장음표시 사용
proceo to the particular ceremonieS.
IV. It was an ancient custom in the Chiarch so tho childronos Christians, aster the were come to ear os discretion to e profonte to tho bishol in orde to sulfi that ut which was roquiro os ad illis ho osse rei themselves o baptism. Forsuch persons ere place among the catechumens, tili, o ingdul instructod in the mysteries of Christiani ty the wereonablud o mali a consession os thoi faith bos oro tho bis opand ali the eo plo Thorus ore thoso ho ad beon baptizod in thei insaney, oenus the had not then ad Such a confession os suilli es ore tho Clitarch, at the lose of hildhood, orthe commeneemontis adoleScence, ere again presented by their parenis, and ero examined by the istio according to th sorinos the catochisin hicli a then in common uso That this eXercise Whicli deserve to e regarde a Sacredon Solemn, might have thu gruater dignit an reverenee, the also praelisedili coronaon os imposition os ands Thus the outh, astertia Vin givon satisfaction respectin his salth, as dismisso tWith a solemn benediction. his custom is frequently mentioned by the ancient riters Leo the ope SayS, I any one e convortod rom here sy, et immo be baptized again but 0 tho influunc of tho Spirit, hicli ho anted amon theheretius, e communicate to in by the imposition os thohand of the bis iop. V ore ur adversaries Wil ex laim that an cerem ony, by hicli themoly Spirit is consei red, is properi denominate a sacrament. Hut the mea ning of Loo in
received tho more forin os baptism, Without the Sanctification. VI is also mentioned by erome against the Lucis orians Andthough conses that erome is no altogether correct instat in it to have been a custo in of the postles, et hecis erysar rom the absurdities no maintaine by tho Romanisis and e Veii correct that ver statemen by adding that this benedictiori a committed holt to th bis ops, 4nther inhoriour of tho privsthood than rom necessit imposed by anylaw. V Such imposition os hara df, heres ore, ascis impi con-noctod illi benediction, hight approve, and isti it Nereno restore t it primitive se, uncorrupte by superStition. V. Succeediiis times have almost obliterate that ancient
practico, an introducedes lino no What countersei confirmation asin Sacrament f God They have protendo that the virtuo os confirmation is to give the oly Spirit for the augmentation os grace, hocin baptism salven or innocenceri tostrongilien or arsare thoseolio in baptism ad beon regeneraled to se This confirmation is performo by unctionand the followin forni os Words signo seu ith the signos the orOSs, and confirm theo illi the chrism os salvation, in the nam os the ather, and of the Son, and of th Holy Spirit. V Al this ound ver beautis tali an pleasantly Butwhoro is the wor os God hiel promise the presene os the Hol Spirit in this curemotan They cannot allege a Single tota. HOW, then, ill tho assur us that thei christi is the ossolos homoly Spirit se se oti, a thieli an visci liquid und
e Oe noth in besides Augustine nys, io the wor beaddet to the oloment, anxit ill ecome a sacrament. V et the Romanisi produce his ord, is the wish us to contemplate
themSelves minister of the sacramenis, a they ought o do, there ould emo nuod of an furtho contention The sit stla os a minister is to underiali noth in Without a command . NOW, et them produce an command sor his service, an des illno ad another ord ora the subjeci. Is the have no command the caninave no Xeus sor Such sacrilegious audacity.
