장음표시 사용
thorit of tho athors in his casu, frona a Want of testimonios in their ritings o suppori ha I maintain is I oro inclinodio adduce them. ut a Phave obseruod Pam ianwillin to
Subjeci; speciali as it has been long ago discussed illi
VII. et in saet, o an obta in no et tu docision os this poliat than rom th Scripturo iself, is, comparo ali the places Where it hows hat ossic and pomer Peter held among the apostles, o h conducted himself, and in hat anno howas received by them On an Xamination Os the hole, eshali ni find that hv as ne of the Nelve, equa to the reSt, thei companion, no thei master. e proposes to the assemblyindued is here bo any thin to e dono, and de Ver his opinion on lint is necessar to se oneri ut he ho ars the observation os thors, and nolint gives them the opportunit os Spenking thei sentimenis, ut leave them to decide, and whon thoy
himself Commando by his colleagues o go illi Jolint Samaria, he refusos not. si The apostles by Sendin him, declared that the di no considerii 1 a thoi Superior Byhis compliance an underiali in the commission intriaste tollim, he confessod that he was a colleaguo With thum, ut ad n authorit ove them. Ι 1ione os these facts had romninedupon record, et the Episti to the Galatians might alone easti remoVe Very doubi; here aut devotes early NoWhole Chapter to the sol pui pose of ho Ning that he Wasequato Putor in the dignit of the post leslii p. enco herelates that he wen to Peter no to proses subjection to him, buto testis to ali ho harmon of thoi doctrino; und that Peter require no such hin a submission, ut gave hi in the
by the reproos. 4m At thes things fuit prove ei thor that
there a an quatit betWeon aut an Petor, or at eas that Poterindio more poWerive the est than the had vertim. And this, a Phaverat ready observed is the professed objectissPaul a provent his belli considere a inferior in his apostoli character o Peter O Jolin, ho ere his ColleaglaeS, not
the member reSpectivel a certain mensure, undis determinato an limite function; so that the perfection O graee, Smellos the supreme pomer of Overninent, resides in Christulone. amare O their usua cavi in evasion of this argument alia Christ is properi style the solemoad be-Caus h Mone overtas by his Wn authorit and in his Wnname, ut that this is no reason hy there may O be underhim another ministeria head a thoi phras is, o ne a his Vicegerent on arth. ut the gain nothin by this cavit, except the sirs prove that this ministry was ordaino by Christ. For the aposti teaches that ali the subordinate miniStration is distributo among the mombers, ut that the OWer
h intend there a reprosentation of the sacro and spiritualgo verriment of the Chureli, hici has ince received the a me Os hierarchy. Monarch amon ministerS, O the goVernmentos ne ver es the est, he no only Oes no mention, ut indicatus that thoro is no uel thing. There is no doub also that he meant to expres the natur os the union, by hicli hosaithsul a re corinsectod illi Christ their Head. O , he notoni malles O mention os an ministeria head, ut attributes to very one of the member a particular operation, C-
lli primacy. The consos that it Was originalty the rst, but allego that Petor, on his removat rom it, transsorrod thehonour hicli as attacho tomim o Rome For there is an episti o Popo Marcellus to tho presbyter of Antioch, in Whicliti says, The See fleter a a firS among ou, ut at thecommand of the Lord was sterward remove 1 to this ity. So the Churchis Antioch, hich Was originalty the rst, hasgiVon placeo the se os Rome But asst, B What oraclu
limo. ho mill thini it credibi that, i he had boon here, Paul could avo assed hi in ovor in tota silenoe More over, in his Episti to the Philippians, aster havin said that he had
ancient riters I illiso disputes his havini diox at Rome
Selves, or atheroo admit the validit os the ordinando os tho Hol Spirit, it eoomes iis ather o ook Up to the postl0shipos aut than to that os Poter. For thei different provinces Woro alloitudo them y the Hol Spirit, ho sent Peter tolli J0ws, and Paul oras. The ornant StS, heres ore, a Seelisor thei primae else Where, but o in the wor of God Whichassord no the leas foundation orcit. XVI. et Us no procee to hoW, that Ur adversarieS have o more reason sor boaSting of the authorit of the ancient Church than of the testimon os the wor os God Forwhun the bring orward his principio that the unit of the Church cannot be preserved, unies it have ne Supremo hendi pon arth, o homini the member Should e subjeci, and that, heres ore the Lordinave the primae to Peter, and uster-Ward by right os succession to the se os Rome that it mightremain there to the endis timo, the also asser that this hasbeen the sage rom the egi nning. o , a the groSStypervert variotis testimontes, Ι Would fit Si mali this proliminaryremarii. I do no