장음표시 사용
Publius orgilius Maro a borri in th0 1s consulas of Cra3sus an Pompoy on ilis Ide of Octobor loth), B C. 70, at Andes, noWPiliola, a hamiotica Mantua in Cisalpino Gaul.
Thoro si distauto scio Whotho Verstilius o Virgilissis tho orthograph of the namo Wo havo the Same variation in ther amos Deana Diana Menerva, Minerva. Vithout doub Vor ilius is the old and truo Orm. I Wo visi to conservo lint is ancient in Latin e must,rite. Vorgilius. I Wo isti to conservo v lint is ancient in
Eng sh e noe no banish froni ad oti literaturo tho familiar Virgil.
Τho poet recolve his cari seducatio at Pomona and Mediolaniana Milan . o assumsed tho toga irilis ut Cremona in B. C. 55, during theran consulat o Crassus an Ponipey, ora tho si da that Lucretius diud. Hostudio subsoquuntly ut quapolis Nuples undo tho Gree ioci and giammarian. Parthonius, ' native of
Bithynia. In Rome lio studio under J10 Photorici an Epidius, and unctor Syro tho Epicurean, an accomptishediencher of philosophy and natural science. The Epicurean tenet oi Syro tinge Virgil Amariter productions.
Virgil spont tho cars 48 fo 40 . . On his retornrelossato at Mantua. His time a talion up xvith tho cultivation o his farin, illi his litorar studios and withtho compositioni his minor poenas. O his arm he was doprivo in B. . iter tho batilo o Philippi. Tho
Antonius in the Perusian ar, Virgil a compelle tosso ior his lifo Ho visitud Romerandinino an introduction to Maecenas, the reat Patronii Augustanditeraturo. By seconas the oot a introduce to tho notico foetavian. iter long celanti recovere tho possessiono his Mantuan State.
Plotius and Varitis ero his intinant frioniis. Horneo datis Virgil tho halii his Oul. V Se C. I. 3. unina dimidium meoe . Proportius ives his ollinion os his hien in theci ous lines retori in to the ortheomitig Eneid:- Cedito Romani scriptores cedito Grai Nescio quid majus nascitur Iliade.
Mantua me genuit Calabri rapvore Menset nunc Parthenope Coeini PaScua rura, duceS.
Virgil coartios attumptris sal to have Mon an historie poem, Re Romanae, alter the anne o Ennius. Holound tho subjoc to vas and the dissicultius to many.
The Grecit Poenas i Virgil are: -
notos a collectioni poenas similar in foran an oti similar
t, hirnit differsent ii nos. Thoocritus, tho Sicilian, Wastho prinei paloritor o pastora poetr buforo Virgil. Virgil closol imitated Theocritus, ut tho imitations antili variot ann ii o tho originti L Virgil f hophordsar to much alilae. Whero Theocritus is minuto and accurat Virgil is genera an ungue Virgil, hoWovor, is more polistio in his diction an los gros in his oXpres-gion than his Greoli original Tho Ecloguos areii No
of AEndas in illo fim book ars almos translations romtho fifth book of tho Odyssoy. Virgis Necyia is copiodiroin the fame poena. His similes are Homerio. His bat-tios omo ait thoi litorio illo Homeri poems. Virgil or-rowed manymi his best thoughis romither reoli poenis. Throughout tho neid there are many translations rom Irook tragody. Muchii tho socon book is derivod romtwo Cycli poenas 'li Sack of Troy and tho Littio Iliad. Eupliorion urnishod in With the legend of Laocoon. Tho Cyclio νοστοὶ supplied idon to tho thir book. Latho ourth book Virgil borrowod rom the Argonauticati Apollonius Rhodius o Alexandria Virgilisaee much tooto tho oldo Latin poets. Many of his lines, an ovon Whole passages, are draWn irom the ortis of Ennius, Pacuvius, Attius, .sevius Lucilius, Lucretius, Catullus,
Panegyrici Marcellus. In thos si book tho advolituros o Uiyssos as describo in the Odysso are alWaysboior the poes Amyo. his halnoi the poena is far sup0vior is the ther. Hor is may bo nid thAt tho crities havo discovore an anachronism in tho visit of AEneas to Carthago Clironologors hic tho destruction foro in 1181 B. C. Carthago a not Ounded unti severa centuries iter-
oi Turnus, hocis Alain by mnens.
Tho Enoid was bogian heri Augustus Was in patia, ni id probabi at the instigationi the semperor himsoli. Virgildidio livorio completo the ovisionis his posui. In his willio roquostod his triends, Varius and Tucca, to improvotho poeni or toturn it. In his lastinoursis destres ilio manuscript O be est yed Augustus, after Virgil sdeath, iustructod the executor to publisi tho or With out interpolationa Tho transposud the scorid nethir books, and omitto II. 567-588. Tho fuci lintibo Tnoid a no thoroughly roviso by tho oo may account lor the many incompleto line in the poena. Virgil is ory shili ut in imitativo harmony. Reeurring
dactyis expreA Speed Quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula campum.
Pops and thors thinti that Virgiland a politida objo et
in riti ii tho A noid. Dis nid that tho primar objecto tho poeni ait glorify Caesar it socondar objeci, tonatior tho vanit of the Roman by the splendor undantiquit of thoi origin Willi his visexv avo ma regard AEnoas a typisyin Augustus Dido, Cleopatra; υ iis,
Thon it,ant unit oi construction. The hero moreΟver, is no entiret satisfactory. In the war illi Turnus, AEneas a time loses ur Sympathy, and Turnus excites a superior interest. The historian, Niebutir entertain avor lo opinion Oi VirgiL He places him in tho socondrank of Roman poets. e dentes his fortitit o gonius and inventivo ΡοWers. He say the net is a complosofaituro, an utiliappy idea iromieginning to ond. 0 saysthat an Epic poeni Ahould em narrative novent lino vii an interestin to the mas o a nation. o lamos Virgil io mixin Italian traditioris illi Gree logonds. Virgil is nobi vindicato in the extraeis quote belowirona severat modern Virgilia Scholars.
tho ootry o Ennius as arsit an ruggo to a degreswhieli rondoro it to tho more cultivatud astus o latergonorations almos intolerable No by poeta ho Auc- eoedo Ennius ad nn sueti improvementaeon ad intho compositionis Latin verse a to admit os an comparison botwoen them and their Grecian moduls. It was reserve io tW great Oet oi Rome two congenialspiriis, Virgil an Horaue, to elevato thoiational ootryto a character orthymi Rome, to devolop ali the refources of thoi nobi language, andri mali 0 itio both in heroican lyrio verse illi ait thes grace an dignitnwhichaadhithorto been characteristic o tho Gree alone. V riere.
commonis, o a long Serie O grammarians, an to collector o litorar gossip. he poets nextri his timo rovorsedand imitato him a their gruat master even historians undorWent his incluserico manifes in the style o Tacitus, an discorniblo voti in that o Livy. A Widor renowDa ited Virgil in t vo the spheres gealous heuthen,