apoSiles, hom the considerins having one noth in Without sussicient reason. his consideration is correct nor Ouid the receive an reprehension rom us, is the shoWed them-selves imitator of tho apostles. ut hat was thes praetice of the postlo. Lulio relates that ,hen the postles, hi chWere ut Ierusalem, heard that Samaria ad received the ordos God tho sent uni them Pete and Johim; ho, hen theyWere come do Wia, praye so them, that he might receivo the Holy Ghost foris et he was allei upon non of them on ly
os thei commending, and a it ere, present in to God the person pon hom the luid thoi hands. Is tho ministryWhicli a then Xecuted by the postles ero stili continuedin the Church, imposition os hand ought also to e stili observed ut since Such grace si longe conferred, of What laseis the imposition os alid sy t is tria that tho sopie os God Still enjoy the proselico Os the oly Spirit, hos guid ancean direction a re indisponsablo to tho existunc os the Chureli. For, have the torna promise , hicli an neve sali, an in Whicli Christ has suid, di an man hirst, letinim come Untonio, and drint living ater. V m But hos miraculous poWersunt manis est operations, hicli ore distributed by impositionos hands have ea sed and it a right that the Should continuo ut for a time. For it a nocessar that tho rstpreachin os the gospol, and the kingilom os Christ, at iis com- meracement, hould e illustrato nihil magnified by miraclosne Uer Seen or hear bes re the subsoquent cessation os hic doos no arguo the Lord 's desertion os his Chiarch, ut is quivalent to a declaration rom im that the magnis conce of his rei gn and the dignit os his ord ad been sufficienti manifested. In hat respeet, theri, ill these imposior assirin that
fides, even is tho could provo homselves to imitat theo positus in the imposition os ands, in hiel the have nothin simila to tho apostles, Xcept this repoStero US mimi ery, Whetico do tho derive thoi oti, hic holio cali ho i offulvation otio has augiit homo seoli salvation in il Who has aught them to attributura it the properi os impart- in spiritua strong thse scit Paul, ho calis iis is roni theelements of this orld, and severet condemn an attachment
Whicli is spiritual, and shali neve peristi. What, then, it illi, Sald, O Ou appi tho Sume ille to the water illi hic hWe are apti Zed, and to the rea and wino usu in the Lord 'sSuppe answer, that in sacrament os Divine appotntinent,t o hings are to e regaritod tho Substance of the corporeat symbol hicli is proposui to iis, and the character impressedupon it by tho ord of God in hicli consist ali iis virtve.
sashion of this orid. ut a the are sancti sied by the ordos God to e sacraments the do no confine iis io the esti, but impar to iis tria an spirituat instruction. VIII. Lotis Xamine stili more narroWi ho many On-ster are oste red by this it The dispenser of it say that themoly Spirit salven in baptism sor innocence, in confirmation or an augmentation os grace that in baptiSm e re regenerate to lise, and that by confirmation e re armed sorWarsare and tho have so farcios allisliame, as to den that
confirmation, illi the crasty deSigi os se duo in iis unaWares froni baptism. Who an doubi noW, that his is tho doctrineos Satan whicli severs 1 rom baptism the promisses hichielongi that Sacrament, an transfer them to omething olsese Itis no discovere on lint ind of a foundation his amoris unction resis. The or of God is that in many as haveboen baptizo into Christ, have ut on Christ, ' u With his
gistis. The ord of thos uno inter is, That o have receivedia promise in baptismo arm uiso the Spirituat warsure Theword of God is the voice of truth consequently the wordis theanointer must e tho voice os salSehood. I can, heres ore give more correct definition os this confirmation than tho have yet given oscit; namely that it is a manis est insul against apti Sin, obscurin and venibo shin iis usu ; that it is a decuit-sul promis of the devit, seduc in his froin the truth os God or, is th followinibo proferr0d that it isti possuto milli ho salse-hood of thoiuvit, o dui k0niud docet vo the mind of the Simple. IX. They surthor asser that ali e evers ster baptismought to receive themoly Spirit by imposition of hands that the may be found complete Christians for that o ne cant, avo gether a Christian who is neve anointod illi episcopalconfirmation. Thos are their o vn Ords. ut I thoughtthat at thing rotatin to Christianityiad 00n comprehendedand declare in the Scripturus. NON, it Seems, the true form
