장음표시 사용
it is ver evident What readsul imishment the Lord generat ly
Wis and children, o underi ake Ome ther chargo ascis a person qua fiet to fili ho meo os magistrate, or belli chosent ii, hould o that he would rem alii in a priVate station. But the obsorvation e have mado that our libert ought notio bo ossi sed has omo dissiculay, hic li requires a furthereXplication. Νοψ the meaning may be briossy Xplain sed in the ollowin maniter: As God has constitute iis ord os allthings, and has place them in Subjection to iis, in orde that
m Whicli themor has institute in tho Christian Chiarch. IV. proceo no to the thir consideration hiches montion ex that it is of great importarico illi ha intention avo is mado, is se isti it to b approved by God For as
grate sui ncknowledginent, that he ma no appen ianthanksulso hi goodness. The natur Os the seconi species of owswil susscienti appear rom nly ono sanii ur Xamplo Isis person has salien into any crimo through tho vice os intem-lier ance, nothin pre Vent him rom correcting that vico bya temporar renunciation os ali delicacies, and ens orcing this abstinenco by a vom, o lay himself unde tho Stronger obligation. et I impos no perpetua la on those ho havebo nautit os sucti an ostence I ni potnt ut lint the arent tiberi toruo, is the thinii that suci a vo would e usos ulto them. I considerin vo w of this ind, heres ore, a lawsul, hiat, at the Same time, as est to the re choicu os very individual. V. Vows hicli rogar the suture ases have observed, have
the bo supporto by the approbation os God is tho bosuitabi tomur calling, an is the be limitu by the abilit os
ought o bo entertainest os o S universali V. There is onevo common to ali belle vers, hicli is made in baptism, and confirme and Stablis sed by us in the profession os ur ait hin the Catechism, an in the reception of the Lord ' Supper.
For the Sacrament resemble Covenanis, O instrument os
to obe his hol commands, and noto solio the corruptinclinations of tho flesti. his vo be in sanctione by the Scripture, an even requiro os ali ho child rei os God itought noto b doub te that it is oly an usosul. t is no objection to this that o mali in the presentis persornis the perseet obedience hichio requires of us foris his stipulation is inclaide in the covenant os graco, hicli containsboth remission os in and the spirit os Sanctification, hepromise hich e then mali is connected illi, and pre- SuppoSe our Upplication or mercy, and ur Solicitation forassistance. In ud gin os particular o S it i necessar toremember the three rules hicli 0 have ivera, hic si illen ablem to forni a correct estimate of the natur Os very vo . et Ι ould not e thought to carr m recommendation, even of thos voWs hicli I maintain to emoly sociar asto isti thei datly use For thougho venture to determine nothin respecting the number o time, et, is an perSonwould solio m advico, he wil mali non but Suchos are Sober, and of hor duration. For is any one osten recur tolli mali in os many orus, at religion ill b injured by their frequency, and there ill e great angeris sa in into Superstition. 1 any one in himself by a perpotuat O , he illno dischargo it ithout great troubie and difficult or, ea-rie by iis long continuando, he illis tengili violate it al-
abomination than services os human invention The solio Wing pernicioris and Xecrabie opinion are alSo entertainod hypocrites, heia the linuo performest these oolerios, supposethum solvos o have attained a igh degre os righteousnes ;they placo the hole substa ne os piet in X terna observances and the despis ali ho discoVer e S concern bout thes thing than them Sel VOS. VIII. To enumerato at the particula Lind of Vows, ould anSWer no good purpΟSe. ut beenus monasti voW are te id in very high veneration a theyseo med o bu sanctioned by the public authorit os the Chiarch, it is propero mulce a se bries romariis respecting the m. In therars place thatis onema deson monachism, a it exist in the present day, under the protene os ancient and long-continuo prescription it mustb observed that the modo os lis in monasteries, in ancient times, a very disserent rom ha it is no . The were there trent of those ho Wishedo habituat themsolvos to thegrenteSt austerit an patienco so the disciplino attributust tot he Lacedaemonians, unde tho in s Os LycurguS, RS quailed, and even considera ly Xcee led in rigour, by that hicli as
