Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


Whicli are not illi ut the knowledge Os Some lineSSe S, andye are o public Thumrs sor requires no the adoption os the gradu a measuros enumerato by Christ; ut it is thoiutyos the Church, on the occiri renue os an notoriou Scandat, immediatet to summon the offender, an to punish him in proportion to his erime. Sin os the secon claSs, coordingto the rulo of Christ, are notuo se broughi es ore tho Church, unies the are attende With contumacy in rejectin private admonition. Whon the are submitte to the cogniZance of the Church, then attention is to e ai to the thor distinction, et Neen malle delinquencie an more atroclou crimes. For lighter offences require no the Xertior of Xtrem Se-vori ty it is sussicient to administer Verba castigation, and that illi paterna gentioness, o Calculatodo e XRSperate orconsoland the offender, ut o bring imo himstiis that his

correction a be an occasion Oscio rather than os Sorro .

But it is proper that flagitious crimes hould receive Severer punishment forcit is notis nough for hini ho has rievoustyosthnde tho Church by tho ad Xample Dan utroeloia Crime, meret to receive Verbal castigation ho ought to e do privedo tho communion solio Lord 's Suppo for a time, ill he hallhaVe gi ven Sati Ss actor evideno os repontanee. For aut notoni employs verbal reproos against the Corinthian transgreSSor, but excludus him rom tho Church, and lames the Corinthians for avin tolerate him o long Thi Orde Wasretaine in tho ancient an puro Church, hile an legitimategovernment continued. O is any one ad perpotratod a crime hich was productive fiss ence, he was commanded, in the sirs place, to abstain froin the Lordi Supper, and in theneX place, to umbie inisel bufor God, an to testis his repentance e re the Church. There ere, likewise, certain Solemn rites hicli it a customary to enjoin pon those holia fallen, a sigiis os thei repentance. When the inne had performed thes for the satisfaction os the Chiarch, he Wasthen, b imposition of hands, readmitte to the communion. This readmission is frequently calledis acet Cyprian, hobrion describes the ceromony. The do penance, i SIVS, fori sufficient time the tho come o consession, and by the impositionis the hand of tho bisho an clergy, are re-Stored to the privilege os communion. V ut though th bishopan clerg preside in the reconciliationis ostenders, et theyrequired the consent of the eopleri a Cyprian else Where

state S.

VII. rom his disciplino non e sero Xempted so that prince and plebeians iet dod the samo submission to it; and that illi the greates propriet y sincerit is evidently the discipline os Christ, o hom it is reasonable that ali the Sceptres


an diadum os ings hould bo subjeci. Thus Theodosius, whon Ambroso exculdo him from the privilege os communion, On Recount of a maSSaere perpetrate a Thessalonica, laidissidotho sensi gns os royalty ith hich he was invested public lyin tho Church e Wallud his sin, hicli the decuitsul suggestions of thors ad temptu him to commit, and implore pardonWilli roan and ears. Forareat ing ought notrio thini it

in thoi colaris ut more flat teries, it is the more hi ghi nece S- Sur so them to receive correction rom the Lord by themolith of his ministors the ought even to isti noto bespared by the pastors, ilia the may be spared by tho Lord. sorbear o mention ore by hom hi jurisdiction is to beeXercised havin Spolienis his in another place. I id on lyadd that the legitimate proces in Xcommunicatin an sesender, hicli is potnted ut by Paul, requires it to e done, no by tho older alone, ut illi the knowledge and approbation folio Church in Such a manner, OWeVer, that themultitude of the eopte a no direct the proe eedin g, ut may watch ove it a Witnesses an guardians that nothingina be ora by a se person froni an improper moti Ue. Heside the invocation of the nam os God the whol of the proce edin ought to e conducted illi a gravit declarativo of the resone o Christ that there a b no doub of his

i he e presse an surther, the rigour is carrio beyon iis


prope limits. In his respuet, it is impossibi to excuse the eXCeSSive aristerit of the ancients, hicli mas ulteri a variance With the diroctions os the Lord, and lexto the most angerous

entire assectiones umbrace those ho return illi penitence, confessing their in illi umbi and sincere satisfaction. 'Chrysostom Saather more severe; et he expresses himself thus:

vidua to moderat hi insoli to the like tonderi es and clemeney. Such as are expolle froni the Chureli, there foro, it is no foru t expunge rom the number of the eieci, o to despui of


thoni as ulready lost. It is prope to conside them a strangersto the Church, and consequently from Christ, ut his ni aston a the remalia in a State os Xclusion An even thera, is tho exhibit more appearance of Obstinac than f humili ty, stili let iis leave them to the udgment of God, oping et terthings of them for the future than e discove ut preSent, undia ot ea singo prant God on thei bellais Andrio comprehen ut in a Word, et iis no condemn to terna death the person laimself, ho is in the an an power o God alono, but et iis content ursolves illi jud ging of the natur of his Work nec ordin to the la of the Lord. Whil me follo this rute, e rather adhere to the udgmen os God than pronounce