of roligion is orae oright aniles earn exstom Some ther quarter. The wisdom of God thoros oro, celestia truth, at the doctrineos Christ, ni bogins to mali Christian Oil completes them. Such a sentiment condemn ali the postles, an uiumber os martyr Who it is certain, ad neve received thi unction. For tho hol Christit, the orsusion os hicli ould complete their Christiani ty, o patho malle thum Christians rom e ingno Christians at nil, hadio thon boon manus acturod. ut these chrismatic abundanti consule theriiset vos, ithout m Sayinga Ord. orio sinat a par os thoi pooptu do the an intas ter baptism hy, thon, do tho suffer such semi-Cliristians in thoi own community, rom an imperfection hicli theymight eas it remedy Wh do they, illi Such supine negligenee, Susse them to omit that hicli cannot be omitted Without great crimina lyci h do the no more rigidi yinSist poni hin s necessar anil indiSponsabie to Salvation, UnleS any one e re vented by sudilon eati, Suroly hilo the sussor it toto so asil despised the taciti conses it notio e of so uel importanc a tho proten it to e. X. In the las placo tho determine that this sacred unctionought o b held in greater reverunce than baptism eQRUSeit is ni disponsed by the and of the reates prelateS, Wherea baptism is commoni administeredi nil prie sis Musit py not e considereulas vidui iti mad Who disco ver suchi nunes for their own inventioris that in comparison illithem, the pre Sume to underva te tho sacrod institutions os God Sacrilegious mouili dos thou dare o piae an Unction,
the multering os a se moros, on a te vel illi the Sacramento Christ, and to compare it illi ater sanctis ed by the ordos God Θ ut his ould no satisf th presumption thoulias even ivon it tho presererice These are the QSpora Se Sos homoly 00 tho are the oraclos of the apostoli tripod. But om of them have eguit to moderate his infatuation, which ovon in thoi opinion a carrio boyondisti duo mits. Confirmation is tot rogardod the Suy, illi renter re Vereneethan baptism not perhaps, so tho grenter Virtuo an ad Vant agethat it consors, ut eoaus it is dispense by person of Superior dignity, and is applied to the obter par of the ody thatis the orolivax or bocatis it contribute narenter Ugmentationis virtuos, though baptism is more valla te to OmiSSion. But in the sirs reason, do the not botra themSelves to e Donatisis, Wh estimato the virtve of the sacramen by the dignit or orthinos of tho minister I Will grant, however, that confirmation e considerod a more Xcellent rom thedignit os episcopa hands. ut is an ono inquiro of themho Suchis prerogative has been conferrest on bishops, fiat
It is a Gordian not, hic icit is belle to ut aSunde than tospen much labori to nite. XII. NON, lien the fini them selvos stris pedis the ordos God, and of very probabio argument, the resor to their usual retexi, that it is a Vor uncientisage, an confirme by the consent os many ages. Though his allegation e re triae, it ould nolint ali serve thei cause A sacrament i no fromearth, ut rom heaven ; no os men, ut os Godolone. Isthe wisti thoi confirmation to e rogarde a a Sacrament, the must provomodo bo tho Author os t. Hut hy do the allege antiquity, eo in that the ancient ut herS, hene Ver the mean to Xpres them Selve mitti strict proprie ty, noWhere enumerate more than Wo sacrament. Is it ero necessar to fortis our aith by the authorit os men, ehave an impregnabie oriress that hos ceromontes, hicli uradversaries falsely preten to e ueramentS, erct OVer C-knowledge a sacraments by the ancients. The athers Spealios imposition os haud ; butio the calici a sacrament Θ Augustine expliciti assirin that it is no the than prayer. Herelet theti no oppos ino illi thei scio si distinctions that Augustine applied his remari to imposition Os haniis, no aspracti Sed in confirmation, butos used for the purpos of healing, or os reconciliation. The book is extant, an is in many hand s. Ι Ι pervert tho passage to any mean in disserent rom that os Augustine hi insoli , I am contento submit to thei Severe Stceti Sure and contempl. For e is Speali in os schismaties, Who returnei to tho unit os the Church an donios that theyliave ny need os the re iteration os baptism so that impositionos haud Was Sufficient in ordo that by the Ond of peaee, the
