장음표시 사용
tu es inspector eorum, qui ediscant mihi Ecclesiam in terris siquid reprobum pedisi a re velint, 'hi fundamentum reprimas eos tu es Capti fontis, a quo hauritur doctrina mea, tu e Caput discipulorum meorum per te omnes gente Potabo ; tui St Suavitas illa vivifica, quam largior te elegi, ut sis in mea institutione velut primogenitus, et haeres eiciari thesaurorum me O-rum laves regni mei dedi tibi. Ecce principem te constitui
Soliditas itaque illius Petrie, ' ut cum Magno illo de Cessore tuo, rimo Leone, loquamur, 'quae in Apostolorum Principe est laudata, Perpetua est. Et, sicut permanet, quod in Christo et rus Credidit ita permanet, quod in Petro Christus instituit. 'In Te igitur Beatissime Pater, et ri haerede, et ri privilegium Veneramur Te Christianorum omnium Patrem, Te fidei Catholicae Doctorem, falli nescium, toto mentis et Cordi asseCtu profitemur. Tantus ut Pontifex Ecclesiae salvus et incolumis quam diutissime Conservetur, atque Cito in prisCa jura regia Sedis Suae triumphans restituatur, a Deo bonorum omnium largitore,
In Concilio hoc rovinciali Nostro, post promulgatas utilissima non au Cas OCirinales decisiones, in decretis Concilii Vati- Cani, atque in uis, Beatissime Pater, Constitutionibus, post Oli Cisque Litteris praesertim fundatas, mox, haud ignari judicium a domo Dei incipere debere, oculos ante omnia Vertim si in ossi Cia gravissima et obligationes Epis Coporum, quippe qui Cupimus et Volumus in observatione legum praeire deinde, ad varia dis Cipsi, se Capita, pro necessitate vel utilitate Nostratium, de S Cendentes, tum leges, tum Consuetudine S. Romanae CCte Siae, Omnium Matris et Magistrae, Conati sumus, in quantum poSsibile videbatur, ob Servare et aemulari, atque inter illas ea potissimum SelegimuS, Upe a fel re C. Magno io X., atque a San Clitate Tua tam opportune fuerunt Proclamatae aut sancit se CirC Conser VR-tionem et augmentum religionis ac pietatis in individuis fidelibus, maxime junioribus, in Sanctuario et in familia, atque in o Cietate tam Civili quam politica uod autem passim in novellis accidit
Serm. IV in Hebdom. S., nunc primum translatu ab X D. . . Lamy, Pro- sessore in Universitate Catholica ovanienSi. 'Serm. II in Annivers. ASSumptioni Suae.
e CCtesiis, ut omnia nimirum ad uris apices atque ad laudabiles majorum Consuetudines nequeant ill Co accommodari, ei quoque jure merito erat Xspectandum a ineluctabiliter tolerandum. Non semel ideo, dum se decreta Condebamus, in memoriam reCurrit, quod filio Salomonis sapienter dicebant seniores Israel: Si hodie obedieris populo huiC, . . . locutusque fueri ad OS Verba lenia, erunt tibi servi cunctis diebus V Non omnes proinde, quas volebamus, introdu Cere potuimus leges simul tamen, temporis o Comimque habita ratione, non pati Ca Promulga Vimus, reliquas, quam primum ieri li Cuerit, haudquaquam negle Cturi. Cfeterum Beatissime Pater, quidquid pro modulo Nostro de Crevimus, idipsu in piissima observantia a filiali devotione Tibi Subji Cimus, aut .robandum, aut respuendum, aut in melius immutandum: hi secumque enim fieri Sanctitas Tua decreverit, et Nos laetabundi rata habebimus, Pontificis decisionibus cum atribus Chalcedonensibus acclamantes Petrus per Leonem locutus est VInterea, ad pedes Beatitudinis Tu se provoluti Benedictionem Apostolicam pro Nobismetipsis, pro devotissimo Nostro Clero, nec non pro dile Cto a fideli Nostro populo, humiliter X Oramu S.