io the censure of the Chureti by hicli those horare Xeommunicatodire no eas into terna ruin and condemnation, but, by hearing theiris an conduci condemnod are also certi fied of thoi final condemnation, unies the repent. For XCOmmunication disser from anathema the alter, hici ought Obe Ver raret o neve resorte io, rechidin ali pardon, eXecrate a person, and devotes him to eterna perdition; Wherea eXCommunication ather consurus an punishus his

conduci. An though it oes, at the fame time, punish the perSon, et it i in Such a manner, that by Warning him os his future condemnation it recalis him o salvation Isi obe y the Church is ready to re-admittim to iis friendShip anxio restorehim to iis communion Theres re though the discipline ostii Churoli admit no os ur friendi associatio an familiar

by tho Churcii collectivoly ou discipline id e in dange os speedit degeneratin into eruetiy. XI. t is also particulari requisite to tho moderationis dis-

o 2 Thess. iii. 15.


cipline, as Augustine observos in disputin With the Donatisis, that private persons, is the se fauit corrected withoo littio diligunco by tho ounci os eiders, hould Ot nolint account immodialet Withdra stomoti Church and that the pastors


Christ. The sam conduci is ursite in the present da by the An aptisis, Who acknowledgingio congregation to belongi Christ, utiles it e, in ali respecis, conSpicuou for angelic persection, unde the retexi Os eat, destro ali dification. Such persons, ' says Augustine, not actualed by atred against the iniquit of thers, ut stimulated by ondites sortheir Wn disputes, destre eithe whollyo pervert, or at leastio divido the woali multitude by insitaring them illi thoirboastsul pretensions inflate Witti pride, insuriated illi obstinacy, insidio us With a limini es, turbulent illi seditioris that thoi destitution os the ght os truth may noti detected theyconcent themsolves Under the coveri os a rigoroia Severit ;and thos things hicholio Scripture command to e doneso the correction os the auus o our rethren, Without violatin the sincerit os love, o disturbing the unit os eace, ut with the moderation os a remedia proceSS, the USe t an occaSion os dissension an to the sacrilege os schism. Thus Satan transsorius himself into an ange of Eglit, hen romjus severity e talies occasion to perSuade men to inhumancruelay, Withis other object than to corrupi and reali hebon os peace and unity by the preservation Os,hicli among Christians, ad his poWero injure hem is ealienod his insidious nares are rosten, an his Scheme so thei ruin come tonothing. XIII. Thero is no thing hicli his ather particularly recommend&- that is the contagionis an sin has insected a Whole eopte there is a necessit so the Severit an mercyWhichoro combinest in trici disciplino. For Schemes of Separation, he nys, inre pernicioli an Sacrilegious, ecause

And what he here proscribus to thors, he aithsuli fosso edhimself. For ritin to Aurelius, bis op os Carthage, he om-plaine that runkenness, hic licis o severet condemne in the Scripture, provailed illi impunit in Africa, an persuaded


tha commandis the apostle, to ut aWay the iched, q) ought by no means to e neglected when it an e dono ithout dange os disturbing the oace for in his casu lon diu he

ing to k00p the unit os the Spirit in the bonit si aco. V r)XIV. The remaining par os discipline, hicli is no strictly

include in thes power of the koys, consist in his that hepastorS, accordin to the necessit of the times, nould exhortthe eo ple either o sustings r solemn supplications O to thereXercise Os humility, repentance, and aith, of whicli the ordos God rescribes Deither the time, the extent, nor the form,


tho ait sui in particular. The sum ma be nid of the thiril. For it illio metimos happen that God, ill afllic a Whol nation

vidual, he ought to mali a simila conseSSion, ither lone Orwith his sanatly It is true that his uel nowledgmentie principali in the disposition os homoari; ut Whon the lieni t is asse secte ascit ought to e it an carcet avoid realiing ut into the eXternaliXpression undisoSDeSpeciali When it promotes thegonorat edification in orde that ali by a public consession osthei Sin, n unitedly acknowledg the justice os God, and ma mutuali animate acti the by the influence of example. XVI. Wheres ore fastin g, as it is a sign of humiliation is Os more frequent se in public than amon individual in private though it is common to both, a We have ulready observed. illi rogar to the discipline, there fore, of hich


no broali his sustolli ho has attende to t. The quali tyconsist in an sentire abstinence romiainties, and contentinent With simplor and umbier sare, that our appetite a no bestimulated by doli acies. The ille os quantit is that, eat more sparingi an stightly than usual ont for neceSSity, and

XIX. ut it is necessar sor us, bove at thingS, O bo particulari on ur guar against the approache of Superstition, Whicli has erutos ore pen a solarco os grent injur to the Church. For it ero sar ulter that astiti should bo entii olydisu sed than that tho practice hould bo diligenti obsorved, and a tho amo time corruptod with salse an perniciolas opinions into hicli the ori is continuali sal ling, unius it ei revented by the ruatus fidelit anil prudelice Os the pastors. The sirs caution nocessary, and whicli the Should e constanti urgin g, is that suggeste by Ioel: Rend ou heari, an not our armonis V a that is, tho fhould admonis lithe eopte that God eis no valitu on ast in g, utiles it benecompante With a correspondent disposition of heari, a realdi Spleasure against in sincere self-abhorrenoe, true humiliation,