장음표시 사용
There an e no per se C harmon in the fami ly CirCle, O tho rough o-operation in the training and education o Child ren, o instillin os de et religio his truth in to thei miniis, here therei no Ommon aith, nor mutuali respected an practised ornaso divine ors hip. Frona su Ch mari inges mus osten aris religio his indifferen e and a tol l dis regarii an contem p for divine faith. Anii is death hould natch way the Catholic ather or
atholic mother, o v an the Child rei be educate in the Ca tholi religion by the non-Catholi Survi vin parent 8 TO Our great Sorro have linown o su Ch viis in the past. No do ubi God in His reat mel Cy, has in Ome CaSe S, SI Ued SUCh Irri ages rom these evi Consequen Ces. ut the se in XCeption soni Streng then the rute, and the osses have far ex Cee dei thega in s. The wishes of the Chut Cli re very explicit on his subje Ct. Where fore, e Xhor the pastor of Ouis O se ali os sibi Care to instruct heir eople CC ordingly, in orde to kee pthem rom suci alli ances, an to avo id in time allisu Ch associationas might te ad to them. Is Circumstan Ces h ould aris jussi syingan appeal to the istio prior dispensations o su Ch marria ges, et tbe Clearly under sto od that the dispensation an only be grante don the acceptan Ce of ali the Conditions res Crit,ed by the Church. Finalty, a Chies pastor of the old of Christ, e parti Cularly sorbid, unde penalty of XCommuni Cation reserve to Episcopala ut hori ty the ait hi ut Committet to ur Charge to Contra Ct mar-riage te fore minister of an other religio ut denomination. II. Christian Educas DII. The nexi subject to hi Ch e direct our attention is Christi an education. A the nil of marriage is the preservation an dexten Sion of the humano a Ce so the nil of Christi an marria geis to ais ut for God nil societ a Christi an o spring NON, itis qui te Certa in that a race of Christi an Child ren an e se Cure donly by a Christi an education Christi an Viriues do no gro NSpontaneo usty in the oul. The are the result os a reful and Constant Culture and this must egit in the early a1n of hild hood 'ut is a proveri, ouia man CC ordin t hi Way, even hen e is id he wit no de par frona t. V A the oui glylan is traiiaed, so ill it gro K.
li Concilii Provincialis co-Eboracensis V.
This is our lory, Christi an parent s. o ou is Conside thewonderi ut privilege of training the immortat ouis of our hil-dren to fulsit here elo the uties assigne d to them by their
head ou hali an sive for them illi Our Wn Oul S. NON, S OV anno ea sit provide in Our homes for the entire training of ou Child ren, even hen id ed by the religio usinstructions in the Chul Ch it e comes our imperative ut tos en them to Christi an Choois that the may row in Christianviriue, as et a in the Vario has bran Ches of seCular noWledge,suit able for thei ad vanc ement in the worid. Ne have osten
Spolien to ou on his important subjeci. It has been frequently expolin de to Oti by Our a Stors. Ver COUn Cit, Very RS-sembl o Catholi bis hops, held in modern times, has i ven themos positive decision in iis regard. The Supreme Ponti sis have again and again, illi no altering accents, ut in Cleare Stiones, proclai me frona their igh place of author ity the watChio Ner on hicli Christ has place them to uide an to direct the entire Chiarch, the absolute ne Cessit os a lux educatio umore C risfians and it has been Clearly decided by their supreme
is the voice of the Church e re Pot O Clear, Our Wn XI Orien C sh Ouid ave ou rom the Crime of sending ou Child rento odies schools. Se ho infidelit an impiet a re tali ingo ver the and See ore Contem p for aut hori ty self-seel in and dishonest y Complete dis regari for morat obligations and theri in tred viis, a re in Creas in s rapidi and assum in Su Ch giganti proportion that men stan agitast at the pro Spe Ct, an dare illed illi alarm for the future destini es of Our Ountry. Thought fu men os ver religio us denomination, are eginning lo re alige this anger, and many oi Ces are o hear througho ut the and deplor in the viis hi h the want of religio us instruction in the training of hild rei is ire ad bring ing pon S. School ivit ho ut religion have been in existen C long nough fore vel the east observant of men to e able to jud ge of their resulis. Their hor Comings in ther respeCis have been flenpo in te oti by thers. By thei fruits ou hali no v them. VThis question o religio his education is the param Ount question of the Jay on the solution of hicli oti destin as a Christi an eo ple must depend for, as it has been eli sal by a de epihinher, ,e may jus as etl expecto arx est illio ut o ingseed a to Xpe Ct a Christi an eo ple ithout Christia education. V The Catholi schoo fores the good se ed in the earis ofyou Child ren, o bear in aster ear glorious fruit for ur Oun- tr an for Religion. Unti su Cli time as a sense of justice illi orCe our fellow-Citigens to admit the fairnes of ur Claim S, and realige the injustice of tax in his for Chool to hich e Cannot