Sanctitatis Tu se obsequentissimi filii JOAN CARDINAI 1. MCCI OSREY Archiepiscopus
MICHAEL AUGUSTINUS, Vcrii piscopus PetreΠSA. JOANNES, Episcopus Broo bulenSD. BERNARDUS, Episcopus fio euSA STEPHANUA VINCENTIUS, Episcopus u alensis. FRANCISCUS, Episcopus Manen Sis. ED GARUS, ' Acopus in feΠSburg EIIS, S. VENANTIUS MICHAEL, Episcopus P ParceriS, S. MICHAEL JOSEPH Episcopus Trentonensis. JOANNES OSEPH Episcosus Curi IISD. NEO- EBORACI, O Septembri S, 1883. Haec omnia Cia, quantum licuit, deliter descripsimus et in
D1LEC et L FILI NOSTER ET VENERABILES FRATRES, SALUTEM ET APOSTOLICAM BENEDICTIONEM EXCepimus amantissimas litteras vestra una Cum decretis Concilii Provincialis eo Eboracensis uarii, quod elapso Septembri a Vobis habitum fuit ne non egregia animorum Vestrorum de Clarationes, quibus eadem de Creta Auctoritati Nostra Apostoli se subjeCistis. Hae Nos Congregationi Nostra Fidei Propagandae praepositae e X pendenda de more
Commi Simu S, a qua Postquam de PSi ad os retulerit, Congruum Vobis res On Sum reddetur. Interea faCere non OSSumuS,
Dilecte ili Noster et Venerabiles Fratres, quin et veStro, quo hanc partem pastoralis sollicitudinis implevistis, observantiae et venerationi quam erga S. Petri Cathedram in iis palam et publice recipiendis quae in Vaticano Con Cilio definita sunt, hi Culenter declarastis, egregiis sensibus quibuS Ob Sequium e Strum erga Supremam potestatem quam in CCle Si a Deo Si di SPonente, obtinemus, diserte professi estis, ampli S Sima tribuamus laude S, O non Ommune Curas e Stra prudentiamque CommendemuS, quas in puritate et in id ritate catholicae doCtrinse servanda, in sacra disciplina et Ecclesiae legibus Custodiendis prae Clare Xhibuistis. Hae profecto magnae Nobis Consolationi fuerunt, a si tu Ciam illam confirmant quam firmissimam habemus, nempe Deo nuXiliante, CVobis unanimi studio Connitentibus, fidem C religionem in istis regionibus felicia incrementa in die magi SuSCepturam, e quibus optimi fructus in publicam etiam prosperitatem di manabunt. Hanc spem intimo animo foventes auctorem bonorum omnium Deum e Corde rogamuS, ut iis quae in nomine Ejus plantastis et rigastis in Crementum donet, atque ita Sua gratia e Cundet opera vestra, eorumque qui Vobis dii Cibus a Cro ministerio funguntur, ut in istis Dominici Agri partibus laeta et Copiosa justitiae et salutis messis eliciter exsurgat. Praecipuam demum dilectionem Nostram obis, Dilecte ili Noster et Venerabiles Fratres, ultro declarantes, Apostolicam Benedi Ctionem, auSPiCem Omnium viratia-
xlvi Concilii Pro incialis Neo-Eboracensis V.
rum, tum Vobis singulis turn universis, tum Dilectis Filiis Clero et Fidelibus omnibus, quibus praesidetis, per amanter in Domino impertim US. Datum Romae apud S. Petrum die IO' Novembri S An. 1883, Pontificatus Nostri Anno Se Xto. LEO P. P. XIII.
Health and Benediction in the Lord
In Clos in oti Provincia Coui Cil, and e re e de par for
xlviii Concilii Pro incialis Neso Eboracensis V.