tha the monasti colleges ere at that time the SeminarieS,srom hicii tho Church was urnishe with ministers, is sum- cienti evident rom tho examples of those hom e have mentioned, ho Nere ali educate in monasteries, and romthat siluation ore calle to the episcopa ossice, a Wollis os many ther great and Xcellent men of thei age. An Augustine hoWs that the Samo custom os Supplyin minister for the Chureli froni the monasteries continue in his time ; for homontis os thoessiand of Capraria re addi essed by him in thesodomin maniter se exhort ou in tho Lord, rethren, that ou kee your purpOSe, and persevere to the en ; and that, is at an time our mother the Chiarch hali avo eodos ou labo ur, ou ei thor underiali the charge illi ager pride, nor resus it illi stultering indolenco ut thalao obey
by monasti disciplino, sor the OVernment of the Church, that tho might e tho ettur qualisiodo underiali suchnia important ossice. o that ali montis uita inest his nil or ove inimodis it for the were in generat illiterate men, but hos Who ero qualisie more solected. IX. ut Augustino has givei us a portraitur os the ancient monachisin principali in Wo places in his reatis On the Manners of tho Catholio Church, in hicli ho dosonos hosanctityis that profession against the calumnies of the Manichs an an in anotho book On the Labour os Montis, in hic lilio involgiis against sonio degenerato montis. Who had eguia tocorrupi that ordor. The different things hicli e states, Ishali here coclec in atrie summary using a sar a poSSible, his own ords. Despising tho alli trements of this orld, unito in a common se of the strictest hastit an hol iness, the speri thoi time together, livin in prayerS, in readingS, uno in consore races, ne illior inflated illi pride, nor turbulent vitii obstinacy, Dor pale ith nVy. ΝΟ ne OSSeSSeS nylli in of his Wn otio is burdensome to nother. y the labour of thoi ha df, tho procure hos things hic hore Sufficient to suppor the ody, without hiridoring the in fronad votion to God Their orti the dolive to those ho recallo Deans Theseioans dispo se of very thin With great
Mos hol in thei manners, proseminent in divine learning ande Xcedin in evor virtve, these athers, Witholat an pride, consul the welsar of those honi the cali hildreti, commandin them illi gruat authority, and oboyed by them illi
and thuius there tho tali some odii refreSliment, Smuch ascis sum iunt foris an heauli ver One reStraining his appotito that he may malae ut a paring Se even Os the provision placeu bufore hina, hic lare in mali quantitios, and of the laines description That the not ni abstain romanimal ood und rom ino, in orde to repres tibidinous destres, ut rom suci, things a Stimulate the appetite illi grenter OWer, in proportion to the opinion entertaine bySome perSon of thei puri ty under hicli pretence a vile longin aster Xquisite meais, illi the Xception Os animals Od is Won to e ridiculo usi und hamosuit defended. Whateve remuin beyon thoi necessar 1 ood, and the u plus is considerable both roin the diligone of their and s,und rom tho abstemiolisnes of thoi meais, is distributedio the oor, illi reator caro than scit lia been earned by
Man have a disserunt reason sor dolii it tho are soni of
noss. Thus the diligenti exercise thenaseives in pietn: ut the lino that the exercise of the od extend Ont to astior time. Charit is principali observe to charit thesood, the conversation the apparet, the Countentanee, re Sub-
servient. The nil aSSemble an combine into ne charit ;to violate his, is accounte unlawsul, an a Sin against God is annone resis chari ty, he is expelle and shunnod any ono offend against it, hecis no suffered to remalia a Single day. As Augustine appears in these passages, o have exhibited aportraitur of the triae character os ancient monachisua I have thought proper notWithstandin thei tength, to inseri them here foro a that hoWevero might Stud brevity, et Ιshould go into stili greator longili, is Ι ere to colloc the samethings froni disserent authorS. X. My designinere is noto pursu the hole argument, but meret to Oint ut by the Way the character of themoniis fio elonge to the ancient Church, and the natur os tho monasti profession a that period that the judicio iis readers may be ablo, rom a Comparison to judge of the effronter of those ho lead antiquit in suppor of the monachism of the present day. When Augustine gives iis a description os holyand legitimate monachism, he exchides rom it ali rigid exactionis impositionis thos things hicli the Lord in his ordhas est fr00. ut there is nothin at the present a more severet enforced. For the conside it a Crime, ne vero beexpiated sor an Onera deviat in the minutes particular romthe rules rescribe in the colour or hape of thei apparet, thel in Dos 1 ood, or ther frivolous an unintere Stin ceremontes: Augia Stine strenuousi contends that it is no lawsul sor montisto live in idiones at the Xpense of thers. e dentes that there a Such an Xamplo ob sound in his time