장음표시 사용
thos e sill dupes iure into Crimina e XC esses an even Capital offences, hi Ch the expiat ei ther in the ullis o on the scasDfold, hiis thei te ader are hiel dei froni punishment by the dari nes in hi Ch the were Concealed, o by the lood of their victim han de ove to justice in etheir ste adl
entiret lachin any plausibi justification. The laius of the Re publi are jus an equit able. et his obe them althfully fortite are the ut Nark of our re edom. f, have grie Van Ce we Canappea to public opinion and to the spirit o fair play and justi Cewhicli characteriges the Ameri Can eo ple. et his, then, RVO id societies of hicli, si, Me objecti are not a vita ad , here Memeans a re inful and 3d, here the rights of human Conscien C and liberi are viola ted by rasti and unxerous aras. et u Caresullyobserve an faith fuit obe the solemn Nord of t. eter, the Prince of the post les, addi essed to the early Christians regard in their uti es t ait Civit uters, under haleve forna of OV-ertamen the might live Be e subject there fore to e ver human Creatur for God' salie hether it e to the in asexcelling to go vernor a sent by him for the punishmento evil-doers, an for the prat se of the good for so is the willo God that by do in Ceil ou may ut o silen C the ignora Ceos Oolisti men free, and not mali in liberi a Cloah for mali Ce, but a the servant of God Honor ali mei . Love the brothei hood Fear God. φBesides the so Cieties ope ni Condemne d by the overe ignPonti Us, into hich no Catholi may enter nil rema in in the ChurCh, there a re many ther no So expli Citly de noula Ced, and of hicli Catholios ostentimes e come members. et Ome of these asso Ciations may be quali dan gerous, and should there foreb avo id ed illi qua Care. To guide the cons Cien Ces of oti faith sul eo ple me here propos sonae ut es by hi Ch they may forma udgment of the meriis of Vario his societies. They should Conside a dan gerous Sopieties hi h prevent the lari ful
exei Cis os liberty, et ther On the par of mPl Oyer Or em Ployee S, e specialty f to fui ther the nil propos ed re Coui se e ad to violen Ce. It is an injustice to revent men by violent means romearn in an honest live lihood. a. o Cieties in hi Ch anti- religio his, in fidei doctrines a re ope ni prosessed ani advocate d. o Catholio may rema in uni ted illi men ho assait Religion. 3. o Cie-ties in hi h a Rituat is introduc ei and a form of ors hip sedat variance illi Catholi te a Ching. Su Ch societies a re reali religio us e Cis. Again, e ould ad vi Se ali ur e Ople to ab an-don any societies here the si nil salse profession made to linil the public and Variotis formes of Ritu ais r Rules presented tode Cei V the uia Nary. Hones societi e Nili not nee two eight sani meas ures. Finalty we a to ou in the word of the reat Apost te St. Paul, and in the Same Charityo hi Ch res sed hi in Bear no the ohe with unbelle vers. Foroliat participation
pari ath the ait hiul illi the unbelle ver . . . here fore, se ut j om among them, arid e eo parate, aid the Lord. 'φV. Ecclesiassica Discipline. During this Provincia Corin il e have been C Cupiet also villi man questions os ecclesiasticat discipline There is nogood overtament Without a and orde r. The go vernn ent of the Chiarch is o unded pon CCtesiasti Cal a K. During the a StrageS, in the Christi an Corinti ies of Europe Canon a Was the gradu alo ut growlh of traditions and Cristonas hi Ch Pran fron the various relations of the Church and State These laxus admirat, lyadapted to the times and circumstances in hich the were introduced, might be a ui sui table or alte rei habit anil mannersas the aiment of tropical and would e uia sui te to the frigidgone. Whil St, then, the spirit anil purpo se of ecclesiastica discipline rema in Ver the fame, at ways Seel in the lor o God, the good of Religion, and the salvation o sotiis, different mean Sand method for the alta in ment of these en d may be nee ded, a CC ordin a the Varyin Character of time an pla Ce and eo ple a demand The problem propos et for ur solution is to adapt the unchangi ny Spirit of the law to mur peculia mirCum