fair City, eate On the Ounta in-top, visibi e to ali yes Thesignes of her progres a re manifeS and numero Us. a Cred tem ples, many of them re mari able for their beaut and thei gran- deur, have been erected by her Child ren to the honor and the vorshil of the Most Hi gh. Religio his Communities have mulli-plied beyonil ur opes. Asylum and hospital for the nee lyand the si Ch orphanages and protectorie so the homeles and the wayward Choois for the education and training of theyotin of both exes-primary Choois for the litile ones, moreaduan Ced school for olde Child reia, hi gh-SChoois, Cademies, and colleges for the ulti vation of the mini in the igher de pari ments of nowled geri nil many the pio his institutions are to e found Almost Very here througho ut the Province . Under the lessingo God, o ou dea rest rethren, is his on dei fui progress due. By our uia Cea Sin Chari ty by onStant a Crisi Ce S, by genero usgi sis, and by fervent prayers ou have bulli ut thi fair structure. Fron the never-fail in spring of our eal for God' glory, and froni the love of His hol Chui Ch ver et ling ut in oti hearis, has Jowed his Constant stream os alm and of generous offeringswhi h have rought u Ch Wonder bes Ore u Cye S. Hen Ce, Oo, is ou Falth now et ter under stoo and ii Churchmore respe Cred by ur fellow-Citigens os ali religiosis denominations. any of the old rejudices that ad their origin in ignoranCe, O in is representations of ur Religion a re gradu atly dis-appearing. The Charges of idolatry, of isloyalty to Corint ry, of base Superstition, o degradita tenets are vanishing e fore thead van in light of nowledge, as dari nes at the da wn of ay. V re Cognige thes Sigias of a more ope fui future, and we bl esso ur ord for them. But hiis thus re Cording our gratitude for the many le Ssing We en joy, and tu in testimon to the progres ave have madeunde the lari s of this re Count ry, e se et Constra ined o Callyour earn est attention to Some of the viis and angers hi lithreaten to arres the progress an dis figure the ea ut 3 of the ChurCh. The very ree domo ei jo malles these anger allthe reater For re edom like many the bl effings, is apto beabusex; hen abused, it degenerates into licen seci an licenseo licentiolisne S under mines thoe aut horit os laN Whether iv -
ing on the promise of ur Ble S sed avio ur, that here two orthree a re ut hered together in is nam He is present in theirmid St, e ni se ur Oi Ces o Potnt ut a few of the Viis of modern SOCiety, and om Of the clanger that threaten the ruin offa illi and the os o tempora and ternat appin CSS.
admitted and accepte that not ni specia arti Cles of the Christian aith, O particular trullis os religion, are deni ed, ut the entire Ody of Revelation the sacre book of Scripture, the
SCien Ce of the natura man hi therio fully belle vel is Contemptu otis ly ignore or blasphemo usi impugned by many Who, O ingbeyonii ven the wilde, ex CeSSe of the Pagans, en dea Vor, Othb Cori and by writ in g, to destro the foundation os ali urti opes of heaven and of ali ur right an duties Pon arth. In sul ac cord illi the de eit fui promise ad by the tempter in the arden o Eden Voti hali e s od V is ou eat of the fruit of the sorbidden re e many Ctuali Seeli hi Complet Subversion o ali orde r. The forget heir dependen Ce Ponthei Creator. The reje Ct aut horis 3 . They laim uni imite ii ree dona of thought, and word, and de ed. Mali in persona gratisi Cation the sole en i and in os life they, in a Ct, Constitute them selve go is to hom alone is honor due . e O not OK de Sire, dearly belo Ved rethren, o enter Pon the generat subje Ct Ofthis fearful apostas fron the truth of God by modern infidelit ; ut e Shal Call our attention e Spe Ciali to Some raCliCaltruth of the ulmos importan Ce to individual and O SOCiety. The si res regariis the nature, the sancti F, and the importan Ce
Cred union Often destroyed for trivia causes families divide dby the anesul effect o divor home brohen vim Child rela Separate frona thei parent ; hisband and wives reali in theboniis that he had inorn to keel untii de ath, and formingiae alli an Ces, Oon again to e brohen a the di Ctate os as Sion, fata Cy, o Caprice This is no the Christi an dea os arriage. True ideas pon his poliat a re of the ut mos importan Ce Mar-riage is the very foundation o societ the foundation e noti irini laid the whole fabrico ill tot ter ani fall. arriage is no a human institution God Himself was it author at thebe ginning of the worid. It oes no derive iis fit cac fronthum an a s o froni o Ciety for it preCeded both. It is a Contra Ct, inde ex but iis indin force do es no depend on themere is te of the Contra Ctin parties. en a malle ther Contra CtS CC Ordin t mutuat agre ement. They an ei or buy,len or borrow on Condition satisfaCtor to both parties. ut the Contra Ct of arri age, hau in God for it author, must berna de CCordin to the Condition est ablis hed by Him, or notniade at all. Is en and omen isti O mari y the Can Putno Conditions the Can mali no arga in illi ea Ch ther, Contrar to the will of God They an e uni ted only by their
viori rat sed his Contra Ct to the igher dignit of a sacramento the New a , thus mali in it a stili more hol and a Credunion, Symboli Z in His Kn mysti nuptials with His Church, conseri in Spe Cial les Sings and graces on ille marrie Couple, to enabi them to live happii together, and o bring up theirchild rei in the ea an love o God. The ea Ching of our avio uris containe in many aSSages of the ex Testament, ut particulari in the ninete enth Chapter of St. Matthe Have eno re ad , ' a id e to the harisees, that He ho made mans rom the egi nning made them male an feniale An He a id
yastora Leiter libor his Cause hal a mala leave ather and mollier, and hallCleave to his i se, and they two hal be in ne est, There- fore nox they a re not avo, ut ne fles h. What heres ore Godhath oinei together, et no an ut a sui de r. ' Then to fur therquestion in albo ut the divor e granted by the Mosai lax He thus distinctly repties 'Lectius Moses by re ason of the har ines of yOUr eari, Permitted Ou to ut way our Wives ut frona thebe ginning it a not o. An I say to ou that hos oe ver hali Put way his i se e XCept it e for fornication, and shali mari ynnother, Committeth adultery And e that hali mari y her thati put arua Committeth adultery. Thus e the reat a gi ver of Christians, restores mari inge to iis primitive uni ty and
Again, St. aut the re a Cher, and the expo under of the of pel lare, ilius spe alis A Woman is bound by the lax a long S
her marry hom he will, ni in the Lord. Nothing then, but de ath, CC ordin to the post te, an reali the saCred bond Sof marri age. V Canno here fully de vel op the reat truth that Christi an Societ is o unded pon Christi an marri age, and must ne CeSSarilyperisti ivit ho ut it Christi an marriage produces the Christianfami ly the unit hich in turn fornas and de velops Christian O-
Ciety. At thought fui en ivlio value the Christian aith arebe ginning to realige the right fui viis that must inevitabi be- fali societ is the dire plague os divorce, illi ali the nam eleSSSin te ad in to it nil pringin fron it, e alio taed to Continueit ra Vage S. Many an earn est riter ani many an eloquent Oi Ce,
joined together et no an ut a sui de r. ' Hen C marriage Ught noto b lightly o ras lily, or infuli Contra Cted. The ond thaton ly de alli an under, and that mali es o mars the happine S of an entire is , hould e ente rei into illi a fuit no reledge fit Consequela Ce S. I should e made by the Contra Ct in partie Onl after an intimate a qua in tance illi acti ther' habit sand dispositions and with a sense of iis important uti es and obligations Through a k of such nowledge and of thought fui deliberation aris e so many bi herings, famil disse in Sion S, SCAndalou suit for divo i Ce, and ostenti me sui id it fel as ala Si res oui Ce. e there fore, to obvia te the Se anger a sar a SPOSSibi e StriCtly rescribe the publication of the ANNA e forem arri age, CC ordin to the law of the Church and as a hiel dio the honor and good ame of the Contra Ct in parties, e de Sire that these publications e neve omitted, and that diS- pensations te nota asked for inles. Or grave Si rea SonS. More OVer, Si DC God' gra C and les sin Should e earn est lySought in marri age, and since a a Crament so hol ought to bereceived illi pure dispositions. e des ire earnesti that ali Catholi C abo ut to e married hould not only e streng thene by the re Ception of the a Craments of en ance and the oly u Cha risi, ut that the Mas for iride an Groom V hould e os se redi or them, a the Chur Ch has annexedo it a spe Cial les sing and has a CCompani ed that les sing ith mos toti chin prayers for thei rhappines in time and terni ty. V mos earnesti de Sire, also that, XCOP sor Ver gra Verea Son S, the marringe Ceremon as is ire ad the est ablis hedia in ome of ut dioces es should not e Celebrate in theasterno On Or Vening and neve in private horis es, without thespectat Consent of the ordinary. Again a marriage is a mos intimate union os usi, an and wise, the earis of both hould beat in thorough Sympathy; On- Sequently the religio his Convictions os both ought to e in per- fe Ct harmony. For is it no orat in the union of the inmost Wishes and longings of the oui that the mos perfeCt love an exist The Catholi Church, there fore, ver Soli Cit Ous O the happines of her Child rei and with the wis dom gi ven to e frontabove. has inlways detested land fori, id den MIXED MARRI AGES.