Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


an is no thermis insufficion to conduci S O Salvation, than in consequerice of ur depravit y. y this answer Christdeclared that he aught no ther system os lis than that whichina anciently been de vere in thecia os God Thus h at the Samo time gave a testimon to the divine la a thedoctrine os perfeci righteousness, and rechided ali calumnies, that he might no appear, b inculcatin a ne rule of se, to incite the oople to a de parture rom the luW. The oungman, o in deed rom ad ues of heari, ut in socio with ain Considenee, replie respecting the precept os the law, All

plete persection. For it has been ulready proved that thela contains in it sol a persect righteolisne SM; and it appears stom his passage that the obsorvance oscit is callo the en trance into eternalis e To tuach him o litti prosicionc lio ad made in that righteousness, hicli e to considenti replied that he had fulsissed, it a necessar to investigate and X- pose a vice hicli a conceale in his heart. He abo undedin riches, and his eari a fixe On them Hecatas he was no sensibi os this secret ound theres ore Christ probes it. Mo,' says 0 sol ali that thou ast. V I he had beon sogood an observe os the la asine imagineo, he would no have gone Way Sorrowsu on earing this answer For o holoves God illi ad his eari, o only esteem a WorthleSSWhateve is inconsistoni illi his love, ut also abominates ita perniciolis Theres ore, hen Christ command a ricli and avariclous an to relinquish ad his ualth, it is ust the

Same as fise commande an ambitioia man to renounc ad his honourS, a voluptuous an to abandon ali his de cacies, and an unchast man to forsalie ad the instruments of temptation Thu consciences, hicli receivem impression from genera admonitions require to e re assed to a particular Sense of


the were suppoSed to e the ni happy perSonS, Wh renounco ali arthi thhigs, and devote themSelves enti relyto Christ. Butes trus that the explication hic hes have givenwill e satisfactor to ali good and eaceable perSonS, S u toleave them in no doub os the true mea in os Christ. XIV. Othing, hoWever, a surther rom the intention Ostho athers, than to stablisti iacti a perfectionis has incebeon fabricate by thos hoodo Sophisters, Whichinoe to et up xv kind of Christiani ty. Formo ne had thenai ven birthio that sacrilegious Ogma, hici compares the OnaStic profession to baptiSin, and Ven pent asseris it to eo species os socon baptism. Who an do ubi that the ather Nouldhavo sinceret abhorrest suos blasphemn As to the conchi-din observation of Augustine, reSpecting the ancient monkS, that the devote thenaseives hollyrio charity, hat nee isther sor a ord to e saido demonstrate it to e altogetherinapplicabie to this modern profession The fac iistili declares that ad ho retire into monasterie Separate themSelves 1 roin the Chiarch. o do the no separate them Selves romthe legitimate societ os e evers by tal in to thenaseives a peculia mini Stry an a private administration os the Sacrament. What is a disruption os the communion of the Chureli, is his e notJ An to ursu the compari Son hich have commenced, and to conclude it at nee, What re Sem-blance avo the in his respectri the montis os ancient times ΘThough the live in a stato os se histon froni Other men theylia no separate Church ohe received the sacrament Withothers the attende the Solemn asSeml, es to ear reachin g, an to unite in prayers illi the company os elio Vers; and thor the formo a par of the eople. In erect in apriVute alia sor them solves, fiat have the present montis dono, ut rolion the on os uni in For the have Xcommunicatsed themsolves rom the genera bod of the Church. an have hown contem p os the ordinar ministry by hichi has leased God that eace and charit should e reservedamon hi Servants. Al the present monasteries, heres ore Imaintam O be so many conventicles of Schismatics, who disturbthe order of the Church, an have been ut os froni the legitimate Societ of e evers. Ando place this division beyondan do tibi, the have assume Various ames of Secis and have no been ashame to lor in that hic li Paul execrates beyon ad possibi tyis exaggeration. UnleSS, SuppOS that Christ a divi ted by the Corinthians, heia very One Oasted of his particular tuacher; q and that it is no no derogation rom the honour os Christ, hen, instea os the nam Os


