장음표시 사용
be offered, and another sor it to se received Christ presenis this spiritua meat an spirithia drini to ali Somo receive them illi avidity, ther fastidiotist reject thum hal thuir rejection cause the meat aridirini loci os thei natures ThoyWillilead that thei sentiment is supportuit by this similitude that the flestiis Christ though iti no relished by unbelie VerS, nevertheles stili continues ora nosti. Butes dony that it caneve be eaten ithout the aste os saltim or is the language os Augustine e referred, Dden that men carry Way froin the Sacrament an more hau the collec in the osse os suilli. Thus, nothiniis alien rom the sacramunt, ut iis truth andesticae remuin uni in patred notruith standing the wic kod de- part empi from iis externa participation. Is ur adversaries objec again that i derogates rom these ords, his is mybody, ' i the wielie receive corruptibio read, and Othingmore the anSWer is eas That God ill hau his veraci tydisco vered, o in the recoption iself, ut in the constancyos his goodness, since e is ready to impar to the in Northy, and even liberali oster to them, that hicli the reject Andiliis is the persectionis the sacrament, hicli the whole oridcannot violato that theraesti an bloo o Christ a re a trulygiven to the in Orthy, a to the oleo und aithsul eoplo os God; ut it is like Nise truo that a ratia, salting pon a ardrocli, ruris ost stom it Without penetratin into the tone, thus the wicked by thei obduracy, repet the grae O God, o thatit oes no enter into thei hearis. Besides, a reception OsChrist, Without aith, is a great an absurdity, as Or Seed Ogerminate in the sire. Their inquiry ho Christ carne sorcondemnation O Some, utiles the receive him inmorthily, is gro undies cavit for me norunere read that the perditionisman S Win t an ianwOrth reception o Christ, ut athert a rejection os hini. O can the derive an assistance rom
pationis the sessi and lood o Christ, lac in Iudas, in his
futed by another par of the fame parabie, in hicli Christspealis os orne eed as havinis alien by the Way-side, and Some on ton grOund ne ither of hich ook any oot. ν)Whunc it sol lows that the obdurac os uribe ever i Sueli an Obstacte, that Christ oes no reacti them. Whoeve destres Our Salvation to e promo ted by this myst0ry, ill sin nothingmore proper than that bellevers conducte to thes Ountain,
is sufficienti magnified When e re member, that it is a medium by hicli, are incorporate into Christ o by hicli, after our incorporation into im the connection is more and more Strongiliened, ill e perfecti unites his illi inisel
XXXIV. ow, ecause Augustine is the principat among the ancient athersolio has asserte this poliat os doctrine, that the Sacrament suStain no diminution, and that the grace Whicli the represent is notorustra ted by the libelles ormi liud nos os men, it ili se usos ut o adduce his Wn Ords, which ill clearly prove that tho se ho expos the od os Christ ora eaten by dogs, ahare chargeable illi an injudiciolas an culpabie perversion of hi meaning in applyiniit tolli present argument. Sacramentat ut in g, accordin to them,
Ords, 'hos eateth myraesti and drini eth y lood athoterna lisse, ' b says, his is the Virtu Os the Sacrament,no the mere visibi Sacramento and that internalty not Xternalty he ho eat with his eari, and not illi his tueth; stoni hicli e conchides that the sacrament os the unionwhicli, have illi the od aud lood of Christ, is presented in the aered supper, o Ome O se, to ther to perdition but that tho hin signified by the sacramen is ni give tolis to nil Who partali oscit, and in no caseo perdition. Topreeuide an cavi here, that the hin Signified is not thesbody, but the grace of the Spirit, hich may be separate frona thebody, he Obviates uel misrepresentations by the se of the contruste epitheis of visibi and invisibie so tho od os
Christ cunno b comprehendet unde the former. Hunc itsollows that unbe evers receive noth in but the visibi symbol. And so the more complete removalis every doubt, after havingsaid that his read requires the hunge of the innor man headdes Moses, uti Aaron, and Phinelias, an many ther WhOate the manna, ere acceptablerio Od. Whyci Hecatis they
the spirituali ate, that tho might e spirituali satisfied.
