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that hicli applies them to the a pucy. Paul nys that Antichris sitieth in the templo os God. V et In another place, also the oly Spirit, describin his mage in the person fAntiochus, declares that his kingdom ill consist in spuat inggrent Ords, ' O blasphemies, against the Most High. V a)Henco, conclude that it S ather u tyrann ove the sonis of men than Ver their Odies, hiclici erected in opposition tolli spiritual ingdom of Christ. And in the nox place that this tyrann is ne hich does no abolisti humani o Christor of his Church, ut ather abuses the authorit os Christ, undconoeal itfel unde the character of the Chureli, as unde amasti. NON, though ut the herestes an schisms hicli ave existud froni thologinninibolon to the kingdomis Antichrist, yet heu Paul predici an approachin apostasy, he Signifies by this description that that eat of abomination hali thon uerected inhen a universat desection Shali hau solZod tho Church, not villistanding many members, dispei Sed in disserent places, persevere in the unit os the suit . ut liente adiis that evon
Now When he designates Antichristi this character, - that hewould ro God of his honori in orde to assume it tomimself this is the principat indication hicli, ought to solio iniurinquiries after Antichrist, Speciali Where uel pride proceedsto a public desolationis the Church. scit is evident heres oro that tho Roman pontis has impudenti transferreiicio himselffome of the peculiar an exclusive prorogative os God and Christ, it cannot o doubtest that he is the captain unu eader of this implous an abominabie kingdom. XXVI. ow, et the Romanisis o an object antiquityagainst iis a is, in such a Subversion os very thing the
remouod the Church rom orti salem to Pella. What e re inform0d id happenince manliave happene ostener There-sore to attach the hono ur os the primae to an particula place, so that ho horis in sac the mos inveterate enem Os Christ, the greates adversar of the gospei the deSolute and destroyer of the Chureli, the mos cruel murdere an butchor os ali the Suinis, muSt nevertheles be accounte the vicaris Christ, husuccessor os Peter the lites prelate os the Chiarch, muro ly be- causem occupies What vas ancienti therars see, is a thingeXtremel ridiculous and absurd. I sorbear o remari tho immenso dissere iace et v een the pope' chancery, andis eli regulate administration os the Church though his ne hingis sufficient to remove ver dissicula Pon this subjeci. For noman in his soland senses ill inc uide the episcopa ossico in lendand in bulis, much ess in that schoo os fraud and chicanories, in Whicli the pope' spiritual overtamen consists. t has justly been remari ed theres ore, that the Roman Church hieli is boasted os, has long ago been converte into a Secular Coliri, whicli is ad that is no to e seon ut Rome. O ames here accusing the vices os individuals, ut provin that the Papacytisuis is diametricali opposite to the legitimat order of the Chureli. XXVII. ut is, procoedo persons, it is ess noWnwhat hin os men e had findisii Staining the character svicars of Christ. Julius, and Leo, and Clement, an Paul, wid bo illars of tho Christian aith, and tho principat oracles of religion, ho neve line any thin os Christ, except halthe had Ioarno in the schoo of Lucian But hy, Penumerate three or Our pontiffs, a though it ere doli bisul hathin os religion the pontiis and the whole college os cardinals have pro SSed long ago, and proses in the prosunt an Foro the secret theolog whicli prevatis amon them, the sirstarti cle is that there is no God the second that ad that is Writiei and reacho concerning Jesus Christ is salso hood an impostiire the third, that the doctrine os a suture ise, and that os the final resurrection, are mere ables Thi Opinion, consess, is no entertaine by ali, an is expreSSed by se of them; et it long ago egan to e the ordinar religiono the pontism Though his is notorious to ad Wh are aequalia ted illi Rome, et the Roman theologian persis in boastin that the possibilit os error in the ope has been pre-
whom have mentioned, to e conoealed, ecause the have no publisho it by sermon o by rilings, ut Onl betrayedit in thoi chamber an at thei tablos, or at east illi in the walis of thei palaces. ut is the wish to estabiisti his privi- lege to hicli the preten d the mu St Xpunge froni theniimber of the pontiis Iolin the wenty-second who publiclymaintained that Ouis are mortal, and that the perish together With the odies tili the da os resurrection. An to ho that the whol see, With it principat illars, a then entiret y Overturned notis ne of the cardinals resisted his capita error; but the univorsit os Paris urged the k in os France to compelthe Ope t a retraction. The in interdicto his subjecishom ali communion illi im, unies he hout speedit repent aridi caused his tot proclaimed in the usual manner,
by a herald Compelle by necessit y the pontis abjure his
error This example render i un necessar sor me to disputean longe against the asSertior Oftur adversaries that the eeo Rome an iis pontiis cannot errae specting the faith, because
gracesia a manner, that he might urnisho posterit a signat proos that hos Who Succee Peter in his bishopri are not ali Peters. The argument iiseis, however, is to puerile o need any ans er For is the are determine to applyrio Potor's SucceSSOr every thing thut a sal to Peter it ill folioruthat the are ait Satans, secause themor also sal to Peter, Gut thoe bellin me, Satan thou ar an offencerunt me. V d)It will eras eas soris to retor this passage againSt them, Si is sor them to objec the ther again S US. XXIX. ut it assord me no plensure to contend With themii such oolories, and theres ore I re turn rom the digression. To confine Christ, and themoly Spirit, and the Church, to oneparticular luce, o that hoe ver reside there even thoughherae a devii, must, nevertheleSs, b deeme the vicari Christ, and tho ead os the Chiarch, ecause that place as Ormerly the se of Peter maintain to e no Ont implous an dis-honourable o Christ, ut altogether absurdon repugnant tocommon ense. The Roman pontiis sor a long timo have sithe been totali indifferent to religion, O have hoWn them-Selves it greates enemi QS. They arem more made the vicarsos Christ therses ore, by the See hici, the Occupy than anido is to e talion sor God, ecauserit is place in his temple.