Christians, sonae are calle Benedictines, ther Franciscans, othors Dominicans and when the haughtit assume thesetities to thomsolvos a the adges of thei religioli profeSSion, stom an assectation os se in distinguishod rom the generalbod o ChristianS. XV. The disserendos hic es have tu ted, et oen the anciunt montis and tho se of the pro Sentinge relate Ot O mannel S, but to tho profession itSeis. et it there fore, e re membered by the readers thates have potion os monachisin rat e than os montis, an have Censured hoSe auus hiel pro no meroly

can hardi require a particular representation. t is obviolas, that here is no orde of men more polluted illi ali ho turpitude os viceri non more disgraced by factiora S, animosities,cabalS, an in trigileS. In om se convenis, indoed the live

tram by carryin about the relic Os martyrs, and even Solith bones os an dea men a tho bones of martyrs, and whobrought disgrace On the orde by a reat umber of similar crimes. As e declares that he had spei no et ter mon hanthos Who ha been improve in monasteries, o e complainSthat he had seen no Orse men than thOS Who ad been corrupte in monasteries. What ould he say, at the present ny, to See almost ali monasterieS, O Oni filled, ut verilo ing, with so many and suci desperato vice. I say nothingi ut Whatis notorious O very perSon though his censure i no applicabie to ali Withou any Xceptiora. For a the ille an diScipline os hol livin has neve been o et est blisliud in mon-nSteries, ut that there ere always sonae rones ver disserenti rom the est, oes do not a that tho montis of the presentda have so sar degenerate froni that hol antiquity that thereare no stili Some good men among their Ody; ut they are


main amon illem.

XVI. y this comparison os ancient anil modern monachism trus Pliave succoedod in in desigia os vincing the fallacyos the lea, hicholi pressent mei of th hood allego in de- sene of thei profession froni the Xample of the primitive Chiarch the differ froni illo arly montis jus as apes do

frona men . t the sanie time, I admit that even in ilio anciunt System hici AuguStine commends, there is omething hich cannot aliogether approve. I grant, the discovere nosuperstition in the externat Xercises os a too rigi discipline but I maintain that the were Oi ree rom XceSSive affect

tion an misguide geat. It suemud a good hingo forsaliethei properi in Orde to Xempi thenaseives rom ad arthlysolicitudo ; ut God set a igher value On pio iis Xertion sortite overtiment of a family, heia a holy ather os a family, fre from ad avarice, ambition, and ther corrupi paSSionS, devotes himself to this objeci, that he a serve God in particular cassing. It is a beautis ut hin to vo the lis os a philosopher in retirement, ut a distance rom the societ os mon; ut it is no the par os Christian charit sori man toactos is fi liato ad manliind withdramin to the so tu deos a deseri, an abandoning the principat utius hicli theLord has commanded. Though e liould grant that there

Wa no ther vi in his prosession, et certaint this a nota mali ne that it introduce uiseles an pernicious Xample in to the Chureli. XVII. et us no examine the natur of the voW bywhicli montis in the prosunt da aro initiato into his celebrate ordor. In tho rs place thoi design is to institute ane Service, in orde to merit the avour os God the refore conchide, froni the principies ali eady Stab Shed that halevor the vo is an abomination in the si glit os God. 0- condiy, without an rogard to the cassin os God, and without an approbation rom him, the invont for them Selves a ne mode fise in conformit with their Nn inclinations there fore maintaincit ora a rasti an unlawfiat attempti ecata Se their consciences have noth in to est iapon es ore God, and ,hat so-ove is notis salth, is in. V r Thirdly the bind thoniselvust man Corrupi and implous ServiceS, comprehende in themonachisin os the present day theres ore contend that they


virgini ty, as f the had revi ousi stipulatuit illi in that

them perSevere in modest and hastit Without an disgutSe. Thus, belli firm and constant, the may Xpeet the reWard ofvirginity. ut is the Wil not, or cannot persevere, it is ottersor them to e married than illi thei pleasiare o sali in tot urare. V ith hat reproachos Nould the no hesitate tostigmatig a person Wh Would isticio introduce Such a rea sonable limitation of the vom os continences They avo widely departed theres ore, rom the ancient custom, in resuSingio admit the leas moderation or relaxation is any one o ound incapable os persorining the vos and not ni So, ut theyure not shamexto prono unc that he commit a renter in