emCient so that oui Child rei may earn in them ali that illmahe them hereas ter loyal Citigens of thei Covi try an vallant soldier of Chris and His oly Church. y the se Chool theessoris of infideli ty ill e rendere abortive by them ill Religion e forti si ex by them ill our astor be able t repent the tori Ching ord of the Divine aster Father, tho se homthou ave Sto me have I epi, an no one of them is os t. φW al S re Commen to our Charit an piet our Ecclesiasti CalSeminaries, here the oun Levites are trai ne in the nowled geo thei sacre duties and o do batiles for the ause of Od. It is our mos saCre interest that our future pastor an d
It is dissiculi to vere stimate the o Ner of the preSS. NOmightier human agen Cy an e sinu nil to-da for good o fore vii. It influence extend everywhere. It Ct upon OCiet atlarge enter in to the osom of the fami ly. The Creatur os public opinion, it direct an mould the miniis of men, and oin turn Contributes o forin and go vern his sanae publi opinion. What St. James says of the longue that froni it pro Ceed bothbles sin and ursing, ' may be applied in a thousand-fol degre et the press Laden illi les sing an curses, ille the light ning nasti it speed on iis a froni the reat Cities, the Centre Sof industry and Commerce, rea Chin every reside, light in lapor darhening very home, droppin alon iis tracti de ad ly oisonor eat in balna. When directed by truth and honesty the preSSbe Come a mos valvable auxiliar to the Church of God henanimaled by the spirit o falsehood, mali Ce sedition or immorali ty, it is a se arful urse o societ y the de adii est o to Religion. Let tis re Cali in his Connection the word of ope ius X., of holy memory Divine roviden e has i ven in Ur Jay agreat mission to the Catholi press It is iis ut 3 to reserVeth principies of orde and of faith here the stili Xist, and todra them forti froni the obscurit into hi Ch impiet o religio his indifferen C may have consigne d them. VHen Ce Ou an understand the immense importan Ce of good re ad in for the training and de vel oping of the mitid of our Child re n. Re ad in a id an Continues the work of the Chool S.It supplies the ood ith hicli the in d is nourished. o Se Cure, then, the fullest resulis of a Christi an dii Cation, e musthave su Ch re ad in asoti fortis Christi an principies. Is e dono furnish good books to the child ren the will urely re ad dan-
umes ali in to the and of ur pure, innocent Child rei and solithei hearis an corrupi their ouis for ver It S, there fore, your bounden ut to provide the antidote to the olson and the
hearis, an mali them brave an pure and pright. WholeSome, Plea Sant, an in Stru Ctive ea ling ill serve admirabi thus to trai nou boys an giris. To do his em actous ly e mus have a good Catholic iterature. What a lesson is augii us by the nemie Osthe Chiarchi Through the medium of the res the So bro ad-Cast thei evit prinCipies. The spare o ain to enti Ce them in is of the oui g. The furnish books for very a Ste theyren de them mos fascinat in to the ye by the ea ut of the illustrations And we stan id ly by do in nothing. e See Ur Child ren wallowing this polson and we old ur arm s. The Child rei of this ori are iser in thei generation than the Chil dren o light. V Immortalis ovis are peristi in through vile bookS, and we malle so litile efforto save them l Even Christian f
Pastora L Iter. lix in the truth so that his ritings may be re e rona ali suspicion
by in rea sed ea in the diffusion o good books.
Maia est oris have been made by enterpris in publis hers o Cheapen an to popularige Catholic literature, and the havegi ven to ur eo pie reatly admirabie ortis sui ted to the astes and Circumstan Ces of very Class. It is noto the Credit of the Catholic Ody that these efforis have o Proved Ore SUCCOSS fiat. V have also Severa Catholic ne vespa per and Ournals B ut O vli tile suppor the re Ceived ou Compla in flentimes of thei inefficien Cy and their hori comings. Who is in fauit Give thepublis hers and writer more ei Coura gement by OUr Patron age, and the wil scion e nabled to furnish ou more interest ingre ad ing. Our est riters have to labor for the e Cular re Ss the would gladi devote thei talent to hi glier purpo Ses, is they vere ni pro Perly Supported by tho Se ho Se Caus and hos e
odica literature su Ch a The Catholic mors and the me rica nouarterj, in hicli question of the ighest importanc aret realed illi mari ed abili ty. But the Catholic o urnals hi Ch e re Commen to Ou, dearlybelove bre thren Should e trul Catholi C, in de edos et a inname . For there a re ournal in his and para ling the ille of Catholi , intendet for ur Catholic eopte an supported hi es lyby them, hi Ch defend the mos anti-Catholi prinCiples, and whi Ch
the foui est deeds They oison the welis, ' for the pervert the
lx Concilii Prosincialis Mo-Eboracensis V.