mon Ster ruther than men the prove them Selve to have no
there is no doubi ut tho rosura degrues, together illi theirhead, ill the reache thoi prosunt igit dignity. his also have thought prope to sugges by the Way in a se WordS,
that the reade ma more sud underStand that he Ornan See, incit present circumstances, is idol disserent rom it ancient State, unde the preteX of hic cit is no maintaino and de- senilud. ut halevor the may have been in forme times, Sine theyliave no no truo and legitimate ossico in the Chureli, andini relain a mere nam undisoles masti sitie undisinoe
ΓΗ neX subjec is tho poruor of the Chureli, hicli is ob considerexas residing, parti in the respective biShopS, parilyin Ounciis, and thOSe ei thor provincial O generat. I spontioni of the spiritualio Ner Whichielong to the Chiarch. NON, it consist ei thor in doctrine, in legislation, o jurisdiction Thusubjectis doctrine containsa o paris alio authorit to estabiisti doctrines, und the e X plicationis them. He re, enter On the particula discussion fiach of these potnis, e ould apprige
ΙΙ. Here, heres ore, it is necessar to remember, that haleve authorit an dignit is attributo by th Hol Spirit, in
the Scripture, ei the to the riest an prophet unde the la , O to the apostles and thei successors, it is allini ven no in Strici sense to the person themSelves, ut to the mini Stry ver Whicli the were appotnted or, o Speali more correetly t theword, the ministrationis,hicli a committexto them Foris e Xamine them ali in succession, e hali no find that the were investe mitti an authorit to teuch Oro ans Ner inquirios, ut in the nam and word of the Lord For honthe were calle to thoi ossice, it was a the fame time en-
impor is that he permit no ne to tuach more than he hasbeen commande&; undae asterWard gives the appellation of chassy to very thing that has no procoede froni himselfatone. Ot ne os the prophet opene hi mouili, there re, Without liminifrs received the word froin the Lord Hencethei frequent se os these expression The wor of the
IV. Is, advert to the apostles the are certaininhonoured With an extraordinar characters. t S aid that the are
include incit. V. ut hereas it has been a principio received in the Chiarch froin tho buginii in g, and ought to e admitte in thopreSent day that the servant os God hould teuch nothingwhich the have no learnsed rom him, et the have had dis
os heavoni doctrine ; rom his Duntain the prophet them-Selves re ali the celestia oracles hicli the spolio and Wro te. ut his isdom has no alWays manifesto itself in the fame Way. With the patriarch God employe secret revelation the confirmationis, hicli ho Never, he at thesam time adde suci, sigias that the could not entertain theleast doub that it a God ho spatio to them. What thepatriarchilia received the transmittest rom handri hand tothei posterit y so the Lord had committe it to them ora thoeXpres condition that the Should o propagat it Succeed- in generations, rom the testimon os God in their uaris, kne that hat he heard was rom heaven an no 1 rom
rule Theres ore aster the promulgationis the law, hei theprie Si mere commande to each out os the mouit, of tho Lord, ' the meaniniis that the should ea hioth in eXtrane-OUS, o disserent froin that system o doctrino hicli the ordhad comprised in the laru it a no lawsul for them to ad toltis to diministi rom it Aster ard followed the prophetS, by hom God published ne oracles, hicli ere to e addedio the laW; et the were notis ne but that the proceededfroin the la , and bore a relation to t. For in regar i doctrine, the propheis ere meret interpreter os the laW, and adde nothin loci excepi prophecies of thing to Ome. EX-cept these the brought sorwar nothingi ut pure Xplicationo the la . ut bucaus it leased God that thure houldae amore evident and copiolis doctrine so the belle satisfactionis Neali consciences, he directe the prophecies also to e committexto ritin g, and to e accounted a partis his ord Tothos likeWise sere adde the histories, hicli ere the productions of the propheis, ut composed unde the dictationos tho Hol Spirit. Uclas tho saluis illi the prophecieS, ,ecause hat, attributo to the prophecies is common to the Psaluas That hole od os Scripture, heres ore con SiStingos th Law, tho Propheis, the Psalms, and themistories, RStho ord os God to the ancient Church an to this tandar the riest an teachors, even to the comin os Christ, Were boundo consor thei doctrine ; nor Nascit lawsul forthem to deviate eithe to tho right handis to the lest, ecausethei ossice a Wholi confinest illiin these limits that they
Whereae command tho JeW to remember the la N, and o boattenti veri it, severi ill the publicationis the gospe l. b For in that injunctioni drive them orsrom ali adventilious doctrines, and prohibit ovon the malles deviation stoin the path hicli Mosos ad salthsult showed thom Anxit is sor his ruasola that David so magnifies the excellene os the in , and recounts S many oscit praises; to prevent the Jews frona destring any addition to it sinc it containe every thin necessar so them
VII. Hut when, ut longili, thesisdomis God was manifested in tho sest, it poni declare to iis ali that he human in is
tho apostle intende to statem uti important sact lieni faid, that God, lio, at Sundry times, an in divers manners, palle
in time paston to the athers by the propheis halli in theselast days spolien tanto si his Son sc forme here suggests, and even laini declares that God illiso in future, as in
age past, speati Doni timeri time by one and another, that he Williso ad prophecies to prophecies, O revelation to revelations, ut that he has complete ali ho branches of instructionin his Sori, so that this is the las and ternat testimonythat o hali avo rom im hicli reason this holoperio os the e Testament, stoin the appearance Os Christi us in tho rs promulgation os his oSpei even to the dayos judgment, is designate a the last time, the last timus, tho las days; V in orde that, ein content illi the persec