is ho remo dies his intomperando by tali in a Wise, than is hecontaminates his Ody and foui illi fornication. XVIII. iii tho stili ursu the argument, an endemourto ho that vo w of this kind wer in usu in the times of thea post les; ecause Paul Says that Midows lio, aster limitigbeen received into the public service of the chureli, married,

thought botte to undorstand the meaning t be that having, as it ore, os allis ante, the would thenoesor Nar have nolonge any regar sor viriue, ut Ouid abandon themselves toevery in os profligacy, and in a licentiolis an dissoluto lis exhibita the reates contrariet to the character os Christianwomen in interpretation hiches much approve se reply, theres ore, that those idows, ho ere then received int theservice of the Church, imposed on thenaseives the condition os perpetuat idowhood f the asterWard married, e eaSilyunderstand thei Siluation to have been a Paul States that, castin of shame, the 'etrayed an insolenem unbeeoming Christian omen ; and that thus the notistit si ne in breuk

re 1 Tim. v. 12.


Ousi distrossed, on the ne and Dom a read os violat ingthei promiserio God, and On the ther, fromin ea os incurring greater uili by observiniit, it i necessar here to osse them

God, and ought to e relinquished by us. XXI. This solution id furnisti an ans Ner to the cauimnies of the wicked in desonce of thos Who leave monachi Sm forso me honourable anos se Thuy are eavit accuse of broach os salth and perivry having rohen, ascit is common lySupposed the indisso ibi bonit hich uid homo God nil tho Chur h. Butes maintain that here is no Ond where that whicli man confirmiis abrogato by God Besides, though ushould grant that the were bound while the wero involve in

ghtened with tho knowledge of the truth, I maintain that the


grace os Christ has delivore thoni froin the obligation. For is

fore Christ illimai nates illi the light of his gospol there is nod ubi that he liberates them rom ali ho nares in hiel thuyhad entanglud hum selves by Superstition. Though tho areno at a los sor another defenco, is the are o qua fiud tolivo in culibacy. For is an impossibi vo b the ruinis soliis, whielicit is tho ill of th Lord o saverandio to destroy - itfollo ius that it is no right to persevere incit. Hut the impossibilit os an observance of tho vo Os continenc by those hoare no endued illi a Specia gist, e have atready hoWn, and without m Sayin a Word, experiene itSel declaros sorit is notorious lint Xtrem impurit prevatis in imos allmonasteries an is an os them appea more virtuous and modest than the est, it oes no fosso that the aro reatly more chaste beenus the concent the vice Os unchasti ty. Thus God inclicis awsul punishment on the audacit os men, When, orgetting their eat ne SS, the covet, in oppoSition tonature, that hicli is dente them, arid, despiSing the remedius whieli odia put into thei hands, indulge a contumacioUS an obstinate presumption that the are able to Vercome the vice of incontinence For lint hali e calicit ut contumney, When any one ho is admonishod that fi stand in nee o marri age, and that it has been iven to in by the Lordis a remedy no Oni contemniit, ut inds himself byan athri persevere in that contempt

munis; noli subject os hic licit is hight y importanto lay


thes places, here the or myster is sed the Ruthor of that version has rendere it sacrament. e ould not nyar antim, O Secret, est he hould appea to degrade the majestyos the subjoct. Theres rem has sod the word sacrament sora saeredis Divine secret. In his signification it frequuntly occurs in the ritings of the athors. An it is ot known, that baptism and the Lord 's suppor, hicli the Latins denominate sacraments are called mysteries by the Greelis Synonymous use of the ternis, hicli remove every doubi Andhenc the or sacrament came to e applied to thos Sigiis

Whicli containe a representation of Sublime an spiritualthings hicli is also remarked by Augustine, ho says, di Would e tediolis to disputo respecting the diversit os sigias, Whicli, hei the pertain to Divine things, are calle sacra-