opposition to the opinion os Some lio suppo Sed them to eat Iio Only the sacramenta Symbol, ut the substanc it suis, hosnys, The must not e considerod a catin the od os Christ, ecause the are not to e numbere amoti the member os Christ. For, O mention nothin et Se the cannot, at the Same time, e the member of Chris and the members
suo, an to drini the lood whicli, ill bo hod by those hostiali crucis me. I have appotnte a saerament for Ou Spirituali understood, it hali vivisy ou. V e certaini didn O mean O den that the samo od which Christ flored in Sacrisce is exhibited in the suppers ut ii dosignatos tho modeos participatin in v that though it has been received into celestia glory, it inspires iis illi se by the secret influenceos homoly Spirit. Packnowl0dgo that he frequently Speulis of tho od of Christin eaten by unbo evers, ut e Xplains his meanin by adding that it is done sacramentady and in
sent in the eleet alone. V Surei the wid o dare to deny that the rea represent theiod o Christ. menc it fossoWs,
that the reprobate are exculde frona the participation os t. The followin passag o Cyril also hoWs him o have been
and lood os Christ, or in to e united illi Christ, o that Christ a b found in him, an he in Christ. V TheseWor Is thinii, sufficienti prove that those ho eat thebody os Christ meret in a sacramental Way are deprive os the true an rea participation oscit, a tho od iiseis cannot be Separate froni iis efficacious powerri and et that this is noimpeachment of the truth of the promise of God, lio stili
the carnal adoration hicli has been introduced in to the , Crumenti the perVerSe temerit Os Somo, ho reasone in his
so uis hen the are calle to ive an account, an without Whicli the sint in a momorat; hun the shali essent that thedoctrine and Xamples of the apostles ure agnin St them, and that the are themselves the sole authors of thei errori To such reflections ill be ad lud other sentiment Os compunction, and thos by no means inconsido rabie. What was it a th in ofno consequene to adore God in his formi ithout an Stichthin bella et oi nexuponis. In amase here the triae Or-
ille domo deviat froin the Divine command an such anassiurance is the est satisfaction e an have in an thin in Whicli, en gage. The liave the Xample of the apoSiles, of Whom e read, no that the prostratei themselves in ador tion, ut that, a the were sit tingit the table the took, and di eat. They have the praetice of the apostoli Chureli, in Whichiuli status that the communion Os belle ver consiSted,
An this a the ni reason for that custom in the ancient Chureli, that, bes oro the consecration, One os the deae On Should, With an audibi voice admonisii the eople o have thei hearisabove. The Scripture iself, also in addition to the particular account hicli it gives iis of the ascensionis Christ by hichii removed his corporea prosunc sporn the vie und Societ osmen in orde t divestis os very carnal idea reSpectin him, Whenove it mentions him, calis iis to Est ur indS UpWards,
ACcordin to this rute, it Was ou diit to adore him spirituallyin the glor os heaven, ather than to invent Suchis angerouSkind of adoration involvin such gros an carnal conception Sos God. heressero, thos Who have invento the adoration fili Sacrament, have notis ly dream ei it os thenaseives, ithout the Sanctionis the Scripture, in hich no the east mention
oscit an bo ound though, is it ad beon agr00 le o God itWould no have been omittod ut ven in direct opposition to the Scripture, forsali in the livin God tho have fabricato a
tite honour has been talion a a from God, to e transferre tolli creatur and God himself has also been dishonourud by the potuitiori an profanation os his gist, heia his hol sacrament
tha is the schoo os th Hol Spirit, the sest os alloea chers;