stances nil to the specia disti Culties of ur age and Ount ry. Our missio nary Condition hi therio necessitate. many Xception si rom ille Common an , ut e re fast ut gro in Our Carly weal ness, and ur in in his Cotin Cit has been o Conform moreand more to the ChurCh's genera dis Cipline. In his Connection e ali attention to a se in Pra Cti Cal et ait S. I. e re Commen ali ur eo te to adopi the ancient and Catholi Custom of tways havin a tis of Requiem osse rei atili funera of thei de ea sed frien d . The de ad are OOn Or-gOtten. e ought to remember that is a holy and whole Some thought o pra for the de ad that they may be oo sed romtheir in S. 2. Let the funerat be simple. Extra vagan C in his mattertendes atheroo grati sy the vani ty of the living than to si O re spe Ct for the de ad I there sermon at the funerat et tbe hori, o fiat tering the de Cea sed, ut ather Con Veyin a te S Son to the earer on the ui Certaint of is and the Certaint os
de tith and judgment. 3. I should e remembered that o langua gelut the Latin is
allo Ned during the solemn ossi es of the Churcii, and o hymias in the vernacular an e sun dur in High asse of Requiem, although a private asses, at Catechism, in is Sion S, at me et-ings os sodalities, and ther similar CCasiones, Su Ch hymn maybe Sun With great pro fit and edification Most earn est ly O ede Sire that our eo ple houid e CCustomed to Sin together, an sor that objecto e isti that in il ur scho bis the Child ren Should e taught the element os music, and thus hora Singing
plaCed in the necessit 3 of incuri in heavy responsibilities, holia V Chut Ches and Chociis and pastora reside iaces to uili and furni Sh against verto ad in thei missiones illi debi. An enor-m Ou amo unt of money is asted very ea in interest, hi Ch i tu med in to the rea svry of the Chut Ch Nould in a se N earsamPl Supply the wants of the mission renei mos Stri Ct ly
lxvi Concilii Provincialis eo Ebo= ac uSis V. the prohibition ad in the Se conii lenar Co in il os altimore, by WhiCh the Clergy, Secular o Regular, are sorbidden toa CCepi money on deposit ithout the permission of the ordinarye X res sed in rit in g, and then Di on the Clear under Standingilia it must e for the necessities of the Chut Ches, and not Sim-9l a a Pe Culation. 5. Pi CniC and te ambo at excursiones for Church Purpo Se areat ali times to e disco intennia ed, and should not be tolerate de XCept for most eight y re ason and when unde the personalmana gement ni Supervi Sion of the Pastor Hen Ce o sodali tyor o Ciet y laim in to e Catholi Can old suci excursion rei thout the Consent of the is hos and spiritual ad vise or a Stor. But e holly deno hinc anil positi vel fori, id excursion or PiC- ni C on Suri a)S O after dark, ali oontigri e XCursions and ali Sunda ' senses I and we exhor Our good eople, Ch love their Church and have the interest os religion and morali ty at eari, to ab sta in frona an participation in su Cli Candalous, Unhallowed, and dis grace fui practiCes, an to se ali heir influen C to Suppres them. The Lord's Jay the les sed Jay of est, must notbe de se Crate by su Ch hame fui Cene S. V also direct our attention in a very speciat anne to thee viis of intemperan Ce. So much has been ali eady ritiei and spolien pol intemper ance that it is dissiculi to say anythin ne in abo ut it It horribie resulis have been eloquently depicte the ravages in the fami ly Circle the faires pro spe Cis lighted the overi y the diS- ea se of Ody and minit, the degradation the Crime Committed, robberies quai rellingS, the murilers and the sui Cides, and Umberles Woes that folio so frequently rom his fearful vi Ce ruin in his life temporal and spirituat, an miser Withou endin the ne X t. e urge the Pastor to de noui Ce frequently and earnesti this Cry in evit, hic licis truly the so urce of the reat- CS Crime S. e urge Pon hos ivli are en gaged in the tram Cin liquor to abstain entiret y frona iis sale pon unday S, and ne vero fui nisi it on an pretexto Child re n. The will thus, in a reat meas ure, diministi the anger of thei bus ines and wil have es t ans ver for e fore God on CCount of the in SCommitte through excessive di in Ling. se strongi reCommend
