present, ad de-nounced excommunication against at who hould appeal buyonditie ea, the bisho o Rome en leavolare to et his decreerescinded. e sunt legates to stato that this privilege had uen

tho bishol of Romo ought to e credited in his Wn cause. The theres ore determinet to son to Constantinople, and thercities os Greece, to Obtain optes able t les suspicion. It was ound that thes copios containe n Such paSSages a the Roman legalesia pretended. o the decree a confirmed, whicli ad talion tho supreme cogniZanc os appent stoin thebishomo Romo This transaction discovere the Scandalous impudonce of the Roman pontiis. For hei he had fraudulenti substitutud the counci of Sardis for that os Nico, he was disgraeostili detected in a manis est salsehood. ut stili gruater Wickednes an effrontor more betrayed by thos Who addedi the acts of the counci a sorged epistio, in hicli a bis opifCarthage condemn the arrogance of his predeceSSOr, Aurelius,sor havin dared to illidra himself rom obedience to theapoStoli See, present the Submissionis himself and his Chureli, and umbi supplicatos sor pardon These are the glorious monuments of antiquit upon hicli the majest of tho Romanseo is founded While, unde the preteX of antiquity theyadvarice suci puerile salse Oods, as require O the leaSt penetration to deieci. Aurulius, ' say this amous epistio, elated with diabolicat audacit and obstinacy, was a rebel gainst Chris and St. Peter, and theres ore deserve to e anathematigod. V But lint suid Augustino Θ What suid ali ho sat hors Who ere present at tho ounci os Milouum Θ ut halnecessit is there so spending many WOrd to refuto that stupidi abrication, hicli even the Romanisi themsolves, is the havenny modest lest, cannot ook at Without uin excoedinglyashamedi So Gratian the compiter of the decretal, - Whether from Wichednessi ignorance Iano not - astor haVin recited that canon that those ho appeale beyon the ea hould boeXcommunicated add this eXception iantes the appea to these os Rome What an e done illi Such men, Who are So


action, relato by Augustino, ill se sufficient to ho What Lind os urisdiction us anciuntly possessed by the bishop fB Ome. Donatus, istio Os Casae igrae had accused CaecilianUS, bis opis Carthage. The accused a condemnest,ithout a earing sor, noming that the bishops ad conspiredagainst ini ho ould O appear. The multer a thenbrought bos oro the Emporor Constantino. With a viei to haveth cause decide by an ecclosiastical udgment, he rosei rei thecogni gance of it o Melchiades, bishol O Rome, illi homite associale soni Otho bis iops 1 romestaly, France, an Spatia. Is it a par of the ordinar jurisdictior of the se of Rome tollearon appen in an ecclesiasticat cause, ii di Molchiados Susse any colleagues t be appotntod With him a the plensure of the Emporori and moreo ver, hy didine himselfindortaliothe usines rather at the command of the Eniperor than rom his own authorit Θ ut et u hear hat Ooli place aster-WardS. Caecilianus a victorious. Donatus o Casae Nigrae Was convicted os calumny. He appealed Constantine referred tho appen to the bishomos Arios. e sat in judgmenton th docision of the bisholmo Romo. Is the Roman See OS-SeSSed the supreme jurisdiction, subjecto no appeal ho didMelchiados submit o suci, an insuli, as for tho bishomos Ariesto e rusurrod bosor him And who was the Eniperor that di thim It was Constantine the reat, os homolle bonStthat homo oni devotod ali his attoniton, but employe almostati the poWer of his empiro, to exalt the dignit of thei seo. e See, then, ho ver sar the bishomos Rome a at that timesrom that supremo dominion hicli ho retoniis to have beengivon him by Christ ver ali Clitarches, and whicli e falsolyboast os havin exerci sed in ali ages illi the consent of tho


There are mari such ooteries colle ted togother l, GratianWithout an judgment, hic holi Romanisi in the presentda emplo against iis in defence of thei Seeri and Such hantoriis illi hic cilio uso to deuid tho ignorant in tho darke S times, the stili orsis in bringin forward amidst ut tho glit os the present age. Buto have no intention to devote much labori to the refutation Os such things, hicli mani se Silyres ut theriiselves by their Xtrome absurdi ty. conses that there are also genuine episti os of the ancient pontisD, in hichthoy Xtol the majest os thoi se by the mos magnificent tities. Suchore Ome episties of Leo ho though te a aman os learning an eloquorice, ad likewis an immoderatethirs for glor an dominion ut hether the Chiarches attha time ave credito his testimon When e thus exaltodii iniself, is a subject os inquiry. o , it appear that many Nero ostendo Dat his ambition, and resiste his laim S. D ne episti ho deputes the bishos o Thessalonicario acti his representative in reece and Other adjacent Ountrie in unotherii delegatos the bishopis Arios, o some ther iShop, o bellis vicar in France. So se appo inis Hormisdas, bishop os Se villo, his vicar in Spatii. ut in ali cases e mentions by Way fiXception that he malle Sueli appotniment on condition that the shali in no respect infring the ancient privile gesos the metropolitans. ut Leo himself declaros his to se oneos thei privilegus, that is an difficult should ari se the metropolitan a to e consulaed in tho firs place These delegation S, theres ore, Nere accompunied illi this condition that there acto emo interserotice illi an bis os in his ordinaryjurisdiction, illi an metropolitan in earin appeal S, O Withan provinciat synod in the regulation Of the Churchos. ON, What was his ut o abstain rom ad jurisdiction, and ni tointerpos for the Settienient os disputes, S sar a Was ConSiStent With thecia an natur os ecclesiastica communion ΘXIL In the time o Grogory this ancient customi ad atrondy


nit os protesting that heras ait fuli maintaine the right os OtherS, Sine required them to maintain his. Nor unde theinsuunc os ambition, V say lio, io Ι ithhold froni any one that hicli is his right butes destre to honori ni bre thren in ullo hings. here is no a sentenc in his ritings hic contuin a proiideriores of the majest of his primae than thusollowin lino no bisho who is no Subject to the apOS-tolic See, hen e is muti in fauit. V ut he immediato lyadds, here there is no auito require subjection, allore equa by right os humility. attributus to himself the authorit to correct hos Who have transgressed cis ali do thoirduty, he places himself on an equalit mitti them But he assumodo his authorit to iniself, and the who ere illingconsente to it, hile thers, Wh di sal prove oscit, e re ut liberi to oppos it illi impunit and this it is notorious, was the conductis the majori ty. Hesides, it icto e rem arked, that he is hero speat in os the primat Os Constantinople, hohad been condemne by a provincia Synod, and had disregarde the nited judgmentis the assembly. Hi Colleague Complaino to the semperor Os his Obstinacy. The emperor p- potnte Gregor to decide the cause . e See, then that hemade no attempto intersere illi the ordinar jurisdiction and that tho very thing hic hine does for the assistance s

that he is ready to se se prove by ali, an to e correcte byall. So in another episti ho command the bishomo Aquileiato come o Rome to lea his cause in a controverSy hieli had arisen et ween him and his neighbourS, respectin an arti leo saltim nevertheles h gives his command not rom his oWn authori ty biit in consequence of the mandate Os the em- peror Nor doe he an nounc himsol a the solo jud ge, ut promise to SSemble a Synodo judge of the whole uilair. But though there a stili uel moderation, that the o ero the Roman se had iis certain limiis, hicli it a no permitte to exceed, and the bisho o Rome iniseis no more preside ove other than he was subjecto them. et it '