Whos instructions require noth in to e added rom an other quarter, and Omit nothin os, hicli, ought notrio e illingio re main in ignorance. XXXVII. ow, as Superstition, heia it has nee gone be-yon the prope limiis proceed in Sinning Withou end theyliave aridere stili surthor the have invente cere montes aliogether incompatibio illi the institutior of the sacre sup- per for the Sole purpos os ivin divine honours to the sign. When e remonStrate illi them, the reply that the paythis veneration to Christ. In the sirs place, is his ere dono in the supper, I ould Still say that that is the ni iugitimato adoration, hieli terminates no in the Sigia, ut is directed o Christ enthrone in heaven. NON, What retene have theysor adeging that the worshii Christ in the read When theyliave no promise of Such a thing The consecrate thei host, a the calicit, o carr it abolit in procession to displa it in pompi an to exhibit it in a OX, to e Seen adored, and in-voked by the eo pie. I inquiro ho the consido it to erighil consecrated. The immediat et adduce these Ords: his is in body. objeci, that it a sui a the fame time. ake an eat. V Andes have sussicient reason sor his for lieno promiSe is annexedri a precept it is o includo in the precept that, Separate frOm it, it eaSes O be a promise atall. his hali 0 further uicidato by a Similar Xample . The Lor gave a command whon e sald ali pol me he adde a promise mill de ver theo. V h I any oneshould involi Peter o Paul, and boas of this promise Wil nothis conduci e universali condem nudi And where in Would this dissur froni the conductis hos Who Suppres the commandio eat, and lay old of the mutilate promise his is mybody, V in orde to mi sappi it to eremonios oreigi stom the institution o Chris I et ias remember, then that thi pro
lic ly, and ut together, as illi ne mouili, to conse S that ad Our confidelice of so an salvation rosis on the death of the Lord that e ma gloris hirti by ur confession, and by Our Xample may Xhor Otherso give im the Same lory. Here, again, e See the Object to hicli the Sacrament tendS, Whieli is to Xercise iis in a re membrance of the death os Christ. For the command whicli, have received, Sho tho Lord idualli tili ho com Urio judgment, is no ther hant declare, by the confession os ur ps, hat our aith hasacknowledge in the sacrament, that the deathis Christ is ur se This is the secondisse of the sacrament, hieli relateSto externa conseSSion.
XXXVIII In illo hird placo tho Lord intendod it to Serve
thi union is repressente by tho broad hic licis exhibite in
the sacrament, is his thought be impresse and en graven ponour inds that it is impossibi sor iis to ound deSpiSe rejeci, injure or in an Way to ossen one os ur rethren butWe, ut the Same time, Nound de SpiSe rejeci, injure, and offendChrist in him; that w have no discord illi ur rethren Without be in g, at the fame time, at Variance illi Christo that Wo cannot love Christ ithout OVin him in ur brothron;
notrio suffertur brothur orae illic ted illi an calamit without our sympathi Z in in the Same . heres ore, it is no Without re ason that Augustine So requently calis his sacrament ali bolad os chari ty. V Forolint more o versu Stimuliis could 0 employed to excite mutua charit amon iis, hanwhon Christ, givin himself to S, no orat invites s by his example mutuali to devote ursolves to the promotion os oneanother's ellare, ut alSo by mali in himself common to ait, malles sint to e ne illi himsol ΘXXXIX. This urnishos the est confirmation os Whates
have state bes ore, that here is no true administrationis thosacrament Without the ord For linteVerinduaniuge aceruesto us rom the aere suppe require the ord Whether euro tora confirmo in salth, exercised in confession Or excitedio duty there is need os reaching. Noth in more reposterous, heres ore, an e done illi respecto the Supper, hanto convert it into a mute action, a We RV Seen done undor
the tyranny of the pope. For the have maintainod that allth va dit of the consecration depentis noli intention fili priusis, ascis it hau nothin to do illi the eople, to homilio myster ought principali tora explainod Thuy sol intothis error, or an os observiti that hos promise on hichthe consecration resis, re no directe to the element them-Selves, ut to the person Aulio receive them Christ oes not
the elements are consecrated, o be a livel preaching, hichedi fio the oarers, Whicli penetrates heir inds, hicli is deepi impressu upon thei hearis, hicli Xert iis es cacyin tho accomplis montis that hicli it promises Tliose considerations olearly ho that the reservation f the Sacrament, insistedipon by many persons for the purpos of eXtraordinarydistribution to the sicli, is persecti ii Seless. For ither theyWil receive it ithout an recitat of the institutionis Christ, orthe minister Wil accompany the sigi With a true Xplicationis the mystery Ι nothinibo salit, it is an abus and corruption. I the promise are repente and the myster declared that those