deri that he ancient riter uniformi ygive great honou to tho Roman Chureli, an sponti oscit in roSpecisti ternis. Thises conside a arisin principali fromthree causes. In the firSi place that opinion hich, Ι noruno how had beon received that i had eun oundod and se t-tled by the ministr of Petor, operate ver po Wersuli to gainit credit an authority, and theres ore, mong the QSternchurches it a calle tho Apostoli Seo. In the econi place, bucauserit a the capital of the empire and n his accounti is probabi that it containe men superior in earn in and prude iace, si ill and Xperienee, to tho se of an ollier place due rogard Was aid to thi circumstance, that tho glor os thecit an othor a more excellentini sis of God might no appear tot undurvalue l. In the thiri place Whilo the Enstern and Grook Churches, and even tho Se in Africa, ore agitu ted by numero uidisSension Os opinion mong them solves, the Churchos Rome a more eaee ubi und os disturbed. Hon e thappened that tota uia hol bis ops, on uin expelle fromthoi sees, frequently resorte thither, a to an asylum Or portos Sasely. For a the eople of Europe have es subitet y and activit os in than the inhabitant of Asia and Africa, sotho ure notis volatile or destrous of novel ty It considerablyincroased th authorit of the Chiuch os Rome theres ore, that
in hos uncertain time it a not so much agitatu Mus theother Chiarches, und was more tenaciotas solio doctrinowhicli it ad onco re sive than ali the est, a me hali presently ho more a large on account of these three causes, I say, it acheld in more thala common respeet, an received many hono urable teStimonte from ancient riters.
he omitted i formant os recollection Nould mos roadilyhave mentione it, is tho ac lia permitted him. t is be-yon ali dotibi, heres ore, that he a this to e the true Lindos unity, hic licis mos excellenti describsed by Cyprian in the solio Nin passage: here is only one bishoprie of whicliover bisho holds an integra pari and there is ut ne Church, hicli is idely extende into a multitude by the im
Church, o Christinione, an says that integra portions os itare confidei to at those ho discliarge the episcopa ossicemidor his ead. here is the primae of the se O Rome, is the universa bishopric e veste in Christolone and verybisho hol an integrat portiori oscit object in thesequotations ha been to convince the render, by the Way that this principio, hicli the Romanisi assume as an admitte and indubitabie maxim namely that the nil of the Churcii require the Supremac os Some arthly head Was altogether
I supportis the anti itiit os the primae os theraeo os Rome, there is nothiii to e ound anterior to tho decree of tho oun
place among the patriarchs, uni is directed o superinton theno ighbourin Churches. When the colluci malles a distinctionbet Neen him und the other patriaretis, sorus to assign to ut their respective limiis it clearly cloes no constittit him the hoad of them ali, ut ni malles him ne of the principat. Vitus and Vincentius attended the councii on the phali os Iu us, hoat that time proside ove the Church of Rome They ereseatod in the solarili placo. statilius ad eun acknowledgedas th hoad of tho Chur ii, ould his re pro sentative have been degradu to tho ourth sua Θ ould Athanasius have residediti a generat council Whore the sorti of tho litorarchica systemoughtonost particularint have been observe dct ii the councilos Ephesus, it appears that Celestine, ho a then bis opis Rome, made Se Os a disingenuo iis artifice to securo tho dignityos his seu For heri he sent his legates thither, ne reque Sted Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, ho as Other iSe to reside, O ac on his bellais. For fiat purpos could his equest emade, ut that hi nam might, at an rate Occiapy the rst places For his legates sat in lower Station, ere usi e their Sentiment amori OtherS, and Subscribe in their ordor at thesam time the patriarch sole Xandria unite Celestine 's numemith his own. What halles say of tho secon Counci os Ephesus, here though the legate os eo ere pre Sent, et Dioscorus, patriarchis Alexandria presistud a in his Wia right y They ill objoci, that this a noton orthodo COUncit, be-cnus it condemn sed Flavianus, uioly man, bis opis Constantinople, an aequit te Eutyches, and sanctioned hi hore Sy. But hon the eo uncii res assem bled, and the bis ops Oolithei respective senis, it is certain that the legates of the Roman Churcii ere present among the Others, as in amoly and legitimate councit. et the contende not for the firs placu biit teldedit to nother, hicli they Nould not avo done is tho had considerei it a bulongin to the m. For tho bishops of Romeliave neve been ashumed Drai sing the grentes contentions Orthei dignity, and the have notiositated on thiSaccount alone, to haras an agitate the Churcti illi various and pernicious