장음표시 사용
ΤΗΕ three book of the Commentarios o tho CivilWar contain an account is Caesar himself of tho contest e,een him and ompensor in chie placo in tho Roman state. In the ear sis C., ompeyan Caesar er tho tW leadin me of thei time, and there a no independent authorit competentio cur thei rivalo. neitho could roo tho superiorit of the ther, a conflictoas inevitabis, and thei strumlorior poWer involve their counto in civit War. Caesar beon his narrativo by referring to a letter ich hs en to the senato by the hand of Curio, in anua , 49 B.C. In his lette it a proposed that both Ompo an Caesar hould resign their prouinces an disband thei armies, and that Caesarshould the gorio Romo to standrior in consulfhip.rio letter a rea in the senato, ut no resolution s move upon it. A genera discussion o thopositio of the state then too place an finali a resolution a passed Hering Caesar in disban his arm is a fixe day, under ain f ein declarest
public nemy. Hereupo the magistrates erearmed illi dictatoria poWer an preparations forWar commenced. O learning this Caesar advincedio Ariminum, hereb leavin his province and practicali declarin War against the senate Herapidi too possessionis a largo number of toWns in Italy, and o meat a the alam a Rome that the consul fled to Capua. Domitius mado a brieffland a Corfinium, ut tho ο- oon ielde to Caesar Thereupon ompo Wen to Brundisium, Whithor o as solioWed by Caesar, ho egan oblochis in harbour. Pompey, hoWeVer Succeededi embarhin his troopa secretiy, and rosse to Greece. Caesar throuo Want of Ahips as unableto solioW. e accordinHy, abandoning the pursuit for the present, proceede to Rome, here e summone the senato an made an inessectuat attemptio reat it Pompey. e the wentrio aut indastematas to Spatito conduci operations inere, and he ultimately go in belle o Pompey's supportere in both hos coimtries. In Africa, hoWever, he a les fortunate, as his lieuienant, Curio, ho ad rosse thithor DomSicily, as orate an Alia aster an energetic
Caesar, during his absence rom Rome had beonname dictator, and by virtve of that ossico on his return ii 48 B. C. he oo steps to restore credi and