the Temperan Ce Societies, est abiisti ei in o many PariShe S, asca pubie of do in great good, provide d that the laxus os the Churchbe ut, observet and prope obedience horen to the Couia Sel Sand ad vice of thei Pastores These soCieties an Only ope toflourish by the grace and les sing of Almight y God, and throughthe reception of the 9 Craments of the ChurCh. Aso have ire ady in an earlier portion of this Pastoral, shown the value hi Ch the Chut Ch has ver et on association SConducte unde pro per author it a nil inspired by orth motives, e ould here Oint ut o Oti Some of the any o Cie-ties hi Ch have been spe Cialty approved by the Mol See. I. Ne re Commendo o Our Piet the vario his Confraternities
of the Bles sed Virgin, suci a the Societ y of the oly o Sary, and of the different Scapulars. Devotion to the Blesse Motheros God fostere in these associations, ill Certaini malle oumore leas in to e Divine Son, and e a great in Centive topi acti se a hol life . a. The Association for the ropagation of the aith is onewhicli ho ut entis the sympathies and ea os nil good Catholi CS for Sur et we, Wh So Often pra to God, Thy ing dona Come, ' hould trive to mali His oly aith nown an em braced by tho se ho re stili siti in in dari nes and in the ha-dow of eath. 3. In the Same Spirit e re Commend the pio his Confraterni tyos the oly Childhood, as intendedo de velo se in anothe way, amongst ou Child reia, the ork of the Association of the ropagation of the ait h. Μ any the work of great utilit to Our Oui Will, o do ubi,
In concludin this Provin Cia Couia Cit, e earnesti re quest otito offer e fore the throne O God Our mos fervent prayer forthe happines of ur Holy ather, ope e XIII. Despolied by injustice of the ancient patrimo ny hi Ch ad descended tollis predecessor durin a perio Os more than ne thous and years, and whicli ad been produCtive of S many bene fit to religionan civiligation the overe igia Pontis i no v virtuali a pris onerin the Vatican I et u pra sor hi in illio ut CeaSing, a the early
Christians prayed hi te Peter as hept in prison. ra that the Almighty may les and strengthen him o CComplisti the reat luties of his hi gli position and live to it nes the vi Ctor Of
A ficum L. Fidem Christianam cuju depoSi tum ab Ecclesia Catholica inviolatum hactenus Custoditum CS et in aevum Custodietur, plenam et integram, qualem nobis eam eadem Ecclesia proponit, Confitemur idoCemus. Mentem ideo secuti Concilii Tridentini 'Provincialis hujus Synodi arripimus occa Sionem ad Palam recipienda quaecumque ab atm Concilio CCCum enico Uaticano definita et Statuta Sunt, SignantCrCum C PrOClamantes a Deo omne re finitas e nihil CSS Productas: Cunq; rerum Omnium principium et sinem, naturali humans rationis lumin Cori Cognosci POSSC sed Deo etiam PlaCui SSe alia CR UC UpCr- naturali via seipsum a poterna Voluntatis Suae decreta humano generi revelare, atque Super naturalem hanc
revelationem contineri in libris scriptis et sine scripto traditionibus, quod ipsius Christi ore ab Apostolis acceptae aut ab ipsis Apostolis Spiritu , dictante, ad n OS US UC et Venerunt et istos quidem Veteris et Novi Testamenti libros integros tum OmnibUS ui S
quod Spiritu S in Spirante, Conscripti Deum habent Ru Ctorem, atque ut tales ipsi Ecclesiae traditi sunt.' A I. L. Perpetua Christianae Ecclesiae doctrina et Nos enutriti cum filiali gaudio suscepimus et hujuSPrimi solemnis Conventus opportunitate utente Prositemur dogma in sessione V Concilii Vaticani Catholico plaudente orbe desinitum Romanum nempe Ontificem Cum C Cathedra loquitur, Per SSi Stentiam divinam ipsi in L. Petro promissam ea in fallibilitate Pollere qua divinus Redemptor Ecclesiam suam in desinienda doctrina de de vel moribus in Structam esse voluit ideoque ejusmodi Romani Pontificis definitio
mabiles CSSC. Art. I L. Detestamur Porro atque anathemati Zam HS
ralibus conciliis et a Romanis Pontificibus si V Pristino sub nomine Prodeuntes sive sub fallaci nova appellatione larvatas et eas praesertim doctrina falsa seu Potiti negati in CS, UM OCCC nostro tempore et in gregibus OStri ut Cancer serpunt, quale Stant A no-Stici Smia S, qui negat ipsam rationem : Materiali SmUS, qui naturam inficiatur spiritualem Naturali Smus et Rationali Smus, qui destruunt Cripturam a Cram Ct Sul Ornaturalem re Uelationem : Socialismus denique et