mali direct alta Clis pon eligio an her minister s. The pubi isti the grosses false hood abo ut the ChurCh ohey lander and vilis her ighest dignitaries. In very possibi e Way the Striveto undermine her aut hori ty. They XC ite the passion of the multitude against her They try to illidrax the Child rei fron herinfluen e nil her te a Ching. They an isti religio his Communities profane an de Se Crate temples of ors hi P pre ad Corruptionamongst outh Caricatur the olle S thingsci tear the Crucifixi rom the walis of the Chool-hous e Cast ut the mage of the Savi oti as an unClean hing. Al the Se Crime are OK perpetra ted by go verninent in Europe folio in lino in gi or unlino K- ngly the dictates of se Cret o Cieties. The have a mania for destru Ction the wili neve re Construct Burro Nin bene ath theearth, shrou de in artiness, the pursu Shil fuit and persever- ingly the work of ruin, hile the uter of the wori marcii onblindi a they a re directe d. The logical en to hich they se elito rive societ is eli expressed by the term NihiZiuem Chaos is
the necessar resul O thei labor s. An to gain the Se en d e very thiniis lawful. Assas sination and foui est murde are Penly C- Commende and pra Cti sed. V are eit Ware that the spirit of the age tend Stronglyto variis the formation os associations. e lino that in unioni strength. Maia ad vant age a re expeCte frona members his in organi gation popularly SUPPOS e to posses influen C and OKer. That these arguments have a Certa in force e re qui te illingio admit . ut the Catholi Chui Ch neve oppos es as Sociation Si unded on justice and in a Cordan Ce illi a v. Fron the earli-
est ages of her histor iue find the spirit os association les sed by her. he o unde the ui id of the Middie Ages nil de
vel ope the commune and the ire cities. She en Coui age theglorious and of orkmen the true, ree, and Chri Stian a SonS, 1 hos skill and labor reare the magnificent Gothi Chur hesin the Countries of Europe and enriched the worid illi the nobi est Specimen o architecture . he est abiisti e the night who devote their lives to the defence of the oly an and the pro te Ction o Christendo ni against the Tui ks. he bl esse theband of patrio is ho rose froni time to time o re thei nativelandi fro in oppression and tyranny All the religio us order of
mei and omen, ait the o Cieties sanctione by her, are stand- in pro of that he noWs an values the power of union an das sociations for legitimate Purpo ses. In very age of her histor are inscribed, as orth of the ighest honor and reveren Ce, the founder O Confraternities, orders, nil associations for there lies of suffer in humani ty and the love o grate fui generations is stili gi ven to these oly societies. Voti lino in his dear bre thren Ven hos ivlio a re ut si de of ur Church do no refuse e the meed of thei approbation for her Non dei sui labors in the ause of Chari ty. Is then, ou de Sire O SSOCinte OUr'selves together o any benevolent Obje Ct, or Ven or UrPOSe Sof mutuat in struption re Creation, or innocent lea Sure, the Chut Ch vili gladi y ei Coui age Ou in Our ori . Al that he require is that the nil ought for e legitimate, and the means to atta in that en san Ctione by God' law. NON, Suret e very Catholi Who no s. anything of his religion inu Stbe Nare that no an an inius uti form an asso Ciation or enter into one or a sinsul or iche Purpo se Ani it is quali Certa in that o matter o v good the en d may be Or OKe Ver e si rabie, the Chut Ch an neve sancti an wic ked or unia sui meansio obta in it. Notin illi standing the Calumnies o osten ut tered by her ne mi es the ChurCh has alaeays heli as a fundamenta truththat the nil do es no justis the means. In his re land Verylegitimate object an e attaine in an Pen mala ner Men Canhere ive ut expression to thei Convictions an aspirations and laboro atta in them in the Clear light of open day. What need, then, an here e of Se Cret, ath-bound associationi Somethingmust e ron in the nil propos ed, hen men in a re land ,
must me et in the dar to obta in it. When men a te the lightit is a pro of that their ortis are evit, in C the love dari nessrather than the light. Again, is it no a Crime o oin ath-bound associations directed by irrespons ibi te aders, hos ordei S Whate Ver the maybe, must e bl indi obeyed To place one' liberi os actionat the Command of unknown Chi eis, o sacrifice one' free illan persona responsibilit at the dictation of men ithout conscienCe or religion is his no an a Ct of supreme folly Is not