have Stated a practised among the ancients ei ore this Ortive imago os a sacrament ad iis appeni ance For twn no Such a confirmation a the Romani sis preten d Whieli cannot be mentione Without injury to baptism ut a catechetica exercise in hicli childron or ovilis uso to deliveran account os thei sui th in the prosone os the Church. OW, it ould thes bos modo is catechetica instruction, is a
treat in such a confuso an disorderi manner, that the con- Sciences of men an deducem certain or soli conchision respecting thei doctrine. In another par of this reatiso, e have state a large lint e learn rom the Scripture respect- in repentanee, and like Wis What is inculcate Don that ulla octby the Romanisls. Our present busines is ni to inquirebriefly in to the oasons os hos perSons ho promulgated the opinion hichias prevallud fora long period in the chiarches and in the Schoois that penunc is a Sacrament. In the firSi place, Wil mali a se remariis on the practico of the ancient Chureli, tho retence of hicli the have abusu for the introductior an estab shment of their oo si invention Thoordor observe by the ancient in public peniterice as that persons ho ad completod the satisfactions errioined ponthem, ore reconcile to the Chiarch by solemn imposition os hands. his as a Sigi Os abso ition to encourng the inner himsol With an assurunco os pardon es oro Od, and to admonish th Churoh that they ought to oblitorate the momoryof his offenco, and indi to receive in into avour. his Cyprian osten calis cliving ence. V o increuSe the importance of this acti an give it a greater recommendation among
Coim i os Carthage et o presbyter e permitte to reconcile a penitent publici at the mass. V And another decree of tho ounci os Arausium: iet hos Who, during the periodos thei penitunce do pari ut os thisisse, bo admitte to the communion ithout tho reconciliator imposition os ands. Is the reo ver rom thoi it messi et thum complete the periodos thei penitenco, and then et them recolve isto in the bis opthe ieconciliator imposition os unds. V Also the decreeos the hird Councit os Carthago I et no a presbyter reconcile a penitent Without tho aut orit os the bis op. V Thedesigia sol these decree was, o provent the Severit Whichthe wiShe to preserve in his matto froni fallin into dis-USe Theres ore the committed it to the cogniZance of thebi Sh op Who a libol to e more circumspect in conductingilie Xamination. ut Cyprian states that it a no thebishopinione ho laid haud on tho penitunt, ut that at theclerg also ianito in his et Thos are his ord Theydo penanee sor a prope timo, und thon the come to the Communion, and ure restored to tho right os communion by the imposition of tho hand of the bishop and clergy. V ster-Ward S, in proces of time, the custom a corrupted, o that the Used his curemon in privato absolutions Witholat nypublic XpreSSion os punitonce Honco that distinction in Gratian, etWoen public und privato reconciliation considertha ancient custom, hicli is montioned by Cyprian, o have been hol and usum to tho Chureli, and could Wisti it erereVive in the present day. This more recent ne though IVenture notrio condemni censuro it illi severity, yeid considerleS neeeSSary. e See ho evor that imposition fiand onrepentanee i a ceremon os humari, no Os Divine institution, an is to e lac sed amon indifforon things and Xternat Xer-CiSeS, SUChla aremo to e despi sed biit ought to hol a stationfar elo the sacramenis, hicli are enjoined pon by the wor of God. XV. o , tho Romisti theologians and Schoolmen, Wh are in the habit os corrupting very thin by misinterpretation, tali very great aliis here to discove a sacrament, ut o IopUrpOSe. O Ought this to e ondere ut so the Seeli tWhere it is no to b found Wh0n thu have done thei beSt, the leave the subjuot perplexed doubisul uncertain, an consolanded illi a variot of opinions They say, then, thateXterna penitetico is a sacrament, and is it e so that it oughtto e consideredis a sigii os inturna ponitence, that S, Oscontrition of heari, hicli soli substanc os the Sacrament o that both together constitute the sacrament, O tW Suera mentS, Ut ne complete one; ut that externa penitenc is meret the Sacramento hilo that hic licis inturna is both the