in ny oliregulate monastery. The present morali place the principalpar of their sanctit in idieness. For is the were divosted of ille ness, fiat ould ocome os that contemplative lisu, in which the bores of excolling ther men, and of mal in ne arapproachus to the lis os angeis In lino Augustine requires a monachism hicli ould e no ther than an Xercise and assistanc in the uties of pie ty, hici are onjoine on ali Christians. What when e seproserit charityn the principaland almost ni nilo scit, an o suppoS him tot commend- in a con Spiracy by hiel, a se mori are closely nite toenen other, and separatu 1 rom the whol bod os thu Chureli ΘΟn the contrary, he would have them to enlighten othors by their Xample in orde to tho preservation of tho unit of the Church. In both theseo specis, the natur os modern monachisin is o disserent, that it is carcet possibi to in any th in more dissimilari opposite. For no content illi that
piet y to the stud of hicli Jesus Christ command his ser
gine I lino no wlia ne 'ind of pie ty in tho meditation ofwhicli the are ecome more persect than allistherS. XI. Is the den this Ι ould isti them to inform me why the dignis their orde alono illi tho ille os perfection, an dony this character torali the callings appo in te by God. animo unaequainte With thei sophistica solution that it is So Called, no a containing persection in it, ut ecaus it is the est calculate os ali caning so the attain mentis persection. When the wish to elevate themselves in the estimationof the eople, to entra ineXperience an ignorant Ouilis, o asser thei privileges, to exto their own dignit to the degradation os thers, the boast os e in in a state os persection. lien the are o closely pressed that the cannot desen Such empi arrogarace, the have recourSe to thi subterfuge - that he have not et attaine perfection, ut that the are in a condition more avolarable than an otherssor aspiriti tOWard it. In the mean time the retain the admiratior of the eople, a though the monasti life and that tone, ere angelie, persect, an purifie DOm Vpryblemisti. Under his preteX the carr ono OS lucrative
trassic ut hei moderation te burie in a se books. Whodoes no Se that his is an intolerable ockeryci ut et iis argue the eas ascis the reali attribute no higher honour tothei pro session than to calici a state adapte to the attain mento persuction. Stili, by gi viri it this designation the distinguisti it a b a peculia mari. 1 rom ut Otho modes of 1se. An who an par that such horiour liould e transferre toan institution, hichias neve received rom God even a single syllabi os approbation, and that suci indignit should e caston ut tho ther callings of God, hicn have no only been et oined, ut adornet illi signa commendations by his osthol Nores And What an utrageous insuli is offere to God, When a mere human invention is preferredieyon ali thea indsos life hicli 0 has appotnte an celebrate by his o ntestimonylXII. o , et them charge me illi a calumn in hales have atready alleged that the are o content illi the rulewhicli God has rescribe to his servants. Though Ι ere silent on the subjeci, the furnisti more than sufficient ground for their own accusation for the oponi teach that theytine pono hemselves a reatur burden than Chris laidispontii discipies, ecause the promis to keel the evangelicat
hibit the destre os revelago an profane Wearing and whieli,
the say, are not indin On Christians a large. What antiquit mill tho pluad here t his notion neve entere intotho in os one of the ancients. The nil, illi ne consent, declare that there a no a syllabi ut tered by Christo hic hwe are o boundo Obey and without an hesitation theyunis ornat anil expressi repre Sent the paSSage in que Stion Scommands, hieli these Sagaci ou interpreter pretendo have been delivered by Christ meret a coun SelS. ut a We haveat ready hown that his is a moSt peStilent error it a Sufficet have brie si remarhed here, that the monachisin hicli exist ut present, is o undeu on the opinion, hic licitasti deserves to e execrate by ali belle vers that sonio ut os lis ema be imagine more perseet hau the common ne i ven byGod to at the Church. Whateve superstructure S at Sed nillis o undation, cannot ut be abominabie. XΙΙΙ. ut the adduce another argument in proos of their persection, laicii the Conside a mos conchisiveri u Lord sal to the oung man ho inquire What a the persection
man to consist in the renunciation os his property, and Onthe ther haud asseris that it ma exi St,ithou that relinquish
shalles do thates may inherit terna lise V o A the question relate lo mortis, Christ reser him to the lam; and that justly sor, considere in itsulf, it is the